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Dec 23, 2011 5:40 PM

Feb 2011
Owari, Oda Nobunaga birthplace and it is here that the human shall rise against the Demon.Here Nobunaga gather the human.
khrymsonDec 25, 2011 6:46 PM
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Dec 25, 2011 4:45 PM

Feb 2011
Miku woke up to the sound of rooster crowing.Rubbing the sleep from her eye she put on her armor and strap on her Katana and exited from her room.Making the tour around Azuchi Castle she deem that everything was fine and decide to got get a bit of food.Taking the bowl of food she went to the wall.And sat up there eating while watching the people wake up.
Dec 25, 2011 6:28 PM

Jun 2011
It was a beautiful morning.On the crowded road,a girl dressed in a beautiful kimono was passing,surrounded by shinning orange and fuchsia butterflies.She was humming in a low tone,and didn't seem to mind the interest peoples were showing in her.
"Who is that?" a man asked,pointing her.
"Ayame Yuu,a miko.Pretty powerful." a man standing next to him replies.
Dec 25, 2011 6:29 PM

Nov 2011
Takashi awoke from his slumber in one of the Inns in the province.

" Unko! Takashi muttered while getting out of bed.

He then walked to the restroom to wash up. After getting out, he walked towards his folded clothing on the table beside his bed. He threw on and strapped up his solid black Hakama, and after doing so, he tied his wrapped up Katana to his waist. He then grabbed the rest of him weaponry, and placed them in their respectable places. Then he grabbed his Sugegasa before he left.

He walked out of his room, carying his bag over his back. He then walked to the lobby, and laid the pay on the table, then started to head out towards the world.
Tsukune-DonoDec 25, 2011 8:24 PM
Dec 25, 2011 7:05 PM

Jul 2008
Teruhi arrives at the township just beside the castle with the Head Priest from her shrine. She’s carrying a wooden box with various spiritual implements, medicine, and various other things, and the Priest is carrying a sword and a demon-slaying bow. Along the road, some people are just waking up and starting their day.

She is already wearing the traditional miko attire and had already performed her morning bodily purification back by the camp they had stayed in during their travels. She was used to waking up early to perform her duties in the shrine, so it is still a bit awkward to see the town basically just waking up this moment when she had already finished her morning routine.

Up ahead, she spots a rather extravagantly dressed young lady garnering the attention of many nearby folk. Upon overhearing that the girl up ahead is a powerful miko, she turns to the Head Priest and whispers. It seems the that the gathering of spiritually adept people was true and well under way. Not a bad idea at all, since the greatest threat now are the demons.

“I guess we ought to have a look around so that we may procure the necessary accommodations,” Teruhi says. It should be rather easy to find a place at one of the local inns though, since the people here are aware of the importance of having spiritually adept people around in this time of crisis.
Dec 25, 2011 7:31 PM

Feb 2011
"Miss Akagami!" looking down she saw that it was one of the many foot solider the partol the area.Setting the bowl down she jump down in front of him "What is it?"
"The Captain want you to go find the Miko and watch over them, it a girl and her master you know and another long Miko"
"Allrighty then" heading out the front gate into the village.
FockfearDec 26, 2011 6:42 AM
Dec 25, 2011 7:43 PM

Apr 2011
Kuro, talented young warrior and Shinobi is busy overlooking the fortifications and being an all 'look-out' for the town. Of course, he was just doing this out of defenise practice and preparedness training. For he had recieved no orders from his local 'master' or 'mistress'... yet. For out of his family, the Tsubasas, he was the only known Tsuchikage no Jutsu sent assist the young lady of the 'Akagami' clan, Lady Miku Akagami.
She being the only member left of her clan left, and the Tsubasa family endentured to her. He out of family obligation, was sworn to protect her... until she could rebuild her clan once the Wars were over.
But until such a time or until he recieved orders, he wasn't going to leave his perch on top of the steeple of the local Christian church. Kuro wasn't the religious type, he just found the height and view it provided rather useful...
Spying his liegelady a ways away heading towards the main agte with a few armed Samurai he felt it unnesscary to follow her... yet.
Dec 25, 2011 7:49 PM
Jun 2010
*Conan walks around the castle whistling.*
" It's such a nice morning."

Dec 25, 2011 8:07 PM

Jul 2008
Teruhi continues to take a stroll with the Head Priest while observing the scenery. By now, she is still not used to seeing so many people moving along in the streets, the colorful fabrics of the dress of city folk and the many shops and confectioneries.

Even now, she can’t help but think that the city people are amazing in their own way.
Dec 25, 2011 8:07 PM

Feb 2011
Near the river a group of demon are gathering led by an Oni "You all know where do go so don't mess it up" with the next breath o wind they all disappear.


"All righty spread out and find them" Miku told the group.Thinking to herself where would I be?
Dec 25, 2011 8:14 PM

Apr 2011
Kuro sensing something afoot, narrows his eyes and begins to follow his Lady by gracefully leaping rooftop to to rooftop...
Dec 25, 2011 8:40 PM

Nov 2011
Before Takashi left the Inn, he searched his pockets.

"I forgot my key to the room." he muttered.

After realizing he had forgotten his key, he walked back up to his room, and started to search for it. After searching for a couple of minutes, he found it laying under the night table by his bed.

"There you are." he thought and grabbed it.

After recovering his key, he went out, locked his door, and headed down to the lobby, heading towards the door of the Inn.
Dec 25, 2011 8:45 PM

Jul 2008
Teruhi chooses to buy a stick of hard black candy, and the shopkeeper was happy to see her there. She should keep such indulgences to a minimum, but she’s never had one before. When she comes out of the shop, the Head Priest gives her a quick frown, which quickly turns into a smile when he sees that she’s enjoying it. Chances where she could relax and enjoy herself were rare ever since the Demons made their way to the human world.

As she’s enjoying black candy, trying to refrain from a gluttonous appearance, she spots a man walking out of an inn carrying a large showy-looking sword and dark ominous dress. This was in stark contrast to the brightly colored, the brightest she’s seen today, clothing of the prostitutes of the brothel beside it.
Dec 25, 2011 8:56 PM

Nov 2011
Takashi took a deep breath while he reached outside, realizing that he left his Naginata back at the room, due to him feeling lighter, faster. He looked to his side, and noticed a lady, maybe younger than him by a year or so. He also noticed a man beside her, noticing that he is a priest, by the way he is dressed and the way he moves.

Takashi then noticed that his Katana was not adjusted correctly, making it look more "Flashy.", so he adjusted it to the right angle, and stood there, pondering on what to do.

"I'm here because I feel that I should fight in this war as well. Not for the Mononofu, not for me, but for my parents. I believe they would be proud if I fought for those who called them "Family." he thought to himself, sighing.
Dec 25, 2011 9:12 PM
Jun 2010
*Conan continues to walk whistling now with his eyes closed! He then runs into Takashi*
"I'm so terribly sorry sir."
*Conan then relizes he droped his katana. He proceeds to pick it up.*

Dec 25, 2011 9:12 PM

Jul 2008
“Head Priest, I think that we should lodge here when night falls, unless another place is appointed to us,” Teruhi says while pointing at the inn. The sleeves of her miko garb almost completely obscures her hand, and only the fingers can be visible from them from the position they are in right now.

The Head Priest replies and says, “I see. For now, I think we ought to find someplace to eat. It’s been a while since we woke up and our breakfast was particularly light, so you should be hungry by now, right? We are in the city now, so food should be plentiful.”
Dec 25, 2011 9:24 PM

Nov 2011
Out of complete confusion, Takashi decided to go back inside of the Inn, but before doing so, he felt a slight push, and looked behind him. It seems that some guy has bumped into him. He apologized immediately, and picked up his Katana. "It's okay." Takashi replied a couple of moments late, then he proceeds into the Inn. Not knowing what to do at the time. He sat at one of the chairs in the Inn, and letting his Katana rest at his shoulder, and removing his Straw hat.

Takashi looked up, "What could I do today? What can I do today?" he pondered. "Look for a random set of troops and assist them? Or should I wait for a set of troop in need? he asked himself again. He then shook his head, and then he just started to look towards the ground, lost in his memories, his past.
Tsukune-DonoDec 25, 2011 9:29 PM
Dec 25, 2011 9:36 PM
Jun 2010
*Conan then proceeds to ingage converstaion with Teruhi.*
"So your a ...miko???"

Dec 25, 2011 9:47 PM

Jul 2008
Teruhi lets out a giggle as she notices that the man with the sugegasa repeatedly come out of the inn and then disappear back into it wearing a confused expression. She covers her mouth with her sleeve as she does before beginning to continue along in her stroll with the Head Priest to take a look down the busy street.

As she’s about to leave the area, a boy approaches her and asks her whether she was a miko or not. This struck her as a rather odd question, and she stops to take a look at the boy. Even though he was young, he was carrying around quite a large amount of weapons with him. The boy looked obviously young, but was at the same time abnormally tall. This causes her some surprise when she first sees him.

“Yes, I am one indeed,” she says with a smile.
Dec 25, 2011 9:49 PM
Jun 2010
"So your a...demon horder???"
*The child looks as if he regrets saying that*

Dec 25, 2011 9:53 PM

Apr 2011
Kuro Tsubasa leaps over the Inn's roof, seemimgly as swift as bird... one could swear almost that he wasn't there....
Dec 25, 2011 9:55 PM

Jul 2008
“Demon… horder? Herder?” Teruhi asks. “I’m not exactly sure what you mean” She was confused as to what the boy meant.

The Head Priest steps in and says, “Kid, please don’t carelessly say this and that about a sacred miko. Her job is in spiritual cleansing, whether or not they are the evil or just the unpure.”
Dec 25, 2011 10:00 PM
Jun 2010
*Looks at the priest.*
"I'm sorry but i was not addressing to you sir."
*Look's back at Tehuhi.*
"Demon herder is another name...just please forgive me and forget i said anything."
*Bows and starts to leave."

Dec 25, 2011 10:01 PM

Nov 2011
Takashi was close to taking a nap on the chair, then he suddenly heard a rumble, he was hungry.

"I haven't eaten anything since yesterday." he muttered. So he got up and left his sugegasa on the head of the child while he left, not caring if he recovers it or not. He heads out towards the door, and stands outside of the Inn again, searching for a good place to eat. He looks to his side again, noticing the guy who bumped into him, and the girl that was eating the black candy.

His gray eyes now hitting the sun, he looks down instantly, Irritated by it, and started to walk towards the food stand across from the Inn.
Dec 25, 2011 10:09 PM

Apr 2011
Coming to rest on top an arch of a Shinto temple not even half a block away from the inn and in plain sight, Kuro looks towards the main gate and permiter and sees... nothing. Not a single thing in sight, it made him wish he was on the frontline with his family... not on a babysitting detail of an old family friend's already seemingly doomed clan...
Dec 25, 2011 10:17 PM

Jul 2008
Teruhi bows back at the boy before moving along to find someplace to eat. She found a place that was not too crowded and had a nice smell about it without being overwhelming. She and the Head Priest take a seat and are welcomed happily by the staff.

Even though they are in the city, the two ordered a pretty simple meal, but by their standards, it was more extravagant than usual. More so considering that they had been traveling for some days in dangerous places.

“The city really does have everything!” Teruhi exclaims.
Dec 25, 2011 10:53 PM

Nov 2011
With his spear packed safely behind his back, Furuya was strolling along the busy streets od the city. It was bursting with people who seems to magically appear from the middle of nowhere, then he had his shot of inspiration. Rushing, he entered a place that serves food, it doesn't appear to be very crowded and he was glad that he could escape with all the people who was starring at him.

After he places an order, he took out his writing materials and started focusing on the poem that he had thought just now.
Dec 25, 2011 11:23 PM

Jul 2008
Having finish their meal, Teruhi and the Head Priest stay at their table to enjoy their tea and observe the daily life of the city dwellers moving about on the streets. Everyone looked so busy as if there was constantly something they had to do. At least the city looked like there was enough things for people to do, provided that they were constantly looking for things to do. To her though, it’s still over whelming so she wouldn’t have anyplace to start besides taking a walk along the streets.
Dec 26, 2011 4:22 AM

Jun 2011
Ayame wondered all the time around,as her senses told her something bad was coming.At a point,she stops in the middle of the road,sighing."Could I be wrong?" she asks herself."No,that's impossible." she says,whit confidence."I must eat something,I've been wondering all day." she adds,as she feels her stomach frowning.She takes a corner table in some eating place,and orders a simple meal."Bring me some green tea too,onegai." she smiles to the waiter.
Dec 26, 2011 6:56 AM

Feb 2011
Miku push open the door to then Inn and instantly there was silence as they notice the katana she was carrying.One didn't live around Nagoya Castle and not know who she is.Stepping inside Miku took a look around and was amaze to find both Miko here "Score one for luck" she thought to herself.
Dec 26, 2011 7:00 AM

Jun 2011
Ayame didn't bothered to raise her look towards.After the push sound and the silence she easily guessed who it was.Sipping calmly from her tea,she finally took the efort to show her daring look.
"Hello,Miku-san." she said calm.
Dec 26, 2011 8:06 AM

Feb 2011
Looking for the speaker Miku found that it was Ayame "Well well look it who it is how long as it been?" walking over and sitting down.
FockfearDec 26, 2011 9:00 AM
Dec 26, 2011 8:11 AM

Jun 2011
"A year and a bit." Ayame said calm. "How have you been,Miku-san?" she asked,siping her tea.
Dec 26, 2011 9:14 AM

Feb 2011
"I been fine thank for asking" looking around she saw that most of the people were still looking at her "Listen it was nice meeting you agin but I got to go head on over to the Castle later" Standing up she walk over to the other Miko and ask them "Are you Teruhi and is that the Head Priest?"
Dec 26, 2011 9:19 AM

Jun 2011
"Fine by me,Miku-san.But watch out,I sensed evil creatures earlier." Ayame spoke,finishing her tea.Getting up,she let herself admired once more about the clients and by the waiter,as she took her tsurugi and hanged it by her obi belt,as she made her way out."But don't worry,I'll hunt them for you." she added,as she opened the door.
Dec 26, 2011 10:35 AM

Nov 2011
After Takashi finished his meal, he looked over his shoulder, and noticed the girl and priest from Earlier.

"Odd.. Could they be from Mononofu? Are they after me?" he thought. "No.. I'm just being paranoid." he thought.

He soon got up, and took the remainder of the food, and placed it on the counter beside his pay. He then took a cup of tea, and returned to his table. Enjoying it between ever taste.

"That is good tea." he muttered, while stirring the Peppermint leaf inside with a chopstick.
Dec 26, 2011 11:01 AM

Jun 2011
A hard noise come out,as Ayame closed the inn's door.Controlling her force like that,when her senses felt fear from the evil presences,was hard stuff to do.
As she got out,she opened her fan.Butterflies surrounded her,as she vanished in the air.The crowd stared in surprise at the place where she sat just a moment before,as a sweet scent took over the scene.
AngelicXIDec 26, 2011 11:04 AM
Dec 26, 2011 11:03 AM
Jun 2010
*Stays be the inn as his stomach growls.*
" hungry...I need money."

Dec 26, 2011 11:52 AM

Jul 2008
Teruhi and the Head Priest bow to Miku when they are called.

The Head Priest explains, “Indeed. We are from Takaoka. This here is Teruhi, our lone surviving miko, and you can call me Meisai. It is true that I am the Head Priest back at our shrine, but here I cannot say that such a title is fitting. You must then be the Akagami, Miku whom were were to contact?”
Dec 26, 2011 12:11 PM

Nov 2011
As Takashi began to listen to the conversation, he is bothered by a man on a horse, and three to four troops behind him.

"Are you Takashi Miyamoto?" The man on the horse asked.

"If I am?" Takashi responded while drinking from his tea.

"Answer the question!" One of the foot soldiers cried out. But before the solider did anything, the man on the horse waved him out.

"Well, if you are, you are wanted to come back with us to return to being a Mononofu." he replied. "If not, then you will be taken, and held in a prison due to Treason."

Takashi smiled gently, finishing his Tea. He then looked up at the man on the horse.

"Then in this occasion, No, I am not Takashi Miyamoto." he replied, grinning.

The man on the horse frowned gently, and arched his eye brows. He then signaled his men to come towards Takashi, which they did while unsheathing there swords.
Dec 26, 2011 12:17 PM

Apr 2011
Kuro watched from his post upon the Shinto Shrine the scene before him of what appeared to be a Ronin about to be jumped... not that he cared, it wasn't his job to 'care' about him...
Dec 26, 2011 12:28 PM
Jun 2010
*Conan witnesses what is about to unfold.*
"...Food can wait."
*Conan runs to the man unsheathing his katana and sabatou.*
"Hey can you fight with a short sword?"
*The sheath to his short sword is visible to the Takashi.*

Dec 26, 2011 12:30 PM

Jun 2011
The sweet scent could be felt,as the colorful butterflies along whit Ayame appeared behind Kuro.
"Babysitting,huh?" she asked,giggling.
Dec 26, 2011 12:33 PM

Feb 2011
Nodding her head yes "Would you like a longer tour of the place if so i can get one of the footsoldiers to escort you around?"
Dec 26, 2011 12:35 PM

Apr 2011
If Kuro wasn't grouchy before, he sure was now. he let out a half growl-like sigh noise and said "Yeah 'babysitting' a doomed clan and her little miko friends who dont which end is the sharp end of a sword... its a blast".
Dec 26, 2011 12:37 PM

Jul 2008
“That would be good,” says the Head Priest. “On that note, where shall we stay when we are here in this castle township?”
Dec 26, 2011 12:38 PM

Jun 2011
"Watch your words."Ayame said,frowning."I am one of those miko friends as you call them,and I will not accept you to be rude." she added.
Dec 26, 2011 12:41 PM

Nov 2011
Tamashi smiled at the man trying to aid him.

"I appreciate it, but this isn't your fight."

He looked at the soilders.

"I'll fight another day." he said. He then grabbed a chopstick and threw it at the knee of the horse with enough strength to make that leg collapse, causing the man on the horse to fall off ontop of the three foot soilders.

He then smiled at the four.

"Ja ne." he said while walking away, not knowing where to go.
Dec 26, 2011 12:45 PM

Apr 2011
Kuro held his hand to his ear and said "Hear that? That's the sound of me not caring..." while saying this Kuro saw what the Ronin did to the horsemen, he was mildly impressed... but he really didnt care.
Dec 26, 2011 12:46 PM
Jun 2010
*The soldiers stand up.*
"Get that boy for assiting a criminal."

*Runs away putting his swords back.*

"Damnit find that boy."
*The soldiers follow Conan*

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