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Feb 11, 2011 8:48 AM

Jan 2009
Oh. Now we'll have to deal with a magician.
But I'm guessing this guy'll be of more importance, seeing his rather spectacular (in comparison to the rest) scene in the OP.
And Victorique (Yes, I insist on calling her Victorique.) got pretty riled up.
And stop breaking Knox's most elemental rules, it's making me sad! 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

Tl;dr dat turban.
OosranFeb 11, 2011 11:41 AM
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Feb 11, 2011 10:53 AM
News Team

Apr 2010
Feels like I'll have to watch the episodes more closely (Because of the Nun).
Now when they arrived into the big village, it feels like things will get very interesting.

- Interesting story behind Victorique's mother.. (even if not much was said).
- Victorique was cute in the hat/turban.
- Victorique had a cute sleeping-dress <'3

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Feb 11, 2011 10:56 AM

Nov 2008
We now know of Victorique's past and her mother. Poor thing she was tortured and imprisoned just for being an illegitimate daughter. Kuzuya was in the wrong anyway because you really shouldn't tease a really shy girl that way.

Feb 11, 2011 11:08 AM

Mar 2009
Half sleep talking is the best lol. I wonder if all of this means we're gonna see Victorique's mother soon and if she is cleared wouldn't that lead to her being able to travel outside more?

Feb 11, 2011 11:09 AM

Nov 2010
"Take responsibility and eat it" leet episode with a little bit of back story hope to learn more next episode.
QueueQFeb 11, 2011 11:33 AM
Feb 11, 2011 11:29 AM

Jun 2009
I didn't know that we'll learn about Victorique mother this fast. Anyways, that was quite an interesting episode.

Feb 11, 2011 12:28 PM

Sep 2008
Victorique was too adoptable this episode. Not only do we get to see her in various outfits, but we get to see her trip and lift a chair! <3
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Feb 11, 2011 12:38 PM

Dec 2008
There's something suspicious about that nun and that magician! Me thinks they may have framed Cordelia.
Feb 11, 2011 1:13 PM

Jan 2008
lol! Victorique was expecting a kiss & instead she got flicked in the forehead, that's why she got angry, Victorique is so cute xp

Feb 11, 2011 1:55 PM

Jul 2010
I didn't expect Avril to still be around; I guess I should've since she's in the OP. And the red-haired magician makes his appearance. I've been looking forward to his character, so I hope he doesn't disappoint.

Lots of cute Victorique moments in here! She's so stubborn; I love it. And I hate to admit it, but I'm just as bad as her is and act the same way when I'm upset with someone... ^_^;;

Since they're talking about Victorique's mother now + introducing that magician, I wonder if we're going to get a glimpse at our "main mystery"?

Also, why in the blazes didn't Kujo go ask that guy to give him back his textbooks? He just kind of gave up like they were really gone for good. o.O

Great scene at the end there with everyone taking a step back, Victorique holding her ground, and Kujo stepping in front to protect her. I enjoy cliches too much.
Feb 11, 2011 1:59 PM

Apr 2010
I think that nun might be Victorique's mother.
The way she looked at Victorique seems to suggest that she knows her, and she was hiding something.
She was lying in the train it took her to long to answer last part and her behavior at the market was also strange.
I don't think she stole that plate tho, why would she steal it while she is selling it?

There was also something suspicious about that magician why would he change books into a hat?
And why did Kujo accept it without thinking?
I mean those text books should have been importuned to him since it's his learning material.
And he didn't complain about it he just walked to his friend and asked if he could copy it.

Kujo deserves punishment because he made Victorique cry and even laughed at her.
Later on he was completely misunderstanding her when she wanted to leave the academy to go to that village and prove her mothers incense.
He did follow her all the way tho.

Victorique was cute ones again this episode especially that sleep talk part was nice.
Grevil's reaction when he saw her was awesome and gave me a good laugh when he thought Victorique was Cordilia.
We also learned a bit about Victorique's mother and i wonder if they will be able to clear her name.
Feb 11, 2011 2:36 PM

Aug 2010
Heh, I for one loved the episode. Loved especially the small laughs which centered around Victorique. Now that we even find out she is a Gray Wolf, things will get tricky; at ;least it seems that way after the 'welcoming party' she is getting at her exiled mother's home. I'm curious if it will be her home from now on as well...

^Also, nice theory you got there about Victorique's mother and now that I think about it, it may be true and if it would be true, Victorique might have already recognized her after looking at her reactions towards the nun.
Feb 11, 2011 3:13 PM

Nov 2008
It was a nice introduction into what I hope is an exciting arc.

I'll be looking forward to the coming episodes.
Feb 11, 2011 3:45 PM

Sep 2009
That magician guy definitely looked interesting, can't wait to see more of him. :U

The turban looked weird though, though I've never really been a big fan of arabian styled clothing. xD
Feb 11, 2011 4:13 PM

Mar 2010
There were some good mysterys in this epidose such as the nun, reasons why she was not arrested

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 11, 2011 4:31 PM

Jun 2010
Victoria looked cute when she was flicked in the forehead. I don't know why , but i get the feeling that the nun is her mom in disguise.

Feb 11, 2011 4:46 PM

Nov 2009
Very interesting with the whole village and past story of her mother and all.

That magician, I wonder when's the next time we'll see more of him.

Also, I loved when Victorique was sleep talking, and when she was attempting to pick up the chair to throw at Kujo.
Feb 11, 2011 5:01 PM

Feb 2010
CUTE episode! More emotion out of Victorique... <3 KAWAIIIIII
Feb 11, 2011 6:18 PM

Oct 2009
Victorique! I lubu you!

God she was cute.

Good episode is good.
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Feb 11, 2011 6:35 PM
Nov 2010
Lots of questions left unanswered with the nun and all. Well can't wait for next weeks episode.
Feb 11, 2011 7:13 PM

Nov 2008
Why the heck did the nun steal her own plate? It made me think that she was trying to frame the magician by releasing those birds and making it look like a magic trick. Of course, there's no way Grevil could arrest the nun since its her plate in the first place.

I can't imagine how those gray wolves treated Victorique!! They're the worst, not only did they cage her for years but also separated from her mother! I don't know how she became sophisticated and cute after all those terrible things though. xDD

PS: I can't wait to know about Victorique's past and her mother.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 11, 2011 7:27 PM

Nov 2008
AmberFebruary said:
DenjaX said:
Why the heck did the nun steal her own plate?
i think it was a merchandise of the merchant lady beside her.
^but it was in her own tent or booth or stall or whatever... If she's only only doing part time job and then steal it, that would make sense too xDD I guess Grevil couldn't arrest a servant of God xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 11, 2011 7:44 PM
Jan 2011
Cant wait for the next one
Feb 11, 2011 7:47 PM

Jul 2010
DenjaX said:
AmberFebruary said:
DenjaX said:
Why the heck did the nun steal her own plate?
i think it was a merchandise of the merchant lady beside her.
^but it was in her own tent or booth or stall or whatever... If she's only only doing part time job and then steal it, that would make sense too xDD I guess Grevil couldn't arrest a servant of God xDD

my mistake that's why i've deleted my post. my thoughts are clouded cause i watched this ep earlier this morning as soon as horriblesubs releases it, anyway, i'll wait for Victorique's release for "Unlimited Rewatch Works" ^^
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Feb 11, 2011 8:04 PM

May 2008
Victorique is so cute when she is crying lol

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Feb 11, 2011 9:47 PM

Sep 2010
Wait, what's wrong with Cordelia being a murderer?
Wasn't the village supposed to kill people too?
Feb 11, 2011 9:57 PM

Oct 2008
As usual, +2 for Victorica awesomeness, -1 for Kujo being a dimwit and plain jerk
Your reaction towards a girl who is rubbing her forehead because she just tripped on your leg and landed on her face/forehead was to... FLICK HER FOREHEAD? And then when she cries, you tell her you WON'T SEE HER AGAIN and run off?

And the next time he sees her, he ruffles through all her stuff and misinterprets pouting for a cavity...

Kujo's IQ must be in the single digit range, if not a negative number.
Can they not make Kujo semi-likeable? He's dragging this show down. The pacing is already suspect.

Kujo says, "I'm not a dog." Funny, because I think a dog is probably more intelligent.

I want to watch this show for the plot and characters, but I find I'm only looking forward to the Victorica moments, which were plenty this episode.
Manga readers, please enlighten me if it gets better.
OmniknightFeb 11, 2011 10:08 PM
Feb 11, 2011 10:11 PM

Aug 2008
Victorique is win!! I love her so much :)

I have this nagging feeling that the nun might be Cordelia (Victorique's mother, however you spell her name). After all, Victorique refuses to look at her in the carriage the night after she revealed her story.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Feb 11, 2011 10:24 PM

Jul 2010
Omniknight said:
As usual, +2 for Victorica awesomeness, -1 for Kujo being a dimwit and plain jerk
Your reaction towards a girl who is rubbing her forehead because she just tripped on your leg and landed on her face/forehead was to... FLICK HER FOREHEAD? And then when she cries, you tell her you WON'T SEE HER AGAIN and run off?

And the next time he sees her, he ruffles through all her stuff and misinterprets pouting for a cavity...

Kujo's IQ must be in the single digit range, if not a negative number.
Can they not make Kujo semi-likeable? He's dragging this show down. The pacing is already suspect.

Kujo says, "I'm not a dog." Funny, because I think a dog is probably more intelligent.

I want to watch this show for the plot and characters, but I find I'm only looking forward to the Victorica moments, which were plenty this episode.
Manga readers, please enlighten me if it gets better.

basically, none of the manga material is covered here
all are from the light novels

this show's main factor for being likeable is it's characters and it's doing it very well, as for the plot, you already have your "plot" ^^
and i don't see why Kujo is not likeable, his reactions are natural and funny st some points and besides, Victorica will not shine if it wasn't for him
this is one of the greatest pair i've seen since Senjougahara and Araragi.
AmberFebruaryFeb 11, 2011 10:29 PM
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Feb 11, 2011 10:35 PM

Mar 2010
Kujou you bastard how could you make such a cutie cry
Feb 11, 2011 11:16 PM

Sep 2009
Very nice to get some background on Victorica. Looks like another big arc is happening.
Feb 11, 2011 11:41 PM

Jul 2008
Oosran said:
And Victorique (Yes, I insist on calling her Victorique.) got pretty riled up.

Nothing wrong with that. If we insist that it's Victorica, we might as well change John Doe in Yumekui Merry as John Dew.
Feb 12, 2011 12:10 AM
Mar 2010
AmberFebruary said:

this is one of the greatest pair i've seen since Senjougahara and Araragi.

Honestly, Victorique outshines Kujo by far. Kujo is a generic, typical character if you ask me
Feb 12, 2011 12:27 AM

Feb 2010
wait, so her mother is a midget hooker gypsy?
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Feb 12, 2011 12:35 AM

May 2009
Awww, Victorique's story is so sad, damn you Kujo and your curiosity though he said some words that litted her up \(^3^)/

-- I'm looking for "The One" and I'll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time. Think you can do better? --
-- The World God Only Knows -- Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai --
Feb 12, 2011 12:42 AM

Jul 2010
herox3 said:
AmberFebruary said:

this is one of the greatest pair i've seen since Senjougahara and Araragi.

Honestly, Victorique outshines Kujo by far. Kujo is a generic, typical character if you ask me

and that' clearly why Victorica shines bec, she's with him ^^
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Feb 12, 2011 12:47 AM

Feb 2010
Great episode , this arc looks good.
Feb 12, 2011 12:57 AM

Dec 2007
Kujou seriously drags this show down, and is quite possibly a contender to the worst male leads this season. I lol'd when he ran away from Victorique like a 12 year old girl.

Among Kujou and boring mysteries, Victorique is the only thing which makes this show watching so far..
yakisobapanFeb 12, 2011 1:00 AM
Feb 12, 2011 1:12 AM
Jul 2010
I think the nun is Cornelia Gallo. If I'm right, I won't give this show more than a 7 unless it gets really awesome in later episodes.
Feb 12, 2011 1:27 AM

May 2010
13man18 said:
Victoria looked cute when she was flicked in the forehead. I don't know why , but i get the feeling that the nun is her mom in disguise.

I agree to that !!!
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Feb 12, 2011 2:15 AM

Nov 2007
Very nice we get to learn more about Victorique's backstory and the Grey Wolves.
That magician was awesome, I hope he plays a big part in the story.

The nun (smelling of liquor?) stealing her own plate was fishy. Why would a thief make a public display of his theft?
It's clearly a disguise, but I doubt it's Victorique's mum, unless she wears colored eyelenses.

AmberFebruary said:
Omniknight said:
As usual, +2 for Victorica awesomeness, -1 for Kujo being a dimwit and plain jerk
Your reaction towards a girl who is rubbing her forehead because she just tripped on your leg and landed on her face/forehead was to... FLICK HER FOREHEAD? And then when she cries, you tell her you WON'T SEE HER AGAIN and run off?

And the next time he sees her, he ruffles through all her stuff and misinterprets pouting for a cavity...

and i don't see why Kujo is not likeable, his reactions are natural and funny
If a girl falls flat on her face in front of you and tells you it hurts, comforting her would be the natural reaction. Not flicking her forehead and telling her it's her own fault.
Kujo may be a nice guy overall, but his density is making me crinch.
cleoFeb 12, 2011 2:22 AM
Feb 12, 2011 5:48 AM

Jul 2010
Aw god, if this show hadn't Kujo in it, then it would have been 10x better than it is now.. Just how annoying and stupid can he get? Calling Victorique's name every 10 second is getting on my nerves.. The situation when she was running away with her luggage and him showing up and thinking that she's going to the dentist? Do you really have something in your head or not?

Complaints aside, mystery part is still quite interesting.
And yeah, Victorique is still cute xD
Feb 12, 2011 6:08 AM

Oct 2009
AmberFebruary said:

this is one of the greatest pair i've seen since Senjougahara and Araragi.

Senjougahara X Araragi will never lose to any other couples just sayin'.
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Feb 12, 2011 6:49 AM

Aug 2010
Inb4 nun knows/knew Victorique or her mother. She just watches Victorique the whole time, so you just know there's something fishy..

But great episode, Victorique is so cute when she's shy :]

Feb 12, 2011 7:10 AM

Feb 2008
Pretty good episode. Instead of a lame mystery there was some plot development.

Victorique was cute as always.
Feb 12, 2011 7:56 AM

Oct 2008
AmberFebruary said:

and i don't see why Kujo is not likeable, his reactions are natural and funny st some points and besides, Victorica will not shine if it wasn't for him
this is one of the greatest pair i've seen since Senjougahara and Araragi.

You do have quite a valid point in that Kujo's stupidity does lead to what I would call "Victorica moments." He's essentially a foil for Victorica. But still, his stupidity is criminal.
When she takes out the chain locket and shows it to Kujo, he asks, "Is that you?"
Because we all keep lockets of ourselves close to us... He must leap to the dumbest conclusions...

But then again, I am basing my observations on the anime, which may or may not be a good retelling of the original manga or light novels.
Feb 12, 2011 8:01 AM

May 2010
"What does the scouter say about Victorique's awesomeness?"
"It's over 9000!!."

Mystery about gray wolves is interesting. And got a backstory of her mother.
Great ep.
Feb 12, 2011 8:10 AM

Jul 2010
DoubleDango said:
AmberFebruary said:

this is one of the greatest pair i've seen since Senjougahara and Araragi.

Senjougahara X Araragi will never lose to any other couples just sayin'.

and i "definitely" agree

i just like how Kujo and Victorica turning into a great pair ^^
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
Feb 12, 2011 8:25 AM

Oct 2009

That was the most adorable faceplant, even the sound effect!
Feb 12, 2011 8:29 AM

Jul 2010
Winter anime 2011 ranking!

and i'm glad GOSICK is doing pretty good, getting the rank 3 place.

even though Madoka Magica is mind blowing and turning out to be the best this season,
GOSICK is an instant favorite for me, i fell in love with this show ^^

(and i don't see why the lame IS gets the 2nd rank xD)
Simplistic beauty can't be appreciated by someone who looks for something grand in everything he watch.
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