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Aug 26, 2007 6:47 PM

Jan 2007
There are tons of shows and manga that have lots of yuri potential that is never made explicit bit is definitely hinted at. One of my favorites of late is Lucky Star. Konata/Kagami = win. Discuss your favorite potentials here! Try to keep it realistic :-p
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Aug 26, 2007 8:15 PM
Aug 2007

azumanga daioh not any yuri potential, but funny i think =D

btw, this is just to start some things off. i know its not realistic at all. =P
Aug 27, 2007 12:10 AM

Apr 2007
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou comes to mind. Almost all the relationships are kept ambiguous but there is yuri potential. First off is Kokone and Alpha. Both are androids who end up sharing a kiss to exchange data. Since that day Kokone takes a great interest in Alpha and visits whenever she can, becoming a very close friend. Also, in the manga version, Kokone gets an admirer of her own when she delivers a message to Maruko. After they meet, Maruko makes a request that Kokone be the one to deliver her messages from then on. Further in the story she even shows some signs of jealousy when seeing Alpha and Kokone friendly with each other.

Battle Athletes Victory is another show with some yuri potential. About halfway through the show a girl named Kris Christopher is introduced and she falls immediately in love with the main character Akari. She doesn't hide that fact and takes many opportunities during the series to express it. Akari and her friend Ichino is more subdued though. Ichino gets adamant about Kris leaving Akari alone but when questioned why she's trying to stop Kris' advances both Akari and Ichino can only blush.

Another would be one of my favorite old-school movies, Project A-Ko. In it A-ko and C-ko are best friends who make the move to a new school. At the school they meet a girl named B-ko who falls in love with C-ko. B-ko then makes it her quest to somehow knock A-ko out of the picture so she can have C-ko all to herself. The movie is a comedy with plenty of parodies in it. I've read some time ago that it was originally planned to be a hentai anime but somewhere in production that all got changed around. Who knows, if it actually would have went through as a hentai the yuri might have been a definite.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Aug 27, 2007 12:18 AM

May 2007
bettynoire said:
There are tons of shows and manga that have lots of yuri potential that is never made explicit bit is definitely hinted at. One of my favorites of late is Lucky Star. Konata/Kagami = win. Discuss your favorite potentials here! Try to keep it realistic :-p

Shion & Kos-Mos from Xenosaga, dunno if it's just me, but it seems like there could be more between the two, it's def hinted at..
Aug 27, 2007 7:00 AM

Jun 2007
I'll only talk about series that are still airing.

Clare and Jean ( Claymore )

Yuko and Yuko ( Yasako and Isako ) ( Dennou Coil ) In episode 7

Setsuna and Sekai ( School Days ) Though it appeared to be one-sided but Setsuna is my favourite character in this series.

List of some couple that someone may already counted it as "explicit" already
Alita and Falis ( Or I should say Alita and Milano? ) ( Murder Princess )
Minami and Yutaka ( Lucky Star )
Almost every couple ( Marimite ) lol

Anyone has any opinion about any other pairings in those currently airing anime?
Aug 27, 2007 4:54 PM

Apr 2007
Only ones I can think of for currently airing shows...

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. Chie and Kiri

Idolm@ster Xenoglossia. Haruka and ....
tainteddonutOct 21, 2007 6:59 PM

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Aug 27, 2007 11:31 PM

Aug 2007
Shizuru x Natsuki!!!
Well its really explicit but i just love this couple how Natsuki never trusted anyone and was really lonely until Shizuru lend a helping hand and care for her so much! Its sooo cute!

Soi Fong x Yoruichi
There has to be something more than just captain and subordinate. Soi Fong really looks up at Yoruichi and admires her. Basically Yoruichi is like Soi Fong's role model and was devastated when she left.

Aug 29, 2007 10:24 PM
Feb 2007
Has anyone seen Sola? I was informed about the presence of a yuri-ish pair on this particular show just recently. I'm just not so sure about if its true because I haven't seen it. o.o But I actually have the intention to watch it, maybe later, if I have the time..? @_@
Aug 29, 2007 10:50 PM

Oct 2006
Sola? If there is, I completely forgot about it. The only pairs I can think of that come even close are a love triangle (two girls fighting over the same guy) and one that's a big sister/little sister kinda thing. I enjoyed the series well enough, but I wouldn't recommend watching it for yuri.
Aug 30, 2007 12:38 PM

Apr 2007
The spoiler tags below don't contain any major spoilers. I put them there because they have a bunch of pics I ddin't want to flood the thread with.

Red Garden Paula and Kate. In Red Garden, Paula and Kate are both members of a school disciplinary committee called Grace. Throughout the show Paula tries to keep Kate as close to her as possible. When Kate runs into troubles and starts slacking from her duties as a member of Grace, Paula does everything in her power to make sure Kate doesn't lose her status.

Witchblade Shiori and Reina. I've only just started this series recently so I'm not sure how everything will pan out but early on in the series Shiori shows a very strong attraction to Reina. In one scene in particular she offers to clean up for Reina. There's an ulterior motive to her cleaning though...
tainteddonutAug 30, 2007 12:41 PM

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Sep 1, 2007 4:56 PM

Jan 2007
I keep meaning to get back to reading YKK but I've been terrible with manga reading lately...

Paula and Kate in Red Garden were so gay it was painful. Or at least, Paula was so gay for Kate, anyway.

Jean and Clare would have been adorable if it ever happened, but it made me wonder how on earth that pairing could be believably worked out.

Konata and Kagami is pretty much my favorite currently, but my bf had a horrible thought the other day -- what if it's canon, but Kagami has it one-sided for Konata? Cuz if that was the case than Konata is so clueless. T_T Poor Kagamin.

Chie and Kiri is hawt and I demand more of it. EFFING HAWT.
Sep 2, 2007 1:56 AM
Feb 2007
Yep, aside for the slight implications of matsuri x aono and aono x the little girl (I can't believe I forgot her name, but I remember her as being the one smacked everytime she calls Mana as err Mana-san) pairing, it was entirely about harem. ^^; I didn't quite like the idea of Aono obessing over *coughs* She was my favorite character. -.- Anyway.. I just finished it and actually enjoyed the whole series despite the sad ending. *gets all teary eyed* XD

Onto the topic! D:
I'm all for Soi fong and Yoruichi. XD!

Sep 2, 2007 5:04 AM

Oct 2006
I quite enjoyed it too (and that little girl is awesome. Koyori, I think her name is), but it definitely wasn't much of a yuri series.

I just noticed that someone mentioned Xenosaga. I couldn't force myself through the anime, but the game did have some interesting (though not explicitly stated) pairings - namely Shion x KOS-MOS and KOS-MOS x T-elos. I quite liked both of those actually
Sep 28, 2007 1:52 PM

May 2007
Krelian said:
I quite enjoyed it too (and that little girl is awesome. Koyori, I think her name is), but it definitely wasn't much of a yuri series.

I just noticed that someone mentioned Xenosaga. I couldn't force myself through the anime, but the game did have some interesting (though not explicitly stated) pairings - namely Shion x KOS-MOS and KOS-MOS x T-elos. I quite liked both of those actually

KOS-MOS x T-elos would be good but prefer Shion & KOS-MOS :D
Oct 17, 2007 5:38 AM

Oct 2007
yasha32 said:

azumanga daioh not any yuri potential, but funny i think =D

btw, this is just to start some things off. i know its not realistic at all. =P

lol. miss Sakaki x Kaorin FTW!!
i think the most messe dup yuri Daioh pair i have ever watched an AMV for was Sakaki X Chiyo ... XD
Oct 17, 2007 11:46 AM

Jan 2007
papercutmercy said:

lol. miss Sakaki x Kaorin FTW!!
i think the most messe dup yuri Daioh pair i have ever watched an AMV for was Sakaki X Chiyo ... XD

Well Sakaki does love cute things...
Oct 21, 2007 1:17 PM

Jul 2007
I'm now watching Angelic Layer, and I think there may be something between two of the partecipants of the tournament. They're Kaede Saitou and Sai Jounouchi.

I know I shouldn't take every hug/touch/look as proof that they're more then interested in each other, but there was this very sweet scene at the end of episode 16, where Sai was walking alone with her doll in her hands after losing the match with Misaki (the protagonist), and is approached by Kaede, who 'consoles' her by saying that she's always smiling because she cries a lot whenever she feels like it. Sai is touched by the statement, and, after shedding some tears, leans on her back.

You also have to consider Sai's behaviour: she's your usual cool character of few but to the point words, rarely allowing other people to approach her. The only one who is always seen with her is, in fact, Kaede (they were schoolmates). I still have to finish the series, so I don't know what will happen to them or if they will even show up again, but so far I don't see any other possible love interest for any of them (well, besides each other :3)

Anyone else has seen the series and noticed the same things?

EDIT Well, now (october 23) I've finished it, and as predicted there was no more screentime for those two, besides the usual shot of them together, cheering for Misaki. And Sai lost some of her cool points in episode 17, saying something on the lines of "I don't want to be kissed by a woman". Oh well, it's a show by CLAMP, sexual ambiguity is a prerequisite =\
lynxOct 23, 2007 11:13 AM

Oct 28, 2007 8:25 AM
Oct 2007
Lately, I've been loving the Konata and Kagami pair as well.

Sola? Matsuri and Aono COULD have been in the past. But I don't know. *stabs Yorito*

Jinki Extend - Aoba and Rui. Veeery suggestive. ;3
"You are always more beautiful when drenched in blood."
Nov 19, 2007 10:30 PM
Feb 2007
Jun Fudou and Kazumi // Jun Fudou and Asuka Ran from Devil Lady.

I say, Jun Fudou and Kazumi makes a cute or rather, certainly adorable, pair. Although I haven't finished watching Devil Lady, I see the potential of being a yuri pair between them. I haven't much of Asuka x Jun, but I think they would look awesome together. Asuka's stubborness fits Jun's calm personality. X3;;

Jun is utterly adorable. I love her. X3333333333333;
Nov 20, 2007 8:58 AM

Jul 2007
Yes, they're a great pair, and there's potential. Unfortunately,

Nov 22, 2007 4:00 AM

Oct 2007
Last weekend I watched Murder Princess and I´m disappointed... So much potential and nothing happened. During the bathroom scene I was dying for them to kiss... :( well, it was a great anime, though...

Dec 28, 2007 10:59 AM

Oct 2007
"Alice on Deadlines" is pretty Yuri, I was feeling all kinds of emotions when I read the first volume...well just laughter and happiness really...
Dec 28, 2007 4:56 PM

Jul 2007
bullshock said:
"Alice on Deadlines" is pretty Yuri, I was feeling all kinds of emotions when I read the first volume...well just laughter and happiness really...

Yeah, it's pretty funny, but all the potential is ruined by the simple fact that it's always a boy in a girl's body. I've only read the first volume, but based on that, I'd say there's not much yuri.

Dec 28, 2007 6:41 PM

Oct 2007
lynx said:
bullshock said:
"Alice on Deadlines" is pretty Yuri, I was feeling all kinds of emotions when I read the first volume...well just laughter and happiness really...

Yeah, it's pretty funny, but all the potential is ruined by the simple fact that it's always a boy in a girl's body. I've only read the first volume, but based on that, I'd say there's not much yuri.

Well it depends if you count the 2 souls of boys in girls bodies is yuri or not...
Dec 29, 2007 9:47 AM

Jan 2007
My vote is if there's no actual penis involved, it counts as yuri.

But then again, I'm a huge perv.
Feb 27, 2008 8:40 PM
Jan 2008
Jo and Meg in burst angel. I hear the manga had yuri with them in it, but it was never licensed in the US and it was toned down to the point of being nonexistent in the anime.
Feb 27, 2008 8:41 PM
Jan 2008
Aya and Chiaki in Tenjhou Tenge. They almost did it in the anime and manga... but Chiaki claims she was just kidding. I dunno about that, tho...
Feb 28, 2008 2:59 AM

Jul 2007
GothicLust said:
Jo and Meg in burst angel. I hear the manga had yuri with them in it, but it was never licensed in the US and it was toned down to the point of being nonexistent in the anime.

Well, it has Meg lusting after Jo every time they're alone, and you see her dreaming about it, but it doesn't go much further than that. Still, way better than the anime in that regard.

Feb 28, 2008 4:16 PM

Nov 2007
I really like Bakuretsu tenshi XD Jo and Meg
but the ending wasnt very happy
it was more like sad cuz Jo dies in the end T_T

MonkeboiiMar 6, 2008 7:47 PM
Feb 28, 2008 7:35 PM

Jan 2007
lully911 said:
I really like Bakuretsu tenshi XD Jo and Meg
but the ending wasnt very happy

Dude. Spoiler tags are SUPAR COOL and they exist for a reason. Use them please. -_-lll
Mar 2, 2008 5:28 AM

Aug 2007
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha series~
officially it's only undertones, but I do believe that rainbows are straighter than Nanoha/Fate and Subaru/Teana.

ARIA series~ I think Akira/Alicia is the best and most possible pairing, although I do see Sachiko/Yumi in Alicia/Akari~

Gakuen Alice. Mikan's definitely in love with Hotaru (and I don't think Natsume will mind, he has Ruka anyway).

Lucky Star. Konata/Kagami.

...and many more anime~ I'm srsly the kind of person who sees in the yuri POV, lol~
Mar 2, 2008 7:24 AM

Jul 2007
jouttex said:
I'm srsly the kind of person who sees in the yuri POV, lol~

You're not alone... if it was for me, every pair of girls seen in anime should be a couple >.< We have waaay too many hetero; time to do a change!

Mar 14, 2008 2:27 AM

Jan 2008
X/1999 (the manga at least - don't know about the anime, haven't watched it): Tohru (Kamui's mother) and Kotori's and Fuuma's mother (whose name I have forgotten). They're both dead and they didn't have much flashback time, but they certainly were in love with each other.

Line: It's just a oneshot and again, there's no real yuri in it or anything, but the other girl definitely had a thing for the main character.

Bleach: a) CHIZURU, do I need to say more? b) Orihime and Tatsuki always gave me some yuri vibes (although Orihime is in love with Ichigo...).

NANA: Again, there's no real yuri, but I'd dare say that Nana and Hachi had a girl crush on each other at some point of the series - it's just a fact that they're both straight, unfortunately (Hachi even thought things like 'It was like a happy first love' or 'If Nana was a guy, we could have lived happily as a couple - that's what I often thought back then'). But seriously, who else thinks it's a waste that Ai Yazawa doesn't draw real yuri manga? :/

(Air TV: No, there's no real yuri potential, but... tell me I'm not the only one who thought that Uraha was in love with Kanna!!)

Shinshi Doumei Cross: Yeah, I think it's a fact that Ushio will end up with the doctor, but it's also a fact that she IS in love with Haine.

Ouran High School Host Club: I forgot the name of it, but there was this one girl school with the female 'hosts'... I'm sure you remember :3

The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi: Yeah, Haruhi only tortures Mikuru because she's jealous, but she still gives us a LOT of fanservice, doesn't she? XD

Card Captor Sakura: I almost forgot about that one! I'm sure everyone knows about CCS, no need for explanations.
Mar 20, 2008 1:36 AM

Feb 2008
Two couples that I would really like to see:

- Konata x Kagami

They already hint at this one, and though it's not as obvious as Yutaka x Minami, the chemistry is there, and they'd make a great couple.

- Kagami x Tsukasa

Twincest is my fetish. I think that's reason enough. Plus they're cute together.
Mar 20, 2008 6:27 AM

Oct 2007
Meta-Ridley said:
Two couples that I would really like to see:

- Konata x Kagami

They already hint at this one, and though it's not as obvious as Yutaka x Minami, the chemistry is there, and they'd make a great couple.

- Kagami x Tsukasa

Twincest is my fetish. I think that's reason enough. Plus they're cute together.

Kagami x Tsukasa? really...? lol sounds like something from the mind of Konata herself XD
Lol, well I happen to know I have unfair double standards and I don't dislike yuri generated twincest (as long as it's Canon) such as Candy Boy. But I hate the very thought of it in yaoi :S
Mar 21, 2008 7:53 AM

Jan 2008
It's the opposite for me XD;
I don't mind yaoicest but yuricest squicks me a bit (I mean, I'm willing to watch/read it if it's good, but still). Maybe it's because I'm a girl and I have a little sister myself?

Anyway, Konata x Kagamin FTW!!!
Mar 25, 2008 3:17 AM

Oct 2007
Black Lagoon is another one I'd consider ^^
Revy x Eda (the nun) All their scenes together are so great, and they have great banter and history together.
Mar 25, 2008 8:59 PM

Mar 2008
I'd like to see some Saya/Mao from the Blood+ series. Usually she's paired with her friend from Okinawa.
Mar 31, 2008 11:15 PM

Jan 2008
stryk3r85 said:
I'd like to see some Saya/Mao from the Blood+ series. Usually she's paired with her friend from Okinawa.

Yeah I know what you mean, even in that series there is little to no yuri but the fan pairngs are nice.

Apr 10, 2008 2:29 AM

Oct 2007
I would just like to re-confirm the potential Yuriness for Black Lagoon... Revy's VA is also SEI SATOU from Marimite! ... no wonder I thought she was awesome :P
Apr 22, 2008 12:22 PM

Dec 2007
Kagami and Konata are one of the best : D
Also, Nana and Hachi, I really think their was a spark somewhere between them : D
May 3, 2008 7:41 AM
Feb 2007
Anime with potential yuri pair? Canon pair that is. How about Mnemosyne? :3 Rin x Mimi all the waaaay~ <3
May 5, 2008 1:44 AM

Oct 2007
Sentress said:
Anime with potential yuri pair? Canon pair that is. How about Mnemosyne? :3 Rin x Mimi all the waaaay~ <3

Yeah, I really like this pairing!

Perhaps an over analysis there... lol (I had a bit of spare time today haha)
I'm interested to know what everyone else thinks about these two, too.
May 5, 2008 10:12 AM
Nov 2007
Fallow said:
Sentress said:
Anime with potential yuri pair? Canon pair that is. How about Mnemosyne? :3 Rin x Mimi all the waaaay~ <3

Yeah, I really like this pairing!

Perhaps an over analysis there... lol (I had a bit of spare time today haha)
I'm interested to know what everyone else thinks about these two, too.
At least you have thought it out and have some very good points. ^_^
May 5, 2008 1:45 PM

Aug 2007

And I just re-watched Candy Boy's new episode for the god knows how many times. I begin to fall in love with Kana and Yuki~ xD
Feb 23, 2013 12:05 PM

Aug 2010
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica (almost all the girls there have possible pairing esp. Homura x Madoka)
Black☆Rock Shooter (Mato x Yomi)
Tamako Market (Tamako x Midori)... :3
yuri006Oct 26, 2013 12:20 AM
Nov 4, 2013 7:40 PM
Jul 2018
Old topic, Revive! (^_^;)

Okay, with Infinite Stratos 2 now airing, I have to say Charlotte x Laura. So far it's a strong implication but hasn't gone farther than the first episode. I really hope it is or becomes canon, though, they are too cute!

Konata x Kagami, I love those two... I'd say it'd be strange to see Konata with a boyfriend, but Kagami? If anything she could be bi, maybe. Konata teases her so much that it might be hard for Kagami to tell how much Konata cares about her.
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