Oct 29, 2011 5:43 PM
The ongoing was between Norms and Abnorms has lead to the country of Japan being split in two. The Earth Alliance control the north, while the Icarus Coalition occupy the West. Japan is highly contested nation, being one of the most technologically advanced countries. Currently, Tokyo serves as the epicenter. |
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Nov 4, 2011 11:58 AM
"Densha to homu no aida wa hiroku aite orimasu no de, gochuui kudasai", a female voice spoke as the train came to a stop. "There is a wide space between the train and the platform, so please be careful", it repeated in another language. Alice hopped out from the train. Taking a quick glance at her wrist watch, she walked swiftly out of the train station. Shibuya, the most popular shopping district in Tokyo; a dating place or even a place to get picked up. Alice wasn't there for any of that. True, she was meeting up with someone but it wasn't a date. She strategically placed herself near Hachiko's Statue to blend into the crowd, reducing chances of suspicion. Minutes passed, growing tired of watching the traffic passing Scramble Crossing, Alice decided to call him. It only rang once, then she felt a hand clutching her head. "You're late", Alice stated, without turning her head around. "Of course," Yukito replied haughtily, as if it were really something one should be proud of. He removed his hand from her head. "It's only natural for you to wait for me." "Hai, hai", she waved him off. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 4, 2011 5:14 PM
"Darn that that Drake" ever since her risen in rank this man name Drake have try to get her demoted even kill just so he could take her spot.So now Yuuko is in Tokyo...with her broken arm because it seem like they need her for a mission and didn't had time to patch her body.The only good thing was that this time she would have help with the Earth Speical ops,5 of them.They even knew who and where the target were.Target: a boy and a girl.Where:Shibuya. "Miss Yuuko it is time to go" one of the men told her. "All right let get this over with". with that they left. |
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Nov 4, 2011 6:24 PM
Ava was also in Tokyo this day, but for reasons unknown as she was second only to the top brass. In fact, her presence here was classified information, but she seemed to be tailing someone. Getting off the train at Shibuya, she continues to use an ability she copied from the last abnorm she killed: the power to hide in plain sight. This wasn't stealth or invisibility, mind you, but the power to be so entirely unremarkable that you escape peoples notice. |
Nov 4, 2011 8:00 PM
"You're dressed rather oddly today", Yukito remarked as he lighted his cigarette. It wasn't exactly odd, but it wasn't what Alice would usually wear; a simple shirt, a jacket over it, jeans, sneakers. "This is so that I wouldn't attract any unwanted attention and didn't I tell you to stop smoking", she scolded, taking away the cigarette. "So what exactly are we here for? I don't want to waste my time." Yukito crossed his arms. If he didn't come today, he would probably at some arcade playing some fighting game, shooting game or maybe even pachinko. Still he was glad to see Arisu in good health. They haven't been able to hang out lately since she had been busy with something. "I don't know", she responded, repeatedly flipping her mobile phone open then closing it again. "Rule the world, maybe?" |
khrymsonNov 5, 2011 8:06 AM
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 5, 2011 8:01 AM
Juat then there a explosions on the train track.Then there was another explosions this time closer and people began panicing running there and here. |
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Nov 5, 2011 8:15 AM
The ground shook when the explosions occured. Yukito caught Alice who was thrown of balance. "Ara, ara~" he said as he fixed his sunglasses. He glanced at Alice. "Shall we?" She replied with a nod and went towards the station with him following behind. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 5, 2011 8:33 AM
In the distance on top of a buliding a crosshair level on to them "I got a shot shall i take it?" ask Alpha Six "Go ahead" replied Alpha Two There was a loud bang as he pull the trigger and the bullet came sppeding at them. |
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Nov 5, 2011 9:03 AM
Alice heard a sound of gunshot and turned around. She knew it was heading their way but she couldn't accurately tell who it would hit. Desperate and unable to think fast, she pushed Yukito sideways in which they both fell to the ground. "What are you--" Yukito stop mid sentence when he noticed Alice right arm was bleeding. He looked around only to be distracted by the crowd of people panicking on the streets. "Kkss", she almost swore. They know who we are. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 5, 2011 9:23 AM
"I got a hhit" Alpha Six said to his mic. "Roger we heading in" Alpha On relied.Slapping in his mag him and the rest of the squard head out with Yuuko. When the reach platform they all open fire at the pair while Yuuko scale the bulding to get behind them. |
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Nov 5, 2011 12:20 PM
"Baka..." Ava clicks her tongue in agitation, activating another power one she called 'distortion' The bullets flying in at the two she was tailing all get deflected, thus not harming anyone. Some static is heard through their squads mics as Ava jacks their signal. "You idiots! I've been tailing them for weeks and now they'll never lead me right into their headquarters! I have half a mind to kill each and every one of you right now!" |
Nov 5, 2011 1:50 PM
"Ma-MADAM!" stopping in their track the squard salute her.Yuuko however did not know her so she was left there on the side stareing dumbfound. |
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Nov 5, 2011 3:30 PM
"I swear...alright, go ahead and keep firing. I'll pretend to be their ally and support them while also giving them a chance to escape with me. Make it convincing! I want them alive!" |
Nov 5, 2011 3:43 PM
"Y-Yes madam!" they said again.Again theey fire again this time randomly everywhere.Yuuko however kept her distance she had her job and she was determined to do it.Seeing that they (Yukito and Alice) were not payying any attertion to her Yuuko took the time to drop behind them and with her unbroken arm attempt to quiety kill the girl. |
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Nov 5, 2011 3:55 PM
Ava grabs Yuuko's arm with a death grip. "Bad move, bitch!" She says as she drives her palm into Yuuko's face, sending her flying through a wall. |
Nov 5, 2011 4:08 PM
Shaking herself free from the rubble she regroup with the rest of the squad. "Miss Yuuko shall we active the last bomb?" Alpha One ask her. She nodded her eye and one of the soldier pulled out a a detonator and press the button.The resulting boom was ear splliting.Then the world seem to fall under them as the platform fell from under their feet including Yuuko. Alpha one was stunned they didn't plan on her falling."Find her and you all know what to do.We need to confirm her body." the rest of the squad began searching the rubble. |
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Nov 5, 2011 4:12 PM
Two persons however stood on foot:Carmen and Rhea."I wonder why Madame sent us here.We were supposed to meet Mina and Venora iin the other part." Carmen sighed.She than got distracted by Rhea,which whispered in her ear what she heard earlier,nd so revealed the true identity of the norm pretending to be an abnorm."Haha,parfait! I get to kill,I get to kill!" Carmen grinned. |
Nov 5, 2011 4:18 PM
Sofia guards herself from the blast, holding her hat down to prevent it from being blown away. She has arrived in Japan not to long ago, with orders to back up Eva. She certainly hadn't expected this. When the worst was done, she tenderly starts to walk through the rubble, looking for her comrades. |
Nov 5, 2011 4:29 PM
"I found her" one of the squad said on his mic. "Roger is she still alive?" said Alpha one. Her lower body were surmerge in rubble and there were scracth on her face but nothing serious. Reaching down to remove some of the rubble he measure her pulse. "Yes Sir she is" he replied. "Then you know what to do" and with that the line went dead. Then Yuuko woke up coughing blood.Then she notice him "Glad you guy found me." reaching out her hand to him. He however ever turn on his red dot and aim it at her stomach "So am I" he then let out a 3 round burst into her stomach. Yuuko did the only thing she could do in that situation which were to let out a scream of pain. |
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Nov 5, 2011 4:38 PM
Carmen's cellphone ringed."Yes Madame?A map?Norms?I see.I see.We'll make our way straight to it.Yes Madame.Yes,yes I will." and whit that she closed."The oreders are clear:Kill as much as we can.We must look after eachother." she said sample to Rhea.Running they soon meet a group of norms,which whitout blinking,Rhea suffocated whit her Bubble. |
Nov 5, 2011 4:50 PM
Sofia hears the ear-piecing scream of pain, and stumbles across the scene in her panicked state. A girl she recognizes was being shot by what looked like her own men. "Y...Yuuko!" she shouts, fumbling to find her lighter. It was empty, as usually. But all she needed was the spark, a tiny flicker. Spinning the mechanism, Sofia manipulates the oxygen around it, creating a small burst of flame, and sending it towards the soldier. The fire engulfs the man, burning him alive. Sofia scales down the rubble, making her way towards Yuuko. "Ar...Are you Ok?" |
ChotgoriinNov 5, 2011 4:56 PM
Nov 5, 2011 4:55 PM
Ava sees this spontaneous cumbustion and copies it, replacing her ability to be unremarkable. |
Nov 5, 2011 5:24 PM
"An abnorm working for the norms?How odd." Carmen remarks rolling her eyes at the scene,as she and her partener Rhea were there.Looking around,you could see al the troops laying dead,because they were suffocated or drowned,or poisoned whit quicksilver. |
Nov 5, 2011 6:54 PM
"I-I think so" looking down to her stomach and seeing blood seeping from the wound "Never mind i not so good.By noe there was a rather large pool. |
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Nov 6, 2011 12:18 AM
Surrounded by gun-toting men, Alice panicked. She had never been in this kind of live-or-die situation and she was racking her brain desperately for what to do. She wasn't invalid, of course, for it was her arm that got hurt, and not her leg. Still, the pain was distracting her to thin straight. Yukito looked around noticing glass shards on the floor. He had an idea though he wasn't sure if it would actually work. It's better than nothing. Yukito grabbed Alice's uninjured arm and dragged her away. Using his ablity, he projected an illusion that they moved, distracting those men as they made their escape. As if on cue, those men opened fire. Alice heaved a sigh of relief then winced. Both of them hid themselves behind the unmanned ticketing station, away from their attention. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 6, 2011 2:50 AM
"Where they keep coming from!"Carmen shouted angry,more than questioning. "I'm scared..." Rhea said as bubbles surrounded her and started to suffocate or drown the opponents. "That's my girl!!!" Carmen shouts excited,manipulaing quick silver out of nowhere and throwing blades out of it,or sample beads,poisoning the opponent to a lethal degree. By this,they attracted attention over them,to not mention Carmen's tiger. |
Nov 6, 2011 4:44 AM
Shouts of pain came from the direction where soldiers were. Yukito took a glance on the commotion while Alice was sitting on some debris, bandaging her wound. Those men fell one by one. What's going on? |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 6, 2011 5:04 AM
"Die,die,die,DIE!" Carmen was shouting,throwing small quicksilver bubbles in each enemy,while Rhea,hided behind her was protecting the back and suffocating others. |
Nov 6, 2011 5:38 AM
Yukito grimaced as the red haired girl seemed to enjoy the massacre. "What's going on?" Alice stood up trying to look at the situation. Yukito stopped her. "No. Don't look." He knew she wouldn't approve of this brutal killing. She would probably rush there and try to stop it, since it would remind her of the bullying incident she once experienced herself. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 6, 2011 5:41 AM
Giving up on the quicksilver attacks,Carmen blasted fire from her right arm,burning down the enemy.Rhea just closed her eyes,and suffocated all what was in her radius and was norm. Whit that,there were no more troops on the field,atleast for now. "52,308" Rhea said.Carmen grinned."64,552". |
Nov 6, 2011 6:56 AM
Yukito doubted that it was safe to go out of hiding. True, the soldier were on the ground, lifeless, but he wasn't too sure of these girls' allegiance. Norms versus Abnorms, huh? He stared at his palm. He realized the reality of being involved in this war. |
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there. |
Nov 6, 2011 7:01 AM
"Come out,little mices,I'mma show you the power of those you damn for being different,of those you persecute for being abnormal!" Carmen shouted,grinning madly.But no answer were to be heard.Only few norms were left,and Rhea was calmly waiting to kill them at the most tiny move. |
Nov 7, 2011 11:59 AM
On one of the roofs, a large circle appears. At one point, the roof wasn't big enough and it expanded over the edge, bathing the place around the building in a warm red glow. It is full of weird with weird signs. Signs unknown by humans, signs of magic. Powerfull when written, strong as Gods when spoken. But the power you need to use them in chants, has long been lost. If anyone would do that now, they would die from the energy freeing itself. The light suddenly get harder and in the middle of the giant circle, a blue haired woman appears. Hanna breaths softly out while the red circle disappears. It was a long trip from Italy to Japan and this is certainly something she wouldn't like to do every day. It takes away a lot of energy, but she's lucky since she recovers real fast. She opens her eyes and looks at the sky. Then she walks to the edge of the roof and she looks down. Down there, on the ground, a fight is going on. She sees two girls fighting, definitly abnorms, and a boy and girl sitting aside. She can feel their energy and knows they are like her. On the humans their side, people with guns kept falling. "My my..." she mumbles smiling. She looks at the height of the building and estimates it's high enough. Then she jumps. She first enjoys the feeling of falling down, the wind that moves around her. She hears scream from far away and sees people pointing at her, at least, the ones who didn't run away that far yet. Humans have bad sight. The ground begins to come closer. She smiles and then opens her mounth. "Ye birds flying in the sky, grant me thee wings." A small circle appears underneath her feet and she begins to slow down. When she lands on the ground like a feather, it disappears. Hanna looks around and smiles. "A bit too late, but maybe I'll have some fun." |
Jowii-chanNov 7, 2011 12:43 PM
Nov 7, 2011 12:42 PM
"Thank Sofia now why don't you get out of here before they notice it you" Yuuko told her.Getting up on do her leg she shouted "Hey Scumbag" and began leading them away from Sofia. |
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Nov 7, 2011 1:34 PM
"But...." says Sofia, as she is pushed back by Yuuko. She was unsure of what to do. While she didn't like violence, but it was fathers orders. "....Father" That was it. Despite Yuuko's attempt to defend her, father's order were absolute. Steeling herself, she draws her lighter and spins. |
Nov 8, 2011 9:51 AM
Nov 8, 2011 12:58 PM
"If you're willing to..." Rhea said,as Carmen just thrown a huge blast of fire,injuring the two scumbags that were approaching. |
Nov 8, 2011 2:36 PM
Yuuko avoiding the blast and got up close to the one who made the fireball grabbing her right hand and yanking it bhind her. |
FockfearNov 9, 2011 1:38 PM
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Nov 9, 2011 1:22 PM
But Rhea catched the attacator by her hair and lifted her off the ground.Whit a quick swift,Carmen burned the attacator's face,And Rhea started to draw a bubble of water arround the scumbag,making it start to suffocate. "Octopus legs but no underwater breathing?Too bad for you,scumbag doll face." Carmen grinned.Throwing one of her quicksilver knifes trough the bubble(seems Rhea can manipulate what enters and what gets out of the bubble) she poisoned the imprisoned person,trough a wound the knife-shaped quicksilver made. //it wasn't a fire ball,you blind dumbass =.= it was a blast.A blast is like a firewall that comes and approaches and burns you =.=// |
Nov 9, 2011 2:00 PM
Because of her face coveing her face was not burn however Yuuko found herself in a new delima.One was being suffocated or being poisoned to death.This however didn't scare her.The only thing on her mind atm was protecting Sofia.Yuuko made herself point headfirst at the girl who made the bubble.Then she reach her hand over to one side of the machine and flick it on and with the power of a rocket lanched herself at her.Landing on top of her "Maybe so to you do!" and brought her knife to the girl neck.Yuuko thought she kill her but then when she try to bring her hand up it was stuck.It seem the lack of air had distorted her vision. //what kind of poison is it? |
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Nov 9, 2011 2:06 PM
//a deadly one.mercury or quicksilver poison(Hg is the chemical element you find it under) can be deadly for humans,so for norms :P and the bubble isn't supposed to be breaked so easly.....// Carmen reached out her mechanical arm,and catched the little brat by it's neck.Being taller whit around 30 cms than the enemy,she lifted it whit ease.The mechanical arm was a bit (okay a bit MORE) injured,but it was still working perfectly.The shortage of air the enemy had affected it's brain,and the knife didn't got to hit her or Rhea.Rhea had a furious look on her face;manipulating water it made the opponent be wraped in vines of water.Carmen suffocated the enemy kept in that fix position till it fainted. "This little slut does not worth be my victim." Carmen conclusioned bored. "Nor mine." Rhea said,just as bored.Making an explosion in the ceilling,Carmen throw violently and bluntly the enemy,in that death-like state out to the break in the ceiling. "Who's next?" she than asked,grinning,while her mechanical arm started to self-fix. |
Nov 9, 2011 2:23 PM
That when Yuuko had a flashback.Now she remember why she was fighting and that gave new strenght to reach out and grab Rhea ankle "Why...Why does it had to be me!" Even near death Yuuko was not going to give up without a fight.This was really an understatement as Yuuko is suffering from a broken arm,pioson,beating beated,and suffocated."The least you can do before leaving is tell me where my sister is!" she said slowly.Coughing up blood one last time Yuuko fainted on the spot with her grip still on Rhea ankle. //SHE DOES NOT DIE!! |
FockfearNov 9, 2011 2:46 PM
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Nov 10, 2011 1:07 PM
"How the fuck did she got back?I throw her in the air like 60 meters!" Carmen sweared,beating whit her feet the unconscious girl."Carmen stop.This little brat was talking about her sister.How are we supposed to know?" she half asked Carmen,half the girl."Shaking her feet,she created a wave of water,and using it she thrown 120 meters in the air the girl,not knowing where it will land. //how can you grab my ankle if I throwed you out already? that's god-modding! :( // |
Nov 10, 2011 1:13 PM
This time Yuuko landed on top of a bulding.Knowing that there was nothing left to do she waited.Yuuko smile when she saw footstep aupproching.Then a voice "Rest you be ok"Yuuko did as she was told and went to sleep."We going to need a medic over here" waving in the team."All team you have the greenlight go ahead" And with that simple speech the world seem to turn inside out as team of human Erieten,and beastlike Genpanzert and even some giant armor Kunstich appear from their hiding place and began bombing the place. //Gravity waht goes up must come down unless i read it and thought of somthing else |
FockfearNov 10, 2011 1:28 PM
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Nov 10, 2011 2:08 PM
"JAPAN IS OURS!" Carmen yelled in furry,as an army of abnorms appeared out of nowehere and started to kill the enemy in no time.Rhea supported them,making an effort to lift them all up using her water manipulating and bending powers,so they can be at the same level as aerian forces.In retract,some of the norms still escaped. |
Nov 10, 2011 2:35 PM
"Captn everything in place shall we do it?" The man nodded his head once.He press the swich.The entire city rocked from the expliosn.But that was not the deadly part.The really deadly part was that it reselse pioson into the air."Siginal the force we out of here" |
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Nov 11, 2011 1:00 PM
But surprise.They couldn't kill any abnorm,as all were teleportation."I'm gonna get my revenge!" a full of agresivity and anger voice,of Caren got heared all over the town like a flashlight. //exited.FUCK YOU AND YOUR GOD-MODDING,I'M NEVER GONNA RP AGAIN WHIT YOU!// |
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