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Jun 18, 2011 7:57 PM

Feb 2008
Is this really the end?
What an cliffhanging ending.
I wonder if they going to pull the miracle of he still remember and what he experiences over there or he decide to stay in that world.
Why are they doing like this?
If the end like that it is going to be worst ending, well not really good or bad ending.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 18, 2011 8:20 PM

Dec 2008
It wasn't the end, didn't you see the preview? after the ending, as usual, they had a little clip with chibis, and there was something that said there was a 13th episode! It's odd, since everyone said this anime was only 12 episodes long, but it did say that by the end of the episode...
Jun 18, 2011 8:52 PM

Nov 2007

Confirmed to be 13 episodes.
MAL has the airing dates completely wrong here.
Even the beginning airing date...
Anyway, submitted corrected airing dates.
Jun 18, 2011 10:05 PM

Jun 2007
Clearly not the last episode, as people have already pointed out.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Jun 18, 2011 11:05 PM

Aug 2010
Damn, now I have to wait another week.
Jun 18, 2011 11:25 PM

Jan 2008
thought that was it... now i have to wait another week :/
Jun 19, 2011 12:08 AM

Jul 2010
I thought it was 12 episodes? Might as well wait for the last episode.
Jun 19, 2011 12:13 AM

Nov 2008
I think they will likely pull off something so he can at least retain his memories or even return .. the title of "Promise" alone sort of suggests something positive. (For this series anyways)
sirwenceJun 19, 2011 12:57 AM
Jun 19, 2011 12:47 AM

Sep 2009
I want to know what happens so badly. Just one more week.
Jun 19, 2011 1:08 AM

Jun 2009
Thought I could finally put this on my completed list. Not that I don't like it though it's actually quite the opposite so one more episode is always good to look forward to.

Though it's quite obvious he'll be back. In what way he can, if for example, he did forget is what I'm interested in.
Jun 19, 2011 2:22 AM

Sep 2010
Oh thank god. I thought this was only 12 episodes and this was the last episode and I was so pissed for a moment.
Jun 19, 2011 3:09 AM

Jan 2010
13 ...... well no problem for me

i am satisfied just looking at cute characters anyways
Jun 19, 2011 3:09 AM

Feb 2011
Hm, what actually happened in this episode?

Shinku angsting. Millhiore fanservice.
Jun 19, 2011 3:33 AM
Jun 2011
the 4 conditions:
1:the orginal summoner must conduct the returning ritual
2:the summoning and returning must occur within a 16 days period
3:the returning hero cannot carry anything they have obtained in flonyard
4:once the hero sent back to his original world there is no chance for him to revisit flonyard
Jun 19, 2011 4:26 AM

Jul 2010
i don't this to end for some reason :P
Jun 19, 2011 4:38 AM

Aug 2009
D'awww. This show exceeded the low expectations almost everyone (including me) had from the start. Hopefully, we get a good ending.

Is it just me or Kotobuki Minako voiced 2 extras? Oh well.
Jun 19, 2011 4:52 AM
Jun 2011
also riko said his memories from the time he spend in flonyard will be earsed when he will return to his own world. this sure will be sad ending then
Jun 19, 2011 5:21 AM

Oct 2010
This episode was good news to send Shinku back home but with drastic consequences. At the very least it's undeniable that for drama to occur Eclair/Millhiore somehow find out the truth and shit hits the fan but other than that, I see no problem for Shinku to stay there and Brioche even said that being human she is able to live longer so it's possible Shinku may live longer too and have fun. TBH his experience in Millhiore's world is >>>>> compared to real world, although I would feel bad for Rebecca. Anyway I find that Noir's punishment technique on Vert in the following,

is rather pretty sadistic. The arm wrestling of Gaul/Shinku was quite fun to see but of course Vert ruins it by spilling the drinks and all due to unbelievable clumsiness of walking on itself. Amazing really but poor Shinku looking all sticky with juice.

Oh my dear Lord that Leonmitchelli is MOE while being patted by Millhiore in the following,

Leonmitchelli also is like MOE here and there while being patted by Millhiore. That was nice to see.

  • You got love more of Millhiore's fan service in the spoiler
    her figure is nice after all and Shinku must have a pervert's luck to run into a bad sign problem again. It's also too bad that Shinku was a little chicken here to even look at naked Millhiore, at least she may appreciate it for her nice body. Ah man I am really angry at the following spoiler
    that could have been a easy kiss!
    Damn D:

  • Loved seeing Millhiore/Leonmitchelli in their nightgowns in the spoiler
    some rather nice mild fan service.

  • Very nice background story of Yukikaze/Brioche in the spoiler
    having been around 150 years and meet through one's wandering and the other's lost of her village, it was good. Of course Yukikaze had her pride to keep up as Deity lady.

  • Very very lovely made segment of Millhiore/Shinku playing in the spoiler
    it does illustrate the Princess being quite obedient to Shinku in that game.

  • They exaggerated way too much Elmar's sad scene in the spoiler
    it was way too depressive TBH. It does well what it should just overdose of drama or length should I say.

  • Finally, having 3 girls sleep in Shinku's room in the spoiler
    should be considered a good time to do something with them instead of staring too much outside and thinking too much. I do understand his situation just that over thinking with anxiety never really leads to anything but so far Shinku held a lot from the Princess rather well.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 19, 2011 5:32 AM
Feb 2011
I am glad this wasn't the last episode since this episode wasn't good. They need to end it with some sort of action. Hopefully it will have a good ending. I still need atleast one person to die though.
Jun 19, 2011 5:51 AM

Aug 2010
omfreaking god i just knew that one of the conditions was that he couldnt come back but the third condition about not being able to bring anything back including his memories and experiences is overkill D:
I really hope this ends well =I
side note: lulz at milhi patting leo XD
Jun 19, 2011 6:36 AM

Mar 2009
After watching this ep, I screamed NOOO at the "ending", as it felt unfinished...

Then I saw the preview and went =D.
Jun 19, 2011 7:52 AM

Jun 2009
Aww Rico.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jun 19, 2011 10:56 AM

May 2010
And I thought it ends here. Anyway, an Ok episode.

I guess Rico found a solution to make the conditions void.
Jun 19, 2011 11:01 AM
Jun 2009
Ok Mal seems to be wrong it says 12 is the last ep I saw a preview for 13 well anyway i am just now noticing how everyone acts like the animal that they are based off of
Jun 19, 2011 11:29 AM

Feb 2008
that whole part in the bath scene when shinku was treating the princess like a pet was funny as hell to me. queen leo-sama getting petted was also cute
Jun 19, 2011 12:28 PM

Sep 2009
Derp. I started this thing with high expectations because people were saying that the series was really epic or something, but after a few eps my expectations plummeted. I had to say though, with marathoning just now up to this ep I have to say that I'm surprised. :U It's gotten pretty good and this episode was definitely pretty emotional.

I bet that Rico will come up with something to make it so that he can come back, and he'll probably be able to keep his memories as well. :U:U I don't think she was at that last celebration either, but I'm uber forgetful of shiz that I watched all of two seconds ago. XD
Jun 19, 2011 12:34 PM

Nov 2008
Denvious said:
After watching this ep, I screamed NOOO at the "ending", as it felt unfinished...

Then I saw the preview and went =D.

I had that feeling yesterday, then I looked at the official site for BD bonuses and was relieved that it was 13 eps long.

Jun 19, 2011 12:57 PM
Jun 2010
Well hes obviously not gonna stay. So the only answer is they wait to the very last second and go "oh we found a way so that you can come back". Shinku is still a pretty big douche for leading everyone on though.

I can't tell where this anime was supposed to fall age wise...its got fanservice in every episode but it also has scenes I have to literally look away from because they are so corny and childish.
Jun 19, 2011 3:43 PM

Jul 2009
even if Shinku can't remember, he still has the power of the internet.. Why doesn't he go stand by the portal, pop out his phone, write a online blog or something, etc.
Jun 19, 2011 5:48 PM
Dec 2009
My thought is that Shinku will get sick, spill the beans by sleep talking while Milhie is in the room. He will miss the deadline for return. That will cause her to confess and he will stay in that world while maintaining contact with the outside world.
Jun 19, 2011 6:17 PM

Jul 2008
Do want a s2.
I had little close to no expectation when I started watching it but it really surprised me as it is one of the show I enjoy the most this season.
If Rico could at least find a solution for Shinku to not lose his memorie then it'll be fine as nothing stop her from trying to find a way to resummon a sent back hero afterward but if he forget then resummoning him will be out of the question.

Still I think that it is weird for Shinku to want to go back, sure he got his family and friends but it's not like he can't communicate with his homeworld as he did many time already. On the other hand if he go back he won't ever be able to remember this world, much less being able to communicate with it.

He seem to be taking this decision too lightly, this world is what he has always dreamed off, he can exercice to his earth content as the whole world revolve around exercising/fighting. To just abandon that to go back to his old life is absurd but I guess that's where we see that Shinku is yet another dumb lead.

Still if he do go back and forget about everything then it could get interesting for a second season. Imagine him being resummoned because Riko found a way to do so while the whole world is a crisis without knowing anything, could get epic real fast.
Jun 19, 2011 6:18 PM

Nov 2007
whoa for a minute I thought this was the last episode that would have been anti climatic. I figured the ending would have to do with him going home. I hope he doesn't change his mind and stay there. him losing his memories sucks, even if he can't go back.

personally I'd consider stay if it meant I got a cat/dog girl harem. especially if Leo was included. they'd have to sweeten the deal like that.

probably some drama next ep. I doubt there will be action. it's kinda weird when you see Leo behaving cat like or Milhi dog like. it's like does this guy really think of them as animals? then he gets shy around them in the bath? beastiality? what?
Jun 19, 2011 6:42 PM

Jun 2008
In a way, I kind of want him to lose his memories & all those things to come true...

Not trying to be a sadist or anything, but everything in this anime goes perfectly right and everything works out in the end. It bores me. This show needs a surprising ending.

I want a trolled ending soooooo bad!!!!
Jun 19, 2011 7:15 PM

Nov 2008
Just summon Rebecca and Shinku's family to their world. Problem solved. XDD

Can someone refresh my memories?

1 ep left :(

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jun 19, 2011 7:17 PM
May 2009
I just want to hug Rico
Jun 19, 2011 8:28 PM

Apr 2011
DenjaX said:
Just summon Rebecca and Shinku's family to their world. Problem solved. XDD

Can someone refresh my memories?

1 ep left :(

I'm pretty sure Nanami is the one who beat Shinku at that competition and took first place. A good episode,I knew that Shinku was gonna have to lose his memories in order to go back home, it's always like that in these kinds of games/anime.

I'm hoping for a season 2, and they figure out how to summon Shinku back and he'll bring Rebecca and Nanami along.

That would be awesome.
Jun 19, 2011 10:43 PM

Oct 2010
kirby_422 said:
even if Shinku can't remember, he still has the power of the internet.. Why doesn't he go stand by the portal, pop out his phone, write a online blog or something, etc.
Exactly! So true and did not think of that. Too bad he does not have a portable computer with a cam. :P
DenjaX said:
Just summon Rebecca and Shinku's family to their world. Problem solved. XDD

Can someone refresh my memories?
Yeah it's the girl that beat Shinku in that competition.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 20, 2011 12:49 AM

Apr 2011
Awww ricooooo dun cry >.< U crying make mi emoish

The following is my fantasy.....
Rico: I dun want you to forget about Flonyard and its people.... I..I want you to be here forever.

Me: *gib rico a big hug* Rico, I would also want to stay with u forever. Please be my wifuuuu=)
Jun 20, 2011 3:36 AM

Jul 2010
Ugh I knew it, I friggin' knew it. At first I though "well at least the only thing he can't bring back are physical items", but nope, then Rico drops the bombshell that also memories and experiences can't be taken back. -_-

Hopefully she'll find something so he will be able to return or remember. I was thinking something along the lines of leaving something behind himself? Like the watch or his phone? =)
OnyxthegreatJun 20, 2011 10:46 AM

Jun 20, 2011 6:12 AM

Jan 2010
Hate to be cliche but I WANT A HAPPY ENDING!!! He HAS to be able to return and he HAS to be able to remember everything cause if not im gonna be sooooo sad for ages and all my friends will be like whats wrong and I'll be like well in this anime and then they would just say shut up -_- My friends are so mean lol!!!

Anyway I was sooo glad when I found out theres an extra episode cause I wanted more but im kinda disappointed I have to wait another week.... :'(

Onyxthegreat said:
Hopefully she'll find something so he will be able to return or remember. I was thinking something along the lines of leaving something behind himself? Like the watch or his phone? =)

And yes thats actually a good idea!!! I mean why would they show his pocket watch thing in the first place so suddenly if they were not going to use it!?!?!? I think your right and that they might actually use it for something significant :)

Hypno-girl said:
Still I think that it is weird for Shinku to want to go back, sure he got his family and friends but it's not like he can't communicate with his homeworld as he did many time already. On the other hand if he go back he won't ever be able to remember this world, much less being able to communicate with it.

He seem to be taking this decision too lightly, this world is what he has always dreamed off, he can exercice to his earth content as the whole world revolve around exercising/fighting. To just abandon that to go back to his old life is absurd but I guess that's where we see that Shinku is yet another dumb lead.

I dont think hes being stupid by choosing to go back cause well family is an important thing. I mean in the real world hes been missing for what 16 days and no one knows where he went? Thats strange and Im betting people are worried about him so I think he might wanna go back for that reason. I mean imagine if you were his parents/friends and you suddenly disappeared they would be so sad and scared for you. BUT Im not saying i want him to go back for like ever and not remember his time in Bisscoti I mean I want a way where he can go back and forth lol ^_^ I want the happy ending but im unsure whether it will happen or not :/

SilveRR said:
I just want to hug Rico

Me too... Me too!!!

Anyway I can not wait for next week and a season 2 would make me so very happy <3
Jun 20, 2011 6:19 PM

May 2009
Milhi patting Leo was just moe-overkill ~w~
Jun 20, 2011 6:34 PM

Jul 2008
Sayonara7 said:

Hypno-girl said:
Still I think that it is weird for Shinku to want to go back, sure he got his family and friends but it's not like he can't communicate with his homeworld as he did many time already. On the other hand if he go back he won't ever be able to remember this world, much less being able to communicate with it.

He seem to be taking this decision too lightly, this world is what he has always dreamed off, he can exercice to his earth content as the whole world revolve around exercising/fighting. To just abandon that to go back to his old life is absurd but I guess that's where we see that Shinku is yet another dumb lead.

I dont think hes being stupid by choosing to go back cause well family is an important thing. I mean in the real world hes been missing for what 16 days and no one knows where he went? Thats strange and Im betting people are worried about him so I think he might wanna go back for that reason. I mean imagine if you were his parents/friends and you suddenly disappeared they would be so sad and scared for you. BUT Im not saying i want him to go back for like ever and not remember his time in Bisscoti I mean I want a way where he can go back and forth lol ^_^ I want the happy ending but im unsure whether it will happen or not :/

He's not been missing, he clearly called his familly and friends and told them that he was on a trip. From there one it's quite easy for him to tell them that he'll stay here a bit longer and finally latter on that he'll stay there together.
They may be a bit uneasy about it but his familly would eventually get used to it and they wouldn't be as sad and scared as you make them.

Yeah I could understand him wanting to return home if it wasn't for the conditions. These conditions are what make his choice not right.
In this matter it'll not be Shinku that'll be sad, it'll be the people that like him in this world because even if people think it is not a goodbye they'll eventually learn about it someday, when they'll want to resummon him again.
Not only that, he left an heavy burden on Riko, she know that everyone will learn about these condition someday and that they'll be sad and she can't do anything but watch this happen, unless she find a way to remove these condition before Shinku return to his homeworld.

Imo it'll be a much happier ending if both side were to forget about each other, when only one side remember precious memories it just do not feel right.
Jun 20, 2011 11:20 PM
Oct 2010
I can't imagine him wanting to return home for the following.
He dreamed of this place for how long, he can run around, jump, flip, exercise as much as he wanted, and he stated his family has been on a trip in the beginning of the anime..which just leaves rebecca whom he makes phone calls to to let her know he is on a trip. In my opinion, if the conditions were removed, i say he takes rebecca and nanami and lives in biscotti world so he can be with everyone again and they'd only go back for those competitions, or he just goes to get them and they stay there forever because i can't seem him staying in the real world with how much he wanted a place like this. Plus romantic tension can blossom between the princess, rebecca, eclair, and wasn't nanami into him too? (lol i forgot). Or if the conditions can't be removed, he probably will choose to stay in the biscotti world, i'd forget you ever went to that place, those people won't forget you, you lied to them about being able to return even though he won't remember he said that, and everyone would wish they found out sooner. Shinku wants to go out on a happy note yet i know something is gonna happen and eclair and the princess go nuts and start flipping a switch. So...

In the end most likely to happen : He returns and they SOMEHOW find a way to make him able to return (i guess S2 is the second time returning)

What i want to happen : He stays in Biscotti or is able to bring his family and nanami and rebecca to biscotti and they stay there forever, making season 2 about nanami participating in battles to out-do shinku and the competetive rivalry starts up again, and maybe rebecca learns to fight and a romantic square forms between the princess, eclair, rebecca, and nanami over shinku
~ The Blade Children
Jun 21, 2011 4:03 AM

Jun 2009
Am I the only one who felt really sad when Ricotta started crying ಥ_ಥ
Honestly.. We watched around 10 episodes of merry merry atmosphere and there was nothing that serious except for the final battle moments in episode 10 and 11, nevertheless I myself never would've expected Ricotta Elmall (Mizuki Nana), that little sweet character to pull such an emotional act, that made me really sad and have a teary eyes, that it gave the first part of episode 11 a true story touch which sadly was missing in the previous 10 episodes.

Jun 21, 2011 4:10 PM

Nov 2009
Well MAL just ruined this episode for me. First out of hundreds that it has told me it was the last episode when it clearly was not.

I am not sure how to take the episode; a lot of the small interactions with everyone. Rico's scene was pretty strong stuff though.
Jun 22, 2011 1:36 PM

Feb 2008
wow so sad....i pretty much knew this would happen but still...oh well one more episode.
Jun 22, 2011 8:00 PM

Jun 2010
I thought this was the last episode. I was getting all ready to cry and what not.

Milhi patting Leo was so funny. She acts like a little kid around her. Who would've known.

Jun 24, 2011 1:03 PM

Apr 2011
Sad episode, butlet's wait and see what happen the next week!

Millhi + Leo were awesome!!

Jun 24, 2011 2:03 PM
Oct 2007
What?! It's only 13 episodes?! Nuuuuuuuu....T.T Just when it was starting to get interesting as well...

I started this series not with too much expectation and honestly thought it was meh-ish up until the demon attacked. Everything just seemed too perfect. But now I've gotten into it and have some grasp on who's who and it feels too short!

I want moar....
Jun 24, 2011 3:04 PM

Oct 2009
Now im really curious how they are going to end this.
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