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No. 6
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Sep 1, 2011 9:40 AM

Nov 2007
Inukashi (he's a guy? I thought until today that he's a tomboyish girl) being woman to get a guy. Shion realized something from Inukashi??

Shion's thinking about summer when Nezumi doesn't know if he will be here.

Important day for No.6 is coming, then Lost City getting attacked and getting ruined. While saving for a crying baby, they got caught, which it was Nezumi's plan (to be caught).

Youming telling Karan more about what he learned and talks about fight back (with evil grin) that scared her.

Nezumi singing (different song from the song heard by both Nezumi and Safu, but probably will be released as OST on September 21, 2011) to ease people longer.

Nezumi knows what will happens when that place arrives (like Safu?) and told Shion he doesn't want him to change.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Sep 1, 2011 9:59 AM

Jul 2010
really scary ending , to me
like a nightmare that i had seen longtime ago
Sep 1, 2011 11:02 AM

Jun 2008
yeah i want moreeeee I mean nezumi knows what happen in there

I mean wasn't he there when he was a kid?

oh my god I want to watch more owo we only have 2 episodes left
Life is bittersweet can you live with that?
Sep 1, 2011 11:08 AM

Aug 2010
87 is Inukashi a girl or a boy? I know this question has been asked but it still needs an answer!

I loved this episode! I'm glad they finally picked up the plot although I enjoyed Nezumi and Sion's character building time together. :P I'm so happy we got to hear another Nezumi song! It was so beautiful in the face of those tragic circumstances. The whole manhunt round up was pretty depressing. I wasn't expecting that. So that's how they gather specimens for the correctional facility. The ending nearly killed me. Why did they cut it off there?! I don't want to wait a week to find out what happens and the preview looks so good!!! It's frustrating! I can't believe it's only two episodes left....
Sep 1, 2011 11:16 AM

Jan 2010
very good episode
can't wait for next week
i hope Sion and Nezumi will be ok!!!
"Do you have any idea how stupid we are? Don't underestimate us!"
Sep 1, 2011 11:22 AM
Aug 2011
Shioooooooooon! What's with the strange behaviour after touching Inukashi's shoulders, huh? Explain yourself! Does that mean Inukashi is a girl after all? I AM SO CONFUSED. It's not like it matters - not really! - but that scene was a bit weird, haha.

Nezumi's face and his hair and his singing and oh my god... O.o; I am this close to drooling whenever he's on my screen. It's kind of embarrassing, really.

This episode was so exciting! I literally went :O! at my screen when it ended there! WHAT A CLIFFHANGER UGH!!

Sep 1, 2011 11:24 AM

Feb 2009
So some devine spirit overtook Safu's body?

And omg the ending of the preview, I really want to know what's going to happen.. exciting few episode left!
Sep 1, 2011 11:40 AM
Jul 2011
1. HELL YEAH NEZUMI MACROSS MOMENT # 2! ...sorry. i know it's meant to be serious and all, but./ and the dubbing when he starts the song's kinda weird.

2. about that scene with shion and inukashi -- according to the novels he just noticed that inukashi had 'soft' flesh like safu and it's like "wait are you a GI-" then they get interrupted, we never get resolution. :/ i prefer to think she's a girl.

3. slightly disappointed we didn't get the, uh, info extraction scene but in hindsight it'd be weird if they did it in full, what with anime!nezumi going MAX DERE.

4. hi karan so you admit you knew the founders care to tell us HOW you know them?? *foams at mouth, will probably be foaming forever*


6. only two left to go. *crosses fingers* please don't let the finale crash and burn spectacularly!
Sep 1, 2011 11:40 AM

Apr 2010
zimno said:
really scary ending , to me

Definitely. The things that are going on there are horrible. Nezumi's singing was my favorite part. It was sad yet so beautiful..
Best episode so far.

Snowley said:
I loved the singing scene, somewhat reminded me of Holocaust. And then people got thrown like trash into some dark pit :0

Plue-samaSep 2, 2011 3:54 AM
Sep 1, 2011 11:57 AM
Aug 2011
This is just my opinion, but I think that when Nezumi was singing he should have like started with a little mumbling croaky singing voice, and then slowly build it louder and louder and then like smooth it into that edited version and then start adding in the instruments :/ None the less, I think this is one of the most powerful and emotional episodes, No. 6 is getting so good!! D'X But only 2 episodes of it left D'X Completely luurrvvve this episode!!!! XD

The preview
I saw blood on Nezumi's sleeeevve D'X NOooooooooooooooooo, please let Shion and Nezumi be safe :'(
Sep 1, 2011 12:02 PM

Aug 2009
5/5 episode!!!!! *P*

The beginning part really gave me the creeps...And is Dogkeeper a woman?! I wouldnt be surprised!

Also Yoming has lost it! O__O

Nezumi sings again *A*

I really love Nezumi and Shion's relationship! <33
I love how Nezumi always protects Shion and how they are both always there for each other ;~;

And DAT PREVIEW!!! ;~~;

Seeing Nezumi cry like that breaks my heart v__v
ImNotLulexiaaSep 2, 2011 12:09 AM
Sep 1, 2011 12:06 PM

Sep 2009
It was so cute when Nezumi protects Shion with his coat <3

Sep 1, 2011 12:09 PM

May 2009
Dogkeeper. I do not understand. Are you a man, woman, or what DDDD:
Sep 1, 2011 12:15 PM

May 2011
I feel my teardrops in the air on 8&15 September ;'(((((((((( I tremble after watching this episode it was scaryyyyyy ;(( (and I'm horror lover) I don't want Nezumi to dieee (I don't like ending of this anime with this snowball and how they fall apart...split up ?(I'm not english native speaker) ; < but song is nice&sad Y___Y He can't... I want to be wrong ;'/
Sep 1, 2011 12:24 PM

Jul 2011
The ending would be scary if I haven't read Gantz manga. =) Now nothing in anime scares me.
Sep 1, 2011 12:25 PM
Aug 2011
XD just discovered something accidently xP
In the preview, there's a scene with the baby that Shion rescued, and if you pause that scene, you can see there are boobs next to its head (like breast-feeding position) and the skin tone looks like Inukashi's XD
But I guess it does make sense though, cuz if Inukashi was open that she was a girl then I guess she wouoldnt have been taken seriously and she's the type to seem strong so she could protect those close to her (her dogs?) :3
Sep 1, 2011 12:44 PM
Apr 2011
Holy shit, that's crazy.
Sep 1, 2011 12:49 PM

Jan 2011
Great episode, I didn't expect so much to happen. It's pretty sickening how they dumped the people out of the trucks like trash.
Sep 1, 2011 1:05 PM
Feb 2008
toko-chan said:
It was so cute when Nezumi protects Shion with his coat <3

I loved this scene <3

Inukashi is obivously a girl, I can't think of ther as a male. I know that dosen't mean much in anime, but her seiyuu is a woman and all other voices she spoke were female too.
Sep 1, 2011 1:09 PM

Jun 2011
how am i suppose to wait a full week with a cliff hanger like that?!
it's so unfair. wonderful episode. very disturbing opening with that man touching little dogkeeper. xD

i had a hunch elyusia?(or whatever) was going to take hold of safu. and i'm not really sure of the significance of the twilight house but dude...this show is keeping me on the edge of my seat! i need the last two episodes NOW! ;D
Sep 1, 2011 1:50 PM

Jan 2011
Awesome episode. Kinda sad and everything though!
The part with Dogkeeper was sad, I feel bad for him / her (idk what they are)

Only 2 episodes left D8

The preview for the next episode gave me chills! Especially when he screamed "SHION!" at the end there!
I'm super excited for it!
Sep 1, 2011 1:57 PM

Apr 2011
Same as everyone else, I think they should have eased into Nezumi's beautiful singing voice instead of the icky insta-dub they did. Funny, before I watched the ep I was thinking about how great the soundtrack was too... o_O

Nezumi covering Shion (several times) with his superfibre cloak is necessary but yes, adorable.

I already knew about them experimenting on people even before the last ep, because I'm following the novel on the 9th avenue blog. Because of that, I'm concerned Safu is going to be possessed by Elyurias. Nezumi screaming Shion's name worries me like crazy as well. Because either he's putting himself in grave danger or he's been seriously injured. It also sounds like Shion wants revenge for something done to Nezumi. And why is he smiling? He's not going to die though... at least not until the last episode, if it has to happen... -_-;
whitetearSep 1, 2011 2:01 PM
Sep 1, 2011 2:13 PM

Nov 2008
That. Was. Intense.

Any girl ever touched unproperly knows how Inukashi felt and I bow to the animemakers for showing that.

No 6 is one of those anime which makes you forget it's about nasty thinghs and then throw it all at your face at once. For me it's always more shocking than any gore scene in slasher movies.

I loved the singing scene, somewhat reminded me of Holocaust. And then people got thrown like trash into some dark pit :0
Sep 1, 2011 2:14 PM

Sep 2009
Wow, that was intense. Like everyone else the preview with Nezomi screaming out Shion's name, was really emotional. It is truly depressing that we just have 2 episodes left. Ugh. This is one of those great animes that make you think and get emotionally involved with the characters.

Ugh, this waiting for next week will kill me. Blargh.

Must get OST, Nezomi's singing is music to my ears.
Sep 1, 2011 2:17 PM

May 2008
very good episode. cannot wait til next week!

i always thought Dogkeeper was a girl
Sep 1, 2011 2:44 PM

Apr 2008
jjoym said:

Hell yes! I thought so too! :D
Sep 1, 2011 2:55 PM

Mar 2009
I really loved this episode! So full of drama and danger and fear! I really enjoy watching this show!
All their emotions were so genuine, I hate it when characters see death and destruction and just act like it was cruel but they're distant from it. I think I would've reacted just like Shion, horrified to the soul!!! Nezumi has already seen things like this so he tried to protect Shion the best he could.
Nezumi's song was beautiful, but he was wrong in saying a song couldn't save people, during the time of enslavement in America, the enslaved Africans would sing songs that lead those who escaped to Canada, those songs certainly saved them!
Anyway I know that the novels are out there but I haven't read them and don't want to till after the show is over. I'm sure there are others like me so if those who've read the novels could have their own discussion/forum about the episodes so others aren't spoiled than that would be great!
Cat Love

Sep 1, 2011 2:58 PM

Jun 2009
mitzuki101 said:
very good episode
can't wait for next week
i hope Sion and Nezumi will be ok!!!
Sep 1, 2011 3:20 PM

Jun 2008
i lack words. this was
Safu seems to be possessed by some goddess. Elusyas wasnt the girl that had powers and it was from Nezumi´s people of the forest?
anyway, Nezumi protecting Shion was just too cute. I felt a deep unbreakable love in his heart.

LOL at his macross moment. I wish we could hear only his voice, but the instruments kill the sad mood and make me laugh because it seems karaoke.For a moment i had a Ranka flashback XP Now i confess, Nezumi´s Va should be a singer. the guy has a great voice.

Inukashi is seems to be a girl, since "she" kinda searched for comfort with Shion and Shion touched her shoulders, since they were so delicate and he finally realized that "he" was a "she". That´s my interpretation.

Damn i so wanna see Nezumi crying for Shion im BL sadist. But surely, i dont anyone to die. That would break my heart to pieces. Not even Safu. I want them all to explode Nº6 and live happily ever after in a new city build by all and for all.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Sep 1, 2011 4:06 PM
May 2011
Oh gawd, the preview. D;
Nezumi crying and a wound? GAHHHHHHHH. IS SION GOING TO STITCH IT BACK AGAIN? Lulz. REALLLY looking forward to the next ep.

I still think Inukashi is a girl. I think she just puts up a front and convinces everyone to think she's a guy, but after Sion touched her shoulders he found out she was a girl.

Oh, does anyone know if Elyusia is some sort of anime original thing or was it part of the novel as well?
Sep 1, 2011 4:18 PM

Aug 2010
epiklow said:

Oh, does anyone know if Elyusia is some sort of anime original thing or was it part of the novel as well?

She's part of the novel as well.
Sep 1, 2011 4:43 PM

May 2008
I think Inukashi IS a girl..not sure why the disguise..maybe she likes to keep people think she's a boy, cause Sion always thought Inukashi was a dude, and he touched her and said "'re a.." so I think Inukashi is a girl. Just a tomboy.

And that damn episode..Nezumi will go at whatever lengths he needs to in order to protect Sion. But dammit I really don't like that preview Q__Q It worries the hell out of me, hearing Nezumi scream Sion's name like that...

Sep 1, 2011 4:59 PM

Mar 2011
I cried so hard at the last scene. Throwing people off from the truck as if they're trash

Also, that part where Dogkeeper was crying because he/she? got licked at the neck. That part was so heart-breaking too. It's amazing how the makes know how to animate the feelings perfectly realistic

Anyhow, guesses here. My guess is that the No. 6 people are trying to create a new Elyusia to strengthen No. 6. Or to make No. 6 more "perfect."
Sep 1, 2011 5:21 PM

Feb 2010
Sep 1, 2011 6:21 PM

Aug 2010
Did anyone think that dogkeeper looked totally gorgeous when she was crying? It was like the first time we ever saw her act like a woman and it was so cute! And Yoming is like a worse version of Nezumi o_O He got the crazies.. real bad.
I thought it was super sweet when Nezumi was warning Sion about what he was about to see and then protecting him in the fall..
If that's only the beginning of the horrible things that correctional facility has, then the next episode will surely be an eye opener.
And so the plan commences next week! Can't wait(:
PS: The scene at the end of the preview made me anxious.. >.<

Oh I just read everyones comments.. I never thought once that dogkeeper was a guy xD I just assumed she was a girl the whole time.. LOL
xSimplicitySep 1, 2011 6:24 PM
Sep 1, 2011 6:27 PM

Apr 2011
Sion's going to lose control or something next ep. Interestingly, the look on his face as he runs up the stairs with a smile looks a lot like the look he had when he first heard Nezumi's voice after 4 years and left Safu to run after him. Later on the phone that time, Safu told Sion she'd never seen that kind of face on him before. I'm really afraid that Safu, possessed by Elyurias, might attack Nezumi out of jealousy. She's been wondering about him all this time, after all. :/
Sep 1, 2011 6:42 PM
Oct 2010
So he is a he...:s ok, at least that was finally cleared up...not...:s

epiklow said:

I still think Inukashi is a girl. I think she just puts up a front and convinces everyone to think she's a guy, but after Sion touched her shoulders he found out she was a girl.

I was like - Shion, what is it? What is it?? buahah I'm dying of curiosity...maybe you're right...I mean, what else could Shion perceive from touching "his" shoulders...?

uniquelyme91 said:
I really loved this episode! So full of drama and danger and fear! I really enjoy watching this show!
All their emotions were so genuine
, I hate it when characters see death and destruction and just act like it was cruel but they're distant from it.

Though I don't really hate characters who distance themselves from other's pain, those are quite realistic too. But, yeah, that's something great this show has, its characters are genuine, the emotions reach the viewer. That's the point, so... this show wins *claps*

Last scene: wtf, they drop people like garbage...(they'll break their necks falling like that :/)

Safu woke up and Elyurias was talking to her :O Things were going "well" for those researchers, correction, bastards, but some error occurred?! What happened to Safu? no.6 after all couldn't obtain Elyurias that what they wanted?! Why? Why do they needed Safu? aeee I want to know >.<

Only two to go...T_T

Oh my, the preview, next episode will be intense...(omg Nezumi's injured...Shion is smiling... smiling...~.~ what?)
RianriSep 1, 2011 7:00 PM

Sep 1, 2011 6:51 PM

Feb 2010
Snowley said:

I loved the singing scene, somewhat reminded me of Holocaust. And then people got thrown like trash into some dark pit :0

You're right, it also reminded me of the holocaust as well! xD
Sep 1, 2011 7:13 PM

Apr 2009
About next ep's preview...

Sep 1, 2011 7:15 PM

Feb 2010
amyiceeyes said:
About next ep's preview...

Sion probably did something stupid like trying to sacrifice himself or something...
that's about the only reason why Nezumi would cry...but I'm just guessing.
Sep 1, 2011 7:34 PM

Jun 2010
It took them that long to finally explained wether Inukashi's a girl or a guy, but based on Sion's expression she's probably a girl.

Sep 1, 2011 8:41 PM

Jan 2011
Seriously, until I saw all the discussion about Inukashi's gender, I didn't even realize it was in question. I always thought she was a girl.
And omg... the preview for the next episode. What's going to happen?!? ><'
Sep 1, 2011 9:52 PM

May 2011
<b>[ Spoilers from the novels, please do not read if you want to be surprised D: ]</b>
Oh my friggin' God, I'm assuming that the next episode will be about

...But as everyone already said, the highlights of this episode were Inukashi's tears (SO TOUCHING, MAN, I MEAN I FELT REALLY DISGUSTED AS WELL FOR HER/HIM ;_;) and Nezumi's protectiveness over Shion. Oh God, stop making me love you even more, you beast... :"D

If I die and I find that I had a soul inside,
Promise me you'll take it up to its final ride...
Sep 1, 2011 9:54 PM

Apr 2011
Yeah, dogkeeper continues to confuse me about his/her gender, it makes no sense to me. It sounded like they were dressing 'him' up like a girl to trap that guy (literally), and then Shion seemed surprised, maybe at the fact that s/he's a girl after all? So confusing O_o

Very Nazi-like moment with the people getting rounded up and shipped to the concentration ... I mean correctional facilities. Next ep they'll be reunited with Safu I suppose, and we'll see if they injected her with the Queen Bee or what ...
Sep 1, 2011 10:14 PM
Jun 2011
It's a girl! It's a boy! Now back to girl!

Sep 1, 2011 10:33 PM

Jun 2009
YaoiFeverxD said:
XD just discovered something accidently xP
In the preview, there's a scene with the baby that Shion rescued, and if you pause that scene, you can see there are boobs next to its head (like breast-feeding position) and the skin tone looks like Inukashi's XD
But I guess it does make sense though, cuz if Inukashi was open that she was a girl then I guess she wouoldnt have been taken seriously and she's the type to seem strong so she could protect those close to her (her dogs?) :3

Nice catch, and you're right, IT IS Inukashi.

Shes a girl!
Sep 1, 2011 11:25 PM
Aug 2011
OMG!!!I loved the episode!!!it was so intense!!! But the preview TT_TT....omg i hope shion and nezumi are okay :'(!!!!!
OH!Was it Shion saying "How could you do that to Nezumi?" in the preview??
MariahOtakuSep 1, 2011 11:51 PM
Sep 1, 2011 11:45 PM

Oct 2009
First of WTF did I watched???? throwing people in dark pit like garbage??? That just make me sick, and that one hell of scary ending it remind me of the Holocaust. Damn cliffhanger D:<

-Inukashi crying and getting touched just rip my heart part ;___;
Yeah I'm pretty sure Inukashi is girl, she just want every one to see her as boy. But i glad Shion was there to comfort her.

-I just love how Nezumi protected Shion with his coat.

- Yoming has lost it. I guess he lost his chance with Karan anyways.

-Wow wait did Elusyas possessed Safu body? O_o

--Nezumi singing really something. He knows what's going to happen to the people i guess that main ( beside comfort them) reason why sang the song.

PREVIEW: OH god Nezumi crying and calling out Shion's name. T^T

It's to bad people who dropped the show are missing something good. -_-
AutumnDreamSep 2, 2011 12:27 AM
I have poorly English grammar, so for give me. I still learning.
Sep 1, 2011 11:53 PM
Aug 2011
Sartory said:
It's a girl! It's a boy! Now back to girl!

LOl!!yeah XD at first they say he's a boy, later it's a girl, later a boy and it goes on XD haha !!!
Sep 1, 2011 11:58 PM

Feb 2010
Ahhhhhh.... I want next week now! amazing episode! full of WIn.

It had a mixture of plot, of beautiful, and of disturbing moments. All in all, a great episode.

Next week smexy Nezumi cries?! ;-;
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