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Nov 24, 2011 8:26 PM

Jan 2009
Very beginning of the fight. Maya shot him down, he fell on the ground. She takes a few steps towards the supposed body, but he flanks her from the side. Pretty sure she would notice a "dead body" throwing a knife and would at least try to dodge it; it couldn't have come from the Kirei on the ground that she was looking at. I assumed he put some kind of clone/illusion technique that made her thing she got him as he approached from the side.

EDIT: Or was assassin who threw that dagger on her leg? It looked like one of Kirei's weapons though. Well, not like I've seem what assassin throwing daggers are like. Could anyone help me make sense of that?
Faker_Nov 24, 2011 8:39 PM
Nov 24, 2011 8:38 PM

Oct 2011
Faker_ said:
Very beginning of the fight. Maya shot him down, he fell on the ground. She takes a few steps towards the supposed body, but he flanks her from the side.

He faked the fall there, then just hopped right back up when she came within his range.
Nov 24, 2011 8:42 PM

Jan 2009
But she just realize that AFTER the knife hits her. Wouldn't she see the body she's walking towards to throw a dagger? Even if there was no time to dodge, look at her expression. She's clueless until it hits her. Also, it comes from the side, not the place where she walking towards.
Nov 24, 2011 9:04 PM

Oct 2011
Faker_ said:
But she just realize that AFTER the knife hits her. Wouldn't she see the body she's walking towards to throw a dagger? Even if there was no time to dodge, look at her expression. She's clueless until it hits her. Also, it comes from the side, not the place where she walking towards.

Just goes to show how fast Kirei can move in his prime. The Light Novel explicitly explained that part

I think from what we've seen from that part it was pretty obvious that a couple of bullets wouldn't be enough to put Kirei down (at least if they hit his protected parts), and the brief construction site fight in episode 6 showed how agile Kirei can be.
Nov 24, 2011 9:31 PM

Jan 2009
Yes, but the angle the knife comes from threw me off. Reading the quote from the light novel, I would expect the animation to be a knife coming from the front, unless Black Keys can do boomerang moves. Other friends watching the anime who didn't read the light novel thought it was weird too, so I'm not the only one that got confused by the way it was animated. I guess even ufotable could have done things slight better sometimes. I won't nitpick on this anymore now that I understand though. The anime still 10/10, if an attack coming from an weird angle is all this show have to show for "imperfection" in 8 episodes, they are awesome.

Thanks a lot for the clarification lolzteez
Nov 24, 2011 11:02 PM

Feb 2009
Kirei's just that awesome to throw a Black Key from the weirdest angle while lying down and hit Maiya's leg :P
Nov 26, 2011 12:21 AM
Feb 2011
Faker_ said:
Yes, but the angle the knife comes from threw me off. Reading the quote from the light novel, I would expect the animation to be a knife coming from the front, unless Black Keys can do boomerang moves. Other friends watching the anime who didn't read the light novel thought it was weird too, so I'm not the only one that got confused by the way it was animated. I guess even ufotable could have done things slight better sometimes. I won't nitpick on this anymore now that I understand though. The anime still 10/10, if an attack coming from an weird angle is all this show have to show for "imperfection" in 8 episodes, they are awesome.

Thanks a lot for the clarification lolzteez

I rewatched the episode, and the knife goes straight at her leg at a 0 degree angle (aka from in front of her). There is no weird angle...
Nov 26, 2011 3:21 PM

May 2011
cherrymina said:
Once again great stuff. Zero Lancer's such a great guy; it's really a shame what happens to him. Turning little kids into eldritch abominations? It's ok since it's all for JEAAAAAAANNNNEEE. Hoe did Saber stay so bloodless throughout that shower? We'll never know. Also, Kotomine. Just jogs on over, kung-fu's the hell outta a tree then proceeds to stomp the women and chil- women. And then promptly jogs away.
Right after checking to see if homunculus blood is red, of course; that shit is important.
Loved the Natalia flashback, looking good Ms. Flight Attendent. Kiritsugu destroying the Enizbern castle only for it to get rebuilt only for it to get sword spammed much later. Poor real estate, castles don't appear out of nowhere, they cost shit tons of money. Kayneth isn't helping any by vomiting blood all over the fine carpeting after that Origin Bullet cocktail; good thing ZeBro Lancer appeared to drag his ass home.
And then accidentally NTR his wife.


“Girls can wear jeans and cut their hair short and wear shirts and boots because it’s okay to be a boy; for girls it’s like promotion. But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading, according to you, because secretly you believe that being a girl is degrading.”—Ian McEwan, The Cement Garden (1978)
Nov 26, 2011 6:27 PM

Mar 2009
Bah. I had to wait a whole week to watch this episode of Fate/Zero. I was seriously going through withdrawal symptoms. Stupid computer being stupid and not functioning. Oh, well. At least I have another episode to watch tonight.

Kirei Kotomine steals every scene he's in. The guy is insane. At first I was wondering how he was able to deflect the bullets, but the internet answered that question. Great character. Very complex too. I can see him winning the war, as he's unpredictable, highly skilled and has absolutely nothing to hold him back, unlike Kiritsugu who genuinely cares for Irisviel.

Also, what's up with Kariya? He's barely even in the story.

Fantastic episode once again.
Dec 1, 2011 8:25 PM

Sep 2008
Wait wait wait. What happened to Kirei between Zero and Fate/Stay Night? He is 100 times more badass in this than he was in F/S N. He didin'y really do anything impressive in Fate or UBW routes on his own.
Dec 1, 2011 8:57 PM

Aug 2010
Tsukaji said:
Wait wait wait. What happened to Kirei between Zero and Fate/Stay Night? He is 100 times more badass in this than he was in F/S N. He didin'y really do anything impressive in Fate or UBW routes on his own.

Actually he was a badass in FSN(particularly HF).
Dec 1, 2011 9:34 PM

Sep 2008
Ragna92 said:
Tsukaji said:
Wait wait wait. What happened to Kirei between Zero and Fate/Stay Night? He is 100 times more badass in this than he was in F/S N. He didin'y really do anything impressive in Fate or UBW routes on his own.

Actually he was a badass in FSN(particularly HF).

Well, I guess that is the problem... I haven't seen HF yet. Only Fate and UBW.
Dec 3, 2011 8:32 AM

Apr 2009
Great episode. Several characters escaped near death in this one. For a moment there, I thought Irisviel was finished, it was good thinking by Kiritsugu to make her bear Avalon for safety, that allowed her to escape mortal danger this time. Kirei demonstrated why he's absolutely one of the most dangerous Masters, and as we know from F/SN, he's one of the Masters who survived this ruthless Holy Grail War.

Kayneth escaped certain death at the hands of Kiritsugu via Lancer's interference. I'm feeling rather sure that the injuries he suffered in this fight will permanently weaken him, though. This fight demonstrated to me why Kiritsugu is called the Magus Killer. He would have finished him off right there if it wasn't for Lancer.

Caster got away too easily, but it's almost assured that he'll be the first Servant to fall because he has essentially a price on his head now.
Dec 12, 2011 3:52 PM

Mar 2009
Call me a sick bitch, but I totally loved seeing Iri getting stabbed by three blades simultaneously. Lancer's Master's loss was great as well.
Jan 5, 2012 10:55 AM
Sep 2009
Kirei is such a bastard, but that's why he's awesome.
Jan 27, 2012 5:17 AM

Aug 2010
The fuck? Maiya sprayed Kirei with bullets and he got them straight on and he wasn't damaged?

Also, I got raging boners watching Iris getting stabbed.
Feb 6, 2012 1:23 PM

May 2011
sooo worth seeing that pompous ass get what he had coming to him!
Feb 22, 2012 6:17 PM

Dec 2011
even though i can't stop fapping, it really bothered me that the two women sat there slack-jawed and staring as Kirie struggles with his hands tied together and back turned for a good 20 seconds. wish that was portrayed a little better. otherwise 5/5
Ooo, what a lovely tea party.
Mar 2, 2012 4:25 PM
Mar 2010
Awesome episode. I did wonder whether Avalon was going to come in at some point and I'm really glad things like that have been thought about.
Mar 26, 2012 1:53 PM

Feb 2012
I wonder how many Origin Bullets Kiritsugu went through in his years as a Mage Killer. 66 is far from a large number.
May 15, 2012 6:53 PM

Jul 2008
It's really not a surprise that Saber failed to save Britain since her strategic ability is next to 0. She doesn't fit to be a king, but rather a knight instead.

Why so much hate towards Iris? She hasnt done anything worth hating her.
May 22, 2012 5:59 PM

Nov 2011
Wow...after two slower episodes the action returns with a huge bang. A bullet that cuts your magic circuits and painfully rebinds them. Somehow I interpreted magic circuits, in this context, as blood vessels and found that really graphic.

And I was genuinely worried that what Kirei did to Iris would be fatal.
Aug 5, 2012 4:47 PM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
This anime is mature... depressing.. but still

bugs, breaking small girls mind...
now stabbing Irisviel T_T ... these types of anime are just so sad.
Aug 9, 2012 4:21 AM

Mar 2012
An ok episode
End Zionazism
Aug 23, 2012 5:07 PM

Apr 2010
What the fuck why doesn't anybody die? I got bored at this episode because I knew some bullshit would happen and everyone will survive. This show is so anticlimactic.
Aug 24, 2012 12:40 AM

Aug 2009
screambloodygore said:
This show is so anticlimactic.

If you think that death=progression of the story then there is something wrong with how you watch anime.
Aug 24, 2012 4:19 AM

May 2009
screambloodygore said:
What the fuck why doesn't anybody die?
I think that's a good thing as it gives more time for characterization. I personally wouldn't want to see such interesting characters get killed of so early on in the war.

ssjokg said:
screambloodygore said:
This show is so anticlimactic.

If you think that death=progression of the story then there is something wrong with how you watch anime.
In this anime it kind of is, isn't it? After all, with each death we get closer to a winner. Of course, there's more to the story than that.
Aug 24, 2012 5:02 AM

Aug 2009
stAtic91 said:
screambloodygore said:
What the fuck why doesn't anybody die?
I think that's a good thing as it gives more time for characterization. I personally wouldn't want to see such interesting characters get killed of so early on in the war.

ssjokg said:
screambloodygore said:
This show is so anticlimactic.

If you think that death=progression of the story then there is something wrong with how you watch anime.
In this anime it kind of is, isn't it? After all, with each death we get closer to a winner. Of course, there's more to the story than that.

Come on in how many anime where the story is about a war/war game everyone starts dying in the first part of the show?And lets not forget that the Holy grail wars could end without any Master dying.As for the Servants....If you had supposedly well known heroes(Gill de Rais, Diarmuid and I doubt anyone knows Medea unless they grow up in Greece) fight each other and everyone started falling like flies.... would you like that show?Might as well have Gilgamesh end the war from day 1.And season 1 is far from anticlimactic anyway.
ssjokgAug 24, 2012 5:08 AM
Sep 11, 2012 2:27 PM

Sep 2011
There are no words to explain how beastly this scene was.

And god that scene of Iri getting stabbed with her mouth covered looked painful!
funkotakuSep 12, 2012 12:26 AM
Sep 13, 2012 4:43 AM
Jul 2018
Nice episode.
Sep 13, 2012 4:57 AM

May 2009
Hakuromatsu said:
I wonder how many Origin Bullets Kiritsugu went through in his years as a Mage Killer. 66 is far from a large number.
The LN mentions he has 12 bullets left.
Sep 14, 2012 12:35 AM

Mar 2009
Sep 14, 2012 3:21 AM

Apr 2010
I'm glad there are no deaths until now, at least it needs some character development and we're getting it in the first episodes. I believe someone will die before the end of Series 1, it would be disappointing to have all alive. But for now it's good, the story moves forward episode after episode.

Maybe it's my favorite episode so far, battles were great and Lancer is epic.
Sep 14, 2012 7:47 PM

Nov 2011
Aw man, I wanted Lancers master to die D=. That bullet wasted for nothing!

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Sep 15, 2012 5:20 AM
Dec 2010
stAtic91 said:
Hakuromatsu said:
I wonder how many Origin Bullets Kiritsugu went through in his years as a Mage Killer. 66 is far from a large number.
The LN mentions he has 12 bullets left.

No, he has 29 left (28 now).

"Kiritsugu had already used thirty-seven bullets, but not a single one of them was wasted. The bullets that were made using a part of his body had already completely destroyed thirty-seven magi. Now, the thirty-eighth "Origin Bullet" severed a new sacrifice’s life force. "

But IIRC he only brought 12 to Fuyuki.
Nov 21, 2012 12:38 PM

May 2012
Quite an epic episode if you ask me! But damn that ending was shocking, good that she isn't dead!
Dec 20, 2012 10:29 PM

Nov 2009
Damn when she got stabbed in the stomach like that I though she was gone ... Well glad she is still alive, lucky her ... anyways that bullet of Kiritsugu's seems pretty op though if I heard it right and it took a rib to make ... still op ...
Dec 21, 2012 11:04 AM

Apr 2011
Pirating_Ninja said:
Damn when she got stabbed in the stomach like that I though she was gone ... Well glad she is still alive, lucky her ... anyways that bullet of Kiritsugu's seems pretty op though if I heard it right and it took a rib to make ... still op ...

Nah, Kayneth just went full retard in that scenario, becoming a victim of his own emotions
Jan 29, 2013 3:17 AM
Aug 2011
So, Irısviel is not a homunculus?

Kirei's running is funny btw.
Jan 29, 2013 4:31 AM

May 2009
Adramelech said:
So, Irısviel is not a homunculus?
She is a homunculus.
Mar 3, 2013 9:04 AM

Jan 2012
Simply amazing, every single episode so far was interesting and exciting.

Mar 7, 2013 5:13 AM

Aug 2009
Adramelech said:

Kirei's running is funny btw.
It is sexy.
Mar 8, 2013 9:45 AM
Jan 2010
Is it Superman? Is it Wolverine? No, it's Kotomine Kirei.
Mar 26, 2013 4:49 PM

May 2012
I was really not expecting anything from Kirei since in FSN he is not that awesome. But now, wow, he is like a human steel. And that string thingy from Iriesviel is amazing.

Saber and Lancer are just too polite with each other.. Can't blame them though since both of them are knights.
Mar 26, 2013 6:23 PM

Jul 2012
OMG OMG 6 minutes in i swear fkn Alucard in Anderson"s that i mean my fav fkn char Kotomine at first just because his voice was actually Aluicard's from hellsing.jizzed pants look at him holding his swords blocking all those bullets in the forest scene SOOO HELLSING.Reminiscent of Anderson but with Alucard's voice you'd see the irony of this since his characters first arrival if youve watched hellsing since his definite main rival was a wylin priest in that series
Feels like losing all five senses &
Maybe not able to have thoughts,

Mar 27, 2013 3:42 AM

Aug 2009
rebelakuma said:
I was really not expecting anything from Kirei since in FSN he is not that awesome. But now, wow, he is like a human steel. And that string thingy from Iriesviel is amazing.

Saber and Lancer are just too polite with each other.. Can't blame them though since both of them are knights.

Well yeah since 1)Fate route is the weakest of the 3 scenarios 2)Deen's adaptation of FSN sucks.
Apr 2, 2013 12:03 PM

Nov 2008
I thoroughly enjoyed the ass shot we had of Kotomine.
It's a shame that his expectations of Kiritsugu will betray him in the end.
Jun 11, 2013 8:25 AM

Apr 2013
For a moment i thought that Irisviel is going to die. Glad that didn't happen. And Lancers master got his ass kicked. Can't wait to see what's next.
Jun 11, 2013 9:26 AM

Nov 2012
yey yeah! it works! the handgun.. it work! eat that you pops :p

btw maiya vs kirei is really cool.. especially when blade vs knife..
kirei is really annoying btw.. -_- thats too much for a girl -_- poor maiya..
and I was really "sigh*" when relize Iri is not dead.. good guy kiritsugu saving this woman :p

btw why caster dont just die? :/ I kind of like this fighting scene between caster vs saber and lancer.. the blood rain when the caster hougo break is kind of cool ;3
Jun 29, 2013 7:17 AM

Feb 2013
Awesome battle scenes. Though i was scared for Irisviel there for a second.

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
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