The ending felt rushed and there are so many things left unanswered, like who was the immortal girl who played chess with Apos? What was even their chess game about?
What about Rin's transformation at the end? Apparently she became the guardian, but what is a guardian? The whole existence of guardians bugs me. What is even the difference between an angel and a guardian except for angels only living for 2 weeks? Tajimamori was the previous guardian, but handed down the title to Apos, his son.
Tajimamori explained it as the current guardian "exchanging vows" with the divine bride and handing down the title. During their sex scene he further elaborates that the divine bride receives the "white blood" (can't be any more obvious than that lol) and gives birth to the next guardian. Question is, what happens to the previous guardian? What happens to the divine bride? Apos had to be born this way, meaning Tajimamori had a child with a divine bride, but she's obviously not around. There's also the pile of immortal women under a net that turns into the egg that the current guardian interacts with and the next guardian is born that way. How would Apos become the eternal guardian by offering Rin's time fruit to Yggdrasil? How is that any different from the procedure of the next guardian being born?
This whole Yggdrasil/guardian stuff is only explained bit by bit but these bits of information don't really come together to give a sensible and definitive answer, and glosses over stuff like what even are the abilities of guardians and what happens to "retired" guardians.
Then also another important question, Rin's child was born with a natural link to Yggdrasil, which means... what exactly? Rin said that will be passed onto the descendants and eventually the whole world would be connected to Yggdrasil. This one gets a pass tho because it's pretty much like just a way to leave things open ended and the "link to Yggdrasil" is an abstract thing I guess
Last but not least, Apos' motives. Yes, he wanted to be the eternal guardian, consume time fruits and turn the world upside down by turning all spores into time fruit which would destroy the world... then what? There's no time fruit to consume if there are no people left, there's no information for Yggdrasil to harvest. Even when Rin was inside(?) Yggdrasil, the voice said there's no immortality without mortality. I just don't understand his motives, you can't be god if there's no world.
Stuff like these could've been elaborated on further, I wonder if the author ever gave more explanation to how Yggdrasil works and what was Apos' endgame. Maybe greek mythology answers some questions about this. |