Since I suffered through the first one, I figured I might as well see how else they pointlessly butchered a favorite series of mine.... and....
This was even worse than the first. I don't think I have seen worse pacing in anything calling itself a 'film' in my life, and that is no exaggeration.
Of course this happens when you take the middle half of a series and just force it all to happen in an hour and a half.
The funny thing is, I actually rewatched these episodes of the series recently, and despite me having seen S-CRY-ed well over 10 times, it was still just as engrossing as it's always been. And this was a literal slog to get through. (It took me about half a month, actually).
There were so little new scenes in this second film too, I have to wonder why it exists at all.
Mujo's pointless new buttslave/lover is the perfect representation of this movie series: pointless and included solely for sake of saying there's something 'new'.
I halfway thought they might have him at least *do* something, but no. He literally defines pointless.
I think what I hated most of this was that it tried to have all the moments of character and real emotion, that the series had to work for episodes to build up to, without any of that buildup. It was just HERE ARE THOSE MOMENTS, but without any reason for why they had meaning in the first place. It was painful to watch.
S-CRY-ed is a top 10 series of mine, ranked #4 for me, actually, and I am dead serious when I say if I had watched these films first, I would never, in a million years, have bothered with the series. I would've written it off as a poorly written, action-over-substance piece of garbage. It does the series a complete disservice, and if this review helps someone who wants to get into the series; learn only this:
If you have to waste your time on these films, do so only after you've seen the original series in full.
I also really hope people or fans don't start using these films as proof of contradictory canon too; IE, Cougar not dying at the end or anything else that was set up here. It's clearly non-canon and a pointless, fan fiction level recut of the original series.
I truly don't know why they didn't just make one wholly new (and possibly even good) movie instead of butchering old footage into a very bad new narrative that it was simply never designed for. They could've made a whole new thing instead of ruining something great.
Whoever was behind this had no clue what the series was really about, I feel. The absolutely pointless new ending was proof enough of that. Garbage.
2/10 and it's only not a 1 simply because it still had the superficial 'vibe' of being S-CRY-ed; and the new acting matched the original's beat for beat, except for Mujo, who was pointlessly hamming it up for seemingly no reason.