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Sep 2, 2012 2:10 AM

Jun 2011
1. Seric and Einus get a touching moment, but Ceric pulls no Mu L Flaga and doesnt kiss her before the final battle. U IDIOT!

2. Flit still wants to kill all Vagans.

3. Kio refuses to use the FX Burst mode as it increases speed, but got less precision in that mode. Everyone tells him to kill the enemy, he is to stuborn to listen to them.

4. lol @ Ezcelcants clone. Didnt expect him to be a clone of him.

5. Zeheart and Fram get a touching moment, but Zeheart only sees her as a subordinate.

Overall just a episode with much talk and hardly any action. And lol @ random Seric Team Guy dying.
Sep 2, 2012 2:31 AM
Jan 2009
Kio is getting annoying i hope he realize that.... he can save anyone but not everyone
so just activate that darn FX Burst Mode already i wanna see some awesome!!! XD

the action was nicely drawn this episode so much SAKUGA scenes!!!
Sep 2, 2012 2:51 AM
Apr 2008
Damn it Kio, at least Jesus Yamato kicked ass while preaching his naive ideals, you're not even doing that much....AGE-FX is going to be the next Qan-T sooner or later in terms of uselessness.

I'm getting Mu La Flaga vibes from Seric, that scene with Captain only made it more prominent. Oh no, DEEN is back! Let's see if he'll change Kio's ways...I only hope. Preview looks grim if all we got were shots of the Diva crew lol, and Zanald's face reminds me of Captain Goodman's (blond fat A-Laws dude) in Gundam 00 right before...he got fried.

I just hope those spoilers on AnimeSuki turn out to be right, cause if so
Sep 2, 2012 2:54 AM
Jan 2009
the annoyance of Kio
made me realize and want to shout this to his ears

Kio you can do anything but not everything!!!
Kio you can save anylife but not everylife!!!
Kio you can please anyone but not everyone!!!

but its still better story than Twilight though and its really better than
Gundam Seed or Gundam 00 for me
Sep 2, 2012 3:13 AM
Aug 2012
Gundam Age isn't that significant in any ways what can i say its seems very normal for me as a hardcore Gundam Fan. But seriously Kio must be worst mc i have seen is the gundam universe all he does is he wont kill any vagan but when his teammates get killed then its okay? Dude you are trying to save the enemies who are at least 10 times stronger than you its completely pointless. The best among the 3 is Asemu in my opinion that guy kicks ass without any super powers.

Don't know why people are comparing this shithead kio to Kira Yamato this brat is like less than dirt compared to him. Gundam Seed, Seed Destiny and 00 was a hell lot better than this. I won't say age is bad but its just not on their league and they ruined the third arc with a brat like kio as lead. Even Shinn seems better after seeing kio.

Sep 2, 2012 3:20 AM

Jan 2008
Kio is truly a mahou shoujo material: "I will protect everyone with the power of love and peace!" (Trigun pun intended). Also, nice job , Derek, with doing a recon of a mothership heading at it straight on in a middle of a battlefield.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Sep 2, 2012 5:35 AM
Jan 2009
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Gundam Seed, Seed Destiny and 00 was a hell lot better than this. I won't say age is bad but its just not on their league and they ruined the third arc with a brat like kio as lead. Even Shinn seems better after seeing kio.

you may mean Gundam Seed/Destiny and Gundam 00 have better Character-Driven Stories since the amount of character emotions and interactions of those shows are very much likable

but what i like about Gundam AGE is the concept of the whole story it has more Plot-Driven Stories since it has 3 generations and a lot of sub-plots (or story concepts from various old gundam shows) that adds up as a good linear or children story although the downside is it has less character development of a good Character-Driven Story
Sep 2, 2012 6:13 AM
Aug 2012
j0x said:
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Gundam Seed, Seed Destiny and 00 was a hell lot better than this. I won't say age is bad but its just not on their league and they ruined the third arc with a brat like kio as lead. Even Shinn seems better after seeing kio.

you may mean Gundam Seed/Destiny and Gundam 00 have better Character-Driven Stories since the amount of character emotions and interactions of those shows are very much likable

but what i like about Gundam AGE is the concept of the whole story it has more Plot-Driven Stories since it has 3 generations and a lot of sub-plots (or story concepts from various old gundam shows) that adds up as a good linear or children story although the downside is it has less character development of a good Character-Driven Story

Well i dont hate Gundam Age but it would have been better if they made 3 25 ep series for 3 characters rather than condensing all in 49 eps and yeah the storyline is linear. Also most of the designs are to be blant copied from previous gundams rather than using anything unique. Also i like Flit and Asemu but when i see Kio i want to shoot him myself and we have like 20 eps dedicated to this pathetic character. This third arc would have been a total loss without Asemu tbh. Overall Age is a good show but as i said its pretty normal. I really miss the UC Gundam shows those were something else. But gotta agree with you still better than Twilight.

Sep 2, 2012 6:53 AM

Sep 2011
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
This third arc would have been a total loss without Asemu tbh.

its actually now the 4th arc called Three Generations Arc
Flit and Asemu are now co-protagonists with Kio

Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Also most of the designs are to be blant copied from previous gundams rather than using anything unique.

Reborns Gundam/Cannon = Hi Nu Gundam/Guncannon
Regnant = Qubeley Mk-II
Arios Gundam = Zeta
Destroy Gundam = Psyco Gundam
Akatsuki = Hyaku Shiki
ZAKU Warrior= Zaku II
Brigs77Sep 2, 2012 7:03 AM
Sep 2, 2012 8:09 AM
Aug 2012
I know those but only some of them are like that and those are upgraded and they also have some unique gundam for example strike with various striker packs. Age also used this concept by using the Age system and new wear part. Most of Age Gundams are copied as you can see below:

Age-1 Normal = Gundam RX 78
Age-1 Titus = Forgot the name but it was in G Gundam
Age-1 Spallow = Gundam Exia
Age-2 Normal/MA form = Gundam 00/Arios
Age-2 Dark Hound = Crossbone Gundam
Age-3 Normal = Double Zeta
Age-3 Fortress = Seravee Gundam

Also Bisidian Suits are designed more like the suits from Gundam F91. The Age-3 FX has funnels that can't fire anything. That was a major let down. Dude i am a big fan of the Gundam series and i like age as i said. And thanks for pointing me about the 4th arc but as i said without Asemu it would have a total loss at the end.

Sep 2, 2012 5:08 PM

Sep 2011
I understand AGE-2 and 00 but not with Arios
Wing with the rifle at the nose and Zeta because with the Dark Hound DODS Lancer it most likely ram something rather than cutting

00 Quan(T) GN Sword Bits didn't shoot anything either

Striker Packs isn't exactly unique either
F90 Gundam and F90II have Mission Packs
Also V2 with its Assult and Buster
Sep 2, 2012 9:31 PM

Sep 2010
NOOOOOO only 3 more episodes well at least Magi is going to be of the Fantasy/Adventure genre which I also love dearly, but it just won't fill the space within me that AGE will leave. T_T

Well Derick dies not that I care since he had like 3 minutes of screentime, but I think Seric is going to die cause of his speech to both Natora and Kio.

Please let Asemu live through this series kill off Flit and I could care less though. xP

I love Kio cause he is cute, but with that sort of thinking he is going to get others killed on his side protecting his ass. -__-

"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Sep 2, 2012 11:56 PM
Aug 2012
Brigandi said:
I understand AGE-2 and 00 but not with Arios
Wing with the rifle at the nose and Zeta because with the Dark Hound DODS Lancer it most likely ram something rather than cutting

00 Quan(T) GN Sword Bits didn't shoot anything either

Striker Packs isn't exactly unique either
F90 Gundam and F90II have Mission Packs
Also V2 with its Assult and Buster

Well thanks i actually didn't see the similarities between Gundam Qan(T)/ELS Qan(T) and Age 3FX but those sword bits were much more effective can be used with much more variety the movie shows that.. Also fangs served both close and long range purposes. They weaked the funnel/bit/dragoon system with Kio's suit. Age-2 MA form is similar to or to be exact is some what a cross between Arios, Zeta or Wing. And Drak Hound's Skull symbol and Hooks are similar to Crossbone Gundams.

P.S. why are we arguing about anyway?

Sep 5, 2012 7:30 AM
May 2012
Zanald, Dogom & Deen Anon makes an impact!! Derek is dead! I didn't see that coming!

Next episode:-

Will Kio use the AGE-FX Burst mode?!

Why the entire Diva Crew is feeling devastated?! I SENSE AN ANOTHER DEATHFLAG!! Could this be the end of Kio Asuno?!

PS - despite what happened in this anime like the death of Yurin L Ciel & Woolf enacle (I never thought that prick Desil killed him just like he did to Yurin) are totally never forget all in my head. Great... why it just really bothers me anyway.

Only 3 eps to anyway. I want this 'nightmare' end soon. *overemotionally stressed*
JafriZinSep 5, 2012 7:49 AM
Sep 6, 2012 3:03 AM

Oct 2011
So just as I did with the last episode, my reactions will be listed one by one

* So many deathflags raised, well this is the final battle so it's expected, and basically Seric pulled a deathflag there with a Mu like interaction sans the kiss, well I can't sense any passionate feelings between him and Natora yet so his loss will be less tragic as compared to Mu's in SEED.
* Flit is pulling a muruta azrael here, and I think both Natora/Flit would die just as Azrael dies with Natarle, also notice the similarities with their name :O also the fact that Diva assault mode looked similar to Archangel Class (which is based on White Base) or maybe Flit could be shot and die in the same fashion as Patrick Zala.
* I can't blame Kio for being naive, besides the fact that he can't pull a Kira Yamato (not jesus yamato for me, some guys need to grow up and stop all this nonsense :P ) I still think he can shine later, remember Kira also made a fatal mistake when he didn't fought Rau seriously in his first encounter with Providence, which had made Flay KIA, just as he was in rage in he totally loses his pacifist outlook he charged Rau and killed him, I think Kio can also do this when one of his friends/love ones get killed, and I think the one that needs to die there to convince Kio to abandon his ways was his Father Asemu
* So I'm the only one in this thread who thinks FX vs Legillis fight was epic, and if not for Fram's interruption the fight could've been a renewed Freedom vs providence or 00 Raiser vs Reborns all over again
* so finally I can sense a clear (but seemingly one-sided) romantic buildup between Zeheart and Fram, also her blushing face was cute to watch, I can't believe we can see Moe scene in AGE :P
* I'm really liking Wendy hearts, she never bothered Kio and was able to show her support to him despite the fact that she knows she may lose Kio in the upcoming fight, and believed in him just as Lacus was with Kira.or Tiffa to Garrod this is in stark contrast to the annoying bitching girls on previous series such as Relena, Marina, Flay, and Emily (don't know about others). this is what I wanted on a gundam series's main female lead, sadly her character development and interaction with Kio could've been better.
* I can simply say this is the best episode I've seen on AGE so far, I love the soundtracks, the battle BGMs especially the fight between FX and Legillis,I've been waiting for that since long ago :D but it coudl've been more epic if not for the hopelessly inloved Fram :D
* next episode, finally Zanald will recieve his deserved kicking, and Kio please don't spare his life at least for a jerk-ass like him, the world needs to be a better place, trashes like him are mere waste :D
* FX without burst mode can handle Legillis and Fawn Farshia, now that's a feat!
* during the scene when FX was cornered by the duo I was under the thought that Flit or Asemu could be the one to support Kio
AzrecSep 6, 2012 3:20 AM
Sep 6, 2012 11:20 PM

Nov 2007
j0x said:
Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Gundam Seed, Seed Destiny and 00 was a hell lot better than this. I won't say age is bad but its just not on their league and they ruined the third arc with a brat like kio as lead. Even Shinn seems better after seeing kio.

you may mean Gundam Seed/Destiny and Gundam 00 have better Character-Driven Stories since the amount of character emotions and interactions of those shows are very much likable

but what i like about Gundam AGE is the concept of the whole story it has more Plot-Driven Stories since it has 3 generations and a lot of sub-plots (or story concepts from various old gundam shows) that adds up as a good linear or children story although the downside is it has less character development of a good Character-Driven Story

The problem with AGE is that it lacks focus. It's like trying to be the jack of all trades but master of none.

And honestly speaking, the story of AGE is rather horrible....

Hopefully, the last few episodes will be good.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Sep 7, 2012 2:11 PM

Apr 2009
The opening of the final battle, the current twists in this episode... were all kinda underwhelming for me. Okay I admit I just want to finish this series already so I'll just stop whining now. TT_TT
wakka9ca said:
Hopefully, the last few episodes will be good.

For the love of Gundams that I still hold dearly in my heart I fervently pray your hopes will come true. >_<
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Sep 7, 2012 7:41 PM

Oct 2011
honestly speaking Kyoukai senjou no horizon's animation quality is even miles better than AGE itself, let alone the mecha fights (the former uses 3D CGI just like unicorn episode 5) despite the former having less budget if i'm not mistaken, but yes you're right it's too late to whine now, besides we all knew from the very start that AGE is a far cry from 00 when we talk about entertainment
Sep 7, 2012 9:07 PM

Nov 2007
Arcriatrix said:
honestly speaking Kyoukai senjou no horizon's animation quality is even miles better than AGE itself, let alone the mecha fights (the former uses 3D CGI just like unicorn episode 5)

Forget about the animation, for me, Horizons is waaaay better than Gundam Age. Period.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Sep 8, 2012 5:16 AM
Jan 2009
Arcriatrix said:
honestly speaking Kyoukai senjou no horizon's animation quality is even miles better than AGE itself, let alone the mecha fights (the former uses 3D CGI just like unicorn episode 5) despite the former having less budget if i'm not mistaken, but yes you're right it's too late to whine now, besides we all knew from the very start that AGE is a far cry from 00 when we talk about entertainment

Gundam AGE has a lower budget than Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, no need to be an expert to know that... i guess Sunrise is pouring more budget on the upcoming Gundam: The Origin
Sep 9, 2012 8:17 AM
May 2012
Zanald stealing the show?! Both him & Zeheart hate each other now?!

wakka9ca said:
The problem with AGE is that it lacks focus. It's like trying to be the jack of all trades but master of none.

And honestly speaking, the story of AGE is rather horrible....

Hopefully, the last few episodes will be good.

Never thought that they left some 'stupid' stuff & we'll never know what happened to:-

Arisa Gunhale & other Adele M pilots

If they didn't told it that after the show ends, I'll be... *Sigh* *Facepalm*
JafriZinSep 9, 2012 9:08 AM
Jun 27, 2013 10:53 PM

Sep 2008
"I don't want to use Burst mode!"

"But Kio, you must use Burst mode so we can sell more toys!"
Apr 18, 2016 6:05 AM

Jul 2008
Well something has to give soon...
Nov 11, 2023 6:39 PM
Dec 2020
In this episode... we scream at the TV


I honestly want Zeheart & Fram to beat Kio, Flit & Asemu are both cool but Kio honestly doesn't deserve to win. I like him less than the Vagans which is a really considerable feat.
That said, if we can get some resolution that allows Flit, Asemu, Zeheart and Fram to live I might be inclined to forgive him, though I still hope Flit punts Ezelcunt's head in
Jan 27, 2024 6:43 AM

Jul 2017
seric and einus were so cute, too bad they didn't even kiss, i hope they survive the final battle, the same goes for Fram and Zeheart.
i din't dilike this show but i'm starting to get bored, luckily there are only 3 episodes remaining.
i hope the ending will be cool.
''Touch the darkness inside me''

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