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Sep 12, 2011 6:01 AM
Jun 2009
Wtf. Wtf. Wtf. Wtf. Wtf. Wtf. Wtf.
What in the name of Mephisto's baggiest pair of pants did they do to the anime now?! (,,#゚Д゚)

*inhales* *exhales*

Okay... okay. I'm finally giving up on that second season now. I'll take up Kazue Kato's word on the anime as the Alternate Universe of AnE and start crossing my fingers for a remake. Ten years later. Anyway...

I'm sharing everyone's sentiment on Yukio's pointing his gun at Kuro. He probably forgot the cat's Shiro's legacy... Um, and yeah. Granddad is so obviously evil, Yukio must have taken a level in stupidity to believe in what he believes to be turning Rin back to human. (Hah! Keep dreaming, buddy. Auntie Kazue and friends are not done making your lives miserable.)

Somehow I think that Yukio... might not have completely become a demon... Or something like that. The preview said that the twins are like two sides of a mirror, and Rin is currently in a very, very critical condition. It has been established that only Rin received the flames since the infant Yukio was too weak. Maybe in this episode, the flames were temporarily transferred to Yukio... But, dang. Too many things in this episode just ticks me off. Except for Mephy's picture show and Hamaimon riding on doggy Mephy.

By the way, the animators must really enjoy drawing Rin's tail since they even draw in the schoolyard full of ordinary people (=w=;) Oh, and Bon's friend has an iPad!
Sep 12, 2011 6:02 AM

Aug 2011
i gotta say, the show is good, but a little dissapointment, becuase the storyline doesn't seem so... "good" anymore, but still, nice episode
Sep 12, 2011 6:05 AM
Jun 2009
Welcome to anime original, my friend.
Sep 12, 2011 7:09 AM

Jun 2009
Wow, pretty much happen this time. Yukio, seriously wtf?! First you know what you are doing next what happen you are being trolled. Disappointed...
It feels like the climax is just right in the corner, can't wait for next week ep.

Sep 12, 2011 8:39 AM

Apr 2010
yukio..that bastard's a big idiot for believing that grandpa..!!!

poor rin T_T
Sep 12, 2011 8:43 AM
Aug 2009
Really hated Yukio in this episode, and his grandfather can die...
Was really sad to see Rin
can't wait for next week!
Sep 12, 2011 9:04 AM

Feb 2008
so I guess that yukio is now housing the devil inside of him
Sep 12, 2011 9:15 AM

Mar 2008
It's sad to see this show going down so terribly like this. They're doing the exact same thing they did with FMA's first season. The amazing first half of the series will be completely wasted on a crappy ending. Oh well... I like how Mephisto is still IC.
Sep 12, 2011 9:18 AM

Aug 2008
Amaimon hamster and Mephisto terrier are pretty cute lol.

And I'm not liking the new Yukio. He seems so aloof and cold now.
Sep 12, 2011 9:23 AM

Apr 2011
OMFG that cliffhanger T_T
I don't understand the end O_O
Damn old man -.- I hope he gets his head hacked off

It was a good episode but I hate the way it's diverging from the manga =3=
People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. (ಠ_ಠ)

Sep 12, 2011 9:32 AM

Aug 2011
hii,,, emm,,,, you can get more from here let's see
Sep 12, 2011 10:11 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
Rage on~!~~!~!~-.- That new pope.. DIE !!! Rin pwn all these stupid humans who agreed on this bullshit plan!
Sep 12, 2011 10:17 AM

Jan 2009
TypeOfCicada said:
I can't say I understand why people hate this and come on here just to complain. Not only that, but they're snide about it instead of rationally stating why they dislike it. If they presented a reason for their dislike of this anime, I might actually hear their opinion, because I understand tastes are subjective. But coming on here to drop a random complaint about how it's deviating from the manga or has changed into a "filler" anime (when this is clearly NOT filler) helps nobody. It's actually very childish, and it misrepresents the people who rationally dislike the anime.

Anyway, yeah. That's a 5 for me. The storytelling is very quickly paced, but I'm not sure whether or not it's doing a poor job. I won't be able to say until the end of 25 whether this season was a success, and that will really be based on how they tie things together. I hope we get a look back at how all of these events transpired (and possibly a lead-in to the deus ex machina that's heading our way) because this particular arc could use further exploration. It's possible that the anime might even set the way for future manga arcs.

The episode was incredible however. Sensationalist? Just a pinch. (Understatement.) No, "kill all demons" is not an original concept, but it's a common concept in literature, film, and animation. I won't say it's overused because I think any idea can be reused effectively with the proper execution. Either way, I look forward to what they bring next.

SRSLY i think i say pretty much why this show is going down hill to me, and as i see on the comments its pretty much the same for everyone that think that way.

i'll say again, this just feels rushed as hell, the plot idea is good, not epic but cool, but it's so rushed that it lacks of actual development, the only thing that i believe is how Yukio got sucked in that plan, but i cant believe everyone else, including the Paladin, just follows that kind of orders blindly, not to mention the sudden change of management, even before, the way they defeat the Earth King was cheap, just to get him out of the way.

I really think that this "filler" plot to end the series could have be done so much better, im not against alternative stories when necessary, but just when they are done well.
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Sep 12, 2011 10:42 AM

Aug 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
SoraKuro said:
To be honest, I never liked Yukio in the anime. "Yes, if we kill all the demons in this world, me and Rin can become humans and live happily ever after! Oh, these demons didn't do anything wrong?
Who cares, they should all die for it's because of them you all fall sick. It's them you all have to bear children in pain and most of all it's all them for all the shit that happened.

You know famine? NEVER SHOULD EXIST! Why? Because there is enough food on earth for all should we share it. Looks like Satan does not want to do that now does he? [/ramble]

Yukio wanted to shoot Kuro and even Shiemi & Izumo's familiars, but they didn't do anything wrong. He and his exorcist army even killed the demons PROTECTING the goddamn forest.

Yes, it totally makes sense to kill beings that did nothing wrong because other beings of the same race are evil. People who think like that are the actual demons.

Tenchi_Ryu said:
I think A LOT of you are forgetting that Yukio is only 15 years old, so he lacks some of the maturity he tries to portray himself as having. Its very easy to manipulate someone when they are young, emotional, and confused.

That doesn't mean I have to like him and excuse his selfish and stupid decisions. I never liked how he tried to keep Rin away from everything and tried to do everything by himself. It's like Yukio never wanted Rin to become strong enough to protect himself because he'd lose the only advantage he had over his brother :/
Maybe now he will realize his mistakes and bang his head on the wall when he figures out how immature he was.

And to clear some stuff: Saying we don't like a character's attitude doesn't specifically mean we hate the anime's plot (at least in my case). I'm enjoying the plot very much, I'm enjoying it so much it actually makes me rage at fictional characters. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't even bother about it (just like what I did with Dantalian No Shoka up until now). Yes, the plot doesn't bring anything new but makes my blood rush and makes me scream at the screen while facepalming IRL. I wasn't expecting anything brilliant, since they didn't have many chapters to animate, so I wasn't disappointed like some people here, and whoever did expect a great WOWZERS ending must have been too optimistic.
SoraKuroSep 12, 2011 10:54 AM
Sep 12, 2011 1:00 PM

Dec 2009
Did i just got trolled by this episode, i mean seriously, what the fuck happened. fuck this show, and fuck the grandpa
Sep 12, 2011 1:15 PM
Jan 2011

Geez, Yukio's new BANG!BANG! it is a bit similar to Zero's (Vampire Knight) BANG!BANG!.

So, Rin is being used to open the gates of Gehenna, but I kinda don't dig if Yukio is that weapon against Satan or is he Satan himself or whatever?
Sep 12, 2011 1:19 PM

Oct 2010
Nasty001 said:

Geez, Yukio's new BANG!BANG! it is a bit similar to Zero's (Vampire Knight) BANG!BANG!.
YES! Totally agree that it's similar to Zero's way. Guess I know why I liked that part more, due to that series. Just forgot about it a little.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 12, 2011 1:33 PM

Jul 2010
I liked this episode,though there were a few problems I'd like to point out.
At one minute we see some of the best animation we've seen from this show since Rin vs Amaimon Round 2,and now all of a sudden,they make Yukio look like low budget comic book character during that moment with him and Rin.Oh and,why the hell is Rin walking around with his tail out infront of students?I don't know if I missed something or not but that's just plain weird.I mean,a few episodes ago he had his tail out in his old neighborhood but nobody aside from the Exorcists was there to see it.
Sep 12, 2011 3:06 PM

Apr 2010
I am not thrilled with the direction of the anime to say the least.
Sep 12, 2011 7:05 PM
May 2011
Sigh, this Arthur guy is acting he's pissing me off, you lost your position as paladin, you couldn't stop amaimon, so to feel big you went after izumi...HES TUFF THO!!!

and fuck can mephisto stop screwing around -.- hes such a big troll its unbelievable.
Sep 12, 2011 7:18 PM

Oct 2010
SoraKuro said:
Yumekichi11 said:
SoraKuro said:
To be honest, I never liked Yukio in the anime. "Yes, if we kill all the demons in this world, me and Rin can become humans and live happily ever after! Oh, these demons didn't do anything wrong?
Who cares, they should all die for it's because of them you all fall sick. It's them you all have to bear children in pain and most of all it's all them for all the shit that happened.

You know famine? NEVER SHOULD EXIST! Why? Because there is enough food on earth for all should we share it. Looks like Satan does not want to do that now does he? [/ramble]

Yukio wanted to shoot Kuro and even Shiemi & Izumo's familiars, but they didn't do anything wrong. He and his exorcist army even killed the demons PROTECTING the goddamn forest.

Yes, it totally makes sense to kill beings that did nothing wrong because other beings of the same race are evil. People who think like that are the actual demons.
It totally makes sense that demons will be demons and God will be Gods. Meaning evil changing is an ideal that will never be accepted nor was it too well in this series until it proves itself that it can be good. But you see even Rin being good but part of evil not with intention can go berserk and lose himself.

Point being is that when he loses himself he can attack by mistake one of his friends and I don't remember good being like that exactly. I am trying to convey that evil can never be trusted because it knows we come from good that being created of God. The link to this series is that we need to eventually accept those who have been afflicted by evil. The problem is we can never trust them and risk a lot by being trusty of them.

I not too fond of Rin TBH, I am very fond of other elements of this series but not of the MC. If Shiemi had not been there for him, he would have gone berserk and lose himself in the process he may have had.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 12, 2011 9:35 PM

Jan 2009
Mephisto is a good friend of Rukia ...
Sep 12, 2011 10:00 PM

Jul 2007
stupid grandfather... and Yukio? why did you believe everything grandpa has to say? I thought you the intelligent brother and would at least investigate a bit, think straight.. I feel like somehow the whole series lack of connections from episode to episode.

In this episode, I like Rin more than Yukio, he failed me.. uh huh
Sep 12, 2011 10:38 PM

Oct 2009
The fuck? Duh.
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Sep 12, 2011 11:08 PM

Apr 2011
awesome awesome episode!!!! the action is picking up XD

I don't know why, but it didn't even cross my mind that Yukio could become satan's vessel before......clever twist!!!

Loving this anime atm! makes me squirm having to wait for the next episode XD
Sep 13, 2011 12:32 AM
Aug 2010
And this is why I (usually) dislike anime-specific endings. Man this show has gone downhill. =/

confuser987 said:
Princess Mononoke boar?

Haha glad to see I wasn't the only one to think that.
Sep 13, 2011 3:55 AM

Sep 2009
Yukio is an idiot.
Glad kuro didn't die....Rin you better not die!!!
Mesphito escaping the jail was so funny!! Mephisto doggy + Hamaimon!!! CUTE!
shinki7Sep 13, 2011 3:59 AM
Sep 13, 2011 6:22 AM

Jul 2009
Kanzaki_H_Aria said:
So Satan is in Yukio's body?

What the fuck is the point of that?

Yukio potentially portraying Satan makes perfect sence and I suspected this would be the case from the very begining...
Religious texts portray the Anti-Christ (Satan's child) as a leader who rises threw politics and recruits followers to fight, even Satan himself isn't a fighter, but a leader who's sole purpose was/is manipulation, even when he worked under God. Satan has a legion of demon's who physically carry out his evil bidding, just as God's angels are the ones who carry out positive and negitive devine intervention.
Basically, Rin being the powerful sidekick/tool working under al leader is belivable and expected.

This is all in the Bible - the series is based on the Catholic faith; no matter what you're faith, you'll find stuff on Wikipedia atleast. ;)

Ontop of that, Yukio getting some attention is great - an intellect being an influencia mainl doesn't happen often in shounen's and what's the point of being 'twin of the leading character' if you're just going to get shelved?

Sep 13, 2011 6:35 AM
Nov 2008
AoNe is generic shounen sht except 1st and 22nd ep for now. This eps are way abowe average
Sep 13, 2011 7:25 AM

Apr 2011
DevilofWar said:
I liked this episode,though there were a few problems I'd like to point out.
At one minute we see some of the best animation we've seen from this show since Rin vs Amaimon Round 2,and now all of a sudden,they make Yukio look like low budget comic book character during that moment with him and Rin.Oh and,why the hell is Rin walking around with his tail out infront of students?I don't know if I missed something or not but that's just plain weird.I mean,a few episodes ago he had his tail out in his old neighborhood but nobody aside from the Exorcists was there to see it.

Sorry If I'm mistaken but normal people can't see demons ? Therefore they can only see his human side and can't see his tail ? I can't really remember but I think thats why he can leave it out.
Sep 13, 2011 1:05 PM

May 2009
Yukio:"Do dee doo! Going to the top of the tower for no reason-OH NOEZ RIN! O_O GRANPA, WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?!"
Obvious Villain:"lulz, u mad bro? I trolled you from the start, you were just a pawn for my evil plan."
Yukio:"A plan? OH EM GEE! What plan?"
Obvious Villain:"We sacrifice McGuffin boy, then the gates of Hell will open, and all their bases will be belong to us!"
Obvious Villain:"No Yukio, YOU ARE THE DEMONS!"
And then Yukio was Rin.

So that's this episode in a nutshell. A really terrible episode that cemented its status as bad. Unless they pull out something really terrific, I'm not changing my mind about this anime.
Arashi89Sep 13, 2011 1:18 PM
Sep 13, 2011 2:24 PM

Jan 2009
Oh god what the hell is going on with this series, if I may ask? I just hope this is not gonna be some straight path to some shitty ending (ehh.. just like, uh, Soul Eater?)

I really hope not - this series has been doing so well in my eyes as long as the series has been running, honestly - but all I can do is just wait and see.

tl;dr, so maybe someone else mentioned Soul Eater too.
Sep 13, 2011 2:47 PM

Jun 2008
oh my god rinnnnnn

and wao blackie was scared off OOo maybe yukio is out of control or something

and now what???

Life is bittersweet can you live with that?
Sep 13, 2011 4:30 PM

Dec 2009
I think that if Gehenna were destroyed, the demon powers would just search another place to coexist with the human world.

Sep 13, 2011 6:03 PM

Jun 2009
Owwww, he turn into satan,,,,oooww "meh"
stupid filler crap.
middle finger for all this anime staff t(-.-t)

I prefer they stop in 12 or 13 eps. so they can continue if the manga have more story.
but now, turn into CRAP!
IZUMI64Sep 13, 2011 6:19 PM
Sep 13, 2011 8:47 PM
Jun 2009
There's a flowing fanart of Mononoke crossovers in AnE's pixiv pages lol

Anyhow, whether or not they end the anime well, or if there will even be a second season, I'll be sticking to the end.
Sep 13, 2011 10:22 PM
Sep 2009
Why cant Shura, who's clearly an expy of Yoko Littner, be as awesome as her? Where's her GAR at? They never show her god damned fight scenes!

Oh and lawl at Yukio. Hindsight's a bitch, but you would have to be a fool to not see that one coming.
Sep 14, 2011 3:46 AM

Jun 2009
lacie36 said:
There's a flowing fanart of Mononoke crossovers in AnE's pixiv pages lol

Anyhow, whether or not they end the anime well, or if there will even be a second season, I'll be sticking to the end.

if you not read the manga, you're now watching the entire new story that not exist or barely touch the manga story after Rin fought Amaimon.
and definitely gonna a lot of awkward scenes if they decide to make 2nd season.
Sep 14, 2011 4:27 AM
Jun 2009
IZUMI64 said:

if you not read the manga, you're now watching the entire new story that not exist or barely touch the manga story after Rin fought Amaimon.
and definitely gonna a lot of awkward scenes if they decide to make 2nd season.

Oh, don't worry 'bout it. I'm following the manga so I was pretty mad when they started deviating from the manga. But honestly, keep ranting on it won't change anything so I will just enjoy both the manga and anime in my style.

Though, that doesn't mean I agree with how the anime is doing atm...
Sep 14, 2011 4:40 AM

Jan 2009
lacie36 said:
IZUMI64 said:

if you not read the manga, you're now watching the entire new story that not exist or barely touch the manga story after Rin fought Amaimon.
and definitely gonna a lot of awkward scenes if they decide to make 2nd season.

Oh, don't worry 'bout it. I'm following the manga so I was pretty mad when they started deviating from the manga. But honestly, keep ranting on it won't change anything so I will just enjoy both the manga and anime in my style.

Though, that doesn't mean I agree with how the anime is doing atm...

their is no stopping them on following FullMetal Alchemist history of remaking the entire series again after the manga finishes
Sep 14, 2011 5:34 AM

Oct 2010
well , its the first episode i didnt enjoy it all
Sep 14, 2011 6:57 AM

Jan 2011
For fuck sake people, not liking something is one thing, but some of you need to chill with this agenda of trying to make everyone else not like it cause you didn't. Clearly the majority loved it, the poll represents that.

If you don't like something because it deviated from the Manga, then read the damn manga, this is ANIME, not manga. Its a ADAPTATION for a reason, the damn story is NO WHERE NEAR done, what the hell did you expect?

I swear some of these complaints sound so retarded....some aren't even explaining themselves, its a I don't like it, it sucks now. GTFO
Sep 14, 2011 7:51 AM

Dec 2009
Tenchi_Ryu said:
If you don't like something because it deviated from the Manga, then read the damn manga, this is ANIME, not manga. Its a ADAPTATION for a reason, the damn story is NO WHERE NEAR done, what the hell did you expect?

True, and i kinda like when the animation is a bit different from the manga, so we'll have two different stories. And that way it makes me wanna read the manga even more - and that's what i'm doing now with Ao no Exorcist.
Sep 14, 2011 9:29 AM

May 2009
Tenchi_Ryu said:
For fuck sake people, not liking something is one thing, but some of you need to chill with this agenda of trying to make everyone else not like it cause you didn't. Clearly the majority loved it, the poll represents that.

If you don't like something because it deviated from the Manga, then read the damn manga, this is ANIME, not manga. Its a ADAPTATION for a reason, the damn story is NO WHERE NEAR done, what the hell did you expect?

I swear some of these complaints sound so retarded....some aren't even explaining themselves, its a I don't like it, it sucks now. GTFO

Sep 14, 2011 1:52 PM

Jul 2010
WOW. Amazing episode. I can't wait till next week! I felt the episode went really fast though, they could have spread it out a bit to add some suspension. Yukio = weird looking demon xD. Wanna see more Mephisto! I was dying when Rin was being electrocuted. I don't even like Bleach too much, but it reminded me a lot of Rukia on the Sokyoku.
Sep 14, 2011 5:25 PM

Sep 2009
I don't really know. That was interesting? I like where they went with showing that... whatever you call it progressing on Yukio's arm but are they aiming to make him Satan or have Satan possess him? Because that just seems... Eh.

That deepest level prison was really lame though. It was incredibly easy to get out.
Sep 14, 2011 8:48 PM

Dec 2009
Derpyderp said:
Anyone else who thought that the part with the boar demon was a Princess Mononoke reference?

It reminded me of it lol
Anyway, this episode was interesting... It might just be me though, but the contents of this episode felt a little rushed to me.
Sep 14, 2011 10:53 PM

May 2011
I don't like where they're going to. The story and the plot just feels rushed and it makes it hard to believe which is unfortunate since this arc is actually quiet good.
I feel like the writers just want to get it over with...
It's really sad since this adaptation started SO strong but the phasing of
the last few episodes really brought it down for me. Not to mention the weird
character changes.

I'm sticking till the finale and I'm hoping it'll lift this show up.

I haven't read the manga as I am saving it after the animation.

SoraKuro said:
whoever did expect a great WOWZERS ending must have been too optimistic.
I probably was... still crossing my fingers though xD
Sep 14, 2011 11:17 PM
Jun 2011
Lulexiaa said:
Is it me or was the art REALLY terrible this episode? O___O

No this episode was bad all over.
Sep 15, 2011 2:45 AM

Feb 2009
Definetely feels rushed, yet somehow that doesn't seem to bother me much. I've enjoyed this anime for the most part of it all.
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