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Apr 10, 2009 6:26 AM

Oct 2008
This topic contains an unfinished (and probably never to be finished) list of anime accompanied by details of which group's (fansub/dvd/bluray/other(?)) releases to get for each anime, and also information on where/how to get them.

All anime are listed alphabetically so simply use your browser to search for whichever anime you're after. Make sure you read through this topic before browsing through here, since there may be some terms of descriptions that you don't understand below -- that topic will help clarify them for you.

*Note: I base a lot of these on experience with various releases from various groups, as well as checking out ratings of groups' releases on anidb, and their associated comments. If you believe that there is a better release for an anime than what is listed below, let me know in the question topic.

Any questions can be asked here.

==List of The Best Releases to Get==


Aria the Animation
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 13
Fansubs to get:
1-13 ~ niizk
Total Size - 4.30gb
niizk Released this using a DVD source, so it should have mad quality (I haven't actually got niizk's version yet). Also they used CrystalNova's subs, so it's the best version to get. The only places to get this version, however, is from a torrent (I recommend Boxtorrents, or you can google search), or from niizk's IRC (irc://

Aria the Natural
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 26
Number of Specials - 1
Fansubs to get:
1-26 ~ CrystalNova
Specials ~ CrystalNova
Total Size - 5.12gb
CrystalNova only did one version (XviD) of Natural, and it maintains decent quality with a decent file size. You can get this via a torrent (Boxtorrents/google search), or CrystalNova's IRC (irc://, or DDL it from Anime-Stop or lolipower. The special is included for download on both sites as well.
Another group, EnG, has done a DVD release of Aria the Natural, however I'm not sure what it's like yet, so when I check it out I might replace CrystalNova's with it.

Aria the OVA: Arietta
Type - OVA
Number of Episodes - 1
Fansubs to get:
~ CrystalNova
Total Size - 200mb
CrystalNova did a h264 release for this, and it's a good file size for a 30 minute episode. Also they used a DVD source, so the quality should be brilliant. You can get this via Boxtorrents, DDL (Anime-Stop or lolipower), or CrystalNova's IRC (irc://

Aria the Origination
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 13
Number of Specials - 1
Fansubs to get:
1-4 ~ CrystalNova
5-10 ~ HnK
11-13 ~ BSS
Special ~ DnD
Total Size - 2.17gb
Unfortunately, CrystalNova dropped this after four episodes, which means we get a lovely mix of file types, and subs (I would assume, unless HnK/BSS used CrystalNova's subs, which I doubt). The absolute best place to get this crazy mix is Boxtorrents, and Boxtorrents only, because getting it from there saves the hassle of going from DDL site to DDL site, or IRC channel to IRC channel.


Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 22
Number of Specials - 2
Fansubs to get:
1-22 ~ SS-Eclipse
Specials ~ SS-Eclipse
Total Size - 4.05gb (h264), 4gb (XviD)
The best way to get this is via a torrent on Boxtorrents - you can choose whichever codec you prefer (h264 or XviD). Or, if you're not a fan of torrents, then you can DDL from Anime-Stop (XviD only). I haven't been able to find the h264 versions anywhere for DDL. Although the WS versions up to episode 19 are available on DownloadsAnime.

Clannad After Story
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 22
Number of Specials - 2
Fansubs to get:
1-22 ~ SS-Eclipse
Specials ~ SS-Eclipse
Total Size - 4.04gb (h264)
Since there are no batch torrents for this yet, DDL is probably your best option, due to a lack of seeds for earlier episodes' torrents. Anime-Stop has all episodes in XviD, and up to episode 21 in WS. Or, as another option, if you'd prefer to get the h264 versions, then you could try either Eclipse's (irc:// or SS's (irc:// IRC.

Clannad: The Motion Picture
Type - Movie
Fansubs to get:
~ SS-Eclipse
Total Size - 1.26gb (h264), 919mb (XviD)
Since SS-Eclipse just released this, either a torrent (from Boxtorrents) or via either SS's (irc:// or Eclipse's (irc:// IRC would be best.


Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 25
Alternate Name/s - Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion
Fansubs to get:
1-25 ~ gg
Total Size - 4.67gb
I searched around various DDL sites and couldn't find one that provided all of Code Geass by gg for download. Therefore torrents are the only way to get a hold of this (I checked gg's IRC, however none of their bots have Code Geass episodes). You can either google search "gg code geass torrent" or get it from Boxtorrents.
By the way, gg-THORA are currently releasing this, so when they're done with that I'll most likely change the 'fansubs to get' to gg-THORA.

Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 25
Alternate Name/s - Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Fansubs to get:
1-25 ~ gg
Total Size - 8.61gb
Both Eclipse and gg did great releases of this, however for consistency (from the first season) gg is probably the way to go. Like the first season, gg's R2 release isn't available on any DDL sites (it is on some, but there are broken links). Hence, like the previous season, torrents is the only way. Again, either google search "gg code geass hangyaku no lelouch r2 torrent" or get it from Boxtorrents. Take note, there aren't any batch torrents available outside of boxtorrents for r2, so getting it this way might take a bit of searching around.


Cowboy Bebop
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 26
Fansubs to get:
1-26 Subbed ~ niizk
1-26 Dubbed ~ KB
Total Size - 13.03gb (niizk), 9.28gb (KB)
It is amazingly win that this has been remastered, and the two groups listed above have released this remastered version for our viewing pleasure. The filesize of each episode is huge, especially niizk's version, however it's worth it. If you want niizk's version, you can direct download it from getfansub, google search "niizk cowboy bebop" and get it from a torrent that way, get it from a torrent at Boxtorrents, or get it from niizk's IRC (irc://
For KB's version, you can google search "KB cowboy bebop torrent", get it from Boxtorrents, or direct download it from KB's website (

Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Type - Movie
Fansubs to get:
Subbed ~ THORA
Dubbed ~ zx
Total Size - 4.54gb (THORA), 1.28gb (zx)
Yes, THORA's release is absolutely massive, but they use blu-ray, so you can't really blame them. If you want to watch this subbed, but really can't be bothered downloading all 4.54gb, zx's sub would be fine, since they borrowed KAA's subs (I think).
Anyway, to get THORA's release, either google search "thora cowboy bebop movie" for a torrent, or you can get the torrent off Boxtorrents. For zx's version, get it from a torrent on Boxtorrents or their website (


Death Note
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 37
Fansubs to get:
1-37 Subbed ~ TSR
1-37 Dubbed ~ Arigatou
Total Size - 8.43gb (TSR), 8.77gb (Arigatou)
With this, I could have either suggested you download a selection of episodes from various subbing groups (since there are a lot of groups who dropped this along the way, and others who picked it up halfway through). However, there is one group (TSR) who subbed it the whole way through, and did an excellent job of it, though some people don't seem to think so. Then again, they're probably just trolls from other groups. TSR's release isn't on any DDL sites, however it was released in a batch torrent here. Or, you could download the episodes from their IRC (irc://
As for the dubbed version, you can either get it from a torrent on BoxTorrents, or via Arigatou's IRC (irc://


Ergo Proxy
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 23
Fansubs to get:
1-23 ~ Shinsen Subs
Total Size - 5.44gb (SD/AVI), 8.11gb (HD/MKV)
Notes: Using a sans-serif typeface (and a font with a clean, slightly futuristic style I might add) to improve readability was a plus, but what really made Shinsen's release of Ergo Proxy stand out was the extensive notes at the end of each episode explaining references in psychology, history, and philosophy made throughout the show in character designs and plot. Video quality is good but color banding is an issue in low contrast scenes, particularly in the first few episodes.
As for where to get this, the standard definition (5.44gb) release can be found on ChauThanh for DDL, or you can get it from SHS's IRC (irc:// The high definition (8.11gb) releases can be downloaded from SHS's IRC as well. Alternatively you could try this torrent, however it doesn't have many seeds.


Kara no Kyoukai - The Garden of Sinners
Type - Movie(s)
Number of Episodes - 5 (2 to come)
Fansubs to get:
1-5 ~ gg-TakaJun
Total Size - 4.26gb
The first four movies can be obtained easily via Anime-Stop, DownloadsAnime, and other DDL sites. However, for the 5th movie, Anime-Stop have it in three parts (due to megaupload's size limit), and the only other place I could find it in once piece was AnimeEDEN, however you need to register an account there before you're
able to download.


Hajime no Ippo
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 75
Number of Specials - 1
Alternate Name/s - Fighting Spirit
Fansubs to get:
1-75 ~ Anime-MX
Special ~ Inf
Total Size - 17.23gb
Although there is another more easy-to-get release floating around the net, Anime-MX's uses a DVD source, so the quality is much better. Also it contains both the English and Japanese audio tracks for those of you who want to watch it dubbed.
The best (and probably only) place to get MX's release is from Boxtorrents. It has fewer seeds than the other version, however it still has enough to get decent download speeds.
For the special (aka episode 76), just get it from Anime-Stop. However it won't have the English audio.

Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road
Type - Special
Number of Episodes - 1
Fansubs to get:
~ MangAnime
Total Size - 1gb
Like the TV series, this has been released in a h264 DVD version. Plus MangAnime, like Anime-MX, included both English and Japanese audio tracks. The only place I can find this is Boxtorrents (like most things) or MangAnime's IRC (irc://

Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs Kimura
Type - OVA
Number of Episodes - 1
Fansubs to get:
~ Inf
Total Size - 701mb
This OVA can be found either on a DDL site such as Anime-Stop or AnimeEDEN, or you can get it from the batch torrent released by Infusion (containing all 76 episodes, Champion Road, and this OVA) by googling "infusion hajime no ippo mashiba vs kimura".


Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Type - OVA
Number of Episodes - 110
Fansubs to get:
1-110 ~ CA
Total Size - 21.99gb
Download it. Now. Anyway, now that that's done, I'd like to praise CA for doing such an amazing release of this. You have two options for getting this - Boxtorrents, which I highly recommend, or DDL it from Anime-Stop.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars
Type - Movie
Fansubs to get:
~ CA
Total Size - 428mb
I can only find this available via torrent, so get it from Boxtorrents, since it has the most reliable seeding.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War
Type - Movie
Fansubs to get:
~ CA
Total Size - 612mb
Like Sea of Stars, I can only find this in torrents, so again, get it from Boxtorrents.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Golden Wings
Type - Movie
Fansubs to get:
~ no idea
Total Size - 443mb
I'm pretty sure CA hasn't done a release of this movie yet, so the only version out there is from a pretty crappy group. But, it's better than nothing. Only place you'll get this is from Boxtorrents.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes: A Hundred Billion Stars, A Hundred Billion Lights
Type - OVA
Number of Episodes - 24
Fansubs to get:
1-24 ~ CA
Total Size - 5.68gb
This can be got from either Boxtorrents or DDL it from lolipower.


Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 74
Number of Specials - 1
Fansubs to get:
1-74 ~ A-Keep
Special ~ Soldats
Total Size - 12.14gb (A-Keep), 174mb (soldats)
There have been four completed releases of this, all of which have had roughly equal ratings on anidb, and I've seen both A-Keep's and Soldat's releases. I prefer A-Keep's, since the typesetting is more fitting. The audio and video is very similar from what I could tell.
A-Keep's release can be obtained via a torrent from Boxtorrents, or from google searching "a-keep monster torrent"; or you can get it from their IRC (irc://
As for the special, which is a summary of the first 17 episodes, you can get it from most DDL sites (DownloadsAnime, Anime-Stop, AnimeEDEN, getfansub).


Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 26
Alternate Name/s - Mushi-shi
Fansubs to get:
1-26 ~ niizk
Total Size - 8.1gb
To get a hold of this you can either google search "niizk mushishi" and find it without problems. Or you can get it via niizk's IRC (irc:// Personally, I watched this dubbed, and it was great. If someone wants to know which group to download from to watch the dub, just let me know.


Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen
Type - OVA
Number of Episodes - 4
Alternate Name/s - Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal
Fansubs to get:
1-4 Dubbed ~ zx
1-4 Subbed ~ Rabbit-Force
Total Size - 982mb (dubbed), 1.27gb (subbed)
For the sub, I couldn't find it on any DDL sites, so googling "Rabbit-Force Rurouni Kenshin Tsuioku Hen torrent" is probably the best way. Then just get the torrent from somewhere like torrentreactor. Be warned though, the torrent I saw floating around had very few seeds, so I wouldn't expect a great download speed. If you'd prefer not to use a torrent, then Rabbit-Force's IRC (irc:// is another option. For the dub, zx's version is extremely scarce, so getting it from their website ( is the best method (they closed their IRC channel).

Rurouni Kenshin
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 95
Alternate Name/s - Samurai X
Fansubs to get:
1-95 ~ AHQ or a4e
Total Size - 19.85gb (AHQ), 21.53 (a4e)
There aren't many good releases for this around. The only decent subs-only release is impossible to find, so you'll need to get either AHQ's or a4e's release. I listed both, since both are supposedly nearly as good as each other, with AHQ possibly slightly better. Anyway, the thing is with AHQ's release the subtitles for each individual episode are provided as a separate file. I've never worked with something like this before, but I read up on it and there's a program that can be used to mix the two together (find out more about it here). If you're not experienced with that kind of thing, it'd be better to stick with a4e's release, which can be downloaded in four parts from Boxtorrents, or via DDL at Anime-Stop or AnimeEDEN.

Rurouni Kenshin: Seisouhen
Type - OVA
Alternate Name/s - Samurai X: Reflection
Number of Episodes - 2
Fansubs to get:
1-2 Dubbed ~ AHQ
1-2 Subbed ~ niizk
Total Size - 875mb (AHQ), 1.46gb (niizk)
There are at least some decent releases for this OVA, and AHQ have muxed in the subs, rather than leaving them separate. For the AHQ (dub) release, downloading it from either Anime-Stop or AnimeEDEN is the best way to get a hold of it.
For niizk's version, you can either google "niizk rurouni kenshin seisouhen" or get it via niizk's IRC (irc:// Just so you know, AHQ does a decent job subbing, so if you can't get a hold of niizk's version, yet still want to watch Seisouhen subbed, then AHQ's should be fine.

Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Requiem
Type - Movie
Alternate Name/s - Samurai X: The Motion Picture
Fansubs to get:
Dubbed ~ A-Supreme
Subbed ~ KAA
Total Size - 937mb (A-Supreme), 778mb (KAA)
Releases of this movie are fairly scarce. The best version, by B-A, requires a premium account to get it from megaupload, and it's very hard to obtain their releases on their IRC, since you need to pay or something (haven't looked very far into it yet).
Therefore, for the dub (and only the dub) you'll need to go to A-Supreme's IRC channel (irc://, and for the sub I recommend KAA, though the codec they used seems to be WMV9, so most likely not that great quality. Regardless, they have the best reputation - you'll need to get it from their IRC channel (irc://


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 27
Number of Specials - 2
Alternate Name/s - TTGL
Fansubs to get:
1-5 ~ Order-KAA
6-19 ~ Order
20-27 ~ BSS & anon
Special 1 ~ Nyoro~n Subs
Special 2 ~ EnG
Total Size - 6.22gb
For the first 19 episodes, Order's IRC (irc:// is probably the best place to get them. For the rest, you could get them from BSS's IRC (irc://, or, if you're not fussed about file types (.mkv or .avi) then you can direct download the episodes from Anime-Stop or AnimeEDEN.
The first special (My Gurren is Shiny!!) can be downloaded via Anime-Stop, and I'm still searching for where to get the second special (I'll see what I wanna see!!).


Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
Type - Movie
Alternate Name/s - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Fansubs to get:
~ niizk
Total Size - 1.46gb
There have been a heap of brilliant releases for this movie, however based on a little bit of research, the most solid release is niizk's. Their video quality is not as perfect as some of the other's, which used the HDTV source, however niizk's quality is still great, with an R2 DVD source. Out of all groups, niizk's translation is the most natural sounding, unlike other groups (such as CrystalNova-KAA) who based their translation on the DVD's subtitles. Therefore, for a tiny difference in video quality, yet superior translation, niizk's version is the best.
Unfortunately the only way to get a hold of this release is through torrenting. I checked niizk's IRC bot however it's not hosting their release of this movie. So google searching "niizk toki wo kakeru shoujo" is the only way you'll get a torrent for this (Boxtorrents took theirs down).
simo000Jun 22, 2010 1:30 AM
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Apr 15, 2009 5:29 PM
christmas cake

May 2008
Nitpick: From what I can gather, niizk really isn't a fansub group. They're a DVD pirating group. They use DVDs for all their raws and when it's an R1 DVD, they use the official subs quite often. When it's an R2 disc they use another fansub group's script, and it's not always easy to find out what group they used.

Ergo Proxy
Type - TV
Number of Episodes - 23
Alternate Name/s: none
Fansubs to Get: Shinsen Subs
Total Size (est from my memory) - 5 GB (SD/AVI), 8 GB (HD/MKV)
Notes: Using a sans-serif typeface (and a font with a clean, slightly futuristic style I might add) to improve readbility was a plus, but what really made Shinsen's release of Ergo Proxy stand out was the extensive notes at the end of each episode explaining references in psycology, history, and phillosophy made throughout the show in character designs and plot. Video quality is good but color banding is an issue in low contast scenes, particularly in the first few episodes.

The only place I had found to get them was via torrents on ISOHunt, but I'm having trouble finding those torrents now, I'll have to edit this post later tonight when I can look around more (at work right now). Most torrents for Ergo Proxy only have the first half of the series in Shinsen's work and the second half of the episodes in Pino no Usagi's subs. That may be due to the project getting delayed and Shinsen falling behind during the original airing, but Shinsen did finish this series, and released all episodes.
May 10, 2009 3:13 AM

Oct 2008
Thanks bro. Sorry it took so long to reply.
I've added that to the list.
May 10, 2009 5:19 PM
christmas cake

May 2008
On LOGH. You might want to note CA did two releases of it. The older OVA version and a never version on a DVD re-release done around 2002 I believe. The DVD version has better color and much better black levels than the original. The easiest way to tell them apart is to look at the typeface styling. The original was a plain white blocky typeface, and the newer one uses Yellow and Blue in a larger Arial font.
Aug 4, 2009 8:54 PM

Jan 2009
nx6 said:
On LOGH. You might want to note CA did two releases of it. The older OVA version and a never version on a DVD re-release done around 2002 I believe. The DVD version has better color and much better black levels than the original. The easiest way to tell them apart is to look at the typeface styling. The original was a plain white blocky typeface, and the newer one uses Yellow and Blue in a larger Arial font.

owner of C-A said he'll be doing the whole series again in the near future at a higher quality. keep an eye out for it.
Aug 5, 2009 2:23 AM
christmas cake

May 2008
shinigamidono said:

owner of C-A said he'll be doing the whole series again in the near future at a higher quality. keep an eye out for it.

I hope they get with the times and make it a softsub. If they don't want to do full styling that's fine, but leave it in a form where the viewer and set the font through their player then. That last release was 360 MB AVIs (a ridiculous combination).
Aug 5, 2009 4:11 AM

Oct 2008
nx6 said:
shinigamidono said:

owner of C-A said he'll be doing the whole series again in the near future at a higher quality. keep an eye out for it.

I hope they get with the times and make it a softsub. If they don't want to do full styling that's fine, but leave it in a form where the viewer and set the font through their player then. That last release was 360 MB AVIs (a ridiculous combination).

I agree. If they're going to do higher quality dvd releases, they may as well go the next step and release them as mkv softsubs. Plus you'd think for a show like LOGH, the average ep size would be around 200mb, not 360mb (I mean, it's not a HDTV source or anything).
Though, I'm far from an expert in the encoding area, but based on my experience with fansubs and such, it seems to be fairly reasonable.
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