Mar 3, 2010 8:45 AM
cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: Name: Jamie Age: 17 Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more. Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit. How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k) Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life. Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D KHR and D. gray man rules x3 Lazy people are great :D Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something. I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing. Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about?? Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster?? Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer. Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister. He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down. His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him. Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy." All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago. Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals. But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore. But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought. That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left. Do u have ur own manga?? ohh Sounds awsome :D if it comes out once i'll be sure to read it o.O lol the Mentalist it cool, but the C.S.I.'s is better x3 yeah i do, its kinda like a horror, comedy and action one :D and its reaaaally funny to make x3 Lol thanks, theres still alot of work to do and alot of history research so hopefully it will be complete in a few years. Myabe 2 years or so. Yeah I'll admit C.S.I is better, I also watch cold case and C.S.I NY which is very good as well. Ohh cool I'm actually afraid to incorporate any comedy cuz it might sound stupid and plain and my manga will go down the drain lol |
Mar 3, 2010 8:48 AM
haruka_nazu said: Sun_Princess said: Name: Sunny or whatever you want to call me really 8D Age: 19 Favorite anime : One Piece / KHR / Gintama / Fairy Tail Manga : Fairy Tail / Battle Royale Hobbies: Other than talking & screaming & chatting about my obsessions .. Drawing ... just that xD How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I used to be a really bad addicted .. yes 4 - 5 hrs if not more .. now i barely have time to be on but IT WILL CHANGE ! HOPEFULLY ! About yourself: Ah dunno exactly what to say since my head is kinda empty for now << your sure its only now ? xD ANYWAYS ! Thanx Haruka for this lovely topic ~ <3 Sunny x3333 Welcome :D this is just a must topic, nothing special xD yes, you will change! (cuase I miss you T.T) Love your hobbies and you! yeah you, you mean other personalty after "<<"... It's been a long time :D how are you? (Bet you didn't see that comming! xDDDD) yusuke116 said: cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: Name: Jamie Age: 17 Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more. Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit. How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k) Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life. Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D KHR and D. gray man rules x3 Lazy people are great :D Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something. I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing. Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about?? Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster?? Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer. Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister. He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down. His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him. Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy." All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago. Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals. But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore. But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought. That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left. Do u have ur own manga?? WOW, chilling ><" Show us a bit of it when you can~ I don't have my own manga, but I've written 2 books, and in the middle of two more, in the end of another and in the beginning of 18 more ;xD right now I'm focusing on the close to finish one (though it's only the first in a series of 4 other books i have all written in my mind ;xD) Lol haha yeah I know, just don't think I'm some crazy psycho serial killer or something lol:P I will when it starts to get some constructed. LMAO haha wow, you must have photographic memory or something to have completed 4 of them in your mind lol:P But thats cool, I'm glad to see other people who enjoy writing and are aspiring to create their own books. I'm planning on writing another book soon as well but time is very limited at the moment so. |
Mar 3, 2010 8:56 AM
yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: Sun_Princess said: Name: Sunny or whatever you want to call me really 8D Age: 19 Favorite anime : One Piece / KHR / Gintama / Fairy Tail Manga : Fairy Tail / Battle Royale Hobbies: Other than talking & screaming & chatting about my obsessions .. Drawing ... just that xD How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I used to be a really bad addicted .. yes 4 - 5 hrs if not more .. now i barely have time to be on but IT WILL CHANGE ! HOPEFULLY ! About yourself: Ah dunno exactly what to say since my head is kinda empty for now << your sure its only now ? xD ANYWAYS ! Thanx Haruka for this lovely topic ~ <3 Sunny x3333 Welcome :D this is just a must topic, nothing special xD yes, you will change! (cuase I miss you T.T) Love your hobbies and you! yeah you, you mean other personalty after "<<"... It's been a long time :D how are you? (Bet you didn't see that comming! xDDDD) yusuke116 said: cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: Name: Jamie Age: 17 Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more. Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit. How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k) Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life. Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D KHR and D. gray man rules x3 Lazy people are great :D Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something. I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing. Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about?? Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster?? Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer. Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister. He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down. His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him. Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy." All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago. Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals. But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore. But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought. That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left. Do u have ur own manga?? WOW, chilling ><" Show us a bit of it when you can~ I don't have my own manga, but I've written 2 books, and in the middle of two more, in the end of another and in the beginning of 18 more ;xD right now I'm focusing on the close to finish one (though it's only the first in a series of 4 other books i have all written in my mind ;xD) Lol haha yeah I know, just don't think I'm some crazy psycho serial killer or something lol:P I will when it starts to get some constructed. LMAO haha wow, you must have photographic memory or something to have completed 4 of them in your mind lol:P But thats cool, I'm glad to see other people who enjoy writing and are aspiring to create their own books. I'm planning on writing another book soon as well but time is very limited at the moment so. I'm a writer to the core, and it's not really finish them all, but more like I have an 'end' to each one, therefore in my case I know I'll finish them, and I know I'll be able to fill the gap between the 'begging' I have and the 'end' I've formed to it~ Was I able to make you understand? ;xD It has been my dream to be a writer for something like forever, and I've been writing for almost as long as I knew how to ;3 I can't pass a day without writing, test or limited time or whatever; it'll squeeze it in cause I'm not joking when I say writing is my life... when you do write it, show it to us :D |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 3, 2010 12:35 PM
yusuke116 said: cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: Name: Jamie Age: 17 Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more. Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit. How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k) Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life. Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D KHR and D. gray man rules x3 Lazy people are great :D Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something. I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing. Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about?? Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster?? Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer. Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister. He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down. His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him. Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy." All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago. Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals. But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore. But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought. That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left. Do u have ur own manga?? ohh Sounds awsome :D if it comes out once i'll be sure to read it o.O lol the Mentalist it cool, but the C.S.I.'s is better x3 yeah i do, its kinda like a horror, comedy and action one :D and its reaaaally funny to make x3 Lol thanks, theres still alot of work to do and alot of history research so hopefully it will be complete in a few years. Myabe 2 years or so. Yeah I'll admit C.S.I is better, I also watch cold case and C.S.I NY which is very good as well. Ohh cool I'm actually afraid to incorporate any comedy cuz it might sound stupid and plain and my manga will go down the drain lol lol yeah the comedy sucks in it, but i have a baad sence of humor too. The horror in it sucks too, cause its not scary or anything, not even violent. so i guess its in reallity only is action... x3 haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: Sun_Princess said: Name: Sunny or whatever you want to call me really 8D Age: 19 Favorite anime : One Piece / KHR / Gintama / Fairy Tail Manga : Fairy Tail / Battle Royale Hobbies: Other than talking & screaming & chatting about my obsessions .. Drawing ... just that xD How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I used to be a really bad addicted .. yes 4 - 5 hrs if not more .. now i barely have time to be on but IT WILL CHANGE ! HOPEFULLY ! About yourself: Ah dunno exactly what to say since my head is kinda empty for now << your sure its only now ? xD ANYWAYS ! Thanx Haruka for this lovely topic ~ <3 Sunny x3333 Welcome :D this is just a must topic, nothing special xD yes, you will change! (cuase I miss you T.T) Love your hobbies and you! yeah you, you mean other personalty after "<<"... It's been a long time :D how are you? (Bet you didn't see that comming! xDDDD) yusuke116 said: cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: Name: Jamie Age: 17 Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more. Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit. How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k) Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life. Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D KHR and D. gray man rules x3 Lazy people are great :D Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something. I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing. Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about?? Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster?? Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer. Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister. He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down. His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him. Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy." All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago. Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals. But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore. But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought. That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left. Do u have ur own manga?? WOW, chilling ><" Show us a bit of it when you can~ I don't have my own manga, but I've written 2 books, and in the middle of two more, in the end of another and in the beginning of 18 more ;xD right now I'm focusing on the close to finish one (though it's only the first in a series of 4 other books i have all written in my mind ;xD) Lol haha yeah I know, just don't think I'm some crazy psycho serial killer or something lol:P I will when it starts to get some constructed. LMAO haha wow, you must have photographic memory or something to have completed 4 of them in your mind lol:P But thats cool, I'm glad to see other people who enjoy writing and are aspiring to create their own books. I'm planning on writing another book soon as well but time is very limited at the moment so. I'm a writer to the core, and it's not really finish them all, but more like I have an 'end' to each one, therefore in my case I know I'll finish them, and I know I'll be able to fill the gap between the 'begging' I have and the 'end' I've formed to it~ Was I able to make you understand? ;xD It has been my dream to be a writer for something like forever, and I've been writing for almost as long as I knew how to ;3 I can't pass a day without writing, test or limited time or whatever; it'll squeeze it in cause I'm not joking when I say writing is my life... when you do write it, show it to us :D then you have to show us too >;D |
cha-chanMar 3, 2010 12:38 PM
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Mar 3, 2010 8:04 PM
Lol I can't bother to quote anymore cuz its getting to long lol @ haruka_nazu, Yep I totally understand lol Lol well I'm not as addicted to wring as you but I'm close, I don't write everyday but almost everyday. It has been a dream of my own as well to make a novel and sell it. My parents thought I was joking and laughed about it, when I graduated High School I told them that I didn't want to work and that I would just work on my manga and novel my dad agreed cuz I'm going to college this fall so I would have some time to finish them or get close to finishing them but then my mom came in and said I have to work and my dad silently agreed. But thats cool that writing is your life. I have so many important things in my life, football, anime/manga, my own manga and novel. Its tough to fit time in for all of them but I have a pretty good schedule at the moment. @ cha-chan, Lol haha I reckon your afraid to admit your humor sucks lol that made me lol, well what do you know u do have a sense of humor. But thats good, atleast your not afraid to inlucde it like I am. But my first idea was the psychological thriller anyways so I wasn't going to make any comedy. But I am in the works of creating a shouen type manga. Similar to bleach and others. |
Mar 4, 2010 12:08 PM
Mar 4, 2010 1:12 PM
Mar 4, 2010 6:23 PM
Name: -Don't feel like it- though it starts with A and has 6 letters Gender: go figure Age: 15 Favorite Anime/ Manga: ...Too many... my head hurt >.< Hobbies: Reading Manga MAL Addiction factor: 4-6 About me: You'll learn soon enough ...Is it me or does this seem like an extremely female dominated club? |
![]() Sig by me |
Mar 4, 2010 8:56 PM
Calaber said: Name: -Don't feel like it- though it starts with A and has 6 letters Gender: go figure Age: 15 Favorite Anime/ Manga: ...Too many... my head hurt >.< Hobbies: Reading Manga MAL Addiction factor: 4-6 About me: You'll learn soon enough ...Is it me or does this seem like an extremely female dominated club? Can't you at least give us a name to call you with .-. Or should we stick to the Calaber? Wow, you aren't really nice... 'Go figure'... I'm bad at figuring things T.T Hint? ~begging eyes~ If your head hurts then rest :O It is a female dominated club, but that's just cause not many males approved the invites xD to tell you the truth, I send invited to alot of people randomly, there should be plenty boys who has been sent an invite, but most just hadn't joined yet or aren't planning on. Maybe it's just that females are more addicted to mal? xD Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here ^^ |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 4, 2010 9:16 PM
any variation of my user is fine... I see so there's only 2 guys here... so far |
![]() Sig by me |
Mar 4, 2010 9:41 PM
Yeah, hopfully it will is "so far" ;xD |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 4, 2010 9:43 PM
Mar 4, 2010 9:49 PM
yusuke116 said: Lol i don't really have a problem with alot of women in the club lol, wait that sounded kinda weird lol:P Why weird, it's great - you're a great person Yu-kun :D (mind if I call you that? XP) |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 4, 2010 10:38 PM
yusuke116 said: @cha-chan: Wow what a combination lol, well I loved 07 ghost so maybe I'll like it as well, and of course I love KHR. I haven't watched Higurashi as of yet though. But let me read it sometime if you don't mind. 07-ghost and KHR is awsome! :D HIgurashi is a violent and a pit crazy comedy x3 sure you can~ i just have to scan it first :D |
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Mar 5, 2010 8:36 AM
haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: Lol i don't really have a problem with alot of women in the club lol, wait that sounded kinda weird lol:P Why weird, it's great - you're a great person Yu-kun :D (mind if I call you that? XP) Lol sure, I sound like an anime character now, Yay!! lol cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: @cha-chan: Wow what a combination lol, well I loved 07 ghost so maybe I'll like it as well, and of course I love KHR. I haven't watched Higurashi as of yet though. But let me read it sometime if you don't mind. 07-ghost and KHR is awsome! :D HIgurashi is a violent and a pit crazy comedy x3 sure you can~ i just have to scan it first :D Oh maybe I'll watch it then since it has comedy. Ouran High School Host Club is also great and full of comedy, you should check it out if you haven't watched it. But the ultimate comedy experience is Slam Dunk. Lol I laugh so hard when I watch that that I cry lol |
Mar 5, 2010 8:39 AM
Yu-kun really does sound like an anime character, but what's wrong with it? xDDDDD I think it's great - that's why i'm Haruka xDD |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 5, 2010 9:14 AM
Mar 5, 2010 9:33 AM
yusuke116 said: haruka_nazu said: yusuke116 said: Lol i don't really have a problem with alot of women in the club lol, wait that sounded kinda weird lol:P Why weird, it's great - you're a great person Yu-kun :D (mind if I call you that? XP) Lol sure, I sound like an anime character now, Yay!! lol cha-chan said: yusuke116 said: @cha-chan: Wow what a combination lol, well I loved 07 ghost so maybe I'll like it as well, and of course I love KHR. I haven't watched Higurashi as of yet though. But let me read it sometime if you don't mind. 07-ghost and KHR is awsome! :D HIgurashi is a violent and a pit crazy comedy x3 sure you can~ i just have to scan it first :D Oh maybe I'll watch it then since it has comedy. Ouran High School Host Club is also great and full of comedy, you should check it out if you haven't watched it. But the ultimate comedy experience is Slam Dunk. Lol I laugh so hard when I watch that that I cry lol LoL I started on Ouran, but havent finished it yet. Meh and Hunny owns the world!! Mwahahahahaha!!! >:D coughtcought-or-something-like-that-coughtcought |
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Mar 5, 2010 10:07 AM
yusuke116 said: Lol nothings wrong with it , I love it. This is the first time anyone has given me a nickname so I'm really happy. Thank Haruka. No problem, I really like giving people nick names x3 |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 5, 2010 10:26 PM
Mar 6, 2010 1:38 AM
oh, i just remembered...i'm addicted to CARAMELLDANSEN!! u u ua ua xDD |
Mar 6, 2010 2:54 AM
LoL I started on Ouran, but havent finished it yet. Meh and Hunny owns the world!! Mwahahahahaha!!! >:D coughtcought-or-something-like-that-coughtcought Lol haha Honey is my favorite character from Ouran as well:P Lol i think I'm addicted to it as well after watching some 10 times in a row lol |
Mar 6, 2010 3:02 AM
yusuke116 said: LoL I started on Ouran, but havent finished it yet. Meh and Hunny owns the world!! Mwahahahahaha!!! >:D coughtcought-or-something-like-that-coughtcought Lol haha Honey is my favorite character from Ouran as well:P Lol i think I'm addicted to it as well after watching some 10 times in a row lol I got addicted to it, too, Aky-sama O_O" |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 6, 2010 6:14 AM
Name: Me-ChanZ? LOL Just call me Rin from KataRINa, my baptism name~ Or Rinny, which is what Sapphy, Hary, Flanny, and the others usually called me. Or Reika, which I got from this quiz somewhere... ^^' Real name? My given name is 'Mega'... Means... 'Big'??? XD Though, in Javanese, it means 'Cloud' (YESSSS!!!! I'm starting to like my given name~ Why? Hm... Read KHR!, and look at my favorite character -or just look at my signature, that admin card flanny made me-, then you'll know why) Age: 14 Am I the youngest #2 in this club? ._. Hobbies: Listening to music, Being active in TVMF, Drawing, Reading fanfictions, Editing with Photoshop (Though I'm not really good of it LOL), Sleeping, Watching and reading KHR~ Fave anime: KHR! Fave manga: KHR! (Yes, I'm a KHR! addicted *points at forum picture, profile picture, and about me section*) How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 9/10 About myself: In real life, I cant really express my emotions very well -meaning I'm quite shy...-, so I'm not really sociable, and I dont really have THAT many friends... But if you're brave enough to strike a conversation and keeping it up for a few days.... Eheheh... Expect a random rambling and a easy-going personality for me =P In internet, I don't really mind talking to other people I don't know and introducing myself, 'cause... I dunno, its pretty much easier to put what I want to talk about into words -aka nonverbally-... I'm ADDICTED to Hibari Kyoya from KHR! XDDDD Though, you must have already knew that by looking on my forum picture, profile picture, and about me section... =P Nice to meet you~ |
Rin-cchiMar 6, 2010 6:26 AM
Mar 6, 2010 7:12 AM
Me-ChanZ said: Name: Me-ChanZ? LOL Just call me Rin from KataRINa, my baptism name~ Or Rinny, which is what Sapphy, Hary, Flanny, and the others usually called me. Or Reika, which I got from this quiz somewhere... ^^' Real name? My given name is 'Mega'... Means... 'Big'??? XD Though, in Javanese, it means 'Cloud' (YESSSS!!!! I'm starting to like my given name~ Why? Hm... Read KHR!, and look at my favorite character -or just look at my signature, that admin card flanny made me-, then you'll know why) Age: 14 Am I the youngest #2 in this club? ._. Hobbies: Listening to music, Being active in TVMF, Drawing, Reading fanfictions, Editing with Photoshop (Though I'm not really good of it LOL), Sleeping, Watching and reading KHR~ Fave anime: KHR! Fave manga: KHR! (Yes, I'm a KHR! addicted *points at forum picture, profile picture, and about me section*) How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 9/10 About myself: In real life, I cant really express my emotions very well -meaning I'm quite shy...-, so I'm not really sociable, and I dont really have THAT many friends... But if you're brave enough to strike a conversation and keeping it up for a few days.... Eheheh... Expect a random rambling and a easy-going personality for me =P In internet, I don't really mind talking to other people I don't know and introducing myself, 'cause... I dunno, its pretty much easier to put what I want to talk about into words -aka nonverbally-... I'm ADDICTED to Hibari Kyoya from KHR! XDDDD Though, you must have already knew that by looking on my forum picture, profile picture, and about me section... =P Nice to meet you~ Rinny, what a brilliant intro :D Really liked it and I'm like you on real life and on the interenet :D Um... Kyoya!!!! xDDDD loved your hobbies :3 and the 'mega' = big thiny xDDD it killed me xDDD |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 6, 2010 7:21 AM
Mar 7, 2010 12:53 PM
I have a new Addiction; Kufufufu!!! MwaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!! >:D |
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Mar 12, 2010 7:13 PM
Name: You can call me Shadow, Strider, or Shadow Strider Age: 23 Favorite Anime/Manga: I love so many I don't know if I have a favorite. MAL Addiction: umm...5 mayby... lets say 5+. Hobbies: Training in several martial arts, writing, anime and manga, hanging out with friends. About me: Lets see I'm engaged to my childhood friend and love of my life, I've been training in in Kung Fu / Tai Chi Chuan / Shaolin since I was 8 and as of about a year and a half ago mauy boran (I am so lucky that my master has a friend who can teach it). I'm a smart ass and love to have a good time. I look forward to getting to know you all! |
Mar 12, 2010 11:12 PM
Shadow_Strider said: Name: You can call me Shadow, Strider, or Shadow Strider Age: 23 Favorite Anime/Manga: I love so many I don't know if I have a favorite. MAL Addiction: umm...5 mayby... lets say 5+. Hobbies: Training in several martial arts, writing, anime and manga, hanging out with friends. About me: Lets see I'm engaged to my childhood friend and love of my life, I've been training in in Kung Fu / Tai Chi Chuan / Shaolin since I was 8 and as of about a year and a half ago mauy boran (I am so lucky that my master has a friend who can teach it). I'm a smart ass and love to have a good time. I look forward to getting to know you all! 23 *O* Awesome x3 5+? You're in a good place :D Material art? COOL x3 writing rules! Engaged? Congratulation! :O Welcome to the club! |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Mar 13, 2010 7:51 PM
Mar 14, 2010 8:19 PM
I'm going to just... copy and paste a lot of stuff from some other intro thread at another club. :x Name; valesti, some call me valy Age; 21 Favorite Anime/Manga; basically everything that scored 9 and above on my list MAL Addiction; Hmm... 7.5 Hobbies; anime (of course), web & graphic design, picture/graphics/typeface hunting, browsing sites, video games, otome games <3 About Me; Point 1- I'm obsessed with Yamamoto. ;D Other than that, uh.. I'm studying to be a web designer/developer. I looove graphic design. Often when I start a project that I get really into, I forget to eat and sleep. Also, I normally try to present myself professionally but here on MAL I can sort of let loose and fangirl over whatever. Especially if it's about Yamamoto, bishounen, or an amazing graphic. ;3 Feel free to drop me a comment especially if you'd like to talk yama/bishes/graphics ;D, I love to chat. :] Nice to meet everyone-! |
Mar 14, 2010 11:04 PM
valesti said: I'm going to just... copy and paste a lot of stuff from some other intro thread at another club. :x Name; valesti, some call me valy Age; 21 Favorite Anime/Manga; basically everything that scored 9 and above on my list MAL Addiction; Hmm... 7.5 Hobbies; anime (of course), web & graphic design, picture/graphics/typeface hunting, browsing sites, video games, otome games <3 About Me; Point 1- I'm obsessed with Yamamoto. ;D Other than that, uh.. I'm studying to be a web designer/developer. I looove graphic design. Often when I start a project that I get really into, I forget to eat and sleep. Also, I normally try to present myself professionally but here on MAL I can sort of let loose and fangirl over whatever. Especially if it's about Yamamoto, bishounen, or an amazing graphic. ;3 Feel free to drop me a comment especially if you'd like to talk yama/bishes/graphics ;D, I love to chat. :] Nice to meet everyone-! Cool hobbies :O Welcome to the club Yamamoto lover Valy, hope you have fun here~ |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Apr 16, 2010 9:13 PM
Name:christine age:14 Fav.:kimi ga nozomu eien manga:hapi mari hobbies:reading books, open my MAL account thrice a day how badly are you a mal addicted :80 or 90% about yourself: quiet type, loner, and shy person |
Apr 19, 2010 2:38 AM
cutefairy_miharo said: Name:christine age:14 Fav.:kimi ga nozomu eien manga:hapi mari hobbies:reading books, open my MAL account thrice a day how badly are you a mal addicted :80 or 90% about yourself: quiet type, loner, and shy person Welcome to the cluc, Chris :D [mind if I call you that? it sounds cool xD] Hapi Mari? really? I love it :D I open my mal account much more xD really nice to meet you, hope you'll have fun in the club :3 |
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
May 6, 2010 3:57 AM
Name:Yuiki (Haha my adopted nick! :D) Age: 13 Favorite anime/manga: Hetalia!!! Then closely followed by Pandora Hearts, Soul Eater, One Piece and Durarara!! Hobbies:Drawing :D Lots of lots of lots of anime pics :D ANIMEBANZAI!!! How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 10+ Gawd I should be doing my chinese compo now... About yourself: Heyo~ I'm from Singapore and erm I'm a bit of a loner in my sch but i'm pretty fine with that. And hrm...I love this club! It sound so nice and friendly :D And I'm accepting any fren request!!! |
May 8, 2010 10:26 AM
Name: Miyuki! (real name is Steph) but hey! call me Miyu :3 Age: 16 Favorite anime/manga: Umineko No Naku Koro Ni or Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Hobbies: Reading, I write sometimes, Playing Soccer, Video Games, Dancing! How badly are you a MAL addicted?: meh about a 3 i guess About yourself: Uhh I have freckles, I'm in Musical, I'm in Color Guard, i can spin a rifle and a baseball bat (no I can't do that at the same time silly!), I'm in Guard with the Marching Band, and I'm in Drama Club. I also have a job. woo. |
Watashi wa Stephanie Desu! Hajimashite! |
May 11, 2010 6:12 AM
Hello, hello Name:Kotryna but in MAL and everywhere else on the internet Sintra Age:18 Favorite anime/manga: KHR and FMA:Brotherhood, Perfect girl evoliution How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I would give 7-8 because 60% of my time I give to MAL and other to anime and manga Hobbies: music and everything associated also I love reading and writing About yourself:I have a split personality... that's about all... No also I love MAL... I love everything in this world and the world itself... It's raining now but I like the rain... I should shut up... Thank you for reading |
Jul 2, 2010 12:20 AM
Armonia said: Name:Yuiki (Haha my adopted nick! :D) Age: 13 Favorite anime/manga: Hetalia!!! Then closely followed by Pandora Hearts, Soul Eater, One Piece and Durarara!! Hobbies:Drawing :D Lots of lots of lots of anime pics :D ANIMEBANZAI!!! How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 10+ Gawd I should be doing my chinese compo now... About yourself: Heyo~ I'm from Singapore and erm I'm a bit of a loner in my sch but i'm pretty fine with that. And hrm...I love this club! It sound so nice and friendly :D And I'm accepting any fren request!!! Pandora hearts *^* I love drawings too :D It's okay - lots of people are ten xD that's why this club opened in the first place, so don't feel bad about yourself xD Thank you for loving this club <3 miyuyamazaki1616 said: Name: Miyuki! (real name is Steph) but hey! call me Miyu :3 Age: 16 Favorite anime/manga: Umineko No Naku Koro Ni or Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Hobbies: Reading, I write sometimes, Playing Soccer, Video Games, Dancing! How badly are you a MAL addicted?: meh about a 3 i guess About yourself: Uhh I have freckles, I'm in Musical, I'm in Color Guard, i can spin a rifle and a baseball bat (no I can't do that at the same time silly!), I'm in Guard with the Marching Band, and I'm in Drama Club. I also have a job. woo. Hey Miyu, welcome :D Reading is GREAT! but writing is better~ Soccer? Cool O_O Only three? I envy you xD xDDD Aww Not in the same time? xD You are in a LOT of things OO how do you manage? sintra said: Hello, hello Name:Kotryna but in MAL and everywhere else on the internet Sintra Age:18 Favorite anime/manga: KHR and FMA:Brotherhood, Perfect girl evoliution How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I would give 7-8 because 60% of my time I give to MAL and other to anime and manga Hobbies: music and everything associated also I love reading and writing About yourself:I have a split personality... that's about all... No also I love MAL... I love everything in this world and the world itself... It's raining now but I like the rain... I should shut up... Thank you for reading Hey Sintra~ KHR rulls! :D You're still pretty addicteed xD Reading? Writing? Music? perfect! Split personality? thats so... COOL! |
haruka_nazuJul 2, 2010 12:23 AM
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"--- ---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm not sure...--- ---Math should go drown itself in the toilet--- |
Aug 19, 2010 11:09 PM
Name: Real name is Kenya, but can call me Mizuki. ^^ Age: 16~ Favorite anime/manga: Fav Manga: Kare First Love, Hana Kimi, Hot Gimmick, and Red River(many more but cant thnk of them lol). Fav anime: Marmalade Boy, Death Note, Inuyasha, Lucky Star, ef - a tale of memories, FMA: Brotherhood, KHR, Beck, Eureka Seven, etc. XD Hobbies: Hmmm...kinda hard >.< Drawing, reading mang, watching anime, writing poems, music, and stories. Track and softball. Collecting manga and books to add to my personal library. How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I'll rank myself as a 6. >.< About yourself: Well i'm from the U.S. and is currently hating school lil by lil. Other than that, i like to socialize with ppl and jus have fun. |
Kira2457Aug 19, 2010 11:14 PM
Aug 28, 2010 8:39 PM
Name; annie Age; 28 >_< Favorite Anime/Manga; soo many, but atm, KHR and kuroshitsuji MAL Addiction; hmmm....perhaps about 6 atm, but i just joined and im getting rllllly into it haha Hobbies; anime/manga ofc, video games ( playing FF dissidia atm, and cant WAIT for KH: birth by sleep!!) About Me; i know a fair amount of japanese, i took 3 semesters of it and self-taught a lot, but im far from fluent lol...but watching anime and stuff i can pick out words/phrases a lot of the time; and even though im 28 i JUST got my drivers license a couple weeks ago loll |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Aug 28, 2010 8:48 PM
Name:Chouko Michiko Age: 14 Favorite anime/manga: Kirarin revolution,Kaichou wa maid sama Hobbies: Watching Anime,Reading Manga,drawing How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 5 >.< About myself: A 14teen years of Age Born on 27th september. A japanese mixed-heritage :) A junior student of Hamamatsu City High School. A very random. Optimistic choosy. Friendly. HARMLESS. mischievous. bittersweet. Crazy. silly. pretty in HIS sight. clumsy. GOD FEARING. intelligent in an unconverstional way. NOT EMO! a braaaaaaaat. unique. a sassy li'l girL funny. unpredictable stubborn. imaginative. a theatrical little snooby girl. 101% IMPERFECT! That's all thank you |
Aug 30, 2010 11:22 AM
Name : Yamazaki << my nick name not real Age : 16 Favorite anime/manga: D.Gray-Man , Bleach , Katekyo hitman reborn , Darker than black , Peace Maker Kurogane , Durarara! Hobbies : watching anime , JDrama , KDrama , Movies , Reading manga , Animals i really love animals , Talking , annoying people , sleeping , travelling , video games How badly are you a MAL addicted?: maybe 2 because i still don't have too much friend on MAL to enter above 2 hours but i do enter nearly everyday to update my list ^^ About myself: i really love anime + animals at school i always annoy my friends about these to things whenever we make groups in class we have to choose a name for the groups when they ask me about the group name without answering they say the group name is anime XD i hate school but i love my friends and i love to make new friends . i have to talk to anyone at least every 15 minutes if i don't talk i fall asleep XD in school each period is 50 minutes and some teachers are strict they don't allow us to talk + lessons are boring so if no one talks to me i fall asleep in class nearly most periods i sleep cuz they're bored but my grades are great ^^ well if i keep talking i will never finish lol XD hopes to make new friends ^^ |
Yamazaki3Aug 30, 2010 11:40 AM
Nov 16, 2010 12:13 AM
Name: FishyMatter Age: ...not old enough for a walking stick D: Favourite Anime/Manga: I used to have multiple obsessions. But currently (and possibly for the rest of my life XD) I am obsessed with Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Hobbies: Playing instruments, reading books, reading fanfiction, COFFEE LOVE. :D Addiction: Between 7 - 9. Depends. About me: I like fish. But I like rodents better XD |
Dec 24, 2010 7:09 AM
Name: Mikki Age: 18 Favourite Anime/Manga: I have quite a long fave list (which will continue to grow), but my current number 1 is Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Love it so very much :D Hobbies: Anime/manga (of course!), piano, reading, writing music, learning japanese, and sports! Addiction: 8+ definitely. It's a must to come onto MAL every time I'm online, even when i have nothing to update lol. About me: I love too many things to have enough time to spend on every single one. I like randomness and rants. And I don't act my age most of the time, please bear with me :] |
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