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Sep 14, 2013 10:11 PM
May 2013
This thread is for rating and or reviewing the latest anime movie or series you have watched. Intended purpose is to rate and give a short review of your thoughts and impressions of the anime while it is still fresh in your memory.

Guidelines for this thread.

you do not have to rate you can simply review it if you are like me and do not like rating anime however it is preferred you do not simply post a rating do to that provides little info for us and we can just look at your anime list for that.

while the target is short reviews there is no length restrictions if you feel you need to type a lot to get your feels about the anime across to us go all out write how ever much you need to, however many people do not like to or are not good at writing in-depth reviews so this is a good place to just type out of a couple of lines of your thoughts about what you just watched.

This is not a thread for bashing anime! you are allowed to point out things you did not care for in something you watched and explain why you did not like it however simple saying things like "THIS ANIME SUCKED!" is not allowed if you can not make an intelligent comment don't make one at all.

If you are going to say anything that could even possibly be seen as a spoiler USE A SPOILER BOX! you need to keep in mind not everyone may have seen what you are reviewing so please use a spoiler box when needed.
thedefianceSep 21, 2013 3:49 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Sep 14, 2013 10:26 PM

Jun 2012
What's the actual time limit after finishing something for posting here?

btw I'll either delete this post or us it for a review.

Ok then maybe I'll do one for FMP S3(or 2 if that's what you want to call it)
FallenkingzeroSep 14, 2013 11:09 PM
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Sep 14, 2013 11:20 PM

Nov 2012
Season 2 of squid girl. 8/10

This is a review for the second season, but whatever I say here could pretty much be applied to season 1. The formula didn't change at all really, each episode is broken up into 3 separate stories and each one is unrelated. So you could watch any episode and not have to worry about plot. Now on to the review.

Tentacles, tentacles, and more tentacles. The squid girl is a so called invader trying to take revenge on humans for polluting the ocean, but fails horribly and ends up living on the surface and gets comfortable there and all that jazz. That's it for the plot, after that its just the squid girl being a ridiculous chick with tentacles on her head. The comedy was pretty much what you would expect, nothing really new here but for me it never failed to make me laugh. She's a fun character and its a fun show.

Also on a side note, the Japanese made something about tentacles that wasn't a hentai?! Now I've seen it all
I made some killer babaganoush... FOR VALHALLA!!!
Sep 15, 2013 5:45 PM

Jul 2012
Some Are Wars has a universal appeal that makes it a good movie to show to wogs.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 15, 2013 5:54 PM

Jun 2012
GrinfilledCelt said:
Some Are Wars has a universal appeal that makes it a good movie to show to wogs.

You sure mention Wogs a lot, you must know a ton of them.
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Sep 15, 2013 6:20 PM

Jul 2012
Fallenkingzero said:
GrinfilledCelt said:
Some Are Wars has a universal appeal that makes it a good movie to show to wogs.

You sure mention Wogs a lot, you must know a ton of them.
I don't know any fans in my real life. Everyone I know ranges from disinterested tolerance to downright contempt of my passion for anime. They are all wogs. That is why MAL is so vital to me.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 15, 2013 6:44 PM

Nov 2012
I'm sorry if this is off topic but what are wogs?
I made some killer babaganoush... FOR VALHALLA!!!
Sep 15, 2013 7:41 PM

Jul 2012
Wog is an old term from the days of the British empire. They used it as a term for the natives of what ever country they were currently exploiting. It stands for Worthy Oriental Gentleman and had racist overtones. Now it means someone who is not part of the group and doesn't share the knowledge of the group. i.e. Not one of us. I use it to refer to people who are not anime fans*.

* But should be, as all reasonable people should.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 15, 2013 7:54 PM

Jun 2012
GrinfilledCelt said:
Wog is an old term from the days of the British empire. They used it as a term for the natives of what ever country they were currently exploiting. It stands for Worthy Oriental Gentleman and had racist overtones. Now it means someone who is not part of the group and doesn't share the knowledge of the group. i.e. Not one of us. I use it to refer to people who are not anime fans*.

* But should be, as all reasonable people should.

"Lawrence of Arabia" anyone?
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Sep 15, 2013 7:57 PM

Jan 2012
You guys actually have a thread for this? Cool.

Not sure if I'm going to drop something here, but this reminds me about the season coming to a close. I'll have an update to my blog with my final impressions of ALL series I complete for Summer 2013.
Sep 15, 2013 8:03 PM

Jul 2012
We have several threads for general anime discusion, Style. This one is for your thoughts on stuff you have just now completed while it is fresh in your mind - or it would be if we'd stop spamming it.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 15, 2013 8:14 PM

Jan 2012
I would normally say this is a good idea, but its not good if you ride out the emotional highs or bash on the lows right away. I almost always downrate things a few days/weeks after watching them. I love letting things sink in a bit.

On the flip side, its interesting to see initial reactions and such.
Sep 21, 2013 3:28 PM
May 2013
Sep 21, 2013 3:58 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
OK, here's my first attempt at a review:
Just finished Casshern Sins and it was not fun. I will attempt to write down my feelings of this beautifully sad show. I actually started watching Casshern months ago and stopped after the first episode, I just wasn’t ready for the brutality of it. Maybe it was the part involving a huge killer robot and a happy innocent child. Well, I finally decided I was emotionally ready to try it again.

For those who haven’t seen it yet here is a brief synopsis. The show takes place in a very distant future of, I assume, Earth, where cyborg/robots had a war against humans. Humanity lost. A cyborg named Casshern awakens in a bleak barren landscape with a bunch of robots chanting “kill Casshern” who try to, duh, kill him. Casshern has no memory of his past or why people hate him. Turns out something called the Ruin is causing everything world to rust and break down and it’s all Cassherns fault. Some of these cyborg/robots look human, some look like mechanical robots. So for 24 episodes Casshern meets good people, evil people, fights people, kills people and has deep philosophical discussions on what it means to be alive, to be immortal and to die. Needless to say the pace is slow, but there is a good fight in every ep.

The animation and art is bleak, detailed and conveys the world filled with decay and not typical of most anime. There are moments of color and light but be ready for the most part the world is hell on earth with misery and desperation. The ending did have a glimmer of hope, but it was bittersweet and open to interpretation. The Dub, which I watched was very good.

In conclusion, this show is not for the faint of heart, was not a fun watch but definitely a unique, philosophical work of art.
JymSep 21, 2013 4:01 PM
Sep 21, 2013 6:36 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
They Were 11 anime movie review 7/10

They Were 11 is a 1986 sci-fi space mystery with a pinch of romance. I’ve been interested in watching some of the early anime from an historical point of view, to see how the medium has evolved. This one is fairly obscure but has an interesting plot and likeable characters.
A brief, spoiler free synopsis: Groups of 10 teens applying to the elite Cosmo Academy are taking the final entrance exam are each assigned a derelict starship. They must work together to survive for 50 some days. When the students get on board they discover there are 11 students, not 10. Things immediately start to go wrong. First they try to figure out who the 11th person is and if they are trying to sabotage the test, later life threatening events occur. The show is similar to some of the 80’s American sci-fi shows. Lots of drama, accusations, life threatening situations with a dab of comedy and a romance that is a little different.

The art style is a little crude by today’s standards, the music likewise but not horrible. I watched the dub, which was fair for the time, but take your pick.

The first half of the show was a little slow but the last half was suspenseful with enough plot twists to keep the viewer interested. and the mystery was concluded in a satisfactory manner. Overall, it wasn’t great but it was an enjoyable hour and a half watch. I recommend this for those who want to watch some of the early classics of sci-fi anime.
Sep 21, 2013 6:56 PM

Nov 2012
Hen Zemi. 6/10


What else is there to say about Hen Zemi? Its about a chick that takes this class that's about the study of perverts and fetishes. The class is made up of perverts and the main chick is for lack of a better term "normal". They delve into the various fetishes and they do experiments involving said fetishes. Its just plain weird, I mean by the second episode there's a guy trying to suck his own dick and a guy ruining perfectly good beer by peeing in it and then giving it to the main chick who in turn drinks it. It will make you chuckle every now and then but its just so damn weird.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thanks a lot grin)
I made some killer babaganoush... FOR VALHALLA!!!
Sep 21, 2013 7:43 PM

Jul 2012
Well, at least you're still talking to me, Morty. =0)

When Ringo gets knocked around in that first episode of Casshern, it's quite heart rending, Jym. I can't imagine anyone doing such a thing to her. She is the very essence of moe and the only consistant bright spot in that show. I hate to be a grammar nazi, Jym, but I think you misunderstand the term "cyborg".
Merriam-Webster said:
cy·borg noun \ˈsī-ˌbȯrg\
in stories : a person whose body contains mechanical or electrical devices and whose abilities are greater than the abilities of normal humans There are very few humans in that show, cyborg or otherwise.

They were 11 looks good. I'll add it to my WtW list.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 21, 2013 8:24 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
In the Synopsis of Casshern it states:
"In the distant future, where cyborgs and humans struggle to survive after the war which destroyed the world, a being in white suit awakens. His name is Casshern and he remembers nothing of his own past."
I was using the term Cyborg to differentiate between the Humanoid characters and the distinctly robot looking characters. I assumed Casshern was a part human, part man made. Technically, Casshern might be completely man made but he does bleed.
Sep 21, 2013 8:42 PM

Jul 2012
I don't remember the term being used in the show or any reference to robots having any biological componants. I don't remember any references to the orgins of any of the characters. Perhaps more were human than was said. I know Casshern and some of the others were created as extraordinary beings but nothing was said about that creation process. I could be wrong, it's been at least a year since I've seen it.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 21, 2013 8:51 PM
Sep 27, 2013 12:19 PM

Nov 2012
This ones for Watamote.


I really enjoyed this one, mainly becasue the main chick is perdy crazy. I kinda like those kinds of characters, I mean my all time favorite anime is Welcome to the NHK. Imagine a female version of Satou and that's more or less what you get with this chick. She's a nerd, she's got a dirty mind, and she's so socially awkward you will cringe more than once with second hand embarrassment. So anyways the premise is she's going to start highschool and she wants to be popular, though as the series goes on that deteriorates into her just wanting some friends. She fails in every attempt to talk to people, most times she manages to stammer out a simple reply and then runs away. Most of the time she's in her her head either coming up with some crazy plan to make some friends or calling all the popular kids bitches among other various less than flattering things. Its a great show and I would recommend it, plus the intro song is a metal song and I support metal wherever I hear it \m/.
I made some killer babaganoush... FOR VALHALLA!!!
Sep 27, 2013 10:30 PM

Jul 2012
So ka? Sounds like your typical screwed up teenager to me. If you like that you'll probably like Aku no Hana (Flowers of Evil) from this past Spring season although I suspect it's a lot darker than Watamote.
I haven't seen Watamote, btw. It's on my "Someday" list.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 28, 2013 11:45 AM

Feb 2013
GrinfilledCelt said:
So ka? Sounds like your typical screwed up teenager to me. If you like that you'll probably like Aku no Hana (Flowers of Evil) from this past Spring season although I suspect it's a lot darker than Watamote.
I haven't seen Watamote, btw. It's on my "Someday" list.

Watamote is really good, you feel for the MC.
What does So Ka mean again? i forgot...
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Sep 28, 2013 2:21 PM

Jul 2012
So = I see.
So, ka? = Izzat so? or You don't say?
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 28, 2013 5:14 PM

Feb 2013
GrinfilledCelt said:
So = I see.
So, ka? = Izzat so? or You don't say?

Thank you for the lesson. lol, i knew it meant that but wasnt sure.
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Sep 28, 2013 6:23 PM

Jul 2012
I wouldn't count on that as accurate. It amazes me how little Japanese I've learned for all the anime I watch. It's what I mean when I say it anyway.
"I just hope the good lord knows, what this life is all about
'cause I'm in the same position as when I started out.
Now I know there's folk in hospitals who are far worse off than me,
Oh, but that don't mean to much when my spirit don't feel free."
- Mark Twain

Blues lovers go here. Jazz lovers go here. Cowboy Bebop music lovers go here.
Sep 28, 2013 6:36 PM

Nov 2012
Yo no hablo Jap'n
I made some killer babaganoush... FOR VALHALLA!!!
Sep 28, 2013 6:39 PM

Feb 2013
Exmortus420 said:
Yo no hablo Jap'n

How illiterate, Exmortus
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Sep 28, 2013 6:49 PM

Nov 2012
akatsukireunites said:
Exmortus420 said:
Yo no hablo Jap'n

How illiterate, Exmortus

Don't look at me in that tone of voice.
I made some killer babaganoush... FOR VALHALLA!!!
Sep 28, 2013 6:50 PM

Jun 2012
I really need to start writing reviews here.
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Sep 28, 2013 7:19 PM

Feb 2013
Exmortus420 said:
akatsukireunites said:
Exmortus420 said:
Yo no hablo Jap'n

How illiterate, Exmortus

Don't look at me in that tone of voice.

haha :D
Or you'll crack my skull?
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Sep 28, 2013 7:23 PM

Nov 2012
akatsukireunites said:
Exmortus420 said:
akatsukireunites said:
Exmortus420 said:
Yo no hablo Jap'n

How illiterate, Exmortus

Don't look at me in that tone of voice.

haha :D
Or you'll crack my skull?

I made some killer babaganoush... FOR VALHALLA!!!
Sep 29, 2013 12:50 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
Getting back on subject....
Just finished or The Eccentric Family one of the highlights for me of the 2013 season.

The Eccentric Family was based on a novel written by Tomihiko Morimi (The Tatemi Galaxy).

Quoting from the Synopsis: “In Kyoto, there are three kinds of residents: humans, tanuki, and tengu. Shimogamo Yasaburou is the third son of the Shimogamo tanuki family. His father, Souichirou, had been the head of Kyoto tanuki community until he was eaten by the human members of "Friday Club" (In a tanuki hot pot during an end of the year ritual). While taking care of an old tengu, fighting with other tanuki, and playing with a psychic human girl, Yasaburou approaches the truth of his father's death.” While, I may add, trying to avoid being eaten themselves in the afore mentioned ritual. Tanuki are Japanese raccoon dogs which have the magical ability to shape-shift into humans of either gender as well as any other organic and inorganic object.

I loved this off-beat slice of life comedy drama. The characters were appealing and well written. Animation was good also. One of the interesting characters is the Human woman, Benten, who studied magic under an old Tengu (legendary creature found in Japanese folk religion and are considered a type of Shinto god). She is a mischievous femme fatale who constantly threatens to eat Yasaburou, but with a sweet smile on her face that suggests that she has a fondness for him.
I can recommend this show if you enjoy off-beat comedy drama, liked Tatemi Galaxy, or like good storytelling with interesting relationships.
I rated this higher that most for the enjoyment it gave me and because I am a sucker for Tanuki..10/10
Sep 29, 2013 2:24 PM

Feb 2013
im watching Code Geass and its awesome. How's that for a review?
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Sep 29, 2013 3:55 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
akatsukireunites said:
im watching Code Geass and its awesome. How's that for a review?

It's awesome!
Sep 29, 2013 3:59 PM

Jun 2012
Jym said:
akatsukireunites said:
im watching Code Geass and its awesome. How's that for a review?

It's awesome!

I agree it is awesome.
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Sep 29, 2013 3:59 PM

Feb 2013
Jym said:
akatsukireunites said:
im watching Code Geass and its awesome. How's that for a review?

It's awesome!

Please stop, im blushing :D
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. (Yoda)
Sep 29, 2013 5:54 PM
Hot Stuff

Mar 2012
Just watched TO, Two 40 min CG classic sci fi stories. First one is Elliptical Orbit.
Fifteen years after its last contact with our world, a space freighter known as the Flying Dutchman requests permission to dock at a remote moon base. This mysterious ship carries liquid protons: a power source essential to the survival of Earth’s population. But before the precious cargo can be delivered, the base is ambushed by galactic terrorists who seek to destroy a Moon base by using the liquid protons and issue a death sentence to muchl of humanity.

The second is called Symbiotic Planet:
Earth is running out of resources so ships have spread out over the galaxy to find new worlds to colonize and find resources to send back to Earth. They find a world with bizarre alien life forms. Aon and Elena – star-crossed lovers from rival countries competing for valuable natural resources – struggle to build a life together despite the objections of their superiors. Their budding romance is thwarted by an outbreak of alien fungus and the interference of a cutthroat militaristic madman. To survive, the young couple must maintain their faith in each other and learn to trust the unique creatures which inhabit this strange and wondrous new world.

I enjoyed both episodes. The CG was good as far as the ships and backgrounds go but the people were a little stiff, lacking expression to a degree. I watched it on Funimation. I gave it a 8/10
Sep 29, 2013 7:01 PM
May 2013
thanks for the review id never heard of TO before but looks interesting ill have to check it out sometime.
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