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Jun 19, 2010 10:16 AM

Jun 2010
lunch is served here and u can chill here too
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jun 24, 2010 12:27 AM
Jun 2010
this place should be close to the nurse i got a broking arm during lunch LUNCH just for well nothing

Jul 31, 2010 7:58 AM

May 2010
Sheridan arrives, with Nadeshiko in toe, he finds a table and sets his things down before heading to the counter to buy some food, looking at her he asks "Anything specific you'd like to try?"
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 1, 2010 9:18 PM
Jun 2010
*apperas *hi sheridan. *takes about one of everything* i'm hungray *sits down* *eats *

Aug 2, 2010 2:47 PM

May 2010
Sheridan quietly eats his bowl of egg fried rice with a side of carrots, peppers and pork. He smiles at Nadeshiko, and offers her a piece of pepper, it was softer than apple, so he hoped she would easily be able to eat it.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 2, 2010 3:32 PM

Jul 2008
"Ara, there's quite an overwhelming selection here, it seems," Nadeshiko comments. After wondering what to pick for a moment, she randomly chooses one from the menu. Hopefully this goes well.

She brings her tray with a still sizzling lunch-set style bulgogi. The contents sat atop a metal pan resting on a wooden slab. Sitting down, she looks rather in awe at the meal. She has never had a chance to have something that makes sizzling sounds to eat before.

Nadeshiko accepts the pepper with a polite, "Thank You," and says, "Please try some of mine too if you'd like."
Aug 2, 2010 3:53 PM

May 2010
Sheridan watches her reaction and can't help but smile. "Be careful, that sizzling means that it will burn you, and the metal is also hot" he takes the smallest piece "Thank you, much appreciated". He eats the meat, chewing it properly, and thoroughly enjoying the juices and the flavour.

After a while he swallows it, and returns to his hot rice.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 2, 2010 4:25 PM

Jul 2008
Nadeshiko smiles pleasantly and eats the piece of pepper that Sheridan had given her.
She watches the steam rise from her food, and blows at it to cool it down a bit before taking a bite.

When she puts it in her mouth, she realizes it's still too hot. She lets out a muffled yelp, and brings a hand up to cover her mouth.

Her eyes look pained, with tears gathering at the sides, and with red spreading through her cheeks. She breathes through her mouth, flicking the food inside her mouth using her tongue so that it didn't contact any one point for too long before being moved.
Aug 2, 2010 4:46 PM

May 2010
Sheridan gets up and goes to get a serviette, and a glass of water. he puts them down "I'm sorry, I led with a bad example, I don't feel heat as much as most others, if you have a feel of my body..." he holds out a finger, that changes into its normal form "You will feel that its about 10 degrees hotter than yours". He watches as she deals with it, repressing his laughter, the faintest giggle escapes his lips, followed by a guilty look
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 2, 2010 5:05 PM

Jul 2008
Nadeshiko calms down after the piece cools down in her mouth, and she finally chews and swallows. It was pretty surprising, that food would be served at such temperatures.

"I was careless," Nadeshiko says flatly, trying to hide her embarrassment, at least visually, as she notices a slight bit of amusement in Sheridan's expression. Her cheeks are still flushed as she says it though.

Nadeshiko wraps a pointer finger around the underside of Sheridan's extended finger, with her thumb pressed against the top as she checks the temperature. Sure enough, it is quite a bit warmer than she is used to.
Aug 2, 2010 5:19 PM

May 2010
"They also have this freezing cold dish called.... ice-cream... I've heard it tastes nice, but for me it is just too cold... they have a lot of funny ideas, and yet, they still experience boredom" he says, letting her mishap go, not mentioning it again.

He continues to eat his rice slowly, not wanting to let it go cold. Every so often he would eat a pepper, and slowly, but surely, his meal vanished.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 3, 2010 4:01 PM

Jul 2008
"I see," Nadeshiko replies, trying to imagine the dish Sheridan had described.

She eventually finishes her meal too. She finds that she had to blow at it lots to cool it down before putting it in her mouth, as she seemed to be very sensitive to hot foods.

She eats the last of the supplied rice, which had a kind of seed lightly sprinkled on top.
Aug 4, 2010 1:47 AM

May 2010
He smiles at her, he had spent most of his time watching her, and it was interesting, he'd done it himself, but watching it was interesting.

He looked around and smiled at Nadeshiko "Sorry for asking this... but what do you do for entertainment then?" He says cocking his head to the side, waiting for a response.
sheridanAug 6, 2010 11:43 AM
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 6, 2010 2:38 PM

Jul 2008
"Mmm?" Nadeshiko finishes her food and notices Sheridan staring straight at her, smiling.

"Is something the matter?" she asks, looking a bit worried. "W-Was I being messy?" she asks a bit nervously, and wipes her mouth with a paper napkin.

"Entertainment?" She says out loud. "Um, I don't really have any real set form of entertainment that I practice. I just usually keep myself occupied exploring and thinking about things. I would definitely like to try out the various forms of entertainment options available."
Aug 6, 2010 3:15 PM

May 2010
"No, you weren't messy at all, and even if you were... back home there was no such thing as messy" he thinks back to the feasts, and shudders, glad that no one could read his mind.

"I am also... inexperienced in that area, as my former form of... entertainment is what you would call... inhumane. So we are both clueless" He looks around, and notices Conan "Conan you've been around for a while... what is it that humans do for fun?!"
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 7, 2010 1:18 AM

Jul 2008
"Hmm, I see." Nadeshiko says to Sheridan as she places the paper napkin back on her tray. "May I ask the nature of this entertainment, if you don't mind?"

Her expression is serious, but calm. She tries to project an understanding sort of atmosphere.
Aug 7, 2010 2:50 AM

May 2010
"Well, I will seem a little... malevolent at such recollections. But if you wish to know; we youngsters would hunt the escapees, and when we caught them the usual people relinquished their claim and told us to have fun". He pauses, checking that he isn't scaring her, he then takes a breath and continues. "Many of the would cut them up then and there in the most painful way possible, laughing as they did so... I only ever got one... her name was Elena, I kept her for experiments, cutting certain muscles, or certain places to see the effect".

His eyes begin to gleam, the kindness being swallowed by the darkness. "I had her for a few years before I finished her misery". He looks again at Nadeshiko, the usual glimmer returning "I'm sorry, that was a little too much, I just thought that I had to tell someone, someone who wouldn't immediately consider me a... bakemono".
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 7, 2010 11:45 AM

Jul 2008
Nadeshiko remains calm throughout Sheridan's explanation and places her hand on her chin as she thinks about what he told her. It's interesting to hear such things being referred to as entertainment, but then it wasn't completely out of the ordinary either. Her previous observations throughout her life had shown her similar traits.

She nods slowly. "In my case, there is no denying that I am bakemono; my type is officially classified as one," she says, a bit unsure of why she just said it.

"My question is, what made you change?"
Aug 7, 2010 2:35 PM
Jun 2010
"well the humans i have met do lots of things for fun hitler had wars for fun (that was the worst person i met) they like i am doing eat watch tv go outside swim to much to list 1100 years of living makes you learn lot's about people if you go back to hell ask attlia the hun what he does for fun or hitler they also make out but i'm sure your not going to do that pizza cold" little fire ball hits pizza and warms it up "ah much better and the ice cream sheridan stick your finger in it it will melt and you can eat it" uses alchemy and some red vodka appears "ah bloody vodka it's been 3 months now that would explain my actions for the past while yes sheridan i drink blood too dragon's need it or we go quite crazy that explains my actions for the past while but bad fortune we dragons find elf blood quite a treat but that is hard to come by plus i can not murder students here we also find any myth creature blood good even are own " stabs knife in own hand blood drips into drink "human blood doesn't do much to us" picks up tray and throws it away "ifm you wish to fight me or something come to my clans place i'm always looking for company"

Aug 8, 2010 7:01 AM

May 2010
"An act of rebellion against myself, maybe, or because my dad suggested something like this... I'm not really sure, but it feels... right", He had never been fully comfortable with hurting and killing them, although he couldn't deny the allure of the screaming and the blood. "I came on a trip to Earth, my Father was making a deal with some man...Truman I think his name was... I came across a monk of sorts, and he showed me kindness, and it touched me...".

He becomes reminiscent for a while, before smiling at Nadeshiko, and taking a sip of his drink "Then why do you remain in that form? Humans have hunted you to extinction..." he asks Conan, without looking away from her.
sheridanAug 8, 2010 8:01 AM
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 8, 2010 12:44 PM
Jun 2010
"this is my matured form there is no other form i used to look like a human and dragon crossed but this is my true form well actully that is a lie we can go from our pre matured form to matured form at will this is my pre-mature form i look about 21 in my matured form"

Aug 9, 2010 1:45 AM

May 2010
He shrugs "That's... nice?" he says, uncertainly. So Conan was a dragon, but somehow that didn't change much. He relaxed a little and heads off to quickly get a slice of cake, returning through the chair's shadow, not caring how they'd react, the lunchroom was empty so it wouldn't make a difference.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 14, 2010 12:25 PM

Jul 2008
Nadeshiko hides her slightly disgruntled expression from view as Conan approaches. He seemed to give off an incredibly laid-back atmosphere, throwing around his abilities and flashy skills everywhere he goes. It all seems careless to her, actually it was more like he’s deliberately trying to attract attention. The incident with him before now seemed like an attempt to do just that.

Listening to their conversation, Nadeshiko pokes at the remaining kimchi that came with her meal as a side dish. The taste was far too strong for her to handle, and far too spicy.
Aug 14, 2010 4:06 PM

May 2010
Sheridan almost swivels around, attracted by her thoughts, he is unsure whether to speak on them, but discreetly nods at the first thought, something about the way Conan behaved seemed to lack... finesse, but he maintained the friendly smile to Conan as he turned back into his table. He silently offered his sandwiches to her, they were wholemeal slices with a light spread of butter, and a slice of cheese in between; which had been cut into two triangles.
"The taste from these are more subtle, and bread is fairly easy to chew, it isn't too hot, or too cold, though it occasionally gets stuck to our mouth, which then makes you look a little weird as you try and get it off. You usually eat the whole thing as one, although if you don't feel like chewing you can just pick it apart..."
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 14, 2010 7:15 PM

Jul 2008
Nadeshiko is relatively full from her meal, but the sandwich looks rather enticing. She had never seen a food item like this before, and Sheridan’s explanation makes it seem easy to eat.

She nods her head quietly, and reaches out for it hesitantly.
Aug 15, 2010 1:06 AM

May 2010
He hands both across, putting them in her hand(s) and smiling as best he can "Don't force it down yourself, they can be eaten at any time, and for at least one day it remains all right to eat" He took a sip of his drink, looking at how much he actually ate and is rather taken aback by his own piggishness.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 15, 2010 1:11 AM

Jul 2008
“Uh,” Nadeshiko says to Sheridan, “Are you sure you’d like to give me both? I feel a bit uneasy accepting so much from you without offering anything in exchange.”
Aug 15, 2010 1:18 AM

May 2010
He smiles at her "You're my friend, At least, that's how I see you. It'll all balance itself out by the end of our relationship. So yes, I would like you to have both". He begins to wonder if he was coming on too strong, and curses himself, without his expression changing even the slightest.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 15, 2010 1:31 AM

Jul 2008
“I see. Thank you.”

Nadeshiko carefully receives the two pieces with both hands as if they were some treasured item.

With a thoughtful, but relatively neutral expression on her face, she asks curiously, “Does one foresee the end of our relationship?”

In her experience, humans do not usually mention, or publicly consider the end of interactions with people, unless they are very clearly a means to an end. Perhaps it was a normal way of thinking for Sheridan’s kind, or just his unique point of view. Her own experiences as a spider had her mostly keeping to herself, except for collaborating with other web-spinning spiders for the purpose of web placement in prime locales.
Aug 15, 2010 1:36 AM

May 2010
"Not that I can see when it is going to end; but everything has an end, you usually lose contact with people after you lose the things which connect you; like the people at school.." he pauses, he was getting much too deep and philosophical for a lunchtime "The truth is...." he smiles "Humans don't tend to see it that way because it makes them feel depressed, and others take offense at it, so Nadeshiko, until whenever; let's have a good time" he looked up and made eye contact, using his complete smile.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 15, 2010 1:48 AM

Jul 2008
Nadeshiko looks up at Sheridan and catches his smile. The small red marks under her eyes make it seem like her cheeks are always blushing very lightly. Her cheeks are a light rosy color at the moment regardless. She can’t help but smile back warmly at Sheridan, and she nods gently understandingly.

Nadeshiko’s eyes move down towards the sandwiches in her hand. She really wants to try it. Taking one, arranging it in her hand so that one of the pointed corners is facing her mouth, she takes a small bite. She smiles again.
Aug 15, 2010 1:56 AM

May 2010
He nods encouragingly "I take it you liked that?" As she continues to eat he closes his eyes, and lets the thoughts from all the people overflow. It was something he had to do every so often, otherwise they would swarm him, and then the headaches would start. After a few moments he opens his eyes, looking refreshed.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 15, 2010 2:04 AM

Jul 2008
“Yes, very much so,” replies Nadeshiko. She is able to finish one, but not the other, and begins to wrap the remaining piece.

“Are you feeling tired?” She asks after noticing Sheridan relaxing with his eyes closed. “Perhaps we should head back?” She isn’t exactly sure where ‘back’ was though. Many places in the school area seem suitable for living.
Aug 15, 2010 2:11 AM

May 2010
"I was just sorting out everyone's thoughts... but yeah, let's head back, I'll show you where I'm crashing, it's a little on the wild side, but most of the animals are harmless. He stands up, then waits for her before casually walking off to the forest, trying to recall which tree he had refurbished. He holds the door for her as they leave the cafeteria.
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Aug 15, 2010 2:22 AM

Jul 2008
“Ah, I see.”

Nadeshiko gets up from her seat gently. All of her movements have a gentle unimposing feel to them. She follows along with quiet steps.
Aug 22, 2010 12:31 AM
Jun 2010
"hm whiskey cocktail boar chimera ya" walks out of caf

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