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Oct 10, 2011 10:51 AM

Oct 2010
As then end of the episode the only thing went through my mind:

HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! While I see the following,

And the following face,

It’s over! Game Over! The curse is out! Let the torture being next episode! Crazy sick ass episode that my eyes are balling out as in O_O

All you people who though that Konoha was useless think again with the following,

Not only is she able to use spiritual powers of some sort to make her hands into blades but is bad ass in the following,

Taking in hits that are brutal enough to hurt her and make her bleed. While the following,

Surely is more than enough with a kick ass pose of fighting. Not only that but Konoha can transform herself into a powerful sword.

A few things:

-First Blood:

I did not expect that crazy bitch to be biting herself like that.

– Oh my Yachi in the following,

Being like with Fear and still enjoying seeing her panties, this being being striped pink instead of blue, which a survey did say males liked those the most out of other panties.

-Anyone noticed in the following,

WTF at all the cats sleeping under there. Weird.

– Oh nice! Fear in the following,

Marvelous nice uniform that does make Fear look good.

-Oh yes in the following,

New girl is in! She is OK! No problem with her. Actually she looks nice. Wonder if she has some nice fighting styles.

-That hand in the following,

Is scary shit! It actually is supposed to be fear there being fucking squished like an apple into a blood pulp that did make me sick a little. Well MOE girl + Gore=disgust to me. Yeah I have seen worse in pics around the net.

-Bad ass face of the bitch in the following,

Why? Smoking + face shadings + smoke effect + evil stare with evil][/url]

That bloody hand! Nice! I liked it.

About the end, someone explain to me WTF at the following,

What is clear to me is that the bitch herself is a vampire and she linked Yachi with her so that damaged goes back at him. Little slut! That is low on top of having dual claws and tremendous speed not to mention power. It’s insane as an advantage. More later.

Fucking hacker, can’t use spoilers.

Hoppy said:
I wonder which 32 instruments of torture she'll use since this is AT-X broadcasted all will pretty much equate a blood bath uncensored.
Same here but I still find that some scenes got a little darken for what they could it have been. Not sure what is uncensored exactly or all is. So far with Fear's body/panties and the blood present in this episode highly not likely.

What I could hope for is something happens that will prevent Fear from using her powers like the series is supposed to be about her curse being contained but I guess the option does present itself in that sometimes there is no choice to use that which is forbidden.

Some stuff saved from before the rollback. Now that is smart!
kuroshiroiOct 20, 2011 1:49 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Oct 10, 2011 12:14 PM

Oct 2011
First episode was an abomination to say the least.
But this one... well it's not great or good - but it's better. Well in comparison maybe even much better.
So one more week to give it some chance.

But still graphics a bit sucks :]
Oct 10, 2011 12:25 PM

Jul 2011
...LOL..what happened?!
I was sitting through the last part of the episode like o____o
Not saying it was better or worse from the first episode, but this anime's taking a very different route from what I was expecting.
Oct 10, 2011 12:42 PM

Jan 2008
Went from all happy and bright to all dark and sadistic. Kinda like Madoka.

When Konoha said her name was "Muramasa", it sparked something in me, really interested in her now as well. Also, from a few games I've played and things I've seen, Muramasa is usually a cursed blade that feeds on the wielder, I wouldn't expect anything else.

It's also nice to see Yachi isn't useless.

Also.. that Kirika.... hardcore maso?

Anyways, I'm loving the series right now, every main female character is like... sadistic.
Oct 10, 2011 12:52 PM

Mar 2008
What just happened? Because I don't know what hit me when I watched this episode?

Oct 10, 2011 12:56 PM
Jul 2018
This anime series is going to more interesting now. :O
Oct 10, 2011 12:59 PM
Jan 2011
Wow, this is getting to be interesting, it seem that Fear has a dark secret- a very dark secret, Haruaki and Konoha aren't your typical childhood friends, instead they fight as one, one being the weapon and the other who has to weld it.

Now that Fear has gone berserk, the question is, who will she go for, the crab lady or Haruaki?

Ok so how did Haruaki inured himself, I'm guessing that the crab lady didn't just bite herself on purpose, she somehow bewitched the guy, thus causing some damage to him.
Oct 10, 2011 1:17 PM

Jan 2008
Nasty001 said:
Ok so how did Haruaki inured himself, I'm guessing that the crab lady didn't just bite herself on purpose, she somehow bewitched the guy, thus causing some damage to him.

Still not certain but as I've said Muramasa is usually considered a "cursed weapon that hurts the wielder". He pulled it out with his right hand, at thus is injured. (Last two paragraphs).
Oct 10, 2011 1:21 PM

Oct 2009
Holy *** the side girl is actually useful?

Paul said:
Also, from a few games I've played and things I've seen, Muramasa is usually a cursed blade that feeds on the wielder, I wouldn't expect anything else.

Indeed, I also played a game where the Muramasa blade becomes more powerful the less hp you have left.
Oct 10, 2011 1:57 PM

Mar 2008
So Konoha is cursed blade and Fear is crazy cursed cube^^

Oct 10, 2011 3:30 PM

Jul 2009
How exciting indeed!
This fight scene came out the blue. I like it!
Oct 10, 2011 3:45 PM

Jun 2011
Is it me or is this show actually one huge hilarious parody? Like how the characters are never suprised about anything and all the typical cliches are reversed...

Anyway, I enjoyed this episode a lot (like the last one) - and it looks great too!!
Oct 10, 2011 3:58 PM

Jan 2011
Kurisu666 said:
Is it me or is this show actually one huge hilarious parody? Like how the characters are never suprised about anything and all the typical cliches are reversed...
Anyway, I enjoyed this episode a lot (like the last one) - and it looks great too!!

I think the same, and Konoha transforming herself into a sword was awesome.
Oct 10, 2011 4:39 PM

Sep 2008
I still don't know what's happening, nor do I care.
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Oct 10, 2011 4:48 PM

May 2011
Two things:
- Fear is too fucking adorable and cute.
- Fear looks like a godam beast when she went all serious mode. And I loved her evil face manic laughing face too.

Nice action in this one, gunna be more gore next ep too. Cuteness + Gore = Winnnnnn
Oct 10, 2011 5:00 PM

Aug 2011
Epicly epic episode!!!!!! now this is what i watch anime for!!!!!!!!! cant wait for moar!!!11!!1!!! :P
Oct 10, 2011 6:07 PM

Jul 2011
HawthorneKitty said:
I still don't know what's happening, nor do I care.

Oct 10, 2011 6:25 PM
Jul 2018
Well, these comments made me decide to give the show one more chance. ONE MORE
Will post back with the out come.

Edit: I still don't know about this.
removed-userOct 10, 2011 6:49 PM
Oct 10, 2011 7:27 PM
Apr 2009
lol no shit
this show went from cute to bloody insane LOL
Oct 10, 2011 8:20 PM

Apr 2011
More thread deletion problems I see ...

This episode was fuckin awesome :) Glad I decided to watch the second episode instead of dropping it like I wanted to. The slice-of-life stuff wasn't bad but when Fear went nuts things looked so badass! :D I hope they don't troll us and have the villain run off seconds into episode 3, with Fear returning to normal having not busted out a single torture device.
Oct 10, 2011 8:36 PM

Jun 2010
Such a sudden turn... awesome! ...not like is wasn't fun in the first episode; now its even funner!

...and I'm failing to understand why some people are actually DISLIKING this art. What exactly are people disliking about it? That's what I'd like to know. Its modern, its colorful, and its pleasing to the eye. What else does one strive for?

So far this anime has given me pyscho bloodthirsty lolis, complete 180s in mood, masochistic enemies, cute lolis, and fucking awesome modern artstyle. Hell yes I'm in!
Oct 10, 2011 8:41 PM

Jun 2011
Only 3 words can describe this episode: WHAT... THE... FUCK!!! @_@
Oct 10, 2011 9:07 PM

May 2011
a complete turn around from the 1st episode. They revealed fear's dark past. It really is no wonder her name is Fear. Konoha is useful! Too bad Haruaki gets his had cut! Next episode should be exiciting!
Oct 10, 2011 9:55 PM

Nov 2010
Lost. But they literally flipped this anime on it's head and added something i would have never seen coming but that only makes it the ever more interesting to watch.
By the looks of it, blood will be spilled.
Oct 10, 2011 10:43 PM

Jun 2008
LOL @ everyone that dropped this anime after the first episode...

That's why you gotta give it at least 3 or 4 episodes.

Anyways, what a 180 degree turn....from cute to bloody in minutes....

Can't wait for episode 3!!!
Oct 10, 2011 11:06 PM

Oct 2010
Yeah this second episode made sure i didnt drop the anime. Some reason this Fall season has a great line up of anime in a while. A lot of fighting animes :).
Oct 11, 2011 2:55 AM

Mar 2009
Haha this ep was awesome. Great turn around.
Oct 11, 2011 2:56 AM
Sep 2009
I was surprise that the main characters were fighting some kind of antagonist. It's another anime to watch. I love anime with school, girls, and battles. I would hope if the male protagonist is more powerful though.
Oct 11, 2011 3:08 AM

Jul 2011
So the girl can become a sword ... hmm where have I heard this already? And the guy is a warrior or something like that ? WTF ?!
Oct 11, 2011 4:45 AM

Jan 2010
DameTuna said:

Not saying it was better or worse from the first episode, but this anime's taking a very different route from what I was expecting.

for me 2 part of episode wasn't awesome, but... good... very good o.O
Oct 11, 2011 5:46 AM

Nov 2010
Check out the tones of the previews of episode 1 and 2:
"I'll curse you if you don't watch it!" (by a certain fansub)
"Watch it, or I curse you!" (I think this sounds better)
Oct 11, 2011 9:24 AM

Aug 2011
Don't mess with cursed cube.

This episode is awesome but... seriously, WTF ?!
Oct 11, 2011 9:50 AM
May 2008
So the cube girl is called Fear and the sword is called Alma. That's got to be a F.E.A.R. reference.
Oct 11, 2011 9:56 AM

Dec 2008
really really interesting and exciting.. can't wait for the next episode...
sadistic girl ftw..

ah, and, i fell nostalgic when hear Fear (tamura yukari) sadistic voice... ah i miss that since higurashi...

Oct 11, 2011 10:39 AM

Nov 2008
Saygram said:
What just happened? Because I don't know what hit me when I watched this episode?

Ironically this is exactly more less what I saw coming
Oct 11, 2011 11:38 AM

Feb 2011
damn, this anime turn to bloodbath
i really don't expect that
Oct 11, 2011 11:42 AM

Jul 2010
Haha, I feel for everyone who dropped this on the first episode. Anyway, shit really got serious this time. I am surprised about how competent everyone is. I didn't expect them to have powers like that. I really expected Haruaki to be a powerless guy.

Fear seems to have quite a dark past. I didn't expect all the bloodshed and action, I like it! The villain really likes to say bitch" and "bitching" alot eh? Even when it doesn't even make sense. xD

The classmates were also pretty interesting, but why do all the girls seem to have a heart shape on their tongue? =P

Looking forward to more!

Oct 11, 2011 12:21 PM

Jul 2009
HawthorneKitty said:
I still don't know what's happening, nor do I care.

Something like this.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Oct 11, 2011 1:24 PM

Dec 2006
JustALEX said:
LOL @ everyone that dropped this anime after the first episode...

I just watched this episode and decided to drop it, it's just bad.

Oct 11, 2011 2:43 PM

Sep 2010
What? I was thinking this was going to be another generic ecchi episode, focused on some other work and came back to Fear looking like a grey Rena from Higurashi.

Art looked pretty nice however, and that sword's ability seems interesting.
Oct 11, 2011 5:26 PM

Jul 2009
Haha konoha was awesome and i thought she was going to be the character i would hate on for the series but i still like fear because she is cute and funny. Also, i cant wait to hear more about her past
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Oct 11, 2011 7:13 PM

Dec 2007

Paul said:
Still not certain but as I've said Muramasa is usually considered a "cursed weapon that hurts the wielder". He pulled it out with his right hand, at thus is injured. (Last two paragraphs).

Yeh but didn't Haruaki say he is immune to curses in the first episode?
WhaleCostumeOct 11, 2011 7:17 PM
Oct 11, 2011 7:14 PM

Feb 2011
Most people who think this was awesome, evidently lack from imagination, this is a typical shounen anime (too typical indeed). Sadly it appears that the legendary japanese creativity is gone, we need new genres and something off the box, not the same shounen/supernatural shit.

Peace you puberts!
Oct 11, 2011 8:39 PM

Dec 2008
ummm wat did i just watch?
Oct 12, 2011 11:01 AM
Feb 2011
The art style and the fight scene are just amazing.
Loving it so far.
Oct 12, 2011 12:54 PM

May 2009
Montrovant1488 said:
Most people who think this was awesome, evidently lack from imagination, this is a typical shounen anime (too typical indeed). Sadly it appears that the legendary japanese creativity is gone, we need new genres and something off the box, not the same shounen/supernatural shit.
Peace you puberts!

I disagree, I found this to be quite an interesting episode from the first one and I thought the huge plot twist in the SECOND EPISODE was a very impressive move.
Oct 12, 2011 1:06 PM

Dec 2007
Montrovant1488 said:
Most people who think this was awesome, evidently lack from imagination, this is a typical shounen anime (too typical indeed). Sadly it appears that the legendary japanese creativity is gone, we need new genres and something off the box, not the same shounen/supernatural shit.
Peace you puberts!

Hipster otaku.
Oct 12, 2011 1:36 PM

Aug 2011
Although episode 2 made me go kind of is going on, that's the opposite of what one would expect after episode 1, I cannot really say that I care all that much. Meh ... Maybe it'll get better and more importantly interesting over time?
Oct 12, 2011 3:08 PM
Dec 2008
dropped ... turned from typical repetitive harem in episode 1 to some kind of Touhou shakugan no shana mash up ....:\

also art sucks and music too ....too bad the op song which is very good has been wasted on such bad anime
Oct 12, 2011 4:24 PM
Apr 2010
woah.... O.O

wtf did I just watch?

Ah well, I liked it. Will keep watching lol
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