As of January 6th 2011 ~Important Notice:
I am posting this so that members will please have patience with me. I will get your cards to you but it may now be a few months- I have to have surgery in a few weeks and I expect that I'll be ill afterwards for some time (Please reefer to my profile above my layout for more info if your curious.)
Member Cards are here finally! I had planned on releasing them sooner but I had some personal problems, which are still effecting me.
I was hurt and some other things happened, anyway- I wanted to release them now, even though I may not be able to deliver them too quickly ^^;
It’ll likely be a month at least before I can start delivering cards.
I’m sorry about that. Please have patients, if anyone has Photoshop or GIMP and can work with layered file formats (That’s PSD. File format) I would welcome anyone offering to help me with making and giving them out. If not- then please have patients with me. I am doing my very best.
In any case- I made 15 cards. The rules are listed below for requesting- please read them all carefully.
Thank you and I hope you like the cards. Cards will be delivered via a link to my blog- I will send out an announcement on the club wall when the cards are posted there- if someone besides to help me at a later date, I’ll let you guys know by updating this- how they’ll be doing it.
Also, I’ll be sending mass messages (Whenever the MM system works again) to let members know when their cards are there waiting.
Admins and Creator can request your cards in the post set up directly below this one- Just edit it with what cards you want and how you want your name listed on it please- Also please note that the cards for admins and the creator will also state that you are either the creator or an admin… instead of Numbers- none of the cards will have numbers.
Mainly because the numbers system is hellish for me to get people to obey it properly.
Please see your card requesting rules below.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Link to the pick up Blog: >>CLICK: To Go To The Pick Up Blog Here<<
If you want a member card, then you can reply to thread in the format below:
Example- Username: Note:
You may post your user or nick name here- whichever you want, however make sure you do post it and that it’s exactly as you want it, I copy and past it and if any names not in the request post- that request will be ignored. Sorry if this sounds mean, but I have my reasons for that.
Template: A, B & C
~~~~*~~~~ Rules
--You can only request 3 cards. Ignore the people above you if they request more than 3, because they won't get more than 3-and they will get the first of the ones they ask for.
--You can request up to 7 cards.
-Club Creator:
-- You can have them all if you’d like them- As the card creator- I reserve the right to use them all as well if I wish.
-Do not reply to this thread unless you are requesting a card.
Further rules regarding this:
-If you did not receive your card- please first check that you requested a card(By coming to the thread and checking for your request).
-If you have a request listed already- wait until I get to your cards- I’ll post a message in the request posts as I make and post their cards so you’ll know where I am in making cards.
-If your request is marked off as having been delivered- then please check the pick up blog entry and if your card is not there then please contact me.
-If you did not have a request there yet then you can of course request one- but no double requests please.
-You will not be assigned a member number.
-Any questions or concerns should be posted on my profile or in a PM, and once again, not on this thread.
-Please host your member cards on your own account- I‘ll delete them from my account ater a month (At most).
Admins & Club Creator Please request in this post
Admins and Creator can request your cards in the post set up directly below this one- Just edit it with what cards you want and how you want your name listed on it please- Also please note that the cards for admins and the creator will also state that you are either the creator or an admin… instead of Numbers- none of the cards will have numbers.
Mainly because the numbers system is hellish for me to get people to obey it properly.
Please see your card requesting rules below.
The Templates to chose from are in the last spoiler in the main thread post~
Example- Username: Note:
You may post your user or nick name here- whichever you want, however make sure you do post it and that it’s exactly as you want it, I copy and past it and if any names not in the request post- that request will be ignored. Sorry if this sounds mean, but I have my reasons for that.
Template: A, B, C, D. E, F & G
Rules Important for Admins:
--You can request up to 7 cards.
-Club Creator:
-- You can have them all if you’d like them- As the card creator- I reserve the right to use them all as well if I wish.
-You will not be assigned a member number.
-Any questions or concerns should be posted on my profile or in a PM, and once again, not on this thread.
-Please host your member cards on your own account- I‘ll delete them from my account ater a month (At most).
Admins & Club Creator- Post your requests in this post by editing it with your requests Please.
Creator: Reminder: You may have them all if you want or less if you want ^^ Thanks again for letting me make them.
- Aireena-
Admins: Reminder: You can request up to 7 cards at most
- LittleStar-
Templates: A, G, H, J
Comments: Thank you :)
- ShoujoCrisis-
Any Additional admins that may or may not be created may also edit and request if at some time Aireena appoints any more admins.
Are we supposed to choose 2 or 3 templates?
--You can only request 3 cards. Ignore the people above you if they request more than 2, because they won't get more than 2-and they will get the first of the ones they ask for.
Edit from Windeen: 3, I typoed -_-; working on no sleep.
I'll fix that. Sorry.
''Friends are like Mornings, You may be sharing with them only a few hours of the day. But you know that they will always be there tomorrow, the next day... and the day after Forever'' :)