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Jul 3, 2011 10:14 AM

Jul 2010
LOLIA the imagination

※added a cap of the end card because non pic first post looks little deserted for such a great series

5/5, 9/10
desolatoJul 6, 2011 3:59 AM
Jul 3, 2011 10:21 AM

Nov 2008
Yune is so precious in looks and manners, she's really helpful too, I wonder if she can cook as well as clean, an all around nice, polite and traditional girl and a curious one at that. Claude, I'm not liking him too much, he's a little too blunt and angry, I'm glad he made up with Yune but give her some slack man, she's very young and not even from France, I get the feeling he's one of those rare non-romantic type A tsunderes and this may make him a good character as he develops in the future. His reaction to Yune bowing was priceless.

The series is relaxing and the OP sounds 19th century although I don't like it, the ending song is beautiful, my favorite ED of the season.

Jul 3, 2011 2:20 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah very light warming anime.

Agreed with you 100% about Yune :D

She did actually understand French, she must been study before she travell to France.
Isn't that usually you do when you travell to a different country to try to understand them?


Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jul 3, 2011 2:32 PM

Nov 2007
oh man....I d'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwed so fucking hard this episode my heart melted.

Not sure if due to Yune being such a nice girl ;A; or the fact that the OST kicked me back into ARIA mode.

Either way its only episode 1 but this show is already heading in the right direction!

Jul 3, 2011 2:53 PM

May 2011
What a nice light and warm start to the series! Yune is just so cute and so small!
Jul 3, 2011 3:40 PM

Nov 2007
So nice~

It's really different from GOSICK. Ikoku Meiro feels refreshing!
tsubasaloverJul 3, 2011 4:22 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 3, 2011 3:41 PM

Oct 2010
I find that the best part of Yune for me was her blush here and in the following,

she was just over MOE. Way too adorable. In fact I love her small hands when she takes flowers.

Love Yune's art depiction in the following,

should they have more of those, I will be very happy in appreciating it. I liked a lot of those from Rainbow last I remember a series where they had some.

  • Yune in the ED in the spoiler
    is way over the MOE level. Simply because her sleeping and waking up. That is just way to adorable. Where lolis have shown their ecchi, Yune shows her MOE and beauty with no ecchi at all. Now that must be something original for sure. No ecchi + loli always is something original. Well who knows if there will be any in any form but I doubt.

  • In fact Yune looks good in good in both clothing in the spoiler
    and I am sure she will look good in other clothing whom I looking forward to find out about.
I do think Claude went rough on Yune but he did apologize so it was fine.

I want to meet Camille and Alice. Looking forward to those since PV thread start up. One more thing below.
Vive la France!
In other words long live France!

That's all for now.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jul 3, 2011 4:39 PM

Aug 2010
Wow this is a great break from all the action animes ive been watching O_O
I was actually surprised at the french guy speaking in the title at the beginning hahaha XD

Yune is too sweet X3 I actually hated Claude in the beginning for saying all those things to her but that apology at the end with the brilliant OST struck me
Another 19th century/cultural differences anime to add to my collection =D
Jul 3, 2011 5:40 PM

Sep 2009
Hoppy said:
His reaction to Yune bowing was priceless.
It indeed was and made me laugh hard.

Yune is just so adorable! I want to hug her :3
Her kimono and accessories <3

Agree with Hoppy about Claude's character. He really might develop into a lovely character.
Great setting, OP and ED fits well, beautiful art, amazing BGM and a great start. Hope it doesn't disappoint like Gosick.
Jul 3, 2011 5:44 PM

Oct 2010
Linalee-Stratos said:
Agree with Hoppy about Claude's character. He really might develop into a lovely character.
And that is exactly why he is a little like the following character:
in the beginning total shit ass but as things went along he was great until it went bad again at some point. I wonder with Claude how the bad will be.

Certainly there shall be a major event some time but what it may be will be something I am curious about.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jul 3, 2011 5:50 PM

Mar 2011
What everyone else said~

Oh and at the introduction of the episode, not sure who it was but the fluency of the French language spoken was great!

EDIT: I forgot to mention, but they way they talk in French is shadowed in Japanese right? Weird
ZexuJul 3, 2011 6:00 PM
Courtesy of Paul
Jul 3, 2011 6:13 PM

Dec 2010
Ahh how nice. Reminds me of the shows I used to watch as a kid, like Princess Sarah.
Jul 3, 2011 6:14 PM

Sep 2008
Gotta agree with the people who say the first episode is very heartwarming, it certainly made me glad.

I'm very much looking forward to more episodes of this
Jul 3, 2011 6:23 PM

Sep 2008
It was awesome. Hard to describe the real feeling, but it somehow filled me up with happiness. I felt great while watching the episode and after it too. Heartwarming bigtime
Jul 3, 2011 6:24 PM

Mar 2011
Refreshing, actually pass my expectation. Yune is so cute and nice >.<
Jul 3, 2011 6:40 PM

Aug 2009
Cute and calming episode :D

Jul 3, 2011 6:45 PM

Sep 2008
Dawwwww, Yune is extremely adorable as expected.
I loved the beginning when she contrasted from the drab world around her. Hopefully by the end of the series, the whole market area will shine as she does.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 3, 2011 6:49 PM
Dec 2009
Loved this show, especially Yune (too damn cute). The only hard part was watching it not knowing whether or not she knew what was being said or not... maybe if they gave her some cute facial expression as a queue for us to know that she didn't pick something up. Obviously that would not have worked in this ep since that was sort of the point (no one knew in the show either that she understood what they were saying) but would be nice later.
Jul 3, 2011 7:00 PM
Jul 2008
Man, I thought that stranger would say that Yune was Chinese or something else.
Jul 3, 2011 7:05 PM

Aug 2010
I will be watching this show for the adorable Yune.
Jul 3, 2011 7:18 PM

Jan 2011
Great series about an important era in Japan's (and Europe's) cultural evolution after the opening of the Japanese borders to Western trade and the modernization of the Meiji period. It looks like they are doing very well at recreating a Belle Epoque feel for the show.

Subbing had a little trouble translating the French: it should be the Royal Gallery rather than Roy's Gallery, and the name of the metalwork shop should also be Royal rather than Roy's. (Don't go looking for Roy in the character list.)

Yune is sweet. I don't know what age she is supposed to be, but at the time young Japanese women were often considered doll-like because of their small stature. (In other words she may not be a loli, just incredibly petite.) I'm looking forward to see how this develops, although the ED would seem to indicate that there might be a romance brewing somewhere.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jul 3, 2011 7:24 PM

Jan 2010
Such a nice, adorable episode. Gives me nice Aria vibes. And Yune is so sweet. It will be fun watching her and Claude learn more about each other.

My full thoughts for the show are posted here on my blog.

Definitely looking forward to more of this show! TT.TT

confuser987 said:
Man, I thought that stranger would say that Yune was Chinese or something else.

According to the show description there was a big interest in Japanese art and culture in France in this time period, so perhaps it's not too surprising for him to tell Yune was Japanese. Especially if shops nearby are selling kimonos and such.
Jul 3, 2011 7:30 PM

Nov 2007
zimno said:
LOLIA the imagination

Yea, for a sec I thought that too....

And finally, native French from France...
wakka9caJul 3, 2011 7:39 PM
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jul 3, 2011 7:32 PM

Sep 2008
Does anyone know how old Yune is?
Chicken + Dictionary + Dictionary = CMC. Eeyup.
Jul 3, 2011 7:38 PM

Jun 2011
I think I'm in love with Claude and Yune. They're TOO cute.
Great, refreshing slice of life anime I've been looking forward to for a while.
Jul 3, 2011 7:49 PM
Apr 2011
She is sooooooooooooo tiny @_@ how old is she again?
Jul 3, 2011 8:00 PM

Jan 2011
it was nice and i might continue to watch it just for the fact that Yune is so cute and it seems like it could tell a very good heart warming story,but i'm really not a big fan of this time period on top of it covering french..same problem i have while watching gosick.
Jul 3, 2011 8:08 PM

Nov 2008
I agree with every positive comment. Yune is so damn cute!! It seems like a nice anime, so definitely looking forward to the rest.
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

Jul 3, 2011 8:12 PM

Apr 2009
Good start, looks like I'll be enjoying this one.
Jul 3, 2011 8:15 PM

Oct 2010
AHH I feel hidden talent
Jul 3, 2011 8:29 PM

Jun 2011
this show is so cute :3 liked from the first second :) so adorableeee
Jul 3, 2011 9:04 PM

May 2010
Dull episode. Don't like it but neither do I dislike it. Have to wait for some more.
Jul 3, 2011 9:19 PM

Apr 2010
NakkiNya said:
Loved this show, especially Yune (too damn cute). The only hard part was watching it not knowing whether or not she knew what was being said or not.

Yune is soo damn cute xD

Rand0mless's PokePet

Kuro the level 76 Umbreon!
Jul 3, 2011 9:22 PM

Apr 2010
honestly i almost dropped this about a minute in...

glad i didnt i like the main char sure lol the historical accuracy for the show kinda sucks... but it has a nice feel to it, glad i decided to watch the whole ep

"If only if only, the woodpecker cried, the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky" || ♪My mind, heart is broken♫
Jul 3, 2011 9:25 PM

Oct 2008
So moe.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Jul 3, 2011 9:28 PM
Mar 2010
Haven't watched Aria yet, but the classical OST was really nice. Not to mention I was wracking my brain trying to figure out whether or not they were speaking in French or Japanese. Trolled at the end.

And yes, Yune is cute. Should be a very entertaining show to watch (and rather calming, too).
Jul 3, 2011 9:33 PM

Oct 2009
I don't mind the accuracy of history. As long as an anime meets good expectations, I will indeed watch it.

Yune is very sweet and this is a very heartwarming episode... Good introductory episode so far!

5/5, 9/10

Jul 3, 2011 9:46 PM

May 2010
itt hurts my heart everytime i see her its to cute -_- >:o
Jul 3, 2011 10:28 PM

Aug 2009
I don't think I'll be able to survive through 12 eps of this, it's just so heartwarming ^_^
Jul 3, 2011 10:34 PM

May 2010
Aria Shachou approved this and he demand more evening/night scenery p0rn.
Jul 3, 2011 10:38 PM

Jul 2008
Daww Yune is adorable!! @_@ I like the whole feel of this anime.
It's also one of these times where being french is useful. >:D
mcc badge

Toph: "Even though I was born blind, I've never had any problems seeing."
Jul 3, 2011 10:42 PM

Jul 2010
Yune is so cute!
Jul 3, 2011 11:02 PM

Mar 2009
Jul 3, 2011 11:24 PM

Jul 2010
Ohhhh myyyyy gawwwwwd, so freaking adorable!

I didn't think I'd like the way they'd do the Yune-Claude relationship, but it's priceless. Perfectly heartwarming. I hope it stays this way!

Ahaha, I'll stop oozing over the warm-fuzzy feelings now! ^_^;;
The art for this anime is amazing. The details on everything from Yune's kimono(s), to the buildings, to the pieces in the blacksmith's shop was all done very nicely. I especially liked all those awesome looking keys and scissors Yune was marveling at while she dusted the glass cases. The way the character designs are done is also brilliant. No huge eyes and unrealistic hairstyles! It's a breath of fresh air.

The characters, few that we do have, are fun. Claude's hilarious - shooing away potential customers when they come into the shop saying Yune looks like a doll!

Oh, and having some actual French bits spoken was a pretty nice touch, too. Overall, I'm looking forward to the rest of this. Only 12 episodes, but I suppose if it were longer it may feel dragged out.
Jul 3, 2011 11:27 PM

Sep 2010
Cute, yet a little saddening. This seems like it will be quite the relaxing show.
Jul 3, 2011 11:41 PM

Aug 2010
I just think this show is so adorable and I am in love with Yune, she is just so precious! Claude... I'll have to warm up to him. This most certainly will be a favorite of mines this season.
Jul 4, 2011 1:03 AM
Oct 2010
Great first episode, glad I decided to watch this series this season.
Yune's indeed very cute ^^

sabasaba said:
She is sooooooooooooo tiny @_@ how old is she again?

I assume she's not that young/short but it's just French people at the time would be a lot taller compare to Japanese people at the time?
Jul 4, 2011 1:15 AM

Feb 2008
oh, Yune, you're so kawa-HHHNNNNNNNNGGGGG. XD

anyway, this seems quite a good show... Claude is quite unfriendly at first, but may develop to become a really great MC.. right now he's already far better than other male lead, eg. Kujo...

didn't like the OP, while the ED is quite a relaxing song, but also not much likable...
Jul 4, 2011 1:44 AM

Oct 2010
Yune is freakin' adorable. She's so small, just like a doll.

I don't know if my poor heart can take it.
Jul 4, 2011 1:45 AM

Feb 2011
yup everyone just happens to speak japanese in france
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