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Feb 21, 11:17 AM
May 2018
Reply to StallionXD
What is even the point of Luna and her simps being here bro, now that we know what happened before the petrification it just makes it even more clear that those characters are worthless lol

It's funny how they imply that anyone can just send an email to NASA containing some files and they will just go ahead and open them without a care in the world lmao

And Xeno is cringe, I mean, he is a good guy, gets his project rejected, becomes emo with a black coat and begins to hate humanity and wants to rule over it. That hilarious, reminds me of Tobey Maguire's Spiderman in his 3rd movie when he gets the symbiote and becomes emo exactly like that.
StallionXD said:
What is even the point of Luna and her simps being here bro, now that we know what happened before the petrification it just makes it even more clear that those characters are worthless lol

It's the Ginro-ification Effect whereby the Ginro bacteria is making allies by spreading his toxic character into the harmless anime. It's the ginrococcus bacteria's special move. Which means the anime's disease is "bloating the anime with useless characters". Don't underestimate bloating the anime with useless characters. It's a deadly disease that's corrupted hundreds of minutes of screentime. Yet sulfa drugs have nothing against the ginrococcus bacteria. We're losing! Dr. Stone is losing!

[The reference is the episode of Ruri's healing (S1E15). I think Ginro is the representative of all these unnecessary characters lol.]
Feb 21, 11:42 AM
May 2018
Reply to senku_13
@Nerdason yo brother how do u add images in comments??
@senku_13 To the right in the icons above the writing part in the reply section is an icon called "Insert an image". I think that's it.
Feb 21, 12:05 PM
May 2018
Reply to ToleratedToast6

the scientist of the week is xeno for discovering that the swallows still have brain waves, unless someone else discovered that

these are my thoughts from during the episode:

why is xeno okay with a child building rockets unsupervised?

xeno mentioned the stone world before people were turned to stone
is he the one who petrified everyone?

a long time ago senku mentioned that he went to africa, now they are finally expanding on that, even if its not much

when the anime eventually ends someone needs to do a video going through every crime senku comitted

shouldnt the kingdom of science just put luna in jail? isnt that the logical thing to do?

woah they were doing scientific studies on the petrified swallows
its possible xeno had access to this data and senku didnt
if so that would be info that gives xeno an advantage

woah they are expanding on senku making the love potion

oh ok so xenos crew were all high level people who knew each other before the petrification
that must be how so many of them stayed concious for 3700 years

im guessing not since xeno was talking about it right before the human petrification


a few episodes ago xeno made me wonder if it was a lot more common/natural than i thought for people to maintain conciousness
but i guess its easier than i thought, i thought you would have to be more insane like senku and taiju to pull it off, but i guess you just have to be insane to try doing it without being given a reason, but if you try most people can do it

one thing i wish the petrification kingdom saga did was show more of the perspective of the petrified people
we have mostly only seen senkus perspective

part of stanley's cigarette got petrified
how does that work?

why does it look like the moon is about to crash into earth?

does this imply that xeno and senku broke out of the petrification at the same time?

unless the petrification has some overpowered healing property even after being revived, stanley should not be smoking

i think senku didnt know any of the research that xeno knew about the swallows petrification

i was wondering if xeno could be senkus real father, but after this episode i guess its very unlikely
ToleratedToast6 said:
why is xeno okay with a child building rockets unsupervised?

I don't think the dude has much respect for the established authority lol. He'd be fine with a fellow scientist in the making doing such things. No weaklings in Xeno's kingdom, only mad scientists producing all kinds of bombs.
ToleratedToast6 said:
xeno mentioned the stone world before people were turned to stone
is he the one who petrified everyone?

I thinks this episode made sure that Why-man is not Xeno, but someone else. Also the petrification originated from South America. Moreover, the moon was shown while mentioning the petrification in this episode. In accordance with the Kingdom of Science's goals to get there. The petrificateur resides on the moon probably.
ToleratedToast6 said:
when the anime eventually ends someone needs to do a video going through every crime senku comitted

I doubt there're any. Guy goes out of his way to assure 0 casualties. Maybe the only thing that comes close to a crime is the fact that he brought the villagers to wars with others but the intent for the greater good justifies it quite well imo.
ToleratedToast6 said:
does this imply that xeno and senku broke out of the petrification at the same time?

If so, Xeno is really good at what he does. He built a Haber-Bosch plant and a huge corn farm and has a giant industrial castle. Though, he probably didn't have to fight for existence surrounded all around by enemies like Senku, but still quite impressive all that in such a short time with low manpower.
Feb 21, 2:42 PM
Dec 2023
Nice backstory with everything going on. Dr. Xeno isn't really in the wrong, but that's the reality he's faced with.
Feb 21, 3:55 PM
Jan 2018
The backgroung story for Xeno makes the characther make sense, since he probably got the funds for his project denied and because of that idealized the way of a dictator scientist and even with that he still had the will to share knowledge and teach science to Senku
Feb 21, 6:51 PM

Dec 2022

Probably one of my favorite episodes so far in the whole anime, hopefully that can be topped.
Feb 21, 7:28 PM
Oct 2017
Reply to StallionXD
What is even the point of Luna and her simps being here bro, now that we know what happened before the petrification it just makes it even more clear that those characters are worthless lol

It's funny how they imply that anyone can just send an email to NASA containing some files and they will just go ahead and open them without a care in the world lmao

And Xeno is cringe, I mean, he is a good guy, gets his project rejected, becomes emo with a black coat and begins to hate humanity and wants to rule over it. That hilarious, reminds me of Tobey Maguire's Spiderman in his 3rd movie when he gets the symbiote and becomes emo exactly like that.
StallionXD said:
It's funny how they imply that anyone can just send an email to NASA containing some files and they will just go ahead and open them without a care in the world lmao


also i remember some youtube video (maybe veritasium or hank green) where they talked about how scientists are eager to explain their research in full detail to those willing to learn and understand. maybe depending on who they're working with. NASA almost always is obliged to release public information about breakthroughs and research (IIRC), they're all about advancing scientific innovations for aeronautics or whatnot. xeno and senku sharing information is just one of the ideal scenarios of these communication
Feb 22, 1:29 AM

Sep 2020
definitely one of my favorite Dr. Stone episodes of all time!
Feb 22, 2:47 AM
Oct 2020
Reply to StallionXD
What is even the point of Luna and her simps being here bro, now that we know what happened before the petrification it just makes it even more clear that those characters are worthless lol

It's funny how they imply that anyone can just send an email to NASA containing some files and they will just go ahead and open them without a care in the world lmao

And Xeno is cringe, I mean, he is a good guy, gets his project rejected, becomes emo with a black coat and begins to hate humanity and wants to rule over it. That hilarious, reminds me of Tobey Maguire's Spiderman in his 3rd movie when he gets the symbiote and becomes emo exactly like that.
StallionXD said:
What is even the point of Luna and her simps being here bro, now that we know what happened before the petrification it just makes it even more clear that those characters are worthless lol

One of them will play a role in the story in later episode on this cour, for now they just haven't shown what they role was, all i can say is all of the character that were unpetrified is an expert in their own field, it just not in time to show it
Feb 22, 2:48 AM
Oct 2020
Reply to CrunchyCrobat
At the start of the episode it says senky age 10, but in his email he says he's 7 years old, is that a discrepancy in the story or did senku just lie ?

Besides that, 10/10 , perfect episode
@CrunchyCrobat Here is your answer:
Feb 22, 3:03 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
We got to see Senku and Xeno's backstory from when he was still trying to build a rocket. Xeno clearly has a resentment for his superiors considering how they rejected his proposal and for that matter his willingness to pursuit science goes on an authoritarian approach. For the contrary, Senku is in look for knowledge, revealing everything he can about the world even if that means learning stuff he doesn't need and it shows from the heavy science talk in this episode. Every analysis of each situation, every step taken towards the goal and the work and acknowledgement between science colleagues without the use of words, that really hit me and is one of the reasons why I hold this series in such a high pedestal. Elegant and exhilarating.

Also, the way Senku kept bullying Byakuya was pretty funny as well.
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Feb 22, 3:33 AM

Apr 2008
The shounenification of science is part of the show's charm, but it feels pretty goofy to be doing the whole power of a science user thing even when it's some contemporary NASA employees chatting. And the whole this isn't a dumb coincidence note at the end is so desperate. No, it is not reasonable that they knew each other this way. Come on. I'm not bothered it's happening in a silly show like this, but don't you dare pretend this is a logical outcome. Still fun.
Feb 22, 6:16 AM
May 2017
This was a lovely episode, but my favourite part is that Luna's thoughts were just:
for over 3000 years, on repeat. She's great
Feb 22, 6:54 AM

Feb 2021
Wow, both of them are a great scientist! Can't wait to see whether they are going to battle or collaborate :)
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Feb 22, 2:00 PM
Jul 2023
The US military knew.....

Chills, pure chills.
Feb 23, 6:57 AM
Jul 2024
Finally, a new insight in to the past.
Feb 23, 7:09 AM
Feb 2021
BEST episode of the season so far IMO, reminding me why i love this show, was awesome! :D
Feb 23, 5:51 PM

Mar 2013
There are a couple of scenes early on where you can see that Xeno's irises are still prominent, contrasting with how they are throughout the rest of the episode (and in the present day/Stone World) where they're hidden behind a sort of glaze. It's almost as if to imply that the rejection of his project was the last thing that fully caused him to become disillusioned with the world and instilled a desire to rule it with power (should the opportunity arise).
Feb 23, 9:56 PM
Jun 2020
Honestly was freaking awesome! loving this season and the one before it!
Feb 24, 3:57 AM

Feb 2016
Reply to Plopop
StallionXD said:
It's funny how they imply that anyone can just send an email to NASA containing some files and they will just go ahead and open them without a care in the world lmao


also i remember some youtube video (maybe veritasium or hank green) where they talked about how scientists are eager to explain their research in full detail to those willing to learn and understand. maybe depending on who they're working with. NASA almost always is obliged to release public information about breakthroughs and research (IIRC), they're all about advancing scientific innovations for aeronautics or whatnot. xeno and senku sharing information is just one of the ideal scenarios of these communication
@Plopop literal "uhh actually ☝️🤓" response lmao
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Feb 24, 4:33 AM

Apr 2018
Ok it was awesome to see the backstory of Senku and how he met Xeno for the first time when he was trying to build a rocket back then, and it's also very interesting to see the day they got petrified from the scientists' point of view in America, great episode.
Feb 24, 4:44 AM
Jan 2019
Fascinating episode
Feb 25, 4:50 PM

Jul 2016
7yo Senkuu (or 10yo Senkuu, idk) being able to understand chemistry and advanced engineering yet can't understand English to send an e-mail...

Also, please tell me Xeno was the only one who stayed awake for that long. I mean, the idea of keeping consciousness for 3000+ freaking years is already absurd enough so I would seriously hate to know people like Luna and her simps could accomplish such feat.

So-so episode. Suspension of disbelief was tested multiple times but at least it was nice to see best dad Byakuya again.
Feb 26, 1:44 AM

Apr 2016
Senkuu´s master think of the same way of our child!!!
Feb 26, 2:47 AM

Aug 2019
Senku was impressing nasa scientist at 7 years of age lol
Feb 26, 6:33 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to Snoowyy
@HagePotPotato Goddamn, i wonder what "comedic" scene do you love, you even judged how they portrayed NASA credit card, it isn't that serious, also basically all of your argument is "i don't care" lol who cares then, i am sure you didn't even watch the episode clearly with your eyes open, they literally explaining the brain waves wtf are you talking about. Also remember this isnt "Pure Science" show, this is still anme, if you want real science shit go watch documentary or other, dr stone has always been exaggerated of the science, and its for sake of plot and progression, do you want them to make something and take couple of episode??
@Snoowyy you'll be ok. buh bye
Feb 26, 10:45 PM

Dec 2013
It's interesting to know that Xeno was also researching the petrification before it happened. Considering that they would go public the next day, I wonder if the timing of the world wide petrification was a coincidence.

I am amazed that Luna and her simps managed to stay conscious with such stupid thoughts.
Feb 28, 1:36 AM
Oct 2020
Reply to HagePotPotato
@Snoowyy you'll be ok. buh bye
@HagePotPotato noone cares
Mar 3, 10:57 AM
Sep 2024
Nerdason said:
They both even look like brothers

true dat👍🏿
Mar 6, 9:37 AM
Nov 2022
Yeah but why so much lore? xd
Mar 7, 4:19 PM

Aug 2018
Well. I sure missed binge watching all of these Dr. Stone episodes. I won't be able to do that soon.

Anyways, this episode was interesting to better understand Dr. Xeno and Senku's backstory, although it was filled with inconsistencies.

First of all, the anime said Senku was 10 years old when he sent the e-mail, but in the e-mail itself Senku said he was 7 years old... Like, c'mon, how could they get that wrong?
Also, since when was Senku's dad working for NASA since he was 7/10? From what I remember (and I rewatched that episode not so long ago), Senku's dad only joined NASA quite some time after Senku tried to help him. That's why he only went to space right before the petrification process.
I suppose Dr. Xeno's plans have something to do with that project he made, that was rejected.
I liked to see that Dr. Xeno and Senku were able to finally meet in person, even for a short moment! I guess they'll end up having more time to bond later in the series. In fact, this episode they started the talk that Dr. Xeno was the right person to make a rocketship, so y'all know how this is turning out... Also, they made Dr. Xeno act like he was much older than the characters (like saying they will get Gen because they're still young), but he's only 10 years older than them. Like, he's in his late 20s.
Anyway, the anime seemed to indicate that Dr. Xeno and Senku woke up at the same time, but that doesn't make much sense, because why would he be so much more advanced than Senku then?

And I had completely forgotten that people needed to remain counscience throughout those whole years to be able to be revived, because they clearly dropped that idea fast in the anime (like, Tsukasa's sister couldn't really stay conscient).

Anyways, really curious how this whole thing is going to play out.
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