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May 16, 2010 4:27 PM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- I don't believe nobody is actually posting something about this movie since the english version is out but not really famous english fansubbed but still worth a go. I'm just finish this and waiting for 2nd movie. |
Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho |
Jul 16, 2010 10:50 AM
Feb 23, 2011 7:06 PM
^this. Also, was I the only one who was giggling in pure nostalgic glee at all of the Monsters of the Week that I recognized? |
Just my two cents. |
Apr 9, 2011 2:33 AM
Man, seeing all those little critters around a round table makes it seem like they are plotting something... something dastardly cute! Seeing all the Precure reminded me of like Power Rangers and that Red Ranger episode. The first Precure were still my favorite though, even if Cure Aqua has the best hair. |
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Jan 22, 2014 12:50 PM
Aside from Fresh Precures, didn't they already met in Precure All Stars GoGo Dream Live!? |
Feb 12, 2016 7:36 AM
Psajdak said: Aside from Fresh Precures, didn't they already met in Precure All Stars GoGo Dream Live!? I think that "movie" is non-canon. |
Jan 14, 2017 7:40 AM
Only started watching this franchise about 6 months ago but mad nostalgia watching this especially when the old cures appeared (even more so when Saki and Mai appeared considering Splash Star is my favorite season). Admittedly it was kinda slow at first and would have liked more normal interactions between the cures but otherwise it was a good movie. |
Oct 31, 2020 2:14 AM
I hate this movie so much, but it's also everything I like about Precure in a single film. I love that the film knew exactly what its purpose was, and executed it with very limited obstructions: 1. Give a quick, understandable plot to get all the Precures together 2. Provide a means to garner audience participation 3. Have a multitude of cross-series interactions and shoutouts 4. Big finale with everyone coming together and uniting against an absurdly powerful enemy 5. Happy ending with everyone having fun The animation was amazing for Precure, it far superseded the self-contained films from each of the individual shows. The fight choreography was all over the place and almost confusing, but I enjoyed how the Futari wa and Splash Star Precures seemingly got the most hand-to-hand action, up to and including punting a monster airplane in midair. The film skipped straight into the transformations, interactions, and fights, which I appreciate since trying to tie all the Precures' stories together probably would have been too much for a single film. The film seemingly was more of a celebration of the franchise up to its current point, and for that it did its job wonderfully. I did notice that a significant amount of time was devoted just to transformations and stock footage special attacks, though I do appreciate whenever the Precures could use their special attacks mid fight without having to cut away. The main gripe I had were the clashing art styles from all the transformations, as they clearly took from their original shows, proving a clear contrast between the older art and animation of Futari wa and Splash Star with the newer titles. These were more nitpicks than anything else though, and I get their purpose as fan service. But, yeah, I'm still mad, but I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it's because as a show with footholds in magical girl aesthetics and themes, super sentai spirit, and Dragon Ball Z action, I'm mad that I didn't have a chance to grow up with watching Precure on TV. Or maybe it's because of all the shows I've seen, it had to be Precure to understand its identity and live up to it. Why can Precure be so kickass while so many other shows I've seen have floundered trying to find themselves? That might be it actually. My problems with Precure are mostly superficial, as I understand I'm not the intended audience. However, the series kicks ass, and I'm mad that I can't say the same with so many other shows I've seen. ...actually, come to think of it, Kaoru and Michiru were absolutely in the audience at the very end, yet they didn't get any action whatsoever. Nevermind, this film is garbage, proceeding to drink my sorrows away. |
Apr 24, 2022 1:46 AM
The very first Pretty Cure All Star movie. Well, it was ok. Kinda basic plot with a generic villain. |
SerafosMay 27, 2024 11:42 PM
Jan 11, 2024 1:53 AM
Nice seeing them all interact and great theme as always. A bit sad that they copypasted so much of the final fight from the Dream Live thing. |
Dec 19, 2024 9:07 PM
I thought it was great. I was worried that the older Precures would just be barely more than background characters and it would focus on the current ones, but everybody played a prominent role. Action was non-stop and high quality. I really liked when Love and Nozomi met eachother at the start. Villain was pretty cool and felt like something from One Punch Man or something. |