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Feb 23, 2012 10:08 PM
Jan 2008
So what?

Grandpa came with like a load of guards with guns , both side ceased fire , grandpa chop ppl, grandpa gets died and shot, his not so loyal guards does nothing? lol
Feb 23, 2012 10:08 PM

Dec 2011
Plot Holes?

Can't really claim that till the show's over.

i can agree on the inconsistencies, tough i don't really care. Caring about quality on work and college is more than enough for me, i watch shows to enjoy my time :p

I finnaly hax avatar nao!
Feb 23, 2012 10:11 PM

Feb 2009
PhoenixIce said:
So what?

Grandpa came with like a load of guards with guns , both side ceased fire , grandpa chop ppl, grandpa gets died and shot, his not so loyal guards does nothing? lol
I lol'd.
Feb 23, 2012 10:14 PM

Apr 2010
Inori's bakemono form = hawt.
Feb 23, 2012 10:22 PM

Nov 2011
PhoenixIce said:
So what?

Grandpa came with like a load of guards with guns , both side ceased fire , grandpa chop ppl, grandpa gets died and shot, his not so loyal guards does nothing? lol

oh come on. since we're going in such stupid details, let's just think about it this way: he was some sort of samurai-ninja-uber swordmaster stuff. Samirais are all about honor. He said he was going to wash away the shame on his name with his own hands. His guards killing his granddaughter wouldnt have been ANY better at all. would have been lame and stupid and retarded and against any logic considering HIS reasons
Feb 23, 2012 10:26 PM

Jan 2012
I was excited and ecstatic at the same time throughout this entire episode! Each episode seems to always have something in store, so this show has yet to feel repetitive or boring to me!

Gai is evil, Arisa shoots her own grandfather, Inori kills people and attempted to take off Shu's pants (bet you don't remember that little part), and reveals her Monster Form at the end. Not to mention that Shu's mom is pretty hot.

Action in this episode was freaking awesome! Especially the battle near the end.

Though i will say, that seeing Shu so down after he's lost pretty much everything (except Inori) was actually kinda emotional. The fact she promised to never leave Shu's side was touching.

My god Guilty Crown has changed.
Feb 23, 2012 10:37 PM

Sep 2008
SO, can anyone tell me why Shuu didn't bleed to death?
Feb 23, 2012 10:37 PM
Feb 2012
I was hoping to see Shu grow his new arm, but I guess it can't be rushed. The old guy is some seriously lightweight fellow if a bullet can immediately stop his momentum, but meh...
Inori henshin was unexpected, but watching GC makes one immune to weird twists :D
Feb 23, 2012 10:38 PM

Dec 2011
I don't understand why everyones hating on Gai, It's like no one understands that this isn't the same Gai as earlier in the anime.

↑Bullshit, ordered 100mbps.. Waiting on technician to fix issue T.T↑
Feb 23, 2012 10:58 PM

Nov 2011
Eternia said:
SO, can anyone tell me why Shuu didn't bleed to death?

It takes time to bleed out. As a matter of fact, not breathing is more of a danger, then bleeding. Applying pressure to the arm can restrict blood flow, we saw Shu clutching his arm. Applying a tourniquet can stop the blood lose. The scarf that Shu was wearing could be used as one. If the Blood loss is stopped, the next danger is Shock, then infection.

Inori snatched Shu away, while Gai was busy with Daryl. Once clear, she probably performed First Aid and stopped the bleeding. Remember, it's 3 days later when we next see Inori and Shu. Plenty of time for Shu to start recovering his strenght. Still, Shu is pretty resiliant being able to move that much after losing his arm only days before. Probably, 4-5 days after the escape, is when Inori is captured.
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?"

Watcman: "One who fears the dark."

"And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction.

"Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be."

Feb 23, 2012 11:06 PM

Jun 2011
this is going very fast.
great episode
Feb 23, 2012 11:10 PM

Dec 2011
Articman said:
Eternia said:
SO, can anyone tell me why Shuu didn't bleed to death?

It takes time to bleed out. As a matter of fact, not breathing is more of a danger, then bleeding. Applying pressure to the arm can restrict blood flow, we saw Shu clutching his arm. Applying a tourniquet can stop the blood lose. The scarf that Shu was wearing could be used as one. If the Blood loss is stopped, the next danger is Shock, then infection.

Inori snatched Shu away, while Gai was busy with Daryl. Once clear, she probably performed First Aid and stopped the bleeding. Remember, it's 3 days later when we next see Inori and Shu. Plenty of time for Shu to start recovering his strenght. Still, Shu is pretty resiliant being able to move that much after losing his arm only days before. Probably, 4-5 days after the escape, is when Inori is captured.

And also remember that Gai did a pretty clean cut, which is much less dangerous :p
Feb 23, 2012 11:34 PM
Jul 2018
Wow, this series has really taken a turn towards crazy. I can't even begin to guess where this is going.

I swear the first season was just there to show how the characters are slowly going insane.
Feb 23, 2012 11:46 PM

Jun 2009
HAHAHA what the effing fuck was that transformation?

They should have let Inori be catched without that bullshit. That was comedy gold and totally killed the mood for me.
Feb 23, 2012 11:47 PM
Feb 2010
These are my thoughts on the RAW.

This was Inori's episode. we get to see a lot of things displayed about her through just the animation, and I thought that her deciding to use her "monster" powers to protect Shu instead of fearing them was touching.

Also, I hope this puts an end to emotionless girl comments because Inori displays quite a few in the episode: fear, sadness, love, acceptance, and RAGE(definitely rage) being the ones that standout. Also on the emotionless part her voice reached a new level in activity when she sounded similar to Mikono, another Ai Kiyono role, who is far from being emotionless.

Also, Gai, Shu is coming and his head looks like it is on straight.
Feb 23, 2012 11:50 PM

Aug 2010
Well Inori decimating people who have cornered her has been hinted at. She killed? those students in the stairway before.
Feb 23, 2012 11:53 PM

Jun 2009
Shu... how da hell he survive losing one arm without medical attention? I mean, think about the blood lost, the infection and all that... is there even any bandages on his arm?

Inori... Nice weapons. I'm willing to see past the Mana bit.

Samurai-Jiji... You brought a unit with you, shooting at Arisa, both side cease fire, and you start chopping people with your sword... and your grand-daughter shot you... and your men did nothing!!!?!?!?!?

Arisa... I like how she got over killing her grandpa so easily.

Daryl... You little love dog you. Kill a few of your comrades will ya? ^_^ Don't worry about disciplinary actions, cuz hey... It's Guilty Crown.

Haruka... I still have no idea what you're doing. Maybe the writing is too advance for me.

Gai... So you're a runaway experimental monster since your younger days huh? I mean, you were kinda swept up the shore with wounds all over. Question... Was Shu really an idol of yours? Or was episode 12 a big fat joke? (It kinda is, but come on, at least stay true to the bad writing you've established, don't make it worse)

Traitors... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's what traitors get!!! That's what you get for turning on the guy who saved you! The funnier thing is... There isn't even a reason for you to turn on Shu, literally, there's no reason to turn on him. Second thought, you guys are not even qualified to be call traitors, you guys are just a bunch of dumb teen with no logic, thank god you didn't have any off-springs... hmmmm... Nanba used condom... Right? OH FFS!!!


What is going on in this show?

EDIT: Interesting to note...


Even if everyone calls you a liar, even if you hate yourself, I'll always be by your side.

It's the lyric of My Dearest....
AirStylesFeb 24, 2012 12:09 AM
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Feb 24, 2012 12:03 AM

Jul 2010
InfiniteDestiny said:

Well in any case it seems Gai took the Void power even higher than Shu did, so something that i actually want to see is if his anticipated new arm will have that same grade of power, because it appears Gai doesn't need eye contact or even to "draw it out" he can simply take it from a distance and mix voids together like he did with the missile.

I'm guessing he could use his own void that's why he doesn't have to "draw it out". Remember, his void is a void that forces other voids to manifest. And that triangular shaped shot he shot from his... hand, is the same shot he shot from his void gun. But yup he obviously took it higher since Shu didn't seem to be able to combine the different voids into one.
Feb 24, 2012 12:10 AM

Jun 2010
Deym, Inori transformed. Like a boss. Fuck this, I can't wait for the next episode. I can't wait for Shuu to save Inori and kill Gai.
Feb 24, 2012 12:11 AM

Nov 2011
CrossDivide said:
InfiniteDestiny said:

Well in any case it seems Gai took the Void power even higher than Shu did, so something that i actually want to see is if his anticipated new arm will have that same grade of power, because it appears Gai doesn't need eye contact or even to "draw it out" he can simply take it from a distance and mix voids together like he did with the missile.

I'm guessing he could use his own void that's why he doesn't have to "draw it out". Remember, his void is a void that forces other voids to manifest. And that triangular shaped shot he shot from his... hand, is the same shot he shot from his void gun. But yup he obviously took it higher since Shu didn't seem to be able to combine the different voids into one.

Episode 6. Do you not remember the the lazer sword thing the formed by combining Kido and Inori's void that took down the Leukocytes?
Feb 24, 2012 12:12 AM

Feb 2010
daheck. Inori transformed o-o
Feb 24, 2012 12:30 AM

Jul 2010
Tomodachi5 said:
CrossDivide said:
InfiniteDestiny said:

Well in any case it seems Gai took the Void power even higher than Shu did, so something that i actually want to see is if his anticipated new arm will have that same grade of power, because it appears Gai doesn't need eye contact or even to "draw it out" he can simply take it from a distance and mix voids together like he did with the missile.

I'm guessing he could use his own void that's why he doesn't have to "draw it out". Remember, his void is a void that forces other voids to manifest. And that triangular shaped shot he shot from his... hand, is the same shot he shot from his void gun. But yup he obviously took it higher since Shu didn't seem to be able to combine the different voids into one.

Episode 6. Do you not remember the the lazer sword thing the formed by combining Kido and Inori's void that took down the Leukocytes?
Honto? Wow. In this anime, it's really hard to remember the small details, since several aspects are so inconsistent, with the atmosphere constantly changing. I wonder why Shu never tried to recombine voids again for TWELVE episodes--especially since it's freaking awesome. But how does Gai know that by combining the specific voids, he can make a MISSILE? Even being infected does not explain this anymore.

Feb 24, 2012 12:43 AM

Feb 2012
things are officially getting.... weird. Inori transforms? How the hell did that happen? I think I like the first half of the anime more..
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Feb 24, 2012 12:51 AM

Jul 2010
jbeat said:
things are officially getting.... weird. Inori transforms? How the hell did that happen? I think I like the first half of the anime more..
Same here. The first half of the anime was way logical, and there was also more tactics and strategies being used in fights. It's hard to think, from what happens in the second half, that this is the same show. I mean, it changed from rebels trying to overthrow the government to Lord of the Flies. WTF!

Feb 24, 2012 12:54 AM
Feb 2010
darthfanta said:
Tomodachi5 said:
CrossDivide said:
InfiniteDestiny said:

Well in any case it seems Gai took the Void power even higher than Shu did, so something that i actually want to see is if his anticipated new arm will have that same grade of power, because it appears Gai doesn't need eye contact or even to "draw it out" he can simply take it from a distance and mix voids together like he did with the missile.

I'm guessing he could use his own void that's why he doesn't have to "draw it out". Remember, his void is a void that forces other voids to manifest. And that triangular shaped shot he shot from his... hand, is the same shot he shot from his void gun. But yup he obviously took it higher since Shu didn't seem to be able to combine the different voids into one.

Episode 6. Do you not remember the the lazer sword thing the formed by combining Kido and Inori's void that took down the Leukocytes?
Honto? Wow. In this anime, it's really hard to remember the small details, since several aspects are so inconsistent, with the atmosphere constantly changing. I wonder why Shu never tried to recombine voids again for TWELVE episodes--especially since it's freaking awesome. But how does Gai know that by combining the specific voids, he can make a MISSILE? Even being infected does not explain this anymore.

Considering a lot of stuff is explained by implied details yeah you need to take notes if you can't remember.

Shu and Gai's past relationship was implied in split-second flashbacks as well as, in hindsight, the fact that Gai knew Shu's name in episode 1.

Gai being infected with "something" is first suggested in episode 5, Jun, in episode 9, revels that" something" to be the Apacolypse Virus, and episode 10 confirms it.

Episode 12 introduces Mana formally and some weird ceremony involving Inori is stopped half way, a few episodes later Inori starts blacking out and killing people who threaten her, in episode 16 she starts showing personality shifts to a Mana-like personality as well as stab Arisa's hand with crystals similar to the ones Mana controlled in episode 12, leading up to episode 18 which shows Mana is in Inori and that Inori herself can control the crystals outside of Mana's influence leading to her she-beast transformation.

Also I noticed a lot of WTH's when Hare started to crystallize after her void was destroyed when she never showed any sign of infection. The immediate crystallization after Hare's Void was shot obviously implied a relationship.

Finally the three students crystallized after the void missile blew up because it was their combination void and it was destroyed.
iCardsFeb 24, 2012 1:13 AM
Feb 24, 2012 1:00 AM

Dec 2011
darthfanta said:
Tomodachi5 said:
CrossDivide said:
InfiniteDestiny said:

Well in any case it seems Gai took the Void power even higher than Shu did, so something that i actually want to see is if his anticipated new arm will have that same grade of power, because it appears Gai doesn't need eye contact or even to "draw it out" he can simply take it from a distance and mix voids together like he did with the missile.

I'm guessing he could use his own void that's why he doesn't have to "draw it out". Remember, his void is a void that forces other voids to manifest. And that triangular shaped shot he shot from his... hand, is the same shot he shot from his void gun. But yup he obviously took it higher since Shu didn't seem to be able to combine the different voids into one.

Episode 6. Do you not remember the the lazer sword thing the formed by combining Kido and Inori's void that took down the Leukocytes?
Honto? Wow. In this anime, it's really hard to remember the small details, since several aspects are so inconsistent, with the atmosphere constantly changing. I wonder why Shu never tried to recombine voids again for TWELVE episodes--especially since it's freaking awesome. But how does Gai know that by combining the specific voids, he can make a MISSILE? Even being infected does not explain this anymore.

Even before Gai's void was shown to us, he already had told Shu he knew what people void were, and as hinted on Episode 6, the possible combinations too (it was him who've told Shu to combine them).
Feb 24, 2012 1:14 AM
Nov 2011
andreyue said:
darthfanta said:
Tomodachi5 said:
CrossDivide said:
InfiniteDestiny said:

Well in any case it seems Gai took the Void power even higher than Shu did, so something that i actually want to see is if his anticipated new arm will have that same grade of power, because it appears Gai doesn't need eye contact or even to "draw it out" he can simply take it from a distance and mix voids together like he did with the missile.

I'm guessing he could use his own void that's why he doesn't have to "draw it out". Remember, his void is a void that forces other voids to manifest. And that triangular shaped shot he shot from his... hand, is the same shot he shot from his void gun. But yup he obviously took it higher since Shu didn't seem to be able to combine the different voids into one.

Episode 6. Do you not remember the the lazer sword thing the formed by combining Kido and Inori's void that took down the Leukocytes?
Honto? Wow. In this anime, it's really hard to remember the small details, since several aspects are so inconsistent, with the atmosphere constantly changing. I wonder why Shu never tried to recombine voids again for TWELVE episodes--especially since it's freaking awesome. But how does Gai know that by combining the specific voids, he can make a MISSILE? Even being infected does not explain this anymore.

Even before Gai's void was shown to us, he already had told Shu he knew what people void were, and as hinted on Episode 6, the possible combinations too (it was him who've told Shu to combine them).

I'm thinking maybe Mana has something to do with Gai's ability to see into people's hearts
Feb 24, 2012 1:22 AM

Jun 2011
darthfanta said:
Same here. The first half of the anime was way logical, and there was also more tactics and strategies being used in fights. It's hard to think, from what happens in the second half, that this is the same show. I mean, it changed from rebels trying to overthrow the government to Lord of the Flies. WTF!

Cuz convenience voids placed left, right and center is way logical, tactical and strategic =_=. Seriously, every single void was introduced right when they were convient, and most of them weren't intentionally obtained by the Undertakers. To summarize, both halves aren't good. The second half had a streak of a few good episodes, but eventually resumed its unfortunate decline.


Sigh. This anime is still all over the place. However, I'm actually liking Darryl now, even though his personality change is unrealistic. He goes from a crazy ass that kicks mothers and children, to a cool guy with honor? LOL. oh well. Inori has also entered my like list as well. The plank of wood is finally displaying emotions. But this is all for naught as she gets captured again anyway =_= Her beast mode was kinda cool too i guess.

Gai is a shattered mess.

Feb 24, 2012 1:26 AM
Sep 2011
It's nice to see Shu being his old self. His act as despotic ruler just didn't fit and now that he has failed to maintain the loyalty of his subordinates he is fortunately back to his previous mode. I felt much more respect for him at the end of this episode when he first became "badass" or what else people claimed him to be when he became "king" of his school.

It's sad what love can make people do. Arisa is acting out of desire for Gai's affection. Unfortunately it's unrequited love on her side as this is not the old Gai everyone knows.
It seems like the path the writers decided for her is the path of the misguided lover.
Inori on the other side also acts out of love but in opposite to her Arisa definitely got the short end of the stick. Overall, it's interesting to see them as counterparts of the same type of character.

Inori realizes she's just a fake after all, huh? Well, it's definitely an improvement to her previous developements. It's remarkable that she accepts herself despite her awareness of her fake attributes. Oh, and her beast mode is really cool, makes her look like some kind of archaic mythological creature.
Feb 24, 2012 1:28 AM

Mar 2011
WTF? Inori transformed? I really want to know and want to hear good explanation about Inori, what is she?
glad Gai killed those students and hope this fake Gai will die in terrible way *_*
I think now's the time the director and staff begin to explain to us all the questions we have or else it could be too late
Feb 24, 2012 1:32 AM

Jul 2009
If only Whorerisa's Grandpa killed her..
Inori released her true form.. but got Gai'd.
Holy freak now WTH is Shu going to do alone

P.D : Whorerisa needs to die
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Feb 24, 2012 1:45 AM

Jul 2010


Can you see the difference? :p
MamuruFeb 24, 2012 9:47 AM
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Feb 24, 2012 1:57 AM

Sep 2008
LOL Inori goes henshin caught me off guard, I'm literally sneered weirdly watching that.

The most random thing in anime? lol
Feb 24, 2012 2:00 AM
Jul 2007
This show had a chance, but I think this episode just nailed the fact this show is too random and unoriginal for its own good. This episode by itself is a masterpiece, but when you set it with the rest of the series, it shows how poorly made this series is. And this series is trying too hard to have a Shinji from Evangelion and Lelouch from Code Geass, and it just fails amazingly. Plus, they try to make Ouma become a Lelouch, when he was really a Shinji the whole f'ing time... Everything in this whole series is just executed poorly in the grand scheme of things. Plus, the use of unexplained plot devices shows how little thought was put into the story to begin with.
eraltergFeb 24, 2012 2:09 AM
Feb 24, 2012 2:38 AM

Jul 2010
superzombie23 said:
This show had a chance, but I think this episode just nailed the fact this show is too random and unoriginal for its own good. This episode by itself is a masterpiece, but when you set it with the rest of the series, it shows how poorly made this series is. And this series is trying too hard to have a Shinji from Evangelion and Lelouch from Code Geass, and it just fails amazingly. Plus, they try to make Ouma become a Lelouch, when he was really a Shinji the whole f'ing time... Everything in this whole series is just executed poorly in the grand scheme of things. Plus, the use of unexplained plot devices shows how little thought was put into the story to begin with.
They never tried to make him Lelouche. If they did, Shu would be lying and cheating just like Gai and Lelouche did. What's more, Shu was never intelligent enough to pull a just as planned trick just like Lelouche and Gai did.

Feb 24, 2012 2:50 AM

Dec 2011
darthfanta said:
superzombie23 said:
This show had a chance, but I think this episode just nailed the fact this show is too random and unoriginal for its own good. This episode by itself is a masterpiece, but when you set it with the rest of the series, it shows how poorly made this series is. And this series is trying too hard to have a Shinji from Evangelion and Lelouch from Code Geass, and it just fails amazingly. Plus, they try to make Ouma become a Lelouch, when he was really a Shinji the whole f'ing time... Everything in this whole series is just executed poorly in the grand scheme of things. Plus, the use of unexplained plot devices shows how little thought was put into the story to begin with.
They never tried to make him Lelouche. If they did, Shu would be lying and cheating just like Gai and Lelouche did. What's more, Shu was never intelligent enough to pull a just as planned trick just like Lelouche and Gai did.

Don't mind him, Darth. Just another one of those...

↑Bullshit, ordered 100mbps.. Waiting on technician to fix issue T.T↑
Feb 24, 2012 3:01 AM

Dec 2011
Another episode that made my jaw drop. I wonder when Shu gets that new arm showed in the opening.

Season 2 announcement when?
Feb 24, 2012 3:05 AM

Dec 2011
Misuryu said:
Another episode that made my jaw drop. I wonder when Shu gets that new arm showed in the opening.

My guess is he gets it at the end of next weeks episode :

↑Bullshit, ordered 100mbps.. Waiting on technician to fix issue T.T↑
Feb 24, 2012 3:09 AM

Aug 2010
All the guy heros of this anime turn out to be douches. Its like that saying out of the frying pan into the fire Shu was bad but Gai is worse.

Did anybody else go like WTF when Inori transformed? It was out of no where but totally badass loved it!

AWESOME EPISODE i've been on the fence with this show the last couple of episodes but this one made me really want to stay with it till the end.
Feb 24, 2012 3:23 AM

Apr 2009
awesome-49 said:
All the guy heros of this anime turn out to be douches. Its like that saying out of the frying pan into the fire Shu was bad but Gai is worse.

Did anybody else go like WTF when Inori transformed? It was out of no where but totally badass loved it!

AWESOME EPISODE i've been on the fence with this show the last couple of episodes but this one made me really want to stay with it till the end.

I wasn't so much surprised she showed crystal manipulation before like when she attacked Arisa but loved how epic that was, she has more guts than Shu :)
Feb 24, 2012 3:23 AM

Dec 2009
I can't believe I'm gonna say this.... I loved Inori in this episode xD


Sent with Mal Updater
Feb 24, 2012 3:59 AM

Oct 2011
Too bad inori x shu didn't have s3x.
Feb 24, 2012 4:07 AM

Dec 2009
And WTF, did Shu just stop a woman from giving him a BJ? Seriously dude...
Feb 24, 2012 4:09 AM
Feb 2012
Ok, it seems to me that this episode came a tad too late. :(

I mean, there's not much left of the series, and NOW they ramp it up?
I am very tolerant however and I really liked the episode!

Inori beast mode = Happy Leaftwig
Feb 24, 2012 4:12 AM

Jul 2010
We need Kamijou Touma with his pimp hand strong in this anime.
Feb 24, 2012 4:15 AM

Apr 2011
KorusNarek said:
We need Kamijou Touma with his pimp hand strong in this anime.
Feb 24, 2012 4:27 AM
Feb 2012
So far I really like the Segai being the one who helps Shu theories. Especially since it was him back then who tried to convince Shu of Gai's bad intentions and such.
Looking at the preview once again it does seem to come true since Segai's "omg Shu void king" face is shown with the familiar beam to the sky. The only thing I disagree on, is Haruka being of any help. It seems unlikely after her words in this week's episode. Just throwing out some thoughts here.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Feb 24, 2012 4:28 AM
Feb 2012
23 this episode, GURR Gai went became full fledge bad ass terrorist. Bet the kids are like "shit we shouldn't of rebel against shu", that dam guy(the funny glass guy) deserve to die. I loved the scythe void >.<.

Inori went all super cool XD.
Feb 24, 2012 4:58 AM
Jul 2018
Went a bit sudden and a lot of stuff happened so quickly but I hope Shu gets some new better power and revenges on Gai HAHA
Feb 24, 2012 5:00 AM

May 2010
damn Daryl you are the man fighting Gai and his men to save your girl, I like that and Inori suddenly turns berserk or Symphogears style not bad !!

MyAmyFeb 24, 2012 5:03 AM
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