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Jan 17, 2011 3:12 PM

Jun 2009
Once you get over the controversy of this series, it isn't bad at all. While I think the pacing could have been handled much better, as the characters never had much time to breath, I'm still happy with the final results. This is no Koi Kaze, but not terrible in the least.

7/10, honestly the last arc added one point alone.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jan 18, 2011 5:25 AM

Nov 2010
Lots of School Days fans hate this show. Well, that's no surprise.
Jan 18, 2011 2:33 PM

May 2007
This was some crazy incest shit.

Jan 27, 2011 8:03 AM

Jul 2010
Well that sure was a more emotional ending than I predicted... it was good though and I liked this arc the best... but what does MAL means with; "However, beneath the surface is a secret promise that the twins made with each other long ago, the whereabouts of an important lost item, and the real reason they chose to come back here." What is that lost item?...
Jan 27, 2011 12:58 PM

Jul 2009
Their love.
"Ever-newer waters flow on those who step into the same rivers." - Heraclitus, the weeping philosopher.
Jan 29, 2011 12:13 AM

Mar 2010
!!!!!WHAT well thats just twisted man, but I can get used to it ;) fairly good ending they stay together try to solve there love for each other and some of the characters were content and some not :l
OH my goodness good ending for the most reasonable outcome

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jan 29, 2011 7:12 PM

Feb 2010
Joyce_Steele said:

How did they die then? Edit: ohhh the lake!
Awwwww I wish they werent dead T_T
The whole series should have been just Haru and Sora
RikateiJan 29, 2011 7:23 PM
Jan 30, 2011 4:13 PM

Jan 2009
As far as the whole Dead or Alive debate, The whole sora not answering Haru's question at the end is proof of the author's choice for ambiguity. They purposely don't make it blatant one way or another, but the story has a lot more pointing at the Dead theory than the Alive one. (People already mentioned about the ripped bunny, and lack of money, I'm going to throw in a few more)

The end credits constantly show nao saving them in the lake, so I really thought that was going to be the case, but I feel like nao never showed up.. or stayed around to give Haru CPR when he remained unconscious.. so it's hard to believe she fled the scene, and she had no reason to hide if she saved them. If Sora saved them both, that's also hard to imagine. She was fading as they started falling further and further down, just like Haru. Did she find some spinach at the bottom of the lake and Popeye her way to shore? I doubt it. So I personally think the Dead theory holds a lot more water than the Alive theory.

Also, as the kids walked around the house, it seemel like they were just checking it out, and Shrine Maiden girl (forget her name) looked hella surprised to see Sora's room a mess, as if something tragic DID happen that she heard nothing about. Why would Haru and Sora move out without cleaning that shit up? Exactly. Because they are dead.

The one and only HUGE support of them being alive: That freakin text. Someone mentioned earlier that the "looking away" was a recurring device used when someone in the show was lying. And it's not like she has any reason to look away in disgust at their friends moving (Since prez didn't tell anyone else about the incestual relationship, and im sure nao didn't either). So in conclusion, I think that text might be fake. They grown-ups ARE capable of keeping secrets (Shrine Maiden being the daughter of the Rich girls family was a big secret they kept)

I'd say maybe Nao, maybe Big tits in teal shirt, or someone else in the town who didn't want to make the kids feel terrible about losing friends used Haru's phone to sent a text. NOTICE that she said there were "no other texts" after that initial text! The author purposely went out of his way to mention that there were no other texts. If haru was alive, I'm sure he would have given another status update here or there.

Anyway, that's my two cents. It's left up for debate for sure, author obviously wanted to have some mystery/discussion for the readers, but in the end I think that the sadly died, but are of course happy together.

Great series btw, very emotional.
Jan 30, 2011 5:58 PM

Jan 2009
Re-watched the end, and I'm curious if maybe that "being born anew" miracle happened, allowing them to live and start fresh. I stared intently at Sora as they fell, and saw no inkling of a hope for her to find the strength to save them.

I know i put up a compelling argument for the death theory, but after re-watching the end, damn you just get the FEELING they're still alive. Which is why I think the lake sort of performed a little miracle to save them. Only sending 1 text could have just shown the fact that they want to move on (and start fresh) from their lives in that town, so they don't want to constantly keep in contact so they can put the bad memories and feelings behind them.

TL;DR: I am COMPLETELY SPLIT as to whether they are dead or alive. TOO HARD!! I just end up arguing with myself trying to figure it out, so I come to the conclusion that there is no definitely THIS end or THAT end. It's however the reader wants to interpret it, and that must be the author's intention. Well done Yosuga no Sora.
Jan 30, 2011 6:44 PM

Nov 2010
^Finally there is a person who actually made an intelligent post without trolling this show. I really can't bring myself to see older posts because I know that most of them are just School Days snobs(at least how they looks like) trolling this show because there is no crazy yandere girl chopping someone's head. There is no bloodbath in original VN either.

Back to topic I also agree with the user up there. The dead theory is much safer than alive one and also much more romantic. The text message is probably fake made by Kazuha herself because she is the only one to had a cellphone beside the twins. She uses this advantage so her friends will stop worrying about the twins despite the truth is the opposite.

I gladly accepted that this show is the reversed School Days because the twins died and they are happy with it. Makoto and Sekai died together but they weren't happy with it. Only Kotonoha is the happy at the end albeit its a mental one. Sora decided to commit suicide because she thought she is dirty and parasite to society and her own brother. Other theory suggests she commit suicide that she's no longer a burden to her brother considering they don't have enough money to keep on living. Actually it is more financial reason than spiritual one. She only uses the spiritual one to justify her suicide.

My favorite theory is she knew her incestuous relationship with her brother will never last long. Sooner or later Haru will find an unrelated woman as his girlfriend or wife. She will be abandoned or just returned as a normal sister to him. How they fight at dinner is a concrete proof that Haru wants to end this immoral and dirty incestuous relationship but Sora wants to keep on that way. She left a suicide note that so she can lure Haru to die with her. When Haru try to save her, she tried to push Haru down rather push him anywhere else. While there are too many reasons why but I think she just want Haru to die with her. Not long after that she's no longer struggle and start sinking. Instead of push himself to safety(Haru can't swim) and recover Sora's motionless body later, he hugged his sister's corpse and slowly accepted his own death because for him its better to die with her than to live without her.

The scene when they get half-naked and hugging each other to warm they bodies is actually their stairway to heaven. Milky Way galaxy can be seen at the sky an according to some myths including Shinto one, it is a road to heaven. It much like their souls still on Earth only to say goodbye. The train scene is the heaven and how the twins making out representing their incestuous relationship.
Feb 8, 2011 3:19 AM

Apr 2009
I finished this series in just one night which means I want more. There is nothing wrong in the sex scenes, I love it. It's all part of the story. 9/10 for me.

I wonder if there are also anime like this besides school days.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 10, 2011 4:10 AM

May 2008
Joyce_Steele said:
Lots of School Days fans hate this show. Well, that's no surprise.

Huh? Why?

Well School Days is my most favorite anime...

and well Yosuga is not quite bad (9/10:8/10, How I Rate:How the MAL Rate...respectively)

Yeah...Kill me if you want but I like Nao more than Sora....It really look like Sora...well attracted Haru with her body....and you've got the whole sora arc....well I couldnt blame her..Haru Started it...when he was young..

Actually I dont really hate twincest..but its just sora...the arc wasnt bad at was kinda happy

Alive or Dead? Alive, Apparently...Nao saved them..."She didn't appeared in the scene" Well, of course she was hiding and left after a second...she knows that they cannot be stopped anymore....kinda given up...and it was not the same day that they left the town...and well the train proves it because it wasnt the same train at all...

Feb 10, 2011 10:01 PM
Oct 2010
When you compare it to the game and the manga, the lake scene was supposed to be a lot more emotional. Once Haru tries approaching and Sora screams at him not to, it stops him on his tracks. They would have a long conversation about how Sora always thought she was a burden to Haru, and that by dying, he would be free of her forever. Cue to Haru trying to drag her back ashore, and they struggle. Haru loses his balance and falls in the water. As he starts drowning, his thoughts turn to Sora. He decides it would best for both of them to die together. Sora, who was trying to help him, suddenly gets grabbed by Haru, who's trying to drag her into the water with him. They struggle some more, and Haru loses consciousness afterwards. When he wakes up, he learns that Sora saved him after he whispered for her to help him before he fainted. They decide to stay together forever.

In the end, they are alive and happy. Considering the anime was based on the game, I'm sure it's the same in it.
Feb 11, 2011 3:05 AM

May 2008
So does that mean that scene was cut because of time constraints...

I always thought that the 2nd ending theme was an exaggerated version of yosuga (well, the scene where sora was under the table of haru *when haru was imagining it*...the bus stop that was destroyed by lightning....etc), thats why i thought that nao save them...well im still contented....

this is the one thing always bothering my mind..Akira's Xtra Large head in the Special/omake/whatever you call it...i wonder why??

Feb 11, 2011 6:39 AM
Oct 2010
DeathkaiserG said:
So does that mean that scene was cut because of time constraints...

It wasn't just that scene. LOTS of important scenes either got altered or removed altogether, most likely because they chose to go with omnibus for this, greatly limiting the number of episodes which were focused on Sora, which was a bad decision in my opinion.

Let me tell you something: had they made this anime in one big Sora arc, completely faithful to the source material, everyone's heads would have been blown off and it probably would be hailed as one of the best visual novel adaptations of our time...

And Akira's extra large head on the omakes must be a reference to the fact she's an airhead.
Feb 11, 2011 7:06 PM

Nov 2010
DeathkaiserG said:
Joyce_Steele said:
Lots of School Days fans hate this show. Well, that's no surprise.

Huh? Why?

Well School Days is my most favorite anime...

and well Yosuga is not quite bad (9/10:8/10, How I Rate:How the MAL Rate...respectively)

Maybe not you but there are plenty of School Days fans hated this show for very shallow reason. There is no crazy violent yandere bitch(yes Kotonoha deserved to be called as "bitch" while Sekai is "whore" and Makoto is "horndog") chopping someone's head and cut open someone's stomach. Only siblings committing suicide and went to heaven after that.

Please don't take it too personally because this is my own opinion and opinions are not facts. I also didn't represent any other YnS fans out there.
Feb 12, 2011 12:43 AM
Oct 2010
Joyce_Steele said:
Only siblings committing suicide and went to heaven after that.

They. Didn't. Die. Christ, is it really that hard to imagine a happy ending for those two?
Feb 12, 2011 5:12 AM

May 2008
Joyce_Steele said:
Sekai is "whore"

This makes it personal more than you think...>:|

Joyce_Steele said:
Please don't take it too personally because this is my own opinion and opinions are not facts. I also didn't represent any other YnS fans out there.

Im Just asking why...XD

why so serious XD

Joyce_Steele said:
]. Only siblings committing suicide and went to heaven after that.

They didn't die..... (as maugomole said) sora saved haru...(with the help of Deus Ex Machina....remember the Purple Glow XD) or Nao saved them...

or something...

Feb 23, 2011 11:47 AM
Jun 2010
i actually feel sick right now, im gonna take a break from romance, any more romance and i will literally feel sick. I will probably vomit... Man.... Just gonna watch shonen, i cant stand romance after this, turned me off from romance -_-


ok feeling a bit better. I mean when tha nime finished i was like wtf... I liked it yet it turned me on but i felt sick lol. It felt weird watching this cus i watched it cus i like tsundere and i didnt mind incest, but then i liked it, but then... it made me feel sick.

Hard to explain.

I just dont feel like watching romance for a while now lol. I dont think it executed well, the didnt wrap up everything nicely. Il give it a 7 - 8 though.

7 for what it actually was but 8 for how much i liked it but 7 for how i felt afterwards.

strange man. Strange. all episodes were fine except last two. If they didnt do it i would be ok. I think if this anime had no sex i would have been happy. but the dude had to have sex with everyone. If they got together etc... it would have been good.

I mean yeah sex scenes were good but, i dunno it wasnt really a romance. More of get a girl, sex her, then have a bit of romance that has nothing to do with the sex etc... you dont have sex with a girl THEN go out with her.

And you dont have sex with your sister right after you cried about it -_-
OtherGuyXFeb 23, 2011 1:05 PM
Feb 27, 2011 10:27 AM
May 2009
If this anime had no sex it would've been so good since I found the story to be amazing
Feb 28, 2011 1:55 PM

Oct 2009
Best arc of course!
It was a happy ending phew...but poor Kozue..
No train sex X(
Maid marries Haru xD

Well overall this series was much better than i first expected quite satisfied, but would have liked to have seen more of Sora though, might check out the BD scenes when they out :D

Hmmm 8/10 ^^''
Mar 1, 2011 1:56 AM
Jan 2011
Alright, it's been a couple of days since I'd finished this series, and I must say that 'Yosuga no Sora' surprised me in many ways which I did not expect at all, especially from a series that in fact began as an eroge (hentai) adult visual novel. There's a lot of things that I want to say, especially regarding the eventual fates of the protagonists, so this is going to be quite a tl;dr post ^_^

Overall, it seems that the opinions regarding whether Sora and Haru died is quite divided and there are substantial evidence out there for both sides of the argument. Now I'm not the kind of guy who's really into the sort of 'melodramatic' endings, nor am I trying to be overly sentimental, but I am inclined to say that they did die (I treat the omake extras as a sort of humorous 'snack' after the drama, so the 'maid marrying Haru' situation probably was a fantasy or a hallucination of some sort).

Evidence? Well, firstly, it is apparent that neither Sora nor Haru can swim. Earlier in the series, Nao taught Haru how to swim but I sincerely doubt that Haru is competent enough to jump into a lake and actually starting swimming, let alone save his sister. There is evidence that either Nao or Akira might have saved them, but neither of them have the physical strength to save two teenagers from drowning and it is doubtful either of them can dive to the sufficient depth required to save the two siblings.

There are other pieces of evidence, of course. The text Ryouhei received did not have a date on it. However, the most substantial piece of evidence is perhaps when they visited the abandoned house and saw Sora's shredded doll. The doll symbolized the fragility of Sora's life and its desecration must have meant that Sora did indeed die. The surprised look on Akira's face goes on to show that she is surprised at the events which took place between Sora and Haru, meaning that she probably did not manage to save the two siblings.

But really, why did they have to die? Well, one can almost say that for 'Yosuga no Sora' to become a series with any real, deep meaning, the siblings simply had to die. Sora is a fragile, naive, innocent girl who is detached from society. Her only ties with the rest of humanity is her brother (who is, of course, a notorious womanizer) who loves her with all his heart, perhaps too much, to the extent that he is willing to 'go down' with her to the bottom of the lake and enjoy their 'solitude'. After all, the series has an alternative name: 'In solitude where we are least alone'. It is appropriate that they died, and they died for a purpose: to show the importance and how touching unconditional love can really be. The train scene at the very end of the episode echoed that of the first episode. For me, it symbolized their ascension into heaven, into the sky ('sora') where they can be together for the remainder of time.

The series was quite emotional for me, to say the least. The animation and the backgrounds were simply stunning--as a guy who actually went to visit the countryside of Japan, I'd say that the Japanese countryside in 'Yosuga no Sora' was very, very well illustrated. The music was beautiful. However, it was not the most perfect adaptation of a VN out there. The first two arcs were, to say the least, unneccesary. The drama really only kicked in during Nao's arc (Nao is, in fact my favorite character out of the series. She is so tolerant towards Haru ^_^) but what followed was pure gold.

8/10 for me. Really nice dramatic series (even for a guy) that leaves someone like me thinking hard about what eventually happened. Okay, I'm done with typing up so much crap, if you guys read through all of that, congratulations ^_^
Mar 4, 2011 4:18 PM
Jan 2011

Well, you pretty summed it up. Never realized that Yosuga no Sora was inspired by Byron's poem, but I did read the poem and there are a lot of connections between the two. In any case, you are amazing.
Apr 2, 2011 9:40 AM
Jul 2018
SilveRR said:
If this anime had no sex it would've been so good since I found the story to be amazing


they really coulda gotten rid of all the H and kept the rest. its one of the reasons why i LOVED Koi kaze (which i rated 10/10 masterpiece)

neways on to my review of this series-

9/10 - amazing story, high production value, top notch voice acting, and great characters. I had very very LOW expectations from this series. I put it off simply from reading the description that it was a stupid/H/ecchi series. Essentially something to watch when bored...

I ended up marathoning all 12 of them right on through, simply because it was a BIG surprise.

on to this last episode:

the School Rep did a great job at the end as portraying "reality." She was the one who saw exactly how wrong sora/haru's relationship was and voiced her concern.

Nao was excellent as a she recognized that one cannot control who they fall in love with. While she disapproved of the relationship, she accepted that they did what they had to.

I really started to respect sora towards the end, as she really was/and IS the strongest character in the series. She didnt care what anyone thought and continued to pursue only one thing; Haru. This doesnt mean I APPROVE of it, as its still morally wrong, but props to Sora for turning out to be the #1 character in the series.
Apr 2, 2011 9:51 AM
Jul 2018
KanuTousen said:
Re-watched the end, and I'm curious if maybe that "being born anew" miracle happened, allowing them to live and start fresh. I stared intently at Sora as they fell, and saw no inkling of a hope for her to find the strength to save them.

I know i put up a compelling argument for the death theory, but after re-watching the end, damn you just get the FEELING they're still alive. Which is why I think the lake sort of performed a little miracle to save them. Only sending 1 text could have just shown the fact that they want to move on (and start fresh) from their lives in that town, so they don't want to constantly keep in contact so they can put the bad memories and feelings behind them.

TL;DR: I am COMPLETELY SPLIT as to whether they are dead or alive. TOO HARD!! I just end up arguing with myself trying to figure it out, so I come to the conclusion that there is no definitely THIS end or THAT end. It's however the reader wants to interpret it, and that must be the author's intention. Well done Yosuga no Sora.

i read this post and the one prior,

i dont have the answer as to whether or not they are alive (i personally believe they ARE alive)


i think we can agree that Haru felt immense guilt throughout the past arc on the morality of the incestuous relationship. The fact that he (yes most likely HE) decided for them to move away from the school shows that does feel somewhat shameful.

That should be enough reason to believe that he would be "scarce" in texting his old classmates.
Apr 3, 2011 8:58 PM
Feb 2009
lmao nice ending :P
Apr 5, 2011 2:28 PM
Apr 2011
No se ingles a si que lo escribo en español:

Me parece increible algunas cosas que he leido, algunos dicen que mueren, ¿por que?, el mensaje al movil solo lo tiene la kazuha porque como se dice al principio de la serie ella es la unica en el pueblo con movil porque hace poco que tienen las lineas para ello, ademas dicen que los cadaveres los encuentra akira y se lo dice a kazuha y por eso el mensaje, ¿a santo de que lo iban a ocultar?, ¿cuando se volvieron unas sicopatas?, tambien que sora no sabe nadar, ¿en que momento o capitulo de la serie se dice tal cosa?, si no os gusta la serie no se la jodais a los demas y aceptar que estan vivos, pensar por un momento las cosas que habeis dicho, por dios 2 muchachas escondiendo unos cadaveres, ¿pero por que? no me cabe en la cabeza, si los demas tubieran moviles seguro que el mensaje se lo hubiera enviado a nao por ejemplo, se ve claro que cuando haru despierta sora esta cansada y tumbada sobre el por el esfuerzo y hay rastro en el suelo del agua, y en ningun momento se da ha entender que esten muertos, ¿en que momento la serie se volvio tan sicologica que hay que buscar detalles debajo de las piedras para decir que mueren?, ESTAN VIVOS Y SI NO OS GUSTA OS JODEIS
Apr 14, 2011 10:42 AM

Jan 2009
Suddenly, they're drowning each other. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

I don't know why I didn't finish this earlier, since I was looking forward to Sora's arc the most.
Well, tl;dr wow, this was so full of shit. I'm surprised I actually did finish it in the end.
As opposed to all my infinitely on-hold but not quite dropped series.

And in the end, Kazuha > Sora > Akira > were there any more? > Nao.
And the oh-so-horrendous cgi.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Apr 16, 2011 10:18 PM
Jul 2010
Sora was the best character for me because of her attitude. This was my guilty pleasure of the season, as the twincest ending really gave me what I wanted. Now, if only a series could be devoted to these two after the left for the big city, then I would jump for joy!

I think it is pretty close to being realistic in terms of him searching for the true love, going from girl to girl before he realized who he really loved all along. However, this was such a fast transition from girl to girl, it really could have used a higher budget to make this as epic as Kanon or some other romance. If each girl got 3-4 eps, with sora getting 8, that would make this 25 eps, which I feel would have made this one of the greatest romances of all time. However, this brief glimpse of excellence is enough to whet my appetite for moar twincest. MOAR GODDAMMIT! i want moar!
Apr 16, 2011 11:19 PM

Jun 2009
ene13 said:
Sora was the best character for me because of her attitude. This was my guilty pleasure of the season, as the twincest ending really gave me what I wanted. Now, if only a series could be devoted to these two after the left for the big city, then I would jump for joy!

I think it is pretty close to being realistic in terms of him searching for the true love, going from girl to girl before he realized who he really loved all along. However, this was such a fast transition from girl to girl, it really could have used a higher budget to make this as epic as Kanon or some other romance. If each girl got 3-4 eps, with sora getting 8, that would make this 25 eps, which I feel would have made this one of the greatest romances of all time. However, this brief glimpse of excellence is enough to whet my appetite for moar twincest. MOAR GODDAMMIT! i want moar!

He didn't go from girl to girl, they were separate storylines. Meaning, in the sora arc he never hooked up with any of the other girls.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Apr 17, 2011 10:05 PM

Mar 2010
''Yosuga no Sora''. What a roller coaster of headaches, love lust, sex, pain, and everything in between. This final episode, rather last arc, was the most defile, disgusting, amazing, yet sadistic thing I have ever seen (within the terms of reality). It's hard taking an anime like this to heart! Trying to function after watching a series like this, something that I'm having a hard time doing. I feel gross just typing as I am now. On more of a story note, I actually thought Sora and Haru died in the river. Which would have been a terrible ending. Not to say this was any better, though. You don't come by many anime like this one, so I think this is probably one for the books. Not special in any way, just different. My overall experience with this anime, I couldn't really describe it. Frustrating, sexy, and masochistic if appropriate. I think this anime deserves what it had coming, an applicable 6/10. ''Yosuga no Sora'' completed!
holicXOApr 17, 2011 10:09 PM
May 16, 2011 3:19 PM

Aug 2008
Instead of theorizing how the twins survive/died, lets us think about what impact would either or the ending would do?

If the twins died, I give it a +2 for it.

If the twins survived, I give it a +1, though thats what most people would hope for, including me, a bright and hopeful ending.

Personally, the tragic ending would be nicer, typical animes always end with a good ending with the pair being together happily ever after, a sad ending involving the pair died together brings out the darker feeling of them together but in a different way. Only drawback is that it would be weepfest after the show is over, and I hate to stomach things like that (awww damn those endings... damn it..)

But hey I always thought this picture tells it all

And if you want my opinion, I'd say they survived.

Sorry hope over despair for me.
Jun 1, 2011 12:45 PM

Aug 2010
Tbh, I cried. I didn't want to cry for such an fanservicey-nearly-hentai-show like this, but I did. I can't believe it, it actually had a moral feeling, this series. I liked Kozue at the end.

Too bad the omake ruinied it, argh.
Jun 2, 2011 10:26 AM

Mar 2009
"School days" is a lot better. At least 'cause of lack of happy end.

На вкус и на цвет все товарищи разные......
Jun 10, 2011 6:58 AM

Mar 2011
The story was touching and it was generally a decent series, but man was the music awesome or what.
Mr. Wonsworth, you may NOT eat my scones!
Jun 16, 2011 8:50 AM

Jun 2011
Sora and Haru DID NOT die, the first thing is that Sora was pretty much a internet a second bunny could easily be bought, the most important, should i tell you, is that the bunny wasn't given to Sora by her mother, it was given her by Haru, while she was little, and she was in the hospital. Next fact is that when Haru asked if they were alive, Sora smiled, a smile can only be a no if you are a sadistic idiot(not Sora's type though, she's an awesome sadistic idiot,lol). There are ALOT of evidences that they are alive, just like the fact that the stairs were pretty close to where they almost drowned so i guess Sora carried both of them there, but also Nao could've came and saved them, left the scene after being sure Sora and Haru are ok. The train to heaven?....So i guess if i take a train fuck yeah i'm going to heaven...As for Sora's headband(or something like that) when she's happy you can see her wearing a white headband, but over the series she's wearing a black headband (possibily becouse she's not really happy).For the phone scene, it's very easy, the frist think may be MyStERYoUS for you, but i guess that waterproof mobile phones are a little bit too much for your little minds to worry about.The message Haru sent to the girl doesn't have a name becouse the girl DIDN'T have Haru as a number in her agenda, that's pretty possible too...This anime gets a well diserved 10/10 for the BGM and the cute things it has...but i pretty much disliked the sex scenes in it...srsly dude, it woulda've been better without them, if you LOVE it doesn't matter WHO you love, you can't fall inlove with someone becouse of the community? Screw them!. If you want more explaination PM me...i'll offer you the best.

OFF TOPIC:Who wants to make up a story for season 2? I already wrote the script of the first episode so i hope that my ideas are listened to.
It doesn't matter who you love, love is all that matters.
Jun 16, 2011 9:43 AM

Jun 2011
If you don't belive me about the fact that Haru bought Sora's bunny stuffed doll, check out the manga Chapter 6 Page 17

It doesn't matter who you love, love is all that matters.
Jun 17, 2011 3:15 PM

Jan 2011
Joyce_Steele said:

I like how you ignored the text message and the fact that sora can swim.
Jun 17, 2011 3:26 PM

Jan 2011
bloodstainx said:
EMChamp said:
Joyce_Steele said:

Additional things I noticed:

well heres my theroy.

Sora and Haruka are indeed dead. I completely agree on you on all those facts as for the test message plot hole i think i have an explanation.

Sora and haruka would have drowned in the lake behind akira's shrine and Akira would have found the bodies. The person she would tell would of course be her half sister Kazuha and she would have made up that text which explains why she was the only 1 who received a message. Also u can kinda tell by the expressiosn on Akira and Kazuha's face near the end.

On a side note. did any1 figure out what that flashback with Akira have to do with the story near the end when Haruka was looking for sora
EMChamp said:
Joyce_Steele said:

Additional things I noticed:

-She doesn't answer because its obvious they are alive.

-Maybe they left without even going home? Since he did talk about it being hard for them to be together from now on and what people will say about them.

-the doll theory can be explained by him buying a new doll.

-The text message was pretty elaborate to only something Haruto/Sora would know so I doubt anybody besides him sent it.

I figure Sora (who CAN swim) didn't want to die and saved them both.


Jun 17, 2011 6:13 PM

Jan 2011
XydenicSky said:
Instead of theorizing how the twins survive/died, lets us think about what impact would either or the ending would do?

If the twins died, I give it a +2 for it.

If the twins survived, I give it a +1, though thats what most people would hope for, including me, a bright and hopeful ending.

Personally, the tragic ending would be nicer, typical animes always end with a good ending with the pair being together happily ever after, a sad ending involving the pair died together brings out the darker feeling of them together but in a different way. Only drawback is that it would be weepfest after the show is over, and I hate to stomach things like that (awww damn those endings... damn it..)

But hey I always thought this picture tells it all

And if you want my opinion, I'd say they survived.

Sorry hope over despair for me.

Thank you there should be no debate about this they are 100% alive if they were "spirits" then we would of saw sora and haru fly out of the lake with wings.
Jun 20, 2011 8:34 AM

Jun 2011
VioLink said:
bloodstainx said:
EMChamp said:
Joyce_Steele said:

Additional things I noticed:

well heres my theroy.

Sora and Haruka are indeed dead. I completely agree on you on all those facts as for the test message plot hole i think i have an explanation.

Sora and haruka would have drowned in the lake behind akira's shrine and Akira would have found the bodies. The person she would tell would of course be her half sister Kazuha and she would have made up that text which explains why she was the only 1 who received a message. Also u can kinda tell by the expressiosn on Akira and Kazuha's face near the end.

On a side note. did any1 figure out what that flashback with Akira have to do with the story near the end when Haruka was looking for sora
EMChamp said:
Joyce_Steele said:

Additional things I noticed:

-She doesn't answer because its obvious they are alive.

-Maybe they left without even going home? Since he did talk about it being hard for them to be together from now on and what people will say about them.

-the doll theory can be explained by him buying a new doll.

-The text message was pretty elaborate to only something Haruto/Sora would know so I doubt anybody besides him sent it.

I figure Sora (who CAN swim) didn't want to die and saved them both.



I understand what you say there, and also read what i said, HARU bought SORA'S Rabbit he could buy another one(as for the theory with the fact that they were in a kinda isolated town, Sora and Haru had internet, if not, that bunny was just a mistake by the studio, hell i don't know, Sora coulda've stiched the bunny back together.)Ah well, They are ALIVE and WELL in the VN, same in the Manga, why couldn't they be alive and well in the anime too?
It doesn't matter who you love, love is all that matters.
Jul 21, 2011 10:44 AM

Mar 2011
Okay ending. Kozue had nice eyes.
Aug 11, 2011 5:10 PM
Apr 2011
I can't belive i watched this series.'till episode 10 this anime was fine but after watching sora's arc i fell sick! it's just not right YUCK.
damn i wish Haru had brain and killed that witch,Wh*re c*ck su*k*r
Aug 16, 2011 9:32 AM
May 2008
so finally I watched this anime, it was pretty good, but I just can't get myself over this incest thing... damn it's just bad, sora's arc had good script but that incest thing... :/
RyzAug 16, 2011 1:33 PM
Sep 23, 2011 4:54 PM
Sep 2011
Yeah...the incest thing got me to. I imagined Sora as a girlfriend not related to him. Man I would LOVE a girl like that. I don't think any guy in the world would pass up on a girl like that. (a virgin girl who after having sex goes to the extremes and wants it even more, any time, any place, anywhere lol.)
Nov 22, 2011 12:20 AM

Jun 2011
Definitely the arc that is most heart wrenching for me.. I'd rate the anime a 10 if this is only solely dedicated to develop this SoraXHaru arc but... since that wasn't the case, the series gets an 8.

base for Scoring:
Incest arc = 9.5 (there was the Slap scene+kiss that I didn't like so gotta minus some points)
Childhood friend arc= 6 (Nao was such a bitch I really had a hard time watching this arc)
Miko Arc= 8.5 (this was a pretty cute arc ^_^)
Ojou Arc= 8 (I kinda like this arc too)
Motoka Arc= 7 (a little funny but the I think their chemistry is a little off.)

Average: 7.8 so I round it off to 8.
Momo-HimeNov 22, 2011 12:33 AM
"Them who looks blind at ANIME, looks blind at SALVATION."
Nov 28, 2011 5:37 PM

Sep 2011
What a beautiful love story. :)
Dec 3, 2011 3:56 AM
Jul 2010
Great episode! The Sora arc was a 9-10/10. The drowning scene almost made me cry (it might have had they really drowned). I wish they really would've drowned, as it would have made a much more powerful and dark ending, and the train scene had been a metaphor for going to the after-life together (which would have provided a light element - the twin lovers ending up together after all), but the VN and manga people keep saying the weak-bodied Sora somehow managed to save them both (although it really didn't look like that to me in the anime), so that's a disappointment...

The series overall only got a 7/10 from me due to excessive gratuitous over-explicit almost hentai-like sex scenes (they did crack me up though) and the other arcs being much less interesting and frankly quite generic in comparison. I wish they had devoted more episodes (preferably all) to the Sora arc, that would probably have raised the score a lot and not made the pacing seem as rushed at times.

Visuals were beautiful and I really loved the music. "Old Memory" was especially beautiful ( , track #17 on Yosuga no Sora
Original Soundtrack -New-).

@raducu22: It didn't look like Sora smiled to me. Her mouth had a neutral expression.
JvW4Dec 3, 2011 4:06 AM
Dec 26, 2011 10:16 PM

Dec 2010
Not bad for a last episode. Thought it was going to be worse. They actually put some good drama into it.

I don't get how Sora got her stuffed rabbit again. Not to mention it was shredded up and lying in their house after they left.

Doesn't seem like they died when they were drowning so what happened after must've been real...but how the hell did they magically wash ashore? Don't tell me it's the magical deity that guards the shrine's holy water...trololol.

Oh well. Enjoyed this series even though it made me go WTF at times.

Dec 30, 2011 6:50 AM

Oct 2010
that was somewhat disturbing ;_;

very confused right now but i guess i kinda liked it - but i would have enjoyed it more without so many sex scenes

however, pretty intense anime especially with those incredible OST's running in the background - im happy i watched it, but now i need to watch something funny asap
CrydasiaFeb 7, 2012 5:07 AM
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