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Oct 15, 2011 6:36 PM

Jun 2011
So does Kiritsugu love Irisviel or not? I know he loves his daughter Illyasviel but does he love Irisviel? Maiya kissing Kiritsugu threw me off when she did it, i did not expect that to happen.

Anyway another great episode i honestly cant get enough of Fate/Zero
Oct 15, 2011 6:41 PM

Jun 2008
You guys are so weak when there's another girl who kissed the protagonist.. seriously.
and the problem is, Trying to explain Maiya's history with Kiritsugu = Spoiler
So, I can't explain... lol
and seriously "weak" episode"? BULLS***. It's obviously another build up episode.
The 4th episode won't be epic if there's no build up episode. Even a roller coaster understands the meaning of "building up the tension and suspense".

and questioning Kiritsugu's Love for Iri and Illya? Go back to the scene where he compares his Walther with illya.
kaimaxOct 15, 2011 6:46 PM

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Oct 15, 2011 6:46 PM

Oct 2009
That's why we don't ask, we wait till the anime tells us why.
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Oct 15, 2011 6:50 PM

Jun 2011
kaimax said:
You guys are so weak when there's another girl who kissed the protagonist.. seriously.
and the problem is, Trying to explain Maiya's history with Kiritsugu = Spoiler
So, I can't explain... lol
and seriously "weak" episode"? BULLS***. It's obviously another build up episode.
The 4th episode won't be epic if there's no build up episode. Even a roller coaster understands the meaning of "building up the tension and suspense".
and questioning Kiritsugu's Love for Iri and Illya? Go back to the scene where he compares his Walther with illya.

Its a valid question to if he does or does not and Kiritsugu is a very hard character to read most of the time it is not like hes an open book.
I dont think anyone questioned his love for Illya so i dont know what your saying there.

I read Maiya's Mal profile and accidently got spoilered on her background, they should really put a spoiler tag on her. Also assassins pic on Mal and voice actors kind of spoilered it before this episode as well =/
Oct 15, 2011 7:38 PM

Sep 2011
Pwoh, lovin' the character development.

Yet another solid episode.
Oct 15, 2011 7:41 PM
Dec 2008
wow the animation quality is so sick
esp the first scene with gilgamesh
and the last scene with lancer
love lancer btw
Oct 15, 2011 7:43 PM

Sep 2011
Pure awesomeness. Saber in a suit = WIN
Next ep we'll be sure to get some epic action with Saber vs Lancer.
Oct 15, 2011 8:22 PM

Jan 2009
so Iskandar doesn't like shadow style but likes air style attacks? lol
kiritsugu is a masochist for sure
Oct 15, 2011 8:39 PM

Aug 2010
Not as good as the previous 2 episodes but still amazing.

Gilgamesh is awesome, can't wait to see him fight. Rider is a pretty cool and interesting character looks like he'll be good throughout the series.

Lancer finally makes his appearance, next episode is going to be EPIC! Lancer vs Saber
Oct 15, 2011 8:47 PM

Aug 2010
OrochiPL said:
Awesome episode - sums it up all nicely. Can't wait for some Berserker and his backstory.
Oct 15, 2011 8:52 PM
Jul 2011
Bill Clinton. 'He might prove to be a more formidable opponent than even Darius III.'
I like bubble teaaa~ Bubble tea for meee~
I'll have it for breakfast, I'll have it for tea, a little each day is a good recipee~
Oct 15, 2011 8:57 PM

Sep 2011
Baww, waiting for next week's episode is going to be painful.
Oct 15, 2011 9:08 PM
Jul 2018
Nice episode. Definitely more of a build-up episode than the last one, but it wasn't especially boring and at least there wasn't any circling going on in this one. Saber in a suit and Rider were the major highlights here.

Next episode should be a good one with the Lancer fight coming up. Hopefully we'll find out more about him; he kind of reminds me of FSN Lancer so far and seems like a pretty cool guy.
Oct 15, 2011 11:21 PM

Dec 2007
Fairly decent build-up to the real action. Glad they kept Clinton in there (Rider is always so much fun).
I'm also quite intrigued by Kiritsugu's choice in weaponry. The WA 2000, while solid, is extremely expensive due to high base cost and extremely limited production. And the Calico M950 is a bit big for the pistol role, since it can't be concealed effectively, and was also fairly rare at the time due to the US Federal Assault Weapons Ban making all compatible magazines illegal on the civilian market (plus no military or police orders). On the other hand, the Steyr AUG is perfect for an assassin due to its interchangeable barrels.
ErwinJAOct 15, 2011 11:35 PM
Oct 15, 2011 11:29 PM

Jun 2010
ErwinJA said:
Fairly decent build-up to the real fun. Glad they kept Clinton in there (rider is always so much fun).
I'm also quite intrigued by Kiritsugu's choice in weaponry. The <a href="">WA 2000</a>, while solid, is extremely expensive due to high base cost and extremely limited production. And the <a href="">Calico M950</a> is a bit big for the pistol role, since it can't be concealed effectively (and was also fairly rare at the time due to the us Federal Assault Weapons Ban making all compatible magazines illegal on the civilian market. On the other hand, the <a href="">Steyr AUG</a> is perfect for an assassin due to its interchangeable barrels.

Someone knows their weapons :p

Great episode for me. Not much action, but Ufotable seems to be a master at building up tension. I can't imagine how I'll survive until EP4...

Oct 15, 2011 11:50 PM
Aug 2011
Was hoping for a little more fight, but even so it's good they are not filling every scene with action. More background this episode, wasn't bad though. I was hoping to see caster again, that guy is twisted.

Lancer is my favorite, next battle will be awesome.
Oct 16, 2011 12:05 AM

Feb 2008
damnit, just when it was getting interesting the episode ends QQ

and also @ cooldra, simple knowledge of games like Call of Duty and Counter-strike will let you be able to recognize those guns :P
yahzeeOct 16, 2011 12:08 AM
Oct 16, 2011 12:07 AM

Jan 2011
So hard to not spoil myself, I feel the need to go and read the novel but I'm going to wait until they finish broadcasting the series. This series always gets me pumped, all the servants are way cooler then their Fate/Stay Night counterpart (with the one exception being Archer) Kiritsugu really is a better protagonist than Shirou.
Oct 16, 2011 12:11 AM

Jul 2009
A kiss!? WHAT!? Affair?! on Ilya's momma?! No WAY~
KurogashiOct 16, 2011 12:42 AM
Oct 16, 2011 12:20 AM

Sep 2010
Now to play the waiting game.
Oct 16, 2011 12:45 AM

Jul 2007
I didnt understand the kiss, actually i thought that person was a guy.

Not as action packed or revealing as previous episode but nice non the less, bring on another episode!
Oct 16, 2011 12:53 AM

May 2010
Good episode. Rider is funny. XD

So Assassin is not dead yet. He even multiplied??

And whoa, Kiritsugo has another lover?? O_o

Saber vs Lancer. This is going to be cool. ^^
Oct 16, 2011 1:01 AM

Apr 2007
Man, Rider is so cool! Saber totally put the moves on Irisviel, too. :D
Oct 16, 2011 1:11 AM

Jul 2007
WhiteFrenzy said:
Orulyon said:oh, GilGARmesh;3

No, the only GAR here is Archer. Not Gilgamesh, Archer. I know both are Archers and all, but-

mongrel. Gilgamesh will fix the mistake of your beliefs.
kaimax said:

and seriously "weak" episode"? BULLS***. It's obviously another build up episode.

Some people just can't get over the fact that fate franhcise is not just about fighting.
Oct 16, 2011 1:11 AM

Jan 2010
I really love that OP.. everytime I hear it, I'm utterly amazed :D..
Well, enough of that for now.
The way Gilgamesh materialized and turned back into spirit form was fantastically done!.. I wish I could learn how to do that also :D.. And Tokiomi says it's according to plan?.. I wonder what they are planning and what they want to achieve by showing assassin's death(?)?.. And Are those assassins servants or just familiars of the judge?.. Anyway, Kiritsugu noticed it. But speaking of Kiritsusgu, Is his assistant his mistress?.. He's married to Irisviel right?.. &gt;&lt;
But really, I wouldn't mind shoujo ai in here, with Irisviel and Saber as a pair coz they look good together xD..
Lol at Rider.. He wants those fighter planes! haha.. and thinks of Clinton as an enemy, well, America has quite the firepower so I think Rider would have it hard if he plans to conquer the world &gt;:D..
Lancer looks the same in FSN lol.. except he's dual wielding now :D.. and next episode is going to be great if they fight..
Can God fast forward the days and make it next week already? ROFL..
Still 5/5 for the third consecutive episode.. still doesn't lower the quality nor the story..
notzkyOct 16, 2011 1:15 AM
Oct 16, 2011 1:19 AM
Aug 2010
Great episode, as with the first two I wish I could go straight on to the next one.

Also, Bill Clinton. lol
Oct 16, 2011 1:34 AM

Nov 2007
I told you.

Saber looked super sexy in all black. that's all i wanted to say.

Three 5/5s in a row!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Oct 16, 2011 1:46 AM
Jul 2010
Haha, Raider in this series is hilarious, also Gilgamesh is badass as ever, great episode!
Oct 16, 2011 1:52 AM

Feb 2010
next week we finally see saber in action.
Oct 16, 2011 2:45 AM

Nov 2010
One comment. Saber in a suit and ponytail really looks like Edward Elric from
Oct 16, 2011 3:42 AM

Oct 2008
Saber vs Lancer next week! Darn, I can't wait any longerrrr.
More Gilgamesh, please? lol :"&gt;
Oct 16, 2011 4:30 AM

Apr 2010
I wonder if Irisviel is aware of the fact that Emiya having a affair or at least something that looks like a affair.
Since the way she behaves sometimes seems to suggest such.
Saber looked nice in that outfit like a real bodyguard.

I wonder where the master of Lancer was and what is he planning.
And seems like that fight will be a nice one tho judging from the preview it seems there fight will be cut short.
Oct 16, 2011 4:43 AM

Oct 2009
I've yet to read Fate/Zero, just the Fate/Stay Night novel:
Imo, we can grasp the character of Kiritsugu by what's been given to us so far (mainly from Irisviel).
Doesn't really look like an 'affair' (at least not the usual type) to me. Kiritsugu X Irisviel isn't a normal husband/wife relationship. He married into the Eizenberg for a reason. Though he does seem to love Irisviel and Ilya greatly, he is a man that sacrificed himself for his ideals.

The whole saving somebody means NOT saving somebody thing. Is basically what he lives by, as we learnt from Fate/Stay Night. He probably was killing 'bad' people in order to save people.

I guess we'll wait and see.
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Oct 16, 2011 5:04 AM
Jul 2011
I've read the novel's so I know exactly the relationship between Kiritsugu and Maiya and Irisviel, but even so I think everyone is missing something about the whole kiss scene, number one who initiated it? Maiya, number two when exactly did she? Right after Kiritsugu loses focus and starts thinking about Illya, number three, "focus on what's important", why are they all there? The Holy Grail War, ta-da, and I would have worked that out without reading the novels, besides did Kiritsugu look as if he was even enjoying it, or moreso, even caring about it? I don't think so :P.

Anyways, good episode, can't wait for the next few episodes, it's gonna be badass, especially if they follow the novels to perfection :D.

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Oct 16, 2011 5:11 AM

Jul 2007
Aversa said:I wonder if Irisviel is aware of the fact that Emiya having a affair or at least something that looks like a affair.
Since the way she behaves sometimes seems to suggest such.

Even if he had an affair, there's a reason on why Iris would not care about that :)
Yanoflies said:I've yet to read Fate/Zero, just the Fate/Stay Night novel:
Imo, we can grasp the character of Kiritsugu by what's been given to us so far (mainly from Irisviel).
Doesn't really look like an 'affair' (at least not the usual type) to me. Kiritsugu X Irisviel isn't a normal husband/wife relationship. He married into the Eizenberg for a reason. Though he does seem to love Irisviel and Ilya greatly, he is a man that sacrificed himself for his ideals.
The whole saving somebody means NOT saving somebody thing. Is basically what he lives by, as we learnt from Fate/Stay Night. He probably was killing 'bad' people in order to save people.
I guess we'll wait and see.

Yes, pretty much this.
While F/Zero is a bit unclear on Kiritsugu's ideals what they turned into, the basic idea of his life right now is basically "you can't save someone without damning someone".
Which is one of main philosophical themes of FSN after all, as well as part of Shirou's identity struggle and moral struggle emphasized by three(four?) parallel timelines of his life.
AhenshihaelOct 16, 2011 5:58 AM
Oct 16, 2011 5:12 AM

Oct 2009
@Sky: I see.
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Oct 16, 2011 5:17 AM

Mar 2009
Has there been any fights on this one?
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Oct 16, 2011 5:17 AM

Oct 2009
Toou, anata wa watashiwa no Master ka?
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Oct 16, 2011 5:41 AM

Jan 2010
can someone explain to me why there are so many assassin? or it just familiar? is it real assassin yet to be seen? (don't mind spoiler)
Oct 16, 2011 5:54 AM

May 2011
tembikai said:
can someone explain to me why there are so many assassin? or it just familiar? is it real assassin yet to be seen? (don't mind spoiler)

To avoid spoiling everyone else:

Read the abilities and only that if you don't want further spoilers.
Oct 16, 2011 5:56 AM
Sep 2011
Good ep. Assassins were cool
Oct 16, 2011 6:00 AM

Jul 2007
tembikai said:
can someone explain to me why there are so many assassin? or it just familiar? is it real assassin yet to be seen? (don't mind spoiler)

think real hard on the nature of REAL LIFE history of assassins, especially about Hassan and how his successors were selected and how they acted.
Oct 16, 2011 6:34 AM

Oct 2010
I just want to say one thing to Maiya Hisau in the following,
Original here! Since it's big in space and that one is half size. Tried to reduce it as much as possible but it's all for visuals in seeing that indeed Emiya did not do anything during the kiss. Anyway lay your fucking hands off Emiya Hisau! Get off from him. I totally understand her past and certainly she does not deserve to get insulted. The girl went through what most girls would kill themselves over right away! However based on the following,
Emiya does not give a rat's ass about her love.
He does not do anything while she does the kissing but perhaps he goes along with it naturally as Hisau intends not creating any resistance but not being enticed by her. The reason for that is most likely he has seen shit like she went through so I am not surprised of what he saw. He reminds me of me, well kind of going through shit and being traumatized, except he went through worse shit than me probably. If they animate Hisau's past, this is going to be worse than that Kara rape scene at some point in one of the movies.

Hisau might have went through lots of shit and all but that does not give any right to trample over Irisviel's rights as the mother of a child made by her love interest. Comes down to the following,
Euh, I will take Irisviel just because too many girls look like Hisau and there is not enough unique ones like Irisviel. I hope Hisau does not have any more shit than that kiss because it will be badly digested by me to say the least.

ROFL! Assassin has many working for him but the leader is that big guy or what? Who the heck are those other people with assassin?

BTW Image Stitches are done here:
not much just one of Saber and a weapons check.
Yumekichi11Oct 17, 2011 2:29 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 16, 2011 6:39 AM

Jul 2007
Yumekichi11 said:

ROFL! Assassin has many working for him but the leader is that big guy or what? Who the heck are those other people with assassin?

"what other people" :)

There is only one assassin in throne of heroes.
Oct 16, 2011 6:55 AM

Oct 2010
ErwinJA said:
Fairly decent build-up to the real action. Glad they kept Clinton in there (Rider is always so much fun).
I'm also quite intrigued by Kiritsugu's choice in weaponry. The <a href="">WA 2000</a>, while solid, is extremely expensive due to high base cost and extremely limited production. And the <a href="">Calico M950</a> is a bit big for the pistol role, since it can't be concealed effectively, and was also fairly rare at the time due to the US Federal Assault Weapons Ban making all compatible magazines illegal on the civilian market (plus no military or police orders). On the other hand, the <a href="">Steyr AUG</a> is perfect for an assassin due to its interchangeable barrels.

Yeah ok thanks for the information I was looking for that. The sniper is for sure a must and rare one but the sub machine gun may prove bad indeed based on its description.
Fai said:
"what other people" :)
There is only one assassin in throne of heroes.
OK so who are these other guys and who is the big guy? Makes no sense to me and yes I read the whole thing of assassin and it comes back are those guys assassin versions of the real one or minions of his?

Besides wiki says Assassin is only there because of a corruption of the Grail that I assume was caused in the third War or before?

I also have a wondering of who is the real assassin. They say there is a true assassin but some gibberish of a clan and someone is taken from the clan to be leader of that clan, which goes back to the true name of assassin. CONFUSING MAN! Big time!

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 16, 2011 7:17 AM
Jul 2011
Yumekichi11 said:

OK so who are these other guys and who is the big guy? Makes no sense to me and yes I read the whole thing of assassin and it comes back are those guys assassin versions of the real one or minions of his?
Besides wiki says Assassin is only there because of a corruption of the Grail that I assume was caused in the third War or before?
I also have a wondering of who is the real assassin. They say there is a true assassin but some gibberish of a clan and someone is taken from the clan to be leader of that clan, which goes back to the true name of assassin. CONFUSING MAN! Big time!

Well that big guy hmm, think of what assassin's do, they disguise themselves, imagine that taking a physical form, and it may make sense who the big guy is, also the answer to who those assassin's are, I can tell you, if you want a spoiler, but not on here.

The grail was tainted at the end of the third heavens feel (third holy grail war) before then I believe it was not evil, also about your question of who is the real assassin, I can answer that as well.... but in a non spoiler way I can say, there is only one assassin period, like Fai said, there is only ONE assassin in the throne of heroes, if you think carefully about what I said prior you may uncover the answer :P but if you want a spoilerific answer, I'll answer on your profile.

Sky High - The True King of Heroes
Oct 16, 2011 7:23 AM

Sep 2009
Alexander the Great: Enemy of America.

This show. Too much epicness. I cannot take.
Oct 16, 2011 7:37 AM

Oct 2010
BTW I did GIFs and Stitches in the club:
who the heck wanted Irisviel and Ryder avatars again? Well I did my best for fun. Well at least it was fun.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 16, 2011 8:08 AM

Aug 2011
Fai, look, i know you know all the story of fate franchise , but your explanations here go beyond the chapter and the series that we are talking here.

THere is no reference of a Throne of Heroes in fate zero,neither a good explanation about it, like we see in fate stay night.

I know we are talking about the same universe, even so, let's stay with fate zero here, the only reference to fate stay night will be in the end of the story.

most of the people here didn't played the VN, and just want to enjoy the show, instead of understanding all the complexity of the nasuverse. He asked why there are so many assassin, and you gave a response that didn't answer anything.


we have many assassins for the grail war, only one type of assassin is allowed to join the war, because they are considered heroes , instead of psychopaths.

they are the hashashins, and their leader is Hassan I Sabbat.

problem is, every time that one hassan dies, another assassin takes his place, and receive the same name, so, all of them are Hassan I Sabbat, but have some different nicknames.

The Assassin in Fate Zero is called Hundred-faced Hassan, because of his multiple personality disorder, which allowed him to disguise as a woman, a man, child , etc...

So, considering that he is now a Heroic Spirit, he don't need to stay with just one body, he has the ability to split his personalities in many "shadows". those assassins are the shadows of the original. The only problem, they are many, but too weak .
Oct 16, 2011 8:24 AM

Feb 2009
Boring episode was boring.
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