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May 7, 2011 10:03 PM
Sep 2009
I just finish this show. It was so difficult to understand.

1. Why did that person make the 12 swords in the first place? I only know Japan was at war all that time. Was he trying to change history? He wasn't a ninja, he was someone who can see the future. Why did he spread out the swords? Did he plan that hundreds of years later that someone like Togame and Shichika would collect all the swords and overthrow the Shogan?

2. I only know Togame collected the swords in the first place, is to get a chance to see the Shogan and kill him for her father's death and his will. What I really don't get it is why Hitei ordered Emonzaimon to kill Togame? Aren't Togame and Hitei princess after the same goal, to kill the Shogan? What difference does it make if Hitei kills Togame and lead Shichika to kill the Shogan, isn't Shichika or Emonzaimon powerful enough to do so? Why didn't Shichika kill kill Hitei to revenge Togame?

4. Emonzaimon is supposed to be dead, why is he still alive and serve Hitei?

5. And I thought Shichika knew Togame's real identity all this time? Why are they all surprised when Emonzaimon said that she's the last princess of the rebel leader? I'm so confused.

6. Why didn't Shichika's father give Kyutoryu to Shichika's sister? Is he afraid of her abilities? Or is he afraid of her person? Did the parents really try to let her die from sickness, but she never died.

funn1bunn1May 7, 2011 10:39 PM
May 13, 2011 1:54 PM

Apr 2010
1. Since Kiki's goal was to change history, creating the swords from using future techniques will change history because the people will know those phenomenon that is used by the swords before it is even discovered :D

ex. I can foresee history and and invent a laser that can pass through walls and let others see it and try it, in the future, when that "phenomenon" (objects that pass through walls) is discovered some people will claim that they already saw it, therefore changing history :D

2.Hitei ordered emonzaimon to kill togame, because they didnt know that togame was princess toshu, since, hitei's goal is to change history as well togame being alive would make the "true history" occur(since togame saw the killing and knew the secrets of the shogunate) Shichika didnt kill hitei because he knew that hitei killed togame because of kiki's goals and she liked togame deep inside.

3. uhh emonzaimon's probably survived when houhou betrayed him since he wants revenge, the best way was to serve a person that is from the shogunate(or cz of personal feelings)

4.He was surprised because emonzaimon knew that he was princess toshu.

5.Because his older sister was far too strong, since shichika's weak, they're father knew that its best to teach shichika ;D( and also i think he knew about her ability)

May 21, 2011 6:07 AM

Jan 2011
Erm you're wrong on more than a few points.

1.The sole purpose of the swords was to change history, not to do that by showing people what they were about, that part of it didn't even matter, but Shikizaki Kiki tells the story himself when he "possess" Houou, one of his ancestors predicted the destruction of Japan (I assume he talking about WW2?) thats what they were trying to prevent, it's confirmed by Emonzaemon in the final episode when he says to the Shogun "Your not thinking of any countries are you?", so I assume that in that timelime, Japan would never of allowed foriegners in like it started to at (iirc) during the Edo period (mid 1800s), thus meaning it started with it's policy of Isolationism and then probably was a neutral country in WW2.

2. Hitei wanted to be the one their to see either the fufillment of Shikizaki Kiki's plans, or the destruction of it, Togame said it herself multiply times "maybe she's planning to steal the credit at the end", it was a pretty obvious ending in that respect.

Also, Shichika didnt kill Hitei because he didn't need too, he says it at the end as well "Togame told me to say thanks to you if I eve rmet you.", ultimately even though Togame died, she knew that the goals she had been striving for were going to be fufilled, she had lived with the burden of them for so long that she was relieved for it to be over.

Although I'm sure she would of prefered to stay alive, she had done what she had worked so hard to do.

3. Again, Emonzaemon says this himself when he fights with Maniwa Houou "I died, not physically but mentally.", although I can't really explain why he's still alive as he's apparently over 170 years old, but he was talking metophorically, his clan was wiped out so he "died" and became a new person, hence why he took a new name.

4. Yes, this was correct, Shichika was surprised that Emonzaemon knew, since Koumari said he never told anyone else, and Shichika and Togame talked about it in the cave (in that snow place) where she tells him never to tell anyone.

5. This is kinda unexplainable since their is little background too it, the best thing I can say was as she said herself "he said my abiliies were too strong", so maybe he did fear what she'd become, I doubt they purposely made her sick but she was sick and didn't die.

Also if you didn't realise it, Shichika killed his father when his father tried to kill his sister.

Thats to both of the above posts.
xinnovationxMay 21, 2011 6:15 AM
"Even if I don't go, I'll die anyway.
I have an organ that's bigger than my heart.
It's invisible, but it's all that holds me up.
Because of it, I can stand up straight.
I can walk straight, even when I'm dizzy and bleeding.
If I run now, it'll tear in half. My soul...
Will tear in half. I'd rather my heart stop than losing what's most important for me.
Even when I'm old and my spine is bent... My soul's got to be straight."
May 24, 2011 2:48 PM
Sep 2009
Thanks for both of your posts.

1. Still don't get it. If you say MetalicarM is wrong at explaining the first point, then why did Kiki spread out the swords?

2. So Hitei ordered to kill Togame just to steal her credit? But failed? Shichika didn't kill Hitei because Togame told him not to? I get it.

3. Ok. So it's unclear why Emonzaemon is still alive, but why he serves Hitei is not answered aside from MetalicarM's answer.

4. I get it.

5. I kindda know this too, just not certain. I know why Shichika killed his father.
May 26, 2011 5:33 PM

Oct 2010
1. He was trying to prevent the fall of Japan (agree with Carekoala, it most likely WWII). He made the weapons to create havoc and make people stronger (by a continuous war for ownership of the swords) and ready for the future war. He probably kept it low key since he also knew the swords could be easily destroy, so only those worth of wielding them will strife to look for them.

All (almost) the swords corrupt and make the wielder. People (powerful warriors) with the sword will start killing random people and the public will react by arming themselves.

2. Both wanted to kill him, but because of different reasons. Hitie was faster than Togame, otherwise Togame would have killed her as only one person could take the credit.

There was also the possibly of Togame to take control after the dude was dead since her father was the precious ruler.
Shichika didn't kill Hitei because he didn't felt like to. He disobey Togame the moment he stormed the castle. He didn't hold a grudge towards her, he probably saw Togame's wish fulfill and he didn't want to kill more people. Also Hitei was the only one beside him that could remember Togame, maybe he wanted her memory to live on?

Also, he kinda went in there to kill the bastard that made Togame waste all her life, not avenge her death = \

3. Same

4. Same. His father was scared of her sister. Not only that, because of her illness she is kinda of a sadist (she doesn't get pleasure, but is incapable to relate pain to something uncomfortable) so making her strong might just end up been a disaster.
choyosMay 26, 2011 5:37 PM
May 27, 2011 1:48 PM

Jan 2011
funn1bunn1 said:
Thanks for both of your posts.

1. Still don't get it. If you say MetalicarM is wrong at explaining the first point, then why did Kiki spread out the swords?

2. So Hitei ordered to kill Togame just to steal her credit? But failed? Shichika didn't kill Hitei because Togame told him not to? I get it.

3. Ok. So it's unclear why Emonzaemon is still alive, but why he serves Hitei is not answered aside from MetalicarM's answer.

4. I get it.

5. I kindda know this too, just not certain. I know why Shichika killed his father.

This is Anime, alot of the times you don't get all the answers, more often than not your left with more questions thats generally how things are - they do that so you buy the DVDs and stuff and watch them multiply times "trying to figure it out".
"Even if I don't go, I'll die anyway.
I have an organ that's bigger than my heart.
It's invisible, but it's all that holds me up.
Because of it, I can stand up straight.
I can walk straight, even when I'm dizzy and bleeding.
If I run now, it'll tear in half. My soul...
Will tear in half. I'd rather my heart stop than losing what's most important for me.
Even when I'm old and my spine is bent... My soul's got to be straight."
May 31, 2011 11:55 PM
Sep 2009
choyos said:
1. He was trying to prevent the fall of Japan (agree with Carekoala, it most likely WWII). He made the weapons to create havoc and make people stronger (by a continuous war for ownership of the swords) and ready for the future war. He probably kept it low key since he also knew the swords could be easily destroy, so only those worth of wielding them will strife to look for them.

All (almost) the swords corrupt and make the wielder. People (powerful warriors) with the sword will start killing random people and the public will react by arming themselves.

2. Both wanted to kill him, but because of different reasons. Hitie was faster than Togame, otherwise Togame would have killed her as only one person could take the credit.

There was also the possibly of Togame to take control after the dude was dead since her father was the precious ruler.
Shichika didn't kill Hitei because he didn't felt like to. He disobey Togame the moment he stormed the castle. He didn't hold a grudge towards her, he probably saw Togame's wish fulfill and he didn't want to kill more people. Also Hitei was the only one beside him that could remember Togame, maybe he wanted her memory to live on?

Also, he kinda went in there to kill the bastard that made Togame waste all her life, not avenge her death =

3. Same

4. Same. His father was scared of her sister. Not only that, because of her illness she is kinda of a sadist (she doesn't get pleasure, but is incapable to relate pain to something uncomfortable) so making her strong might just end up been a disaster.

I see, thanks, I get it more now.
Jun 27, 2013 3:48 AM
Mar 2012
Im piss how katanagatari ended -.- fker cant believe what they did to tagome
May 1, 2014 2:21 AM

Oct 2012
theres no reason for that princess to lived. wth he ordered togame dead. the fuck cares for shikiiki or what ever name his ancestor is .she said it her self in the battle of emoden shit. vs the MC. that she didnt care if his ancesortor plan to come true or not meaning she didn't needed to order togame dead. fuck this show. so much wrongness.
My biggest regret is using my real name as my user name.

The continuous pursuit of finding that genuine thing.
May 1, 2014 2:22 AM

Oct 2012
funn1bunn1 said:
choyos said:
1. He was trying to prevent the fall of Japan (agree with Carekoala, it most likely WWII). He made the weapons to create havoc and make people stronger (by a continuous war for ownership of the swords) and ready for the future war. He probably kept it low key since he also knew the swords could be easily destroy, so only those worth of wielding them will strife to look for them.

All (almost) the swords corrupt and make the wielder. People (powerful warriors) with the sword will start killing random people and the public will react by arming themselves.

2. Both wanted to kill him, but because of different reasons. Hitie was faster than Togame, otherwise Togame would have killed her as only one person could take the credit.

There was also the possibly of Togame to take control after the dude was dead since her father was the precious ruler.
Shichika didn't kill Hitei because he didn't felt like to. He disobey Togame the moment he stormed the castle. He didn't hold a grudge towards her, he probably saw Togame's wish fulfill and he didn't want to kill more people. Also Hitei was the only one beside him that could remember Togame, maybe he wanted her memory to live on?

Also, he kinda went in there to kill the bastard that made Togame waste all her life, not avenge her death =

3. Same

4. Same. His father was scared of her sister. Not only that, because of her illness she is kinda of a sadist (she doesn't get pleasure, but is incapable to relate pain to something uncomfortable) so making her strong might just end up been a disaster.

I see, thanks, I get it more now.

2. so the princess is the main character in the end?? a main charcter in shadows. even thou they keep showing togame at the beginning. ugh. what the FUCK!
My biggest regret is using my real name as my user name.

The continuous pursuit of finding that genuine thing.
May 6, 2014 8:56 AM
May 2014
Here is my tale on the series:

Kiki tried to change history, and he partially succeeded by putting the Owari Shogunate (the one who gathered the 988 blades) into ruling position. However, he wasn't able to perfect Kyotoryuu in his lifetime, and the responsibility passed to his descendants. I think the plan was furthered by them until it went slightly astray when Shichika's father was banished and Kyotoryuu imperfect. On top of that, the 12 that would 'forge' the 'completed' blade were scattered and hoarded. This is solved by Togame, incidentally the descendant of one who tried to oppose his plan.

Kiki intended to use the Shogunate he put into power, only to the end of perfecting Kyotoryuu, by providing the motivation for Kyotoryuu master to face the blades. Togame gets Shichika off the island, indirectly motivated by the Shogunate (thus Kiki), and Hitei uses her to perfect Shichika. However, by the end, Hitei doesn't really care about her ancestor's plan and does nothing to force Shichika (if she even could).

Togame's father had lived near the site where the tenth blade was buried. It was one that provided clarity of thought and insight, Rinne the sage explained, so that is why he could see the deviance in history. His talk to Togame about killing her was an attempt to restore what little he could of history before death, but in the end, she helped save history.

Togame and Hitei could not cooperate for this reason:

Hitei was trying to follow Kiki's plan--change history and provide an ultimate weapon to defend Japan. She wanted Kyotoryuu perfected and the ruler, whomever that was, to allow the Kyotoryuu masters to defend Japan. It didn't matter who ruled, just do long as they let Kiki's plans go unaltered

Togame wanted revenge. She wanted the ruler gone, but not for the reasons her father did. She would not have restored history. Instead, she probably would seize power and rule. By her own confession, she would have killed Shichika, stopping Kiki's plans, and Hitei could not have that.
That is why she was killed. Up to that point, Togame had served Hitei's ends, but now she would cross them if she won.

By the end, Hitei detached herself from Kiki's plans. She had done all she could, and nothing could be done to force Shichika to do anything. Togame's actions had countered Kiki's plans indirectly, by changing Shichika. So really, neither one of them won. History was preserved and Hitei and Shichika had no further desire to meddle.
Oct 8, 2014 10:08 PM
Oct 2014
Charcoroth, thanks man, girlfriend asked me to explain it... didn't follow up well
Apr 14, 2015 7:57 AM

Jan 2015
Charcoroth said:
Here is my tale on the series:

Kiki tried to change history, and he partially succeeded by putting the Owari Shogunate (the one who gathered the 988 blades) into ruling position. However, he wasn't able to perfect Kyotoryuu in his lifetime, and the responsibility passed to his descendants. I think the plan was furthered by them until it went slightly astray when Shichika's father was banished and Kyotoryuu imperfect. On top of that, the 12 that would 'forge' the 'completed' blade were scattered and hoarded. This is solved by Togame, incidentally the descendant of one who tried to oppose his plan.

Kiki intended to use the Shogunate he put into power, only to the end of perfecting Kyotoryuu, by providing the motivation for Kyotoryuu master to face the blades. Togame gets Shichika off the island, indirectly motivated by the Shogunate (thus Kiki), and Hitei uses her to perfect Shichika. However, by the end, Hitei doesn't really care about her ancestor's plan and does nothing to force Shichika (if she even could).

Togame's father had lived near the site where the tenth blade was buried. It was one that provided clarity of thought and insight, Rinne the sage explained, so that is why he could see the deviance in history. His talk to Togame about killing her was an attempt to restore what little he could of history before death, but in the end, she helped save history.

Togame and Hitei could not cooperate for this reason:

Hitei was trying to follow Kiki's plan--change history and provide an ultimate weapon to defend Japan. She wanted Kyotoryuu perfected and the ruler, whomever that was, to allow the Kyotoryuu masters to defend Japan. It didn't matter who ruled, just do long as they let Kiki's plans go unaltered

Togame wanted revenge. She wanted the ruler gone, but not for the reasons her father did. She would not have restored history. Instead, she probably would seize power and rule. By her own confession, she would have killed Shichika, stopping Kiki's plans, and Hitei could not have that.
That is why she was killed. Up to that point, Togame had served Hitei's ends, but now she would cross them if she won.

By the end, Hitei detached herself from Kiki's plans. She had done all she could, and nothing could be done to force Shichika to do anything. Togame's actions had countered Kiki's plans indirectly, by changing Shichika. So really, neither one of them won. History was preserved and Hitei and Shichika had no further desire to meddle.

I think this is the most clear/uncontradicting and agreeable one yet! Nice
Apr 14, 2015 8:35 AM
May 2014
Wow! It's been a while since I watched this, but here's another thought...

I think one of the series' main points of tragedy is that fact that not matter what our MC's did, they were doomed to fail. By accepting the premise that these were 'true events', we are locked into the sad ending from the start, and all along the way we are torn between the understood need for history to be preserved and the hopes for our heroes to succeed. The tragedy of the tale is best expressed in the fact that it is the victors who write their stories on the rolls of history. Katanagatari is the loser's side of the tale.
Jun 14, 2015 12:01 AM

Jun 2009
6. Nanami's father didn't teach her because her body couldn't take it. It's explained in episode 7 that her body is fragile because of her immense power and that by weakening herself (absorbing other's powers), she is able to increase her lifespan. So if he were to teach her Kyotoryuu, in his sense, she will die.

Doesn't this make you hungry?
Aug 10, 2019 4:57 PM
Dec 2017
Feel like I'm way behind having only finished katanagatari.

Firstly in relation to why Nanami didn't get taught, its two fold. Firstly she was a true prodigy and undoubtedly stronger then Shichika, if she was taught Kyoutoryou her father feared she'd be unstoppable (he literally said it has nothing to do with your illness or being female). Secondly as a previous post said, she's unable to understand emotions/pain because she lives in constant suffering. The scene when she stamps on the man in Shirei village calling him a weed and then the scene shifts to her actually stamping on weeds, highlights her skewed perception of reality.

Next in regards to the ending:
Would Togame have killed Shichika?? I think it's open to debate. She would definitely have considered it, but her emotions had conflicted with her true agenda once too often and therefore I would suggest that there's a 50/50 chance she wouldn't have killed him. Her final words "I'm happy because i no longer have to go through with killing you." Don't forget that Japanese interpretation > English is never perfect and if you read Kanji you know that there are multiple meanings to everything. It could also be translated to (I don't have to make that decision). Which isn't as cut/dry as saying i wouldn't have to kill you.

Next why didn't the Hitei/Shichika situation surprise me?? And why was it so perfect??
Firstly let's think what occurred, Emonzaemon killed Togame not on her orders, (he stated as such that he regrettably did it for princess Hitei's plans). The whole story is really about Shichika becoming human, which he finally did by breaking all the swords and breaking all Togame's orders simultaneously. He became human by choosing not to kill Hitei and killing the Shogun in his words because "make an example out of him," basically recompense for how Hitei told him earlier that the Shogun took power over Japan.
The scene restarts at the exact place that Togame and Shichika were eating, but this time Hitei is eating instead of Togame and she's cut her hair short in Togame's remembrance.
Shichika has slightly mixed feelings about Hitei being around (he did ask her to stop it) yet he feel's no ill will towards Hitei and even felt a connection with her as she said "I didn't dislike Togame."
Shichika is pleased to have someone around after being alone for so long and Hitei happily helps complete the map in Togame's honour. Let's not forget Togame told Shichika to live how he wishes and forget about her....Which he'll never do as he carries around her hair, but he is trying to move on. The final words of the narrator are brilliant because its all metaphorical (he continued for a long or a short time, either dying on the road or moving to another country and continuing on his journey). It has a literal meaning of course, but how long he moved and where was all in line with him moving on as a person.

Isshin likes his open ended stories and i can completely understand why, but don't forget Togame's final words "So is it ok, if i fell for you??"

She loved Shichika and Shichika loved her. In the grand scheme of things that's really all that matters.

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