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Mar 14, 2020 1:58 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Of course it's good when a story has different types of characters, some which aren't always so agreeable or have different/strong values. I don't typically like the "justice" type of character either (I don't mind it in battle shounen though), but it's how Tanabe is portrayed in the first episode and this episode that makes her annoying. I actually like her in episode 2 when she was practicing and was calm the whole time. But I could not deal with her in this episode. She'd probably get fired in any other professional setting for the stuff she pulled. Just because she's young and learning, doesn't mean she has to act like a child. She can have those ideals and values and fight for justice, but not the way she's been pushing them into others' faces. Do we know how old she is? Someone said coming-of-age...but that's typically under 18. Not saying just because you're 18, you automatically feel like an adult.

Anyways, I do like the setting and the humor for the most part, I had no clue this was going to be comedic at all. Hopefully I'll just warm up to Tanabe and she'll become more tactful in her ways, otherwise this might be a difficult watch. While her actions did lead to daughter finding out that her father did love her and her mother, I have to disagree with her about what she wrongfully and without evidence concluded about how the father wouldn't want to be alone in death. Just because that's what you wouldn't want, doesn't mean everyone feels that way. I'm sure it's easier to have buried him on Earth, but he specifically asked in his will to have a space burial.
Apr 4, 2020 7:31 AM
Jul 2018
I wish this annoying cunt Tanabe dies alone in the most distant uninhabited place of the universe.
May 15, 2020 8:00 PM

Feb 2020
God damn Tanabe was fuckin annoying
OneofEvilMay 15, 2020 8:28 PM

Jun 29, 2020 4:31 PM

Jun 2010
There was some legitimate drama in the climax of the episode and Tanabe's outrageous fantasy about the corpse wishing to come back to earth is arguably dramatically useful in highlighting how Hachimaki's own interpretation of the dead man's wishes isn't any more solidly based and is just reflecting his own mentality and her straightforward rejection of the "noble loner" archetype requires some kind of answer.

Still, it was awfully heavy-handed and loud about getting there, which made it hard to tolerate. She really is annoying.

It's important to the premise that the space garbagemen are paid poorly but how can that be so when it's dangerous enough that they're required to update a will every year? Dirty and dangerous jobs are typically high-paying.
Dec 9, 2020 12:49 PM

Jul 2017
If there is one word I can use to describe Ai Tanabe as a character currently, it would be 'naive'. Idealistic could apply but the problem is that due to her strong sense of justice and expectations of what the world should be and not accept the fact of what the world actually is, she puts herself and others in danger, causes unnecessary trouble that could be nervewrecking to not only her fellow colleagues but even normal people's minds in danger. She is not a family member of Fadlan, the astronaut whose coffin and corpse was in space and died before the rule where space burials are banned. Her daughter knows her father well enough to acknowledge that he loved space so much so the right thing for the debris team to do is help bury him in space. Ai Tanabe doesn't have the right to argue or cause trouble to the astronaut's daughter with her own sense of justice and tries to speak like she is in Fadlan's shoes and how he would wish to be valued as a family member and be buried at Earth, but the truth is she isn't Fadlan and she doesn't know him characteristically. Fadlan's daughter and family knows whats better so its Tanabe's job to respect that and help instead of cause trouble because the world isn't as perfect as she wants/expects it to be. Life's a bitch, people sometimes don't have a lot to say to their family in wills and have different ways of expressing their gratitude too, whether its through a joke to humor or through an emotional letter or whatever else, everyone are different and don't act the same. Tanabe needs to understand that people handle situations differently and there's no set procedure that everyone has to follow when expressing their feelings in a letter to the people they care for (or maybe don't even care for, you don't know their backstory).

Ai Tanabe's established as an incredibly flawed character, Hachirouta too. The show may have them both be really annoying in different ways but the show also does that to show some progression and character development over time. Ai Tanabe's been in a comfortable shell and is just experiencing for the first few times, conflicts and issues that she never thought would arise exponentially like this. She is naive in the fact that she feels like everyone has to force emotions in letters to family since that's what they are, or everyone has to be buried on Earth since they're people and even if they want to be in space where they may love more, she disagrees there. The show will eventually have her adjust to moral conflicts and situations like these and help her grow up into being a more mature character once she spends enough time outside her naive shell. It's annoying now but at least I can see it as a starting point for her to understand the reality of how everyone isn't the same and have their own stories, good or bad, and be less forceful on her sense of justice and morality.
Feb 13, 2021 7:27 AM

Aug 2007
I, too, find Tanabe's nagging annoying. Still, the concept of uchuu gumi, space burials, space fights and space insurance agents are too intriguing for me to drop the series just because of one character.


On a mountain slope,
Solitary, uncompanioned,
Stands a cherry tree.

Except for you, lonely friend,
To others I am unknown.

Mar 31, 2021 4:21 AM

Mar 2020
Can't say I understand all the Tanabe hate, to be honest. She has her heart in the right place for the most part. It's only in conducting herself where she comes off as a little misguided.

That being said, the conflict of this episode was dumb. You'd have to be pretty invested in science to want to work in space, which is why the whole sentimental angle Tanabe took doesn't hold any weight. The coffin re-entering the earth's orbit was entirely a coincidence on the part of gravity.
May 29, 2021 8:06 AM
Oct 2016
Tanabe being the central point for these conflict's resolutions is so damn annoying. Setting up everything so conveniently and forcing her moralisms into the screen with no logical statements to sustent them is just pointless and lacks impact. She knows nothing, she just shots her talking all over the place but everything ends up working out, also this is not the proper way of showing, later on, how hypocritical or inconsequent she is, too unlikely.
Everything lines up too conveniently with the episode's thematic, it's so ugh...
Disappointed so far.
guijclMay 29, 2021 9:02 AM
Jun 6, 2021 9:02 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
I really like the anime characters except for Tanabe. This episode was so over the top on her constant nagging and shoving her morals on everyone around her, that I am dropping the series. I would just end up more annoyed with myself for watching any more episodes Tanabe did what very few villains have done..... she defeated me with her personality in 3 episodes.
Jul 2, 2021 2:52 PM

Dec 2014
The main character chick is annoying for sure but the rest of the characters are funny and interesting enough to keep me watching. Plus, I think the concept of creating a show around space debris is fascinating and brilliant. Wish they would concetrate more on that part tho at times lol. >.>
Jul 12, 2021 11:09 PM

Nov 2016
Three episodes of Tanabe in either subbed or dubbed is my limit. I'd love this show without her in it. Dropped.
Jul 15, 2021 4:34 PM

Sep 2017
Ya Tanabe is pretty annoying right now. Way to head strong and immature. She's obsessed with her own ideals and is constantly trying to force them on others. I hope we see some growth from her because in concept this is a very interesting show.
Nov 13, 2021 3:46 PM

Nov 2016
I'm on the fence with Tanabe. Ngl, it's hard to disagree with the vocal group that deems her attitude as annoying, but on the other hand it was pretty nice to see her pulling though with what she thought was the right thing to do. Takes guts to go against your supervisor and senpais.

Comedy was pretty nice this episode. The number of replies in this thread led me to believe that someone would die. That would've fitted with the theme of the episode as well. I was kinda anxious because of that xD

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 13, 2021 9:39 AM

Dec 2007
so 2028 is before space burial will be forbidden? that's not so far lol.

tanabe with "it's body came to earth was miracle" thingy gave me interstaller vibes lol.
Dec 30, 2021 9:53 AM
Nov 2020
What a great episode. Gave me goosebumps. Interaction between the 3 debre collectors with the dead body alongside that music was amazing.
May 20, 2022 9:16 AM

Jul 2020
Pewdie said:
what an annoying bitch

holy shit pewdiepie also commented in this thread? what a coincidence for me.

I hate the girl too haha
Dec 22, 2022 6:21 PM

Mar 2021
Man is this chick annoying. Enjoyed the insurance humour, and the music in this show is good, but I can't with this MC. Strongly considering dropping this.

User-Name said:
tanabe with "it's body came to earth was miracle" thingy gave me interstaller vibes lol.
Hey at least with Interstellar, all the "love" stuff could be believed due to timey wimey shennagans, and a 5d tesseract. In this though, all she has is that the coffin coincidentally came back.

XeroBeat said:
Can't say I understand all the Tanabe hate, to be honest. She has her heart in the right place for the most part. It's only in conducting herself where she comes off as a little misguided.
It's far worse than "a little misguided". Against the clear instructions in a dead man's will (which is echoed by the request of that man's daughter), she was going to yeet his corpse into the atmosphere, to either burn up anyway, or collide dangerously with something on Earth lol. It was absurdly self righteous.
Sep 8, 2023 8:54 PM
Aug 2023
Tanabe is garbage and a disgrace.

The dead astronaut's legal will stated his wishes to be shot out into interstellar space, not even his family can really legally challenge that. His next of kin daughter even agrees to uphold his wishes by sending his body to the moon to be relaunched into interstellar space, nobody can really legally challenge that either. But fucking Tanabe decides to have a tantrum WHILE ON THE PHONE CALL WITH THE DAUGHTER!?! You don't scream, argue, and have a tantrum with family members while they're discussing the death/remains of their love ones. It's super messed up all that unfolded in front of the daughter for her to see it.

What's worse, Tanabe didn't have authorization to do an EVA, disobey the captain, recklessly stole and handled the remains, and threaten to destroy it by throwing it towards earth if she didn't get her way. And the daughter saw it all! Fucking hell, it's beyond absurd that not only is she not fired, but she isn't in jail for criminal charges. Her actions are so reprehensible even if her superiors want to go easy and let her off the hook, they shouldn't in good conscious. The same with criminal charges, it can't be overlooked, else what is even the point of following safety regulations and protocols if somebody could act so recklessly over so little, and there's no consequences for such? How can her co-workers even trust her after that, or even feel safe around her? It's no longer about a rookie who's inexperience and might make mistakes, it's about somebody who is irresponsible, unreliable, untrustworthy, reckless, and dangerous!

Yeah, I get this is just an anime, but it's supposed to be highly rated, and grounded in hard science. Tanabe's actions and no consequences to her for them completely undermines both of that, and it's insulting to watch. I hate Tanabe so much after this episode, I don't think she can be redeemed to me now. She would have to suffer a lot, repeatedly, and change a lot before that happens. I don't think the show will do that since they let her get away with her shenanigans this episode.
Dec 26, 2023 8:48 PM
Jul 2017
interesting episode about morals and ethics after death in space, but it could have been handled better
Jan 12, 2024 6:40 PM
Oct 2020
At first I was like: “haha, this girl is so me. I would act like that if I was put on that dilemma fr fr”. But now I just found out everyone hated her beacuse of her attitude, even fricking Pewdiepie. Nah 💀
Mar 25, 2024 9:37 AM

Dec 2022
Not enjoying this anime much so far. The "drama" is inconsequential, mountain-out-of-a-molehill stuff that's blown out of proportion for no other reason than to pad out the episode, and the comedy is generic slapstick with a few designated joke characters to drive it. Tanabe is especially obnoxious; constantly breaching procedure (being lucky to not get fired by this point) and projecting her own mentality on other people. It's framing this as some endearing token of her strength of will, rather than a selfish rebellious tendency that has no place in a work environment, especially when it pertains to the wishes of other people.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Sep 11, 2024 3:14 PM

Jun 2020
Tanabe needs to learn that people can think differently than her and its not a bad think. Because she has a good relationship with her family doesn’t means everyone has. That she wants to buried in earth doesn’t means everyone wants. For now I think she did have pretty easy life on earth and did ha e people that just had her opinions around her. Now that she is in space working with people all around of world with different families lifes , worries etc. She needs to adapt to it and understand it.

I want to this anime shown her that being idealistic is okay but its doesn’t mean everything you think gonna happen
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