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Mar 9, 2011 1:39 PM

Feb 2008
Quite awesome episode!!

They back on the real world but in that world it's haven't even past a day.
So I guess in the real world get a lot slow and Digital world goes so much faster so the whole world have been taking control over the darkness.

Digi Evoultion of Shoutmon was awesome. OmegaShoutmon

Anyway Taiki went back on Digital World.
Oh no Yuu Nene little brother have become evil.

In the previews:

Where did Nene and Kiraha get new outfit and they looks so more older right now?

Looking forward !! :D

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Mar 10, 2011 2:26 AM

Mar 2008
Indeed an awesome episode :DDD

OmegaShoutmon is badass, even more powerful than x5...
One of the best for me so far... :D

So, based on what Omegamon said, there used to be evolution (digivolution) system on xros wars universe, eh? Can't wait for next episode (or next season)... 3rd April... T_T
Mar 10, 2011 12:48 PM
Sep 2010
So we still don't know if evolution levels as we knew them in Adventure through Savers exist in Xros Wars, since not even the site has elaborated on them yet.

And I'm fine with that, Xros Wars has been good so far without the multitude of Digimon levels that we had before making things more complicated than they need to be.

But here's a bit of info: an article described what Shoutmon under went as "Chou Shinka" (Super Evolution), which was what going from Adult to Perfect (Champion to Ultimate) was called in Adventure. So if Digimon levels as we once knew them do exist in Xros Wars, then Shoutmon would probably be an Adult/Champion.
Mar 10, 2011 3:46 PM
Jun 2010
i hope will there still be digixros then there could be omegashoutmon x infinity
Mar 10, 2011 5:42 PM
Aug 2009
Who put the "finished airing" thing? This show hasn't ended.

Btw, EPIC episode.
Mar 10, 2011 6:48 PM
Sep 2010
Kenshin- said:
Who put the "finished airing" thing? This show hasn't ended.

Btw, EPIC episode.

I submitted a fix before realizing that MAL is going to put the rest under a different title.
Mar 10, 2011 7:26 PM

Sep 2008
I'm pretty sure Taiki got a Golden Digi-Egg.
My whole childhood just flew out the window even though there was an awesome Onmimon.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 11, 2011 3:26 AM
Jun 2008
The new general looks like its nene's little brother
Mar 11, 2011 10:24 AM
Aug 2009
BrentD said:

I submitted a fix before realizing that MAL is going to put the rest under a different title.

Same here; I looked up in AnimeNewsNetwork, and found that there's a kind of "hiatus" and then a restart for the series.

Moar Digimon then =D
Mar 11, 2011 11:40 AM

Sep 2009
HawthorneKitty said:
The shit Digimon ahve been doing since Adventure?
Mar 11, 2011 11:56 AM

May 2010
now that they evolve again i hope they go back to the roots of digimon mixed with the digixros style.

i knew that this will become better with time glad i didnt drop
Mar 11, 2011 3:08 PM

Sep 2009
Ape said:
now that they evolve again i hope they go back to the roots of digimon mixed with the digixros style.

i knew that this will become better with time glad i didnt drop
If they'd only bring some sense back into the evolutionary levels ie. wouldn't IGNORE them altogether.
Mar 11, 2011 4:12 PM

May 2009
so, at last we get back old-times digivolving?? nice :D now, i wonder if tehy'll keep DigiXrossing... i mean, OmegaShoutmon is fucking crazy strong... imagine him digixrossed...
Mar 11, 2011 6:38 PM

Feb 2008
Digimon Xros Wars sure is the best season out there, but still I like Digimon Tamers better.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Mar 12, 2011 5:24 AM

Aug 2010
reaght said:
The new general looks like its nene's little brother

that IS nene's little brother yuu isnt it ._____.;

lol does anyone else think the soundtrack in this episode was pretty well done lawl on a side note zenjirou and akari D: oh and when o-shoutmon did that beat slash move he looked like a bee X3 <-random comment
Mar 12, 2011 8:03 AM

Feb 2011
I never thought this would be the last episode but is nice ending
waiting for the season 2

digi evolution is back im kinda disappointed about that
its kinda back to the previous series

but i got excited if all of them get evolve and digixros

cant wait on the spring season^^

new enemy Nene's brother

Sorry For my Bad English ^_^
Mar 12, 2011 8:15 AM

Apr 2010
Awesome Episode. Reminds me of Digimon Adventure episode 21.
It's possible that we may have not seen the last of Tacticmon since it was seen that his sword fell into the water instead of being destroyed along with him.
Mar 12, 2011 1:38 PM

Dec 2010
Very very awesome episode in my opinion!
I hope the other generals to be cool like Tactimon
Mar 19, 2011 11:38 PM
Nov 2009
this episode was... mediocre...

I can't say it was terrible, but it was alright.

Obvious comparisons to Digimon Adventure 21 need to be made... in which Digimon Adventure 21 beats this episode by a mile.

I didn't like how fast Taiki made his decision. I would have liked more scenes with them dealing with returning to the human world. I would have liked it if they treated returning as an actual decision, with consequences and trade offs.

That said, I am excited for a new Digimon Xros Wars season. I view this as a fresh start for the series. The Digimon world has been changed, weeks if not months have gone by. It is time for them to get their act together

hopefully by reducing the cast size they can try to give the remaining character an increased focus. Nene will finally be able to to something! That is the bare minimum I ask. Make Nene worthy of being a chosen child.
Jun 11, 2013 11:18 PM

May 2012
Hmm....I'm not really sure how to feel about this season. While it's massively different from the Digimon, I'm used to it has it's fair share of pros and cons.

- Shoutmon was awesome. I didn't like him at first but he really grew on me and the fact that he has his own ambition that doesn't surround his human partner is great. I hope to see more of him digivolving on his own.

- The zones. I don't like that the digital world was split up but it brought a lot more variety to the areas besides the usual forest/ice/dessert.

- The storyline itself is quite actually quite good(The characters on the other hand....). I like the idea of war for the possession of the digital world and the winner being able to remake it how they please. Also, unlike a few of the other seasons there was no hesitation to kill the enemy since they were at war after all.

- Zenjirou and Akari. I don't think I really have to elaborate but I'll go ahead anyway. It just seemed pointless not to give them X Loader's and made them pretty useless. I mean, at least Zenjirou took over when Taiki wasn't around and he had a few moments with the sword but Akari was just morale support.

- Storing the Digimon in the Xros Loader. Yeah, this just felt eerily like Pokemon with that and I like my Digimon as far away from that as possible. Also, I rather see Taiki walking around with all of his digimon instead of his favorite 5. There's some digis that we saw in a scene or two and then didn't see again until the Tactimon battle.

- DigiXros. No not the form of digivolution itself. DNA Digivolving was one of my favorite things to come out of 02. I didn't like how they wouldn't really fuse, just sort of come on as equips. Even worse, they pretty much were all just further equips for shoutmon(who started to look like he belonged in Gurren Lagann)

- This is more nitpick than con but why was the OP in the middle of the episode all the time? That was pretty annoying.

So yeah, overall it wasn't bad for an anime but for a Digimon series it falls behind most of them imo. I'd give it a 6/10 since that's probably what it deserves but I might be being a little too hard on it considering Adventure 01 & 02 are fresh in my mind from watching them on dvd. Maybe I'll change it to 7/10 after thinking on it for a bit.

My ranking for Digimon Seasons so far
1) Adventure
2) Tamers (Need to rewatch)
3) Adventure 02
4) Savers
5) Xros Wars
6) Frontier (Need to rewatch)
gettogaaraJun 18, 2013 10:23 PM
Jul 19, 2013 3:36 AM

May 2012
AWESOME final episode for the first saga. Really gave it a big boost, even if I hoped until the end that Akari and Zenjiro would have gone with Taiki to the Digiworld. But I'm sure they'll reunite sooner or later. This episode showed this series can give so much tension and emotion. 9/10
Sep 11, 2013 8:56 PM

Nov 2011
Lol @ the beginning scene. Sure feels good to be back.

>We're not insects!
Probably my favorite quote from the episode..

And holy shit, they actually animated a digievolution scene. I haven't seen that in a looooooooooong time. Overall, season 5/10.
May 16, 2014 12:30 PM

Jul 2013
They defeated Tactimon in the real world thanks to Shoutmon digivolving, that was great and now only Mikey can go back to the digital world, awww.

I hope Jeremy and Angie get there.

What happened to Christopher in the end card? He used to be so hot and now he's still hot but looks so different!

Such an awesome episode!
stephtastropheMay 16, 2014 12:37 PM
May 22, 2014 10:50 AM
Mar 2014
I would hope the rest of the episodes start airing soon

as for the episode, it was ok. Fusion started to be eh towards the end, least we got to see digivolution again.
Jun 8, 2014 4:47 AM

Sep 2008
Oh wow, finally evolution! They even put Zenjirou and Akari on the bus. Next season could be awesome!
May 21, 2016 2:24 AM
May 2013
At first I thought it was going to be bad but it turned to be pretty good just like the other seasons .

Nice to see digivolution again .
Jul 18, 2016 2:53 PM

Feb 2013
Shoutmon evolving was the best part.
It's better that Zenjirou and Akari didn't go to the digital world too, they were useless.
Feb 6, 2017 9:27 AM

May 2008
Ignoring the glorious animation quality of this episode, all it proves is that evolution > DigiXros. OmegaShoutmon's battle against Tactimon's was a lot better than X5B's.

If there were good things I could say about Xros Wars, it's that it was easy to marathon, the OST is good, and few episodes when good are really good. The only time I ever got bored was near the beginning, but that's normal for Digimon. But, beyond that? Everything is done mediocre or terribly.

One big issue was that the show felt as if it had too many animation directors; at least, 3 times this show change its' presentation for no reason. Example: we started with no attack title cards then we had them? I loved whoever directed the middle because they cut short the overly long DigiXros scenes.

Next, this show treats its' watchers as if we're as smart as a goldfish. Maybe for the goldfish, that's fine, but I felt a bit annoyed every time we had to be told things over and over. What's the point of the name and attack title cards if the characters are going to shout/tell us anyways? What's the reason for the "no shit" infodump in the corner that started in ep. 25? How many times do we need to know who the MC is?

The next big issue, if not the biggest, was the excessive fluff that surrounds this show. Do we really need a recap of info we already know for the first 28 episodes? I think this was done to make up for the lack of a ED (which I must rather have), but that time could have been used in other important scenes. Do we really need long DigiXros poses? The beauty of evolution in past shows was that it was short and sweet, but honestly I blame Tamers for starting this trend. I mean, at least, Tamers had an excuse why they did it, but I much rather have the Digimon just start their DigiXros rather than see Taiki/Nene/Kiriha do some a long pose beforehand. More fluff that wastes time better used elsewhere.

The characters are as developed as cardboard with each having one quirk and only one. The development of the characters are as shallow as puddles, even Nene. The digimon having more personality was nice, but it was at the expense of the humans. Zenjirou and Akari? Mostly worthless. Nene? Worthless outside of X5 (why not just give Taiki the digimon and spare us). Kiriha? Mostly pointless past being a "rival" (quite obvious the writer(s) didn't know what that meant).

The most of the fights are garbage. The storyline, while not new (Frontier/Savers did similar things) had potential, but never got past its' simple outline of "head to a zone, defeat boss, repeat". They bring back things for nostalgia then proceed to treat them like trash.

tl;dr This show had cool ideas, but not enough time is given to develop them into anything resembling good. The ideas in these first 30 episodes could have easily be expanded to cover the last 24, but it's obvious they're going for quantity over quality. It seems like Xros Wars and Toei learned nothing from Adventure 02. Toei needs to work on its' cash grab mentality; it's killing their anime.
SakariiFeb 12, 2019 6:44 PM
Dec 4, 2023 8:56 AM
Dec 2023
No me gustó que las digivoluciones sean fusiones con otros digimon.

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