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Feb 10, 2011 11:18 AM

Dec 2007
Ok now i'm like OH COMEEE OOON NEXT EPISODEEE D: but on the other hand I'm 100% sure nothing will happen. Nothing happened in first season, why ANYTHING would
happen on this, 6th episode ._.
Feb 10, 2011 1:24 PM

Mar 2010
kent already know about the relationship between the 2. his trying to cause a riff so he can have sadako
Feb 10, 2011 2:07 PM

Nov 2008
dewert said:
kent already know about the relationship between the 2. his trying to cause a riff so he can have sadako
^agreed de geso, I couldn't buy him not knowing about Kazehaya's feelings... I just can't... :( Maybe it's because Kent has same seiyuu as Kira xDD

Who dares make Sawako cry?!?!? >:I

PS: I would like to have Ryu as my friend. I can chill with him wherever we want xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 10, 2011 3:22 PM

Oct 2008
HAHAH Kent you snake bastard!
Feb 10, 2011 3:32 PM

May 2010
The second season is so depressing so far. :P I love the funny parts though. I like Kento, too. People like him always make the main couple grow closer, so he's good for this story.
I loved when Chizu had makeup on. :3 She's always been my favorite character. I just wish they showed her normal face more and not the silly chibi face so much. o3o
Feb 10, 2011 6:15 PM

Dec 2010
Thalandor46 said:

First I drop my remote in shock upon seeing Chizuru pressed up against Ryuu, only to learn that I'd been trolled hard and misread the situation. Then it takes every ounce of self control to not throw my remote through the screen in response to Kento's actions. I want to destroy him in a furious rage. And then that cliffhanger...dear lord I am in the verge of tears over all of this! What an amazing episode XD
i felt the exact same way kyaaaa i wanted to the episode to keep going what a HUGE clifhanger T-T
- Marissa Chan!
Feb 10, 2011 8:33 PM

Jan 2011
cleo said:
You're reasoning from the viewers point of view, while I'm trying to reason from the pov of the characters.

I am reasoning from the view point of the characters and the viewpoint of the observer. I do understand the character motivations but it by no means dictates that I have to agree with them.
cleo said:
Ofcourse for the viewers Kazahaya is easy to read, but we've concluded some eps ago that the awkwardness between K&S is anything but helpfull for the understanding between the two. The last eps made it pretty clear that he completely confused Sawako, and with his "I thought I was the only guy close to you - Oh sorry, forget about that", I think any girl would be.

You said that you are looking at things from the character’s viewpoint and yet you still fail to understand why Kazehaya recanted his statement. The answer can clearly be tied back to what he disclosed during his conversation with Ryu when they were sitting on the sports field. He plainly stated that he regretted saying such a thing to Sawako especially when she was trying to get used to a new class. He said that he felt that he had made her uncomfortable especially because she looked troubled at the time and in every subsequent meeting between them afterwards. Then during the tutoring session, when Kazehaya saw how well received Sawako’s teaching was and how happy she looked, the camera focused on him and he smiled. I personally believe that his smile signified his resolution to be patient a little longer particularly since she seemed so happy at the moment. I also believe that’s why he told her not to let what he said bother her. He was trying to undo what he had said since from his viewpoint Sawako always looked very nervous and troubled whenever she saw him after he had said that thing to her.
cleo said:
Taylor_elle said:
Anyway, in case you might actually think that Kazehaya has not supported Sawako

No I don't, and I never said I thought so.
I like discussing this series, but please don't put words in my mouth.

I like discussing this series too but please don’t accuse me of putting words in your mouth. In case you did not realize, I qualified my statement with “might” which expresses a possibility and not a certainty.
cleo said:
You've made up your mind that Kent is a bastard, I think it's possible he just wants to be supportive (and yes, I think it's posiible to be supportive without trying to be someone's saviour).

Please don’t assume that you know what is going on inside my head. In the first place, I have never been exactly sure what people mean when they call someone else a bastard especially when I know the word to be a derogatory name for a child born out of wedlock. And honestly, I don’t use such offensive words.
Secondly, there is nothing in any of my posts that should lead anyone to believe that I think of Kento in any other way but as a meddler. Therefore, please don’t assume anything else.
I don’t think that it’s unfair to say that he is a meddler. His unsolicited involvement in the affairs of others makes him one. I think it’s safe to say that neither Sawako nor Kazehaya invited him into their affairs. He just basically interjected himself into the situation.
Furthermore, in all his conversations with Sawako, it is almost always a one-sided conversation wherein he tries to tell Sawako how she should be, how she should feel, how she should act, etc. He never tries to engage her in conversation that goes beyond that point and into the territory of actually getting to know her. That, more than anything else, suggests that he is trying to save her.
cleo said:
Basically he's telling her to open her eyes to the current situation.

Open her eyes to what situation? One thing I find very disturbing about this whole affair is that not for a moment has Kento tried to discover what Sawako truly wants. It’s like it hasn’t even entered his sphere of thought to consider that. Does Sawako want to be the person that he is trying to make her into? Does Sawako want to act in the way that Kento wants her to? This particular question was brought to the forefront of my mind after Sawako admitted in this episode that even though her goal all along had been to fit into the class, she had completely forgotten about it because of Kazehaya (and most likely Chizu-chan and Yano-chin). I can only conclude that as she became surrounded by a few sincere friends, that goal took on less significance and plummeted in her priority. After all, having a few genuine friends is certainly the better outcome.
cleo said:
You may argue that only Kazehaya or her close friends have that right, but I really don't think it's such a bad thing.

Fair enough. You obviously don’t see how inappropriate his actions are but I do especially when considering that his interference was never solicited by Sawako or Kazehaya.
cleo said:
And asking her if she likes to be pitied by Kazehaya is a sound question, given the fact that Kazehaya hasn't made it plain to either Sawako or Kent that he's acting out of love instead of pity.

I won’t even touch upon how inappropriate that question was but I’ll tell you this: I don’t think for a moment that Sawako actually thought that Kazehaya pitied her otherwise during this episode she would not have declared in her thoughts that she was shocked to find that Kurumi’s past accusation was true in light of what Kento just told her. And still you cannot see the harm that Kento is inflicting on this impressionable girl by causing her to doubt her own judgment.
cleo said:
During the talk between Kent and Kazehaya, Kent tries to figure out Kazehaya's feelings for Sawako. He makes it quite plain he thinks Kazehaya acts out of pity. Yet Kazehaya doesn't deny he's acting out of pity, he doesn't say a word when Kent says K & S aren't close and he keeps quiet when Kent mentions it's about ' secrets of the heart'.

Please watch the episode again. At no point during the conversation was Kento attempting to, as you say, figure out Kazehaya’s feelings. This is true of the anime and it’s true of the manga. At that point Kento was already convinced, like the rest of the school that Kazehaya acts that way with Sawako because he cannot leave outcasts alone. Throughout the conversation Kento stuck to his mission, which was basically to tell Kazehaya to stay away from Sawako. Moreover, when Kento asked Kazehaya if he doesn’t pity Sawako, Kazehaya immediately asked him to explain himself but Kento laughed it off and told him not to be so angry.
Again, you said that you look at things from the character’s viewpoint, yet you do not seem to understand that Kazehaya, being the person he is, would not voluntarily reveal to his friends much less an almost stranger things that he deems his personal business. And there is absolutely no reason why he should have to. After all, what is Kento’s significance in Kazehaya’s relationship with Sawako? I really don’t understand how you do not see that Kento crossed the line especially when he was bold-faced enough to engage Kazehaya in such a personal conversation when they are as close as two people can be to strangers.
cleo said:
How has Kazehaya given Kento the impression he's in love with Sawako'?

Apart from the fact that Kento has long ago made up his mind that Kazehaya only acts that way with Sawako because he can’t leave outcasts alone, I re-iterate who is Kento in Kazehaya’s eyes? They are practically strangers.
cleo said:
In Kento's eyes: who the heck is Kazehaya to tell him Sawako isn't his business?

Considering the fact that the topic of conversation was Kento’s wish to persuade Kazehaya into severing his relationship with Sawako, I’d say that Kazehaya had every right to tell him to stay out of his business.
cleo said:
I highly doubt Kent would've made his move if Kazehaya had said he did.

Wait, do you actually believe that Kento is interested in Sawako in that way? On the contrary, I believe otherwise. Up to now I see nothing to support that he has romantic feelings for Sawako. Personally I believe that Sawako’s tears is the trigger that prompted his spur of the moment offer to be her consolation prize.
cleo said:
Besides: suppose some guy at some point had told Kazehaya back in S1 to mind his own business. Would you really be satisfied if he'd given up just because of that?

Again, you don’t seem to understand what is going on with Kazehaya. Like I explained on the thread for the last episode, Kazehaya was pushed into confusion by Chizu. Why do you think the mangaka made a point of having Chizu tormented over this? Kazehaya only began to doubt himself after Chizu agreed that he did not understand Sawako. I also stated on that thread that Chizu was a perfect choice for the mangaka to use because not only is she clueless, she’s also someone whose opinion Kazehaya could reasonably trust particularly because she’s a close friend of Sawako’s.
Feb 11, 2011 2:14 AM

Sep 2008
Episode 5 has reach until chapter 33 1/2 (Means halfway at chapter 34).

Confirmed upcoming episode!!
Episode 6 : Love and Annoyance (Chapter 35)
Episode 7 : Just Give Up (Chapter 37)
Episode 8 : Reach (Chapter 38)
Episode 9 : Confession (Chapter 39) --This must see!!--

Predicted episodes..(Based on my prediction)
Episode 10: Chapter 40? --This must see!!--
Episode 11: Chapter 41? --This must see!!--
Episode 12: Chapter 42-43?
Feb 11, 2011 11:27 AM

Oct 2010
OMG!!!! my heart almost broke when ryuu and Chizuru was so close hoping for a kiss but...then nothing happend!! D: why!!! but i cried when sawako cried i was sooo sad when that happened. but then shouta showed up
Feb 11, 2011 11:57 AM
Oct 2010
Good episode, I had fun (thanks to Chizu and Pin XD) but Kento still creeps me... He reminds me of someone I know (and slapped) and made Sawako cry so Shota do what you got to do!
Feb 11, 2011 3:28 PM

Dec 2010
OrchidStarfire said:
OMG!!!! my heart almost broke when ryuu and Chizuru was so close hoping for a kiss but...then nothing happend!! D: why!!! but i cried when sawako cried i was sooo sad when that happened. but then shouta showed up

OMGOMGOMGOGOMG! Me tooo! iw as like oooh~ when chi was so close, but then nothing happened, well, nothing would of happened ANYWAY, I WAS Jst DAY DREAMING.
OMgsh! the end, i cant believe he confessed! tyhis is sooo omg! oMG! im like on the verge of tears, next episode!!! but, i dont think that Kazehaya heard anything of what Kento said, so it will be ok, i think that he will jst pull Sawako from Kent, cause Kento wont do anything of front of Kazehaya, Kazahaya will probs just drag Sawako away or somthing. Nothing like a sudden confession from Kazeahaya or anything will happen, this IS a slow subtle story rememba??
Feb 11, 2011 4:15 PM

Jan 2009
As much as I dislike Kento's meddling, he's at least getting the story to progress quite a bit, acting as the catalyst to Sawako and Shouta's relationship. I like the cliffhanger end and what this will bring about.
Feb 11, 2011 7:02 PM

Nov 2007
just facepalming at everyone who thought kento did it on /purpose/ LMAO. AND YOU GUYS MAKE FUN OF SAWAKO FOR BEING SO SLOW & DERPY. i can't believe it's not obvious enough that he's a blonde airhead who just wants to help sawako out. it's not entirely his fault jfc. =A= sure, he's being nosy by poking his nose into other people's business, but he does mean well.

LMAO i just kept staring at ryuu's =_= face while eating his curry. i need a gif of that...
Feb 11, 2011 8:23 PM

Oct 2009
I am so baffled at the negative response to Kento, who is actually my second favorite character in the whole series, ha wow.

I guess because I am so sick of this constant misunderstanding shit between Sawako and Kazehaya. It's obvious that the two like each other so we don't need to see anymore time wasted on Sawako crying and Kazehaya being a moody jerk over it. I just don't... understand? how people can actually say they are NOT genuinely annoyed with the fact that Sawako and Kazehaya run circles and circles and circles and circles and get NOWHERE. Honestly, the only thing I can say is that it's bad writing. It's just dramatic and ridiculous.

I read the manga; I really enjoy it, for the most part. But my least favorite part of this series is DEFINITELY Sawako. She never grows. Or learns. She is the closest thing to an actual Canon Sue I have seen in a series in a really, really long time.

Sucks, because I love this series! I really do. It just seems like... character derailment on Kazehaya's part (he started out as so sweet and charming and just a little goofy, and this point in the series shows him as being nothing more than a little bitch) and... bizarre, weirdass worship of Sawako who is apparently God's Gift To The Earth And Perfect In Every Way Shape And Form.

Feb 12, 2011 7:02 AM

Jan 2009
+1 trolled RinxChizu fangirl

Anyways, great episode, even better cliffhanger, lots of laughs thanks to the biggest idiots of all time - Chizu and Pin - and not least: Poor Kent! Gee, if no one else wants to feel for that boy for being such an airhead and losing his heart in the process only to find it shattered later on, than I will!! ;___;

Honestly, what IS it with the boys from this anime?!?! I NEVER like boys in anime, only girls... But for some reason, I love all three of them,on the level of wanting to add them to my favs. There's clearly something fishy here x____X
Feb 12, 2011 12:00 PM

May 2008

*flips a table*

DX I didn't mind him until now. That was WAY too fucking cruel. And then Kazehaya shows up and god knows WHAT he's thinking at this point. Ffffff. Now I wanna see the next episode. This is driving me nuts.

Feb 12, 2011 1:28 PM

Jul 2010
"I wouldn't mind if you liked me."
Really, Kento? Did you REALLY just say that???
Jeez, he's like the male version of Kurumi. Those two should get together and have a pity party.
<img src="" border="0" />
Feb 12, 2011 5:03 PM

Apr 2009
zimno said:
I kill kento.

This episode broke my heart at the end. D: Hopefully, now though we'll move closer to the confession. I hope they can patch things up.
Feb 12, 2011 6:17 PM

Apr 2010
Kento is such a little b****.

I love Chizu, she looked so cute~

Feb 12, 2011 10:39 PM

Dec 2010
what the! Kento you bas***! How dare you make Kuronuma cry and tell lies like that! Kazeahaya's expression was awesome... i cant wait for the next episode!
"Either Die as a Hero... or live long enough to see yourself becoming the villain..."

Feb 13, 2011 1:23 AM

May 2008
that was a hell of a cliffhanger xD
Feb 13, 2011 11:42 AM

Mar 2008
241 goodness.
Feb 13, 2011 12:22 PM
Apr 2010
oh damn!! Sawako Chan

she never realize Kazehaya in love with her

what a numb!!!

but still pretty good love story
Feb 13, 2011 4:02 PM

Aug 2010
Amazing EP, chizuru looked so cute, so many laughs and Kento <3
I wish this series would never end!
Feb 13, 2011 4:56 PM

Dec 2010
I can`t wait for the next ep. *.*
Feb 13, 2011 6:20 PM
Apr 2010
Oh hell.... I seriously thought that chizuru kissed ryuu when they were by that store....I loled. Then there was kazuichi; what an instigator!!! funny as hell. xD
And holy ****** misunderstanding fed another misunderstanding, then fed ANOTHER misunderstanding. Such a cliche yet devastating, and effective high school theme. D:

and FFFFFFFFFFFFF you cliff hanger ending!!!

Must wait another week @.@
Feb 14, 2011 2:39 AM

Jun 2009
Ryu's the man
Nice to have a character as lol Macho like Pin
Sawako crying near the tree - cute
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Feb 14, 2011 7:41 AM
Jun 2010
For me the best scene was when Ryu became a curry eating robot.
Feb 14, 2011 8:43 AM

Aug 2009
ManInBlack said:
Complete this sentence:

"Kent is a...."

idiot LOL but i loveeeee him <3
Feb 14, 2011 7:11 PM
Jun 2010
I saw Kazehaya standing small.
Feb 14, 2011 11:43 PM

Nov 2009
LOL pin is hilarious. Wow Kento is quick to act, at least he's moving things along :s
Feb 16, 2011 6:48 PM

Nov 2007
@ Taylor-elle: we seem to misunderstand each other as bad as Sawako & Kazehaya lol.
I'm gonna do some shortening in the quoting if you dont mind.
Taylor_elle said:
You said that you are looking at things from the character’s viewpoint and yet you still fail to understand why Kazehaya recanted his statement.

No. I understand very well what Kazehaya tried to do. I completely agree with you on his intentions. But it obviously added to Sawako's confusion.
There's no reason to beat each others head over this. I think we agree on the awkwardness between them, Kazehaya not phrasing it too well, Sawako overthinking etc.

Taylor_elle said:
I don’t think that it’s unfair to say that he is a meddler.

Quite right.

What I meant was: open her eyes to the current situation.

He's heard rumors about her being awkward, strange, a bit of an outcast as well.
She acts that way as well in reaction to him, calling him sensei etc.
Yet when she helps out the class, she's readily accepted by her classmates, not an outcast at all. You don't have to know a person to see it doesn't match up.
Isn't it often outsiders that have a clear view?
It's not difficult for Kent (or any outsider for that matter) to conclude that Sawako is putting herself down. And that's the main issue.
I think he honestly tries to make her realise her perception is wrong.
Ofcourse we know where Sawako is coming from, and Kent doesn't have a clue about that, but he's spot on about Sawako's self-image.
And I appreciate his attempt in trying to open her eyes; telling her to wake up, look around her, and see she's not doing that bad at all.
Probably, but imo with the best intentions.

Taylor_elle said:
Again, you said that you look at things from the character’s viewpoint, yet you do not seem to understand that Kazehaya, being the person he is, would not voluntarily reveal to his friends much less an almost stranger things that he deems his personal business.

I agree Kent entered the conversation with the idea that Kazehaya was - unintentionally - stringing Sawako along by being kind to her.
I still think Kent tried to figure out Kazehaya's feelings.
You're right, Kazehaya has no reason at all to share his feelings with a stranger, let alone a rival.
I'm just saying that if Kazehaya had been more clear, Kent wouldn't have put his foot in it the way he did. At least, that's the impression I have of him.
Feb 18, 2011 11:52 PM

Apr 2009
Ryuu + Chizuru are seriously too freaking adorable.

So are Sawako and Kazehaya.. seriously.
Feb 21, 2011 8:17 PM

Mar 2010
Wow.. That's all I have to say. I haven't been mislead that many times in many, many moons. First off, I thought Ryu and Chizu kissed!? I was having a heart attack for a second! Then I thought Kent was going to kiss Sawako under the tree in front of Kazehaya! Shocker of an episode, indeed! Some pretty hilarious scenes with Pin, too! My goodness I can't wait to see the next episode and how this unfolds! Looking forward to the next!
Feb 22, 2011 4:36 AM

Sep 2009
Thalandor46 said:

First I drop my remote in shock upon seeing Chizuru pressed up against Ryuu, only to learn that I'd been trolled hard and misread the situation. Then it takes every ounce of self control to not throw my remote through the screen in response to Kento's actions. I want to destroy him in a furious rage. And then that cliffhanger...dear lord I am in the verge of tears over all of this! What an amazing episode XD

O: you have read my mind xD
errrr... I really hope something will happan already ><'''
I just love pin ♥
Sorry I'm late. I got lost on the road of life. -Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)
A dropout will beat a genius through hard work. -Rock Lee (Naruto)

Feb 28, 2011 12:25 PM
Apr 2010
what's so wrong with kento? i think he's cute
Mar 5, 2011 10:33 AM

Feb 2011
now that bastard confess to sawako
he even say that kazehaya love someone
and in the end scene....
i don't know what will happen in next episode
Mar 6, 2011 2:17 PM

Aug 2010
best episode yet.
chizu&ryu! and pin's teasing (:
Mar 18, 2011 9:39 PM
Jul 2018
oh man, pin with the ' got rejected??'

and GREAT cliffhanger! very tense indeed..
Apr 2, 2011 6:13 PM

Aug 2009
Least Kento is man enough to confess his love.

... despite being a lying bitch. <3
May 29, 2011 3:27 AM

Sep 2008
._. That... was one of the meanest cliffhangers ever. Dying to know how everything plays out. I hope Kazehaya doesn't misinterpret the situation between Kent and Sawako, and if he does, I hope he at least misinterprets it in the way of "How dare you make Sawako cry?!"...

I knew the thing between Ryu and Chizu would be like that. XD As expected of Chizu. Plus there was that little part when she was talking to Yano-chin at the beginning when she briefly contemplated getting Ryu to fix the problem she potentially caused between Kazehaya and Sawako... But Chizu wouldn't have said that to Kazehaya anyway, if she didn't think it were the truth, so maybe she was right about it anyway? Bahhh I don't know anymore.

ANYWAY. Great episode. So enjoyable.
Jun 9, 2011 6:16 PM

Jun 2009
Omg this ep!! But yeah I can't help it but still like Kento...he's just a cutie!!
Awww omg Kazeha omg at the end!!
Sawako please do something about all this!!
Don't listen to Kento!!
Jun 9, 2011 6:26 PM
May 2011
i Super duper LOVE IT :)
Jun 12, 2011 4:28 PM

Jan 2008
I'm shocked !! o_O
Really I am !! -__-
Pin ... I Love him *__* but how did he know about Kazehaya and Sawako ???
Kento ... Great move !!
I loved this episode !!
Jul 11, 2011 7:24 PM

Mar 2009
Very good way to end the ep.
Jul 25, 2011 8:42 PM

Mar 2011
Woah, nice cliffhanger. Glad I don't have to wait a week to watch the new episode lol instead I wait about a minute.

Chizu looked great, Pin is still a bamf, while Kent isn't really a bad guy; just needs to step back a little bit.
Jul 31, 2011 6:25 AM
Nov 2009
kent should be the new kazehaya
Sep 8, 2011 5:27 PM

Nov 2010
I hate that guy -.-
Dec 29, 2011 1:03 PM

Aug 2008
sigh another misunderstanding. I don't hate Kento at all, he brings angst to this series.
Feb 28, 2012 7:28 PM

Sep 2011
Ken and Kurumi have so much in common its not even funny. LOL
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