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Jul 17, 2011 5:18 AM

Feb 2010
It's sweat !

As much as I still prefer the first half of the series, the delivery of the 2nd half, especially towards the ending was somewhat pleasant.

Jul 17, 2011 1:49 PM
Jul 2009
I was completely disappointed with the ending...
I mean that certain revelation was a gigantic ass-pull, and I feel like the entire premise of the story was thrown out the window. I don't find the development of Rin's feelings realistic in the least, among other developments.

Did I just read a shipping fan-fic?

Jul 18, 2011 11:21 PM
Feb 2011
I'm so effin dissappointed. I was imagining that Rin will accept him as her father, then dakichi scores kouki's mother, then living together happily ever after rin and kouki left.
Jul 18, 2011 11:50 PM
Apr 2010
so overall child part was most enjoyable
Jul 20, 2011 6:40 AM
Jan 2011
So it ends in the way similar to the "Living game" manga, I presume? If so, I'll be very dissappointed, but the chapters I've already read (till 55) leave not much place for other ending. I was hoping that this manga will not repeat same ending mostly due to that, that it would be totally unrealistic in such setup. Age difference of 24 years is huge, really, and the girl and guy should have big comlpex towards each other which would be almost impossible in such previously realistic picture/
Jul 20, 2011 8:18 PM

Jan 2009
sptor said:
So it ends in the way similar to the "Living game" manga, I presume? If so, I'll be very dissappointed, but the chapters I've already read (till 55) leave not much place for other ending. I was hoping that this manga will not repeat same ending mostly due to that, that it would be totally unrealistic in such setup. Age difference of 24 years is huge, really, and the girl and guy should have big comlpex towards each other which would be almost impossible in such previously realistic picture/

Living games ending wasn't disappointing at all. It's not like they were living a father-daughter relationship, found out they weren't related and decided to nail.
Jul 20, 2011 10:05 PM
Jan 2011
burntlettuce said:

Living games ending wasn't disappointing at all. It's not like they were living a father-daughter relationship, found out they weren't related and decided to nail.

That's exactly what I'm trying to say, in "Living game" such ending was quite logical looking into circumstances shown in manga. Age difference, relation to each other etc. They were just strangers started to live together which finally grew up to something more in their relaitionship. Here it is completely different story. Daikichi and Rin having father-daughter relationship from the beginning, Daikichi actually raising Rin from her early childhood and it is very hard to believe in such a development which is shown, in spite of that, in general, this manga is quite realistic. That's why I'm dissappointed with that ending - totally unrealistic and illogical from my point. I know it is josei manga after all and it tend to be a bit unrealistic in part of romance, using one and only "prince" concept which is hardly present in reality, but anyway/
Jul 22, 2011 10:45 PM

Sep 2008
Gah, now I want a glimpse into the future where they do have a child and where everyone in the extended family accepts them. Most people hated the second half, but it was adequate. For the most part, parenting in the teenage years really takes a backseat and since Rin doesn't have the angst that one usually has concerning her upbringing, I can see why such events would never unfold.

Daikichi will always stay my hero and I will always love this manga.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 22, 2011 11:37 PM

Jun 2008
The last few chapters felt a bit rushed, but it was pretty satisfying nonetheless. Even if people complain about the last chapter. It felt like it completed the manga though. Just like HawthorneKitty said. I wanna glimpse into the future and such too. That'd be such a nice bonus. Now just to wait for the spin-off bonus chapter about whatever.
Jul 22, 2011 11:47 PM

Mar 2008
And there we have it. The completely strange and awkward ending to that unfortunate twist the author did just to create drama in the end.

Again, NOTHING happens during a time skip, which is even more problematic given Rin's age and the big changes kids go through then.

On Daikichi's side too, there was no development.

Cirris said:
Daikichi was buying time. In his mind, I think he's hoping she will have changed her mind and found someone else who she'd have an interest in. At the very least, it gives him time to grasp what she actually wants from him.

That and graduation is the time when you become and adult and be able to make your own choices. It would make sense for him to want her to first finish school before she thinks of shacking up with him.

It's really a tight rope act Daikichi is playing. He wants Rin to find someone else to make her happy and he'd be happy for them. However, he doesn't want to lose her and shutting out her feelings too harshly could only lead her to despair.

In this chapter, when Rin asked why he chose to take her in he said, "you were crying with a terrible face, on that day." Daikichi couldn't bare the thought of Rin being alone in the world. A fate he thought would be assured if the family did send her to a facility.

Daikichi can never turn Rin away completely. As much as he's freaking out and trying to change her mind, If she persists and is adamant about being his wife, he will give in and do this.

That's exactly what happened.

Usagi Drop is a very good example of how an author can completely ruin her own story. I wonder what her editor was doing instead of his job...

The time-skip itself was a big problem. We went from a awesome manga about a single guy struggling to raise a girl to one about a high school girl's love problems... And a mediocre one, if we compare it ot other manga of the same genre.

I don't know if you guys noticed, but one of the things I didn't like about the second part is that Rin was completely figured out. In the first part, we only saw her through Daikichi's eyes and we had to figure what was going on with her together with him. In the second part, that was lost.

She could've at least make it into a high school girl's love through the eyes of her dad or something like that. But she decided to leave Daikichi as a supporting character and focus on Rin.

I feel like we lost A LOT. Like how Daikichi reacted when Rin got her first period, the first time she slept at a friend's house, the first time she was the host ofa sleepover, when she started to wear a bra and stuff like that.

We also didn't see how he would react if she brought a boyfriend home, had a broken heart and many other stuff.

The time skip was also very bad for Daikichi. NOTHING happened to him in 10 years... We could've seem how Rin not needing him so much as she got older affected his job, or him looking for a better job with good working hours and stuff like that. Also we didn't see how he would handle things if he got a girlfriend and how Rin would react to it.

Also, his father friends, Gotou-san just disappeared from the manga. Haruko also vanished and I really wanted to see what happened during her divorce.

And there was absolutely no mention of Rin's biological father, who he was, if he knew about Rin and if he did, why he didn't want to be with his daughter.

She had a lot of material to work with, but decided to throw it all away.

That thing with Kouki would've been much more interesting if we didn't know he ended up all right. Daikichi's proposal too. In fact, why do a time skip if you're going to need flashbacks to explain stuff? Just show things as they happen.

Not to mention the obvious flaws in the development.

Kouki's Mom is shown to feel something for Daikichi, but she rejects him because of Kouki. Then, after Kouki is normal again, she rejects him for no reason and thinks: I'm probably not made to live with another person. Then she goes and marries another guy... That makes no sense at all.

Same thing with Rin and Kouki. Rin cared for him enough to become angry because she smelled another girl's scent in his bag... Not wanting to stay with Kouki while he still was "wild" would be ok, but she decided to give up on him just when he went straight...

Finally Rin listens to a song and then starts considering Masako her mom, even though she had met her only two or three times in he life... And it's very convenient that Rin remembered only the times Masako took care of her, because as a child she mentioned that she hated Masako because she didn't treat her well.

I really liked the first part and Daikichi was a character I really could relate with as a man. The time skip also ruined that, since he went from a decisive guy that struggled to the the right thing to a somewhat immature old man that can't handle his feelings very well.

The first part was easily one of the best dramas I read. The second part is just bland. Maybe it would've been better if it remained a single volume series as the author wrote at the end.
m4rc0May 3, 2012 10:10 PM
Jul 23, 2011 12:47 AM

May 2010
"I want to bear a child... Daickichi's"
WEW. I still feel weird about that.

Anyway, looking forward to the extra volume.
Maybe we get to see Rin as a mom.

Jul 23, 2011 1:06 AM

Oct 2009
As it came towards the end, the story certainly seemed to veer off the course it had been heading. But none the less a pleasant end to an enjoyable series.

Looking forward to the extra chapter/s.
Knowitall66Jul 23, 2011 1:12 AM
Jul 23, 2011 1:10 AM

May 2010
i really like this manga but i dont like the ending its to rushed or if they knew its going to end they should have put a better ending something like rin x kouki and daikichi x yukari
Jul 23, 2011 1:15 AM

Feb 2010
first 23 chapter 9/10 after that it wend down pretty hard overall 7/10 the ending ruined it completly imo....
Jul 23, 2011 1:24 AM

Apr 2007
Am I the only one that liked the ending? A bit weird but nothing to much, both are happy.
But I would be sooo happy to see how there child will look like.
Jul 23, 2011 1:48 AM

Apr 2009
And again a time skip... and the final dialogue between Rin and Daikichi was quite pointless and didn't explain anything why Daikichi suddenly agreed to Rin's proposal...

And I agree with m4rco completely. Since the major timeskip this story really went downhill. A lot of characters disappeared, things were left unexplained (like the divorce of Reina's mom, whose crisis with her husband was one of the interesting arcs in the first volumes) and no development for Daikichi at all, instead a sudden rushed ending with Rin's romantic feelings for Daikichi popping out of nowhere 7 chapters before the end.

Ugh, 9/10 for the first half. As for the second half, I'll just pretend I never read it.

And as for the ones who said Rin's feelings had been "hinted at" by author from the start: In the last page she mentioned she originally planned it as a one volume series. Soyou can seriously doubt that she had this kind of ending planned for them from the start. It's just how it feels, rushed and random.
Jul 23, 2011 1:50 AM

Dec 2010
I wonder what her editor was doing instead of his job...

Disagree, forcing the author to make a different story is called blatant censorship, i'm glad the editor respect the vision and the idea of the author and go for the original ending.

Back on topic, i like the ending too, it fit perfectly. A bit rushed sure but she promise extra chapters so probably we will have another time skip in the future for all the characters.

Overall 5/5, a great work from the start to the end, true fans deserve more josei like this.
Fn76Jul 23, 2011 1:54 AM
Jul 23, 2011 2:16 AM

Mar 2008
It's the editor's job to make sure that the manga is good. Leaving preferences aside, the deal with Kouki's mom, Rin's 180 turn from Kouki to Daikichi and the totally rushed awkward ending are blatant examples of bad writing. The editor is there to smooth it out.

SixFlags said:
And as for the ones who said Rin's feelings had been "hinted at" by author from the start:

I actually read the entire manga last friday, since I was spoiled while discussing the anime, and the first hint at that is when Reina and Rin talk about how girls start to find their fathers smelly, which happens way into the second part.

Onizuka should learn with Daikichi how to make his dream of having a 16 years-old bride at the age of 40.
Jul 23, 2011 2:57 AM

Mar 2009
can't wait for these extra chapters hopefully we'll see Daikichi's parents & family's reactions though seeing Rin as a mum would be nice too.

anyway I liked the ending
Jul 23, 2011 2:58 AM

Oct 2009
Terrible...and awkward. If you had told me this ending when I was reading the 1st half, I would have never believed it. Rin and Daikichi ending up together is just wrong on so many levels, especially her wanting to have his child. How Rin can want that from her father figure, I don't even know. Maybe I would if the author would have actually developed that instead of pulling it out of her ass at the last second.

Instead of remembering this as "That amazing, charming, and touching manga", I'm going to remember it as "That manga that went to absolute shit after the first half". Sigh.

Well, rating based on the 1st half alone, I'll give it a 9. But I'll be generous and let the 2nd half only affect the score by 1, so it gets an 8 from me. Now excuse me as I try to forget the 2nd half of this story even exists.
Jul 23, 2011 3:33 AM
Apr 2011
I don't hate the ending,but I had hopes for better ending.
As for the age gap between them it's not a problem.I did know of a guy(25) dating girl (14) and granny(80) dating man (40) so in this world everything is possible.
As for Daikichi being a father figure were that came from I don't remember once that Rin calling him father.But Daikichi see her as daughter figure and that change to fast.
Jul 23, 2011 3:59 AM

Mar 2008
That was a rather painful chapter to read.

9/10 for the first half, 3/10 for the second. Average score 6/10.
Jul 23, 2011 4:46 AM

Sep 2008
First half was great, everything post time skip was fucking terrible, All the charm got sucked out, Daikichi got relegated to a side character, the drama was forced and made zero sense, them not being related was supreme ass pull, and the ending was just idiotic. I hope the god the anime throws out the time skip(if it ever gets around to it) or approaches it differently and changes alot of it.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jul 23, 2011 6:29 AM

Dec 2007
What an INCREDIBLY disappointing, and frankly, downright infuriating end. I pretty much wish I had never read this manga now. Or that I could just erase the second half from my memory completely.

Had to change my rating to a 4/10 after that crap.
Jul 23, 2011 6:53 AM

Apr 2009
This is the worst ending ever. Why does Daikichi even accept that at the end ? They're father and daughter, nothing less, nothing more. That was a painful read.

I'm now gonna use selective amnesia and forget the existence of this shitty second part.
Jul 23, 2011 7:10 AM
Jan 2011
Ultimately crappy ending, worst of all I can say, till the end I was hoping that author will have some guts not to end the manga with such a cliche and play with taboo themes which are so popular lately, I was wrong. My first score for the manga was 9 of 10, but due to the second part and mostly due to THAT ending I've lowered it to 6 of 10. Actually I would recommend to anybody not to take the whole second part from ch.5 as a thing for reading, just finish this manga at the end of ch.4 and it'll remain in your memory as a good story.
Jul 23, 2011 7:16 AM

Sep 2009
I loved the ending. 9/10

Deal with it.
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence...”
Jul 23, 2011 7:18 AM
Aug 2009
I actually loved the ending, I think it made the manga pretty much perfect to me.
Jul 23, 2011 8:02 AM

Mar 2008
Yumi Umita Says: "I planned a one volume... (...) it grew bit a bit".

Ojisan not Rin's biological father my ass!
It just clearly derailed.

The end is just Ridiculous.
Daikichi cry in blees for Rin say she is a happy child, e he will just fucker her? Have a baby with her? It is SICK.

Both have some psychiatric problems.

ShootTheBullet said:
"Hey look, we're not related!"
"Then let's do it!"

That was quick...

Quote for the truth.
PaninaManinaJul 23, 2011 8:08 AM
Jul 23, 2011 9:11 AM

Nov 2008
Sik-07 said:
can't wait for these extra chapters hopefully we'll see Daikichi's parents & family's reactions though seeing Rin as a mum would be nice too.

anyway I liked the ending

I found it an enjoyable manga myself, for many reasons and things which changed through out its course- and had no problems with the ending 9/10 - I wouldnt mind seeing those extras myself.

And there is a bit to much moralism going on here for my taste. if you don't like it you could have just as easily stopped reading it.. or perhaps stop complaining on how the author should have done this or that. I get it you were not happy.. but youve been doing this for quite a few chapters now. I mean when it got to the highschool part of the time skip this type of ending seemed rather obvious to me.

Mezzoflation said:
I loved the ending. 9/10

Deal with it.
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Indeed so ^
sirwenceJul 23, 2011 9:14 AM
Jul 23, 2011 10:24 AM

Apr 2010
It feels ....awkward. Daikichi was Rin's dad/father figure for ten or so years and now they want to hook up, get married and have a child? I was hoping for Kouki and Rin, not this surprise development. Wow o.o

I think I have a complex on this. I'm not sure whether I like this on not. But I do want to see Rin as mother...
Ah well, this was still a pretty good manga. I loved it regardless of the ending.

Rand0mless's PokePet

Kuro the level 76 Umbreon!
Jul 23, 2011 10:31 AM

Aug 2009
daikichi is living onizuka's dream!
Jul 23, 2011 11:22 AM

Dec 2010
m4rc0 said:
It's the editor's job to make sure that the manga is good. Leaving preferences aside, the deal with Kouki's mom, Rin's 180 turn from Kouki to Daikichi and the totally rushed awkward ending are blatant examples of bad writing. The editor is there to smooth it out.

This is your opinion, for me is well written, a bit rushed ending indeed but there will be some extra chapters so we can have a better explanation of latest events hopefully.

sirwence said:
Sik-07 said:
can't wait for these extra chapters hopefully we'll see Daikichi's parents & family's reactions though seeing Rin as a mum would be nice too.

Hope so, i want see Rin as a mother too, seems she like this role a lot. <3

Mezzoflation said:
I loved the ending. 9/10

Deal with it.
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Overall 9/10 for me too. :)
Fn76Jul 23, 2011 11:45 AM
Jul 23, 2011 12:21 PM

Mar 2008

I don't get this, we're discussing the series in a thread to discuss the series and you're free not to read it. Simple and easy logic not? :)

It's called critical thinking. It's what separates the rational fan from the fanboy/girl that buys anything as long as he/she likes it.
Jul 23, 2011 2:02 PM

Mar 2008
"better explanation of latest events"?

There is no explanation for that.
Jul 23, 2011 2:42 PM

Sep 2009
m4rc0 said:

I don't get this, we're discussing the series in a thread to discuss the series and you're free not to read it. Simple and easy logic not? :)

It's called critical thinking. It's what separates the rational fan from the fanboy/girl that buys anything as long as he/she likes it.
What is wrong with buying something because we like it? I'm irrational because I enjoyed the story? Who are you to decide that what I like is wrong?
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence...”
Jul 23, 2011 2:56 PM

Oct 2008
m4rc0 said:

I can't really add more, i'm in complete agreement.
Jul 23, 2011 5:16 PM

Sep 2008
Fnights said:

This is your opinion, for me is well written,

Well it's nice for you to admit you don't know a thing about writing.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jul 23, 2011 6:10 PM
Jul 2018
I can see alot of mixed reviews regarding the ending...

We miss out on some possibly important (but probably more entertaining) things that happened as Rin and Daikichi went thought but it seems the the major factor of why things hadn't led to Kouki and his mother were explained.

Also, I don't think the whole incest thing was much of a threat, more like encouragement for Rin once she found out she wasn't related. Chances are she'll still drag Daikichi with her demands anyway. Personally I just find incest as "not a big deal", if you're into it, great, if not then okay.

It's good not seeing a stupid happy ending where everybody just smiles and dances around in a circle or where it suddenly gets axed like many good series.

9/10 personally.
removed-userJul 23, 2011 6:14 PM
Jul 23, 2011 11:31 PM

Mar 2008
Mezzoflation said:
What is wrong with buying something because we like it?

Nothing. What is wrong is bitching when people complain about what they didn't like and what's worse, in a topic to discuss the series.

Also, didn't call you or anybody irrational. But you're free to wear the cap if it fits.

Let me explain so it's clear. The rational fan likes something, despite the flaws he/she is able to notice. The fanboy overlooks almost every flaw if he/she is happy.
Jul 24, 2011 1:16 AM

Jul 2008
When the time skip first started I was a little wary but excited to see how the story between Rin and Kouki would play out and how the relationship between Kouki's mom and Daikichi would progress. Instead both those storylines were pretty much dropped and we got this creepy ending instead.

I might have handled this better if there had actually been some build-up and, more importantly, hints in the first arc that Rin and Daikichi weren't related. Even though it turned out that they weren't related it doesn't stop the fact that Rin was crushing on Daikichi when she still thought he was her nephew.

Everything about these last few chapters rubbed me the wrong way. The way the truth came out, the way Daikichi handled Rin's crush, all of it. I can't stop thinking about how awkward and creepy Daikichi/Rin is. He treated her like his own daughter and raised her from a very young age.

I don't know, this ending just wasn't set up right. I mean, I loved how Hana to Akuma paned out yet I hate how this series went down. I don't even think that it's the sheer realism of Usagi Drop... something just doesn't feel right about this ending and it never will to me.

Jul 24, 2011 4:16 AM

Dec 2010
Jigero said:
Fnights said:

This is your opinion, for me is well written,

Well it's nice for you to admit you don't know a thing about writing.

I think the same thing as you. You have no idea. :)
Jul 24, 2011 4:35 AM

Apr 2008
I never liked kouki anyway lol.

for me the ending's pretty nice
Jul 24, 2011 10:53 AM

Jun 2010
Well I definitely never saw that coming. But the ending made me giggle and I am pleased with how it turned out.
Jul 24, 2011 3:23 PM

Feb 2009
Man I would rather have an ending with Daikishi marrying Kouki's mom and Kouki getting hitch with Rin, but that would be too 'normal' isn't it?
Jul 24, 2011 7:57 PM

Sep 2008
Well even not much people like it but for me I like this ending a bit rush through.
For some reason I fell like Daikichi x Rin was like Sensei x Manager in Otaku no Musume so it fine for me.
Jul 25, 2011 3:15 PM

Dec 2009
Lapan said:
m4rc0 said:

I can't really add more, i'm in complete agreement.

Quoted because I am in complete agreement as well. With both Lapan and m4rc0.

I can't stand this Manga anymore. Before the "major" time-skip, this got a 10 from me. A 10. After the time-skip, only a few chapters in, it went down to a 9. Then, I left it there until now - it gets a 7 from me in all (entire series). This chapter, and since chapter 42-43, it's been nothing but "ass-pulls" (pardon my French) and plot-line-scrambling&rushing I swear. But, this chapter - this chapter -- it leaves a bad taste in my mouth :/

So, I am higgghly disappointed, like many of you are, with it. And, what's worse?! "Oh - I meant for it to only be 1 volumes but 'it kind of grew', you know?" NO. You ruined a great story that started out amazing&wonderful! You needed to end it with 1 volume. I also feel bad about getting the first volume at Border's - for 50% off. Maybe it was a sign of events to come *sigh*

And, whoever said that there were hints about DaikichiXRin starting with the "smelly men" conversation - NO. 1 hint in the entire Manga, that was so out of the place and random, does not warrant this ending. No one saw it coming! Thanks gawd the Anime is only 11 episodes long.....

Anyways, excuse me while I go and forget the second half and pretend it never existed.
Jul 25, 2011 3:32 PM

Jun 2008

"And there is a bit to much moralism going on here for my taste. if you don't like it you could have just as easily stopped reading it.. or perhaps stop complaining on how the author should have done this or that. I get it you were not happy.. but youve been doing this for quite a few chapters now. I mean when it got to the highschool part of the time skip this type of ending seemed rather obvious to me."

I think the problem here is not the moralism xD but simply the story doesn't make that much sense, if I would take care of a child since her 6 years old I would think of her as a daughter/son and nothing else. Now I've had a pretty good time with the manga and I loved the first part, the second one meh, not so much just because it doesn't really make sense what happened in my eyes, just like m4rco explained it had so much potential and it was just ruined with a "rushed let's create some crazy twist kind of thing" (on the moral point of view I'm always open to practicably anything so nope the ending didn't shock me), anyway I had a good run and it's still a good read, just felt that the second part of the manga was a waste compared to the awesome beginning
Jul 25, 2011 7:10 PM

Jul 2010
First half best. Second half never existed. 10/10 first half, second half 7/10.

OVERALL: 8.5/10, rounded 8/10
ariamachiJul 25, 2011 7:18 PM
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