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Dec 21, 2010 3:24 AM
I was hoping for a nice boat but the theory that they really did die in that lake is pretty interesting. |
Dec 21, 2010 3:32 AM
TechnicalMonkey said: Well that would certainly be a huge plot hole... If Sora knew how to swim then why during the ending credits do they suggest that the twins do not know how to swim by being saved by Nao. The ending credits suggest that the only one that was capable of saving the twins was Nao, who was not seen in that area. The other imagery that was used was the rising backwards from the forest resembling the exact scene but backwards. Both twins are seen lying on the ground, the area is aqua with with water reflections. The aqua hues with the water reflections are seen throughout the entire begining. There's been a LOAD of alterations from Sora's route in the game compared to her arc in the anime. The overall pace of the lake scene was also quite different. The context for the ending was a lot different as well. I might make a comparison later. I even looked at the entire CG set for the eroge, and there was nothing to suggest that Sora knew how to swim. If there was some text in the game that shows this please feel free to share with us. Thanks There's no CG for that scene. Allow me to make a brief summary: On a day after school, everyone decides to freshen up at the pool. Ryouhei notices Haruka is the only one who hasn't gotten in yet and drags him with himself into the pool. Haruka starts drowning. Sora immediately comes to the rescue, diving into the pool and sucessfully saving him. She worriedly cries next to him, saying if something happened to him, she wouldn't know what to do. Haruka thanks her with a hug. |
Dec 21, 2010 3:35 AM
To me I can't say this was a bad anime. The art is colorful, the music is very beautiful and the story is pretty interesting for the most part. Though this anime was pretty disturbing in many ways. 7/10 |
![]() Zandatsu (斬奪 - "cut and take") |
Dec 21, 2010 3:43 AM
9/10 for sora's arc! The rest was shit T_T |
Dec 21, 2010 4:00 AM
To Aversa: If you read my earlier post you might find my post interesting. I personally liked this arc as it was that can get a more general audience to discuss what happened, and why. To MoeType: if the email was real instead of fake that would mean that Kazuha would know the twins, or at least Haruka, well enough to have his number/email. The way the anime works is that you have to build the stories from episode 1 each time there is a new arc. I'm sure there are posts on other series that are based off of Visual Novels. As far as Kozue is concerned, I think that she is ultimately THE character left out of the loop. She did not return with Nao, Kazuha, Akira, and Ryohei, so it is possible they were able to piece the whole thing together of what may have happened with at the possibility of the Akira/Kazuha, or the 4 of them knowing that the twins died (see bloodstainx post.) All of this possibly to make sure that Kozue doesn't do something bad to herself or others, this in the form of retaliating at Nao for not disagreeing 100% with Haruka's choice to be with Sora. |
Dec 21, 2010 4:00 AM
Dec 21, 2010 4:16 AM
Dec 21, 2010 4:23 AM
HOW DARE HARU SLAP SORA!! Anyways, I honestly never expected this anime to be this deep... This arc is the only arc that's different from the VN.. and I think this one is a lot better.. It is sorta an ending that leaves us thinking.. Like Code Geass and Inception ending, you decide whichever.. And now I gonna cry for having no more Sora.. |
Dec 21, 2010 4:27 AM
And in the end only decent human being in the whole show who didn't succumb into LOLHENTAI WRITING was the Class Rep Shit on a stick this show was 4/10 |
Dec 21, 2010 4:28 AM
To Maugomale: that certainly would have changed things if they did play out in the anime. Seems like the wanted to change how the whole thing played out for this arc. It certainly would not be the first time that anime staff would take a story and give it different twist. However, it still does not change what actually happened in the anime. I do thank you for sharing that nugget with us. Now it might get some people to think what would be better, the VM or the anime. Maybe they can do a manga version with even more changes...? By the way, does Haruka only almost drown in the pool only, or did he also almost drown at the beach as well? I ask because you say that the story had some changes. |
TechnicalMonkeyDec 21, 2010 4:57 AM
Dec 21, 2010 4:33 AM
By the way, why oh why they didn't have balls to deliver BAD END? This would've been better if that had happened. And how the fuck were they saved from drowning as neither of them could swim? I was expecting Nao or someone saved them but it was never explained, LOL Miracles miracles everywhere for sake of twincest happy end. Terrible writing, horrible pacing, shitty characters and in the end not even twincest could save this crap. Even Sora sexorz came off as offputting and terrible instead of harmless fetish fuel. Mainly because Sora is very, VERY broken individual and the ending was pretty much WORST POSSIBLE RESOLUTION for her development. Enjoy your emotionally shattered sexdoll imouto, folks |
Dec 21, 2010 4:36 AM
like many of u said be4 , 12th ep was really decent and was really well made , it went fluently ..... dramatic moments weren't long and ending was also good coz i believe many of us here wanted to see this ending ....only remark i have is that they left the town , but i know that's how is supposed to be ....... also i forgot that on start of the series Haru was cool char but as the story developed and when i saw how he changed ( to worse ) , he dropped in my eyes ........ when i put all pieces together i can say that anime's art was excellent , story progressed as expected , ending is also as expected , so on the end 8/10 i can't give it more coz frankly it doesn't deserve it ( even tho Yosuga no Sora as anime somehow got attached to me so imo i luv it but the grade is objectively made with adding 1 point from my peronal feelings about series ) |
Gabriel ![]() |
Dec 21, 2010 4:37 AM
TechnicalMonkey said: To Maugomale: that certainly would have changed things if they did play out in the anime. Seems like the wanted to change how the whole thing played out for this arc. It certainly would not be the first time that anime staff would take a story and give it different twist. However, it still does not change what actually happened in the anime. I do thank you for sharing that nugget with us. Now it might get some people to think what would be better, the VM or the anime. Maybe they can do a manga versio with even more changes...? That's the thing. The ending is pretty much the same in the VN, with small alterations: He loses consciousness after dragging Sora with himself into the lake. He wakes up, finding out Sora saved him and they decide to live on, together forever. They go to Europe to stay with their father's acquaintance and inform the others on how they've been doing by sending a message to Kazuha's phone In short: they are ALIVE. |
Dec 21, 2010 4:43 AM
i was excepting sex everywhere seen how this series went haha but geez there was WAY too many things happening... like couldnt they cut some bits and kept it nice and flowing >.> im happy they are together but going to two different house that they seem happy about or did i missed something there lol and WHAT?!?! HE SLAPPED HER!!! THAT BASTARD!!! RAWR!!!!! |
Dec 21, 2010 4:58 AM
TechnicalMonkey said: I did read it and the first argument i can bring up to you theory is.To Aversa: If you read my earlier post you might find my post interesting. I personally liked this arc as it was that can get a more general audience to discuss what happened, and why. That if a human drown even tho there body will sink to the bottom first it will eventually go up again and float on the surface. Because of gasses in the body created during the decomposer process. During the time the body floats on the surface it will eventually end up on shore because of the wind or the current in the lake since it's a small lake. And the body's will eventually be found. Also if the 2 siblings would have died there then someone would have noticed they went missing which would lead in a large search operation in which they would also eventually find the body's. And i think there class mates would have behaved differently if they would have disappeared or would have found them death. I also doubt Kuzeha was lying, i could not read the text on her phone since i can't read Japanese and i am currently to busy with my math to pick up a course Japanese. But i am sure someone who could read the message the phone could tell is whether she was lying or not. Besides if they disappeared or where found death then everyone in class would have known about it news like that spreads quick and it's a small community. |
Dec 21, 2010 5:07 AM
Maugomale said: He loses consciousness after dragging Sora with himself into the lake. He wakes up, finding out Sora saved him and they decide to live on, together forever. They go to Europe to stay with their father's acquaintance and inform the others on how they've been doing by sending a message to Kazuha's phone In short: they are ALIVE. Well i know the VN has a good end reading the summaries, however the only thing that really don't make sense here in the intact rabbit in the train (Akira found is destroyed in their house). Surely writers purposely omitted some keys from the game to leave things more ambiguous in the anime. A good serie overall. 9/10 |
Fn76Dec 21, 2010 5:11 AM
Dec 21, 2010 5:28 AM
Fnights said: Well i know the VN has a good end reading the summaries, however the only thing that really don't make sense here in the intact rabbit in the train (Akira found is destroyed in their house). Surely writers purposely omitted some keys from the game to leave things more ambiguous in the anime. The whole "death theory" is complete bullshit. Is it REALLY so difficult to accept the fact that IT'S A DIFFERENT RABBIT in the train ? Maybe Haru bought it for Sora as a present to replace the one she tore apart. I mean SERIOUSLY, what's more likely, a new rabbit or some conspiracy between Akira and Kazuha to hide the twins' death ? Why would they do that ? For what purpose ? As for how Kazuha got a message from Haru - maybe he got her number before leaving the village. Hell, maybe he got EVERYONE's numbers. Do they have to show every little detail ? Use your brains, people. Furthermore, none of the characters in the epilogue acted as if their friends had just died. Some might seem upset, but that's surely because of the whole twincest thing that they can't accept. Also, Sora CAN swim. Just because it wasn't shown in the anime doesn't mean that she can't. Bottom line: THEY'RE ALIVE. |
Dec 21, 2010 5:29 AM
great final ep, ive gotta say they done really well with the adaption of sora's arc from the VN,the other 3 werent up to standard although nao's and akira's were okay i guess but kazuha's arc brings the series down a bit because she's ugly as fuck and i could never get a boner from that monstrosity, plus she had a awful personality and her voice actor made me cringe. gunna give this series a 9/10 for a great final arc, maybe could of got a 10/10 if the whole series was sora's arc, really enjoyed the final arc as wincest is obviously win, but on a serious note, i found it to be quite emotional and the relationship felt very real compared to the others. looks like ive written a bit more than i should of but nevermind :D |
Dec 21, 2010 5:47 AM
Dec 21, 2010 5:47 AM
In all of the years of my anime-viewing life, I have never summed up feelings even close to what Yosuga no Sora has. It's not a bad series, it's not a great series either. It's simply... unique. |
Dec 21, 2010 5:49 AM
Aversa said: I did read it and the first argument i can bring up to you theory is. That if a human drown even tho there body will sink to the bottom first it will eventually go up again and float on the surface. Because of gasses in the body created during the decomposer process. During the time the body floats on the surface it will eventually end up on shore because of the wind or the current in the lake since it's a small lake. And the body's will eventually be found. Also if the 2 siblings would have died there then someone would have noticed they went missing which would lead in a large search operation in which they would also eventually find the body's. And i think there class mates would have behaved differently if they would have disappeared or would have found them death. I also doubt Kuzeha was lying, i could not read the text on her phone since i can't read Japanese and i am currently to busy with my math to pick up a course Japanese. But i am sure someone who could read the message the phone could tell is whether she was lying or not. Besides if they disappeared or where found death then everyone in class would have known about it news like that spreads quick and it's a small community. I like this exchange. I would agree that you would see bodies floating to the surface, which would make Akira the first witness of their deaths. She would tell Kazuha and in turn her father that the twins drowned. Something like that happening at a holy place that just had a cleansing rite performed would be bad to the public, so I would not write off keeping something like this hushed. Keep in mind that the father has a vested interest in the image of the shrine. So having a forged email in some fashion would not be out of the ordinary. I am sure that during any kind of investigation, that is kept really quiet of course, would unearth the twins incestuous relationship just by talking with the next person--which would likely be Nao. I still could be grasping at straws, but I still don't see this being the exact opposite with lots more plot-holes. The way this was written either was really good with my arguement, or it can be really bad with lots of things that are unexplained anime-wise. |
Dec 21, 2010 5:55 AM
SurferDude said: I mean SERIOUSLY, what's more likely, a new rabbit or some conspiracy between Akira and Kazuha to hide the twins' death ? Why would they do that ? For what purpose ? It really boils down to that... Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is most probably the correct one (nevermind desiring a BAD END... God knows there are enough of those in anime already). |
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Dec 21, 2010 5:56 AM
Krandal said: The problem with just buying a new rabbit is that it was a memento from her mother (if I remember correctly). Another rabbit that looked the same would hold no sentimental value... WRONG. A new rabbit bought by Haru would symbolize a new beginning for the twins, with Haru accepting Sora as his lover instead of seeing her as his sister, as well as putting the past behind them. |
Dec 21, 2010 6:00 AM
I didn't think show was any good, but I can't help but feel I just finished an infamous chapter in anime history. I imagine people will be talking about this show a lot in the near future, especially once the new Tokyo law takes effect. |
Dec 21, 2010 6:04 AM
bloodstainx said: On a side note. did any1 figure out what that flashback with Akira have to do with the story near the end when Haruka was looking for sora I think Haru was afraid of telling Akira about the whole situation. I mean when Prez found out, she practically cried her eyes out. He wasn't willing to take that risk again. But why I ask? when someone's dying, you spare the details and you get as many help as possible. Anyways, this definitely belongs in the most thought provoking endings I've ever witnessed! Okay, i'm exaggerating a bit. but it's up there. The conclusion sure had it's uncertainties high. But I got to say that my hat goes off to the animators for making such an impact for a show that was considered "softcore porn". |
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Dec 21, 2010 6:07 AM
Krandal said: The problem with just buying a new rabbit is that it was a memento from her mother (if I remember correctly). Another rabbit that looked the same would hold no sentimental value... Don't forget about having the same exact pattern of ribbon on the rabbit as well. As for the death cover-up, see my post just before this one. Finally to answer about the phone numbers, it is possible that both twins had everyone's phone number. However, if I only had one person to send an email to I would send it to the person that knew the situation, knew me personally the most, and would be the most understanding. Nao fits that bill in this situation and not Kazuha. Again, if I am wrong about all of this, their story would be really bad. I think the fact that you can draw a plausible conclusion opposite of the norm is what makes this story so good in my eyes. |
desolatoDec 21, 2010 6:19 AM
Dec 21, 2010 6:15 AM
Despire everything, still a rather lackluster ending. Also, what is it with twins and running away? (Hello Myself;Yourself?) All harems are the same after all. Anyhow, you all got what you wanted, the perfect incest route. One that has never been before in an anime, at least in a form like this. Congratulations, everyone. |
Dec 21, 2010 6:29 AM
TechnicalMonkey said: Finally to answer about the phone numbers, it is possible that both twins had everyone's phone number. However, if I only had one person to send an email to I would send it to the person that knew the situation, knew me personally the most, and would be the most understanding. Nao fits that bill in this situation and not Kazuha. But Kazuha was the only one (besides the twins) that had a cellphone; if you remember, Nao only talks through local phone. No characters besides Sora used internet either so mails are out. |
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Dec 21, 2010 7:02 AM
OmegaDenmad said: TechnicalMonkey said: Finally to answer about the phone numbers, it is possible that both twins had everyone's phone number. However, if I only had one person to send an email to I would send it to the person that knew the situation, knew me personally the most, and would be the most understanding. Nao fits that bill in this situation and not Kazuha. But Kazuha was the only one (besides the twins) that had a cellphone; if you remember, Nao only talks through local phone. No characters besides Sora used internet either so mails are out. Okay, but it still doesn't change that Kazuha and Akira with help of their father can cover-up a controversey like an incestuous lover's suicide by being the only one that can receive that message. |
Dec 21, 2010 7:24 AM
You are underestimating the characters's nature. Those girls are proven idealistic instead of cynic, particularly noticeable in how Kazuha acted in Akira's path; trying to bring to light the uncomfortable truth instead of keeping hiding it, herself be damned. It's canon in the novel (with no ambiguity) that Sora dragged them both, they had sex by the lake, they discussed what to do and then left. It's implied in the anime that Sora dragged them both, they had sex by the lake and then left. Since the anime has been a faithful adaptation (minor details/scenes missing aside), I would say any burden of proof falls on the "They died" side. |
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Dec 21, 2010 7:25 AM
TechnicalMonkey said: OmegaDenmad said: TechnicalMonkey said: Finally to answer about the phone numbers, it is possible that both twins had everyone's phone number. However, if I only had one person to send an email to I would send it to the person that knew the situation, knew me personally the most, and would be the most understanding. Nao fits that bill in this situation and not Kazuha. But Kazuha was the only one (besides the twins) that had a cellphone; if you remember, Nao only talks through local phone. No characters besides Sora used internet either so mails are out. Okay, but it still doesn't change that Kazuha and Akira with help of their father can cover-up a controversey like an incestuous lover's suicide by being the only one that can receive that message. Kazuha and Akira don't even know about the twins' incestuous relationship until the end of the episode, so there would be no controversy to cover up. |
Dec 21, 2010 7:35 AM
desolato said: That's what I though too. It just escaped me. Despire everything, still a rather lackluster ending. Also, what is it with twins and running away? (Hello Myself;Yourself?) SurferDude said: That would be correct. Since Sora likes that black rabbit but Haru giving it to her would most likely symbolize the bunny as being him instead of Sora's mom. Also Haru knows where to buy it and so it suggests they went to the city where Sora's hospital was then take another train as it was shown. Personally I think this is what happened: Sayuri Hime suddenly showed up while they were drowning (the OP clearly shows that) gives a boost to Sora since her brain knows how to swim, she has enough strength due to that, she saves Haru and the sun shinning on them is a sign that it was Sayuri Hime since some have linked her to Isis from Egyptian theories. Krandal said: WRONG. A new rabbit bought by Haru would symbolize a new beginning for the twins, with Haru accepting Sora as his lover instead of seeing her as his sister, as well as putting the past behind them.The problem with just buying a new rabbit is that it was a memento from her mother (if I remember correctly). Another rabbit that looked the same would hold no sentimental value... Anyways the sun sometimes symbolizes life so it may have been another sign they were given another chance. While I do agree with the death theories and signs, this is another anime like 11 eyes where you can decide for yourself how the ending is. Right? BTW that Kazuha got the text is another proof that they were alive because no one had a cell phone other than Kazuha's father and the twins. |
Yumekichi11Dec 21, 2010 7:38 AM
Dec 21, 2010 7:49 AM
Alright, this load of theories is really tiresome. Here's what happens in the visual novel, in case you guys want to compare: After they get discovered, Kozue freaks out and runs away. Haru nearly collapses from stress, but Nao tells him to keep it together and goes after Kozue. She manages to calm her down and word of the twins's relationship doesn't get out. After considering his options, Haru decides to end his relationship with Sora, saying that it was his fault that they crossed the line and wishes for them to go back to being just siblings. She tries to reason with him, but he screams at her, telling her to understand the situation they are in. This leaves Sora completely crushed. Next day, Haru attends school without her, who hasn't come out of her room ever since the day before. No one besides Nao and Kozue know about them. At night, Haru knocks on Sora's door, wanting to talk to her, only to find out she's not at home. He goes around town, searching for her, the others helping him. He receives a message in his phone, which simply reads "Goodbye". His search brings him to the Shrine Lake Akira mentioned, where he finds Sora at. Because she can't be with him, she intends to drown herself, saying Haru will be free and she will no longer be a burden to him. When all attempts to convince her to go back home with him fail, Haru decides to enter the lake and drag Sora out. He has a hard time reaching her, not being able to swim, but eventually manages to do so. He tries to grab her, but she resists, and in the midst of that, Haru loses balance and falls in the water. As he starts drowning, his thoughts turn to Sora. What would be of her if he were to die? She, who was always so dependent on him, alone in the world. With that in mind, he pulls her towards him, intending for the two of them to drown together so that neither of them would be alone: Sora in life and Haru in death. His consciousness fades afterwards. He wakes up, having been dragged away from the lake by Sora, who's crying next to him. He immediatelly remembers what he almost did and expresses his disgust at himself, saying Sora shouldn't be with someone like him. Sora reveals that before he fainted, he whispered to her "Help me", something he doesn't remember doing. Sora finally asks him about his feelings, to which Haru replies he loves her, and wants to be with her. Sora sheds tears of happines, and says she feels the same. Both decide to go on living, together forever. They make love at the shores of the lake to warm each other up. The final scene before the credits shows Haru desceding the shrine mountain with Sora on his back, and the two discuss what they'll do from there onwards. Discuss. |
Dec 21, 2010 8:07 AM
A fantastic final episode. The part where they were at the shrine was probably my favorite part. I really enjoyed this anime, but they could still do it better without all those indecent scenes. |
Dec 21, 2010 8:14 AM
yun90 said: A fantastic final episode. The part where they were at the shrine was probably my favorite part. I really enjoyed this anime, but they could still do it better without all those indecent scenes. indecent? just ~love |
Dec 21, 2010 8:31 AM
McRib said: Thank God this is over. |
Dec 21, 2010 8:34 AM
It seems so wrong, yet at the same time so right. |
Dec 21, 2010 8:35 AM
SurferDude said: Fnights said: Well i know the VN has a good end reading the summaries, however the only thing that really don't make sense here in the intact rabbit in the train (Akira found is destroyed in their house). Surely writers purposely omitted some keys from the game to leave things more ambiguous in the anime. The whole "death theory" is complete bullshit. Is it REALLY so difficult to accept the fact that IT'S A DIFFERENT RABBIT in the train ? Maybe Haru bought it for Sora as a present to replace the one she tore apart. I mean SERIOUSLY, what's more likely, a new rabbit or some conspiracy between Akira and Kazuha to hide the twins' death ? Why would they do that ? For what purpose ? As for how Kazuha got a message from Haru - maybe he got her number before leaving the village. Hell, maybe he got EVERYONE's numbers. Do they have to show every little detail ? Use your brains, people. Furthermore, none of the characters in the epilogue acted as if their friends had just died. Some might seem upset, but that's surely because of the whole twincest thing that they can't accept. Also, Sora CAN swim. Just because it wasn't shown in the anime doesn't mean that she can't. Bottom line: THEY'RE ALIVE. Pprobably you are right about Akira and her sister, but consider that a lot of people didn't play the game so is not so clear. They ommitted so much keys. Maugomale said: Alright, this load of theories is really tiresome. Here's what happens in the visual novel, in case you guys want to compare: After they get discovered, Kozue freaks out and runs away. Haru nearly collapses from stress, but Nao tells him to keep it together and goes after Kozue. She manages to calm her down and word of the twins's relationship doesn't get out. After considering his options, Haru decides to end his relationship with Sora, saying that it was his fault that they crossed the line and wishes for them to go back to being just siblings. She tries to reason with him, but he screams at her, telling her to understand the situation they are in. This leaves Sora completely crushed. Next day, Haru attends school without her, who hasn't come out of her room ever since the day before. No one besides Nao and Kozue know about them. At night, Haru knocks on Sora's door, wanting to talk to her, only to find out she's not at home. He goes around town, searching for her, the others helping him. He receives a message in his phone, which simply reads "Goodbye". His search brings him to the Shrine Lake Akira mentioned, where he finds Sora at. Because she can't be with him, she intends to drown herself, saying Haru will be free and she will no longer be a burden to him. When all attempts to convince her to go back home with him fail, Haru decides to enter the lake and drag Sora out. He has a hard time reaching her, not being able to swim, but eventually manages to do so. He tries to grab her, but she resists, and in the midst of that, Haru loses balance and falls in the water. As he starts drowning, his thoughts turn to Sora. What would be of her if he were to die? She, who was always so dependent on him, alone in the world. With that in mind, he pulls her towards him, intending for the two of them to drown together so that neither of them would be alone: Sora in life and Haru in death. His consciousness fades afterwards. He wakes up, having been dragged away from the lake by Sora, who's crying next to him. He immediatelly remembers what he almost did and expresses his disgust at himself, saying Sora shouldn't be with someone like him. Sora reveals that before he fainted, he whispered to her "Help me", something he doesn't remember doing. Sora finally asks him about his feelings, to which Haru replies he loves her, and wants to be with her. Sora sheds tears of happines, and says she feels the same. Both decide to go on living, together forever. They make love at the shores of the lake to warm each other up. The final scene before the credits shows Haru desceding the shrine mountain with Sora on his back, and the two discuss what they'll do from there onwards. Discuss. So was Sora that save Haru, well she have a unbelievable strenght to be able to pull out haru from the bottom of the lake with the heavy clothes on. But well i guess this is the only explaination possible against the "death theory", this + the text message. |
Fn76Dec 21, 2010 8:50 AM
Dec 21, 2010 8:43 AM
The ending wasn't bad. I'm not that satisfied that it ended that they were running away but I'm not disappointed at all.. I felt bad for the class rep.since the start, I was looking forward to her and ended up to be just like that.. :( What I find fun enjoyable here is the maid.. still made me lol'ed.. xD I can give this 7/10 for the art and music but I felt something's missing in the story so 6/10.. |
Dec 21, 2010 9:04 AM
Good ending to the series. Although, it wasn't the ending that I was expecting. I was sure that Kozue in all her self righteousness would make Haru and Sora feel so dirty and guilty over their incestuous relationship that they would commit suicide. And, as a result, from the guilt of causing their suicides by butting into their private lives, Kozue would go insane! In any event, I'm glad that it ended the way that it did. Haru and Sora are alive, and on their way to being happy together. |
Dec 21, 2010 9:04 AM
SurferDude said: Fnights said: Well i know the VN has a good end reading the summaries, however the only thing that really don't make sense here in the intact rabbit in the train (Akira found is destroyed in their house). Surely writers purposely omitted some keys from the game to leave things more ambiguous in the anime. The whole "death theory" is complete bullshit. Is it REALLY so difficult to accept the fact that IT'S A DIFFERENT RABBIT in the train ? Maybe Haru bought it for Sora as a present to replace the one she tore apart. I mean SERIOUSLY, what's more likely, a new rabbit or some conspiracy between Akira and Kazuha to hide the twins' death ? Why would they do that ? For what purpose ? As for how Kazuha got a message from Haru - maybe he got her number before leaving the village. Hell, maybe he got EVERYONE's numbers. Do they have to show every little detail ? Use your brains, people. Furthermore, none of the characters in the epilogue acted as if their friends had just died. Some might seem upset, but that's surely because of the whole twincest thing that they can't accept. Also, Sora CAN swim. Just because it wasn't shown in the anime doesn't mean that she can't. Bottom line: THEY'RE ALIVE. -It is explicitly stated on the "Yosuga no Sora" wiki page under their character bios that both Haru and Sora do not know how to swim. In fact, earlier in Nao's arc, Haruka almost drowns/dies in the beach scene. -As for why Kazuha would fake the text message, here is one possibility: Since Nao and Kozue told Haru that they were against their relationship, it may be possible that Kazuha wanted to protect them from believing that they had caused their deaths. -I think the significance of the rabbit is explained well here: Krandal said: The problem with just buying a new rabbit is that it was a memento from her mother (if I remember correctly). Another rabbit that looked the same would hold no sentimental value... To add to that, Sora's rabbit was nearly burned in Nao's arc. Sora was distraught to the point that Nao rushed into the burning hut, risking her life to save the rabbit. I think this highlights just how important to Sora that rabbit was. I find it hard to believe she could simply replace a memento like that with another. |
EMChamp's Anime Blog: |
Dec 21, 2010 9:22 AM
EMChamp said: As much as I believe that, it still does not mean that another bunny could not replace all that with Haru. What would Sora gain from remembering all this when Nao clearly saw them with Kozue. I am sure that caused Sora more discomfort than anything. Best would be to forget about all this.-I think the significance of the rabbit is explained well here: Krandal said: To add to that, Sora's rabbit was nearly burned in Nao's arc. Sora was distraught to the point that Nao rushed into the burning hut, risking her life to save the rabbit. I think this highlights just how important to Sora that rabbit was. I find it hard to believe she could simply replace a memento like that with another.The problem with just buying a new rabbit is that it was a memento from her mother (if I remember correctly). Another rabbit that looked the same would hold no sentimental value... TechnicalMonkey said: It could only mean that it was felt as it was and only that Sora with Haruka took their clothes as well as belonging they needed to live on.Second, let's face the reality of the ending, they both died and NO ONE would ever know how it happened. The rabbit being torned which was a gift from their mother, was miraculously in her possesion and intact. This was evident when Akira saw the broken window and the thrashed room as it was when Haruka left to search for Sora. TechnicalMonkey said: Not really since she is the only one that had a cell phone. The "To:" was indeed strange but that was only to cover up all the facts that happened and Akira also might have saved them, she did know that someone was sneaking around her place, there is no telling she could not have checked out.Here is another nugget, Kazuha lied and forged the phone email. The mail that she read had no "To:" section or time stamp. She also said that they had taken a plane and 3 trains to get to their destination, where the Haruka said himself they have no money. Also, the device they used for showing someone lying was for the character to turn their head away from the person posing the question. After all, it was too convenient that Kazuha was the only one to receive phone email. TechnicalMonkey said: Maybe but I think it's because this is the second train they took. I am sure they took one to the town they were before then a new one towards their journey.Third, the train they are on is not like the one they were on when they traveled on in the beginning. It was nearly all wooden with curtains on all of the windows instead with incandescent lighting instead of flouresant lighting, and the scenery changed from tunnel to mid-day sun with some white clouds where the clouds were kind of dark around the town the allegedly left to find a new life. |
Yumekichi11Dec 21, 2010 9:51 AM
Dec 21, 2010 9:52 AM
I haven't played the VN so I can't be disjointed or bitch about what's been left out or what was different. I thought the ending was pretty descent compared to the other airing series I've seen so far. How for can love go? Pretty dam far for the twins. I understand that they love each other a lot but maybe the PDA they've done would be too much considering they're twins too lol. |
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Dec 21, 2010 10:10 AM
EMChamp said: -It is explicitly stated on the "Yosuga no Sora" wiki page under their character bios that both Haru and Sora do not know how to swim. In fact, earlier in Nao's arc, Haruka almost drowns/dies in the beach scene.. From wiki: Sora Kasugano (春日野 穹, Kasugano Sora?) Voiced by: Hiroko Taguchi (game, anime) The main heroine of the series, she is a quiet, fragile and reclusive girl, and fraternal twin sister to the main protagonist. Ill and frail since birth, Sora was denied the sort of independent life that many take for granted. Yet beneath Sora's angelic doll-like appearance lies a troublesome personality that’s prone to withdrawn laziness and demonstrates a rather severe lack of social graces. In all honesty, Sora doesn't care for anyone else, and would much rather just surf the Internet and eat instant food, for as long as Haruka is always by her side. It's implied that her strong bond with Haruka, strengthened as a result of the tragic loss of their parents, may be leading her towards fantasies of incest between twins. She hates Nao, although it is implied that they were once good friends. She is often seen carrying a rabbit doll, which she received as a present before she and Haruka left the village. Would you mind pointing out the words that say Sora cannot swim ? Also, the game says Sora CAN swim. Haru, indeed, cannot swim. |
Dec 21, 2010 10:36 AM
Good finale, I guess. Although I like Sora, she was a little bit bitchy at times. Also, I felt that most of the episode was trying to argue that incest should be acceptable in our society. Kozue's unwillingness to accept HaruxSora with all the talk about "it's just comes down to feelings" in the end really reminded me of what gay rights activists would say. Maybe incest would be the next kind of relationship to be accepted in our world? Lol. I give it a 7/10. I enjoyed the art and music (definitely the music), the characters were interesting, too. However, the excessive fanservice and rushed storyline dragged the score down. |
![]() Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol. |
Dec 21, 2010 10:48 AM
guyklc said: Good finale, I guess. Although I like Sora, she was a little bit bitchy at times. Also, I felt that most of the episode was trying to argue that incest should be acceptable in our society. Kozue's unwillingness to accept HaruxSora with all the talk about "it's just comes down to feelings" in the end really reminded me of what gay rights activists would say. Maybe incest would be the next kind of relationship to be accepted in our world? Lol. I give it a 7/10. I enjoyed the art and music (definitely the music), the characters were interesting, too. However, the excessive fanservice and rushed storyline dragged the score down. I Agree with all you said! Lol, I'm wondering too, is this the next relationship which'll be aceppted in our world, hmm..? I gave 7/10 Rate, too. I mostly Enjoyed the music. The only thing I like in this anime, mostly is that there wasn't any chibi mods and slobbering.. :) |
Dec 21, 2010 10:59 AM
Wow not the episode that I was expecting, I was waiting for a more explicit material filled one but there was no sex! Anyway I have mixed feelings about how they ended this series. I did not expect them to just flee and leave everything behind. However I liked the role that the class president played here, I knew that she was interested in him but she really was hurt in the end. Noa took it more openly, that was unexpected. I was left with a sense of loss, I wish that there was a continuation. And how I'm really interested in playing the game, hopefully someone will translate it soon. Overall I give this series a 9/10, I really enjoyed watching this and for the courage that the creators had on putting on a sex show for us. And I imagine that it was Tokyo's ban that killed the sex scenes in this episode. |
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