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[ GRAPHIC DESIGN ] All guides, websites, resources, and Photoshop templates

Feb 18, 2023 10:50 AM

Feb 2010
Everything you need to start making graphics. Share yours when done!

You can post questions or requests here too. See forum stickies for all the ways to customize and improve MyAnimeList.

User PSD and XCF files

PSDs our community has uploaded! You can open these files and edit them in Photoshop or the free Photopea website. They are very similar. The XCF files need to be opened in GIMP. The videos in this thread go over using these aps and sites.

Full Resource Sticky:

Original Links

Syureria's files
original topic:

CuddlyKat's files

Visceras's files

Half_Bl00d's files

LunyRem's files

Shishio-kun's files

Here's a useful Natsumi PSD donated via Creative Corner by FacelessVixen:

Zenshiki's PSDs, cool lighting techniques here!

Backup Link (all files)

Updated full backup:

Free sites and aps for editing images and PSDs

Photopea (Photoshop alternative online, online image editor, works on all devices)
Best option for higher quality designs

EZ Gif (online GIF and image editor/converter)

Online Image Editor

Lunapic (online image editor)

Image Resizer

Waifu2x (upscaler and cleaner for your images)

Photoscissors (remove backgrounds)

Ap for editing images and PSDs

Sites for finding resources, images, and generating graphics

Full Resources Sticky:

Websites to upload images and other files to

Photoshop video tutorials

Make Profile graphics in Photoshop!
* learn to make graphics for your profile in Photoshop
* paste it on MAL
* give it separate links and buttons
* 20 bonus minutes of advanced tricks:
add Youtube players, GIFs, borders, and special effects

Make an anime collage!
* Use you own downloaded pics and characters!

Make Member Cards in Photoshop!
* Use any anime or game images
* Add fonts, special effects, and change colors
* In-depth help with making a variety of border styles

More Video Tutorials for Photoshop, GIMP, and animation

How to make a wallpaper

How to make a banner

How to make a signature and install it

11 Tips for Photoshop

Make Profile graphics in GIMP

Make wallpapers in GIMP

Make Banners in GIMP

Make Banners in GIMP

Make Animated GIFs from any video

Photopea tutorial

Photoshop Free and Easy! alternative text tutorials
These are a little behind the more recent video series, but should work fine.

How to make a wallpaper

How to make a banner

How to make a signature and install it

How to make your own profile pic or avatar

How to make your a member card from the start

How to make a member card with a PSD

Sites to upload images to
Imgur is best, but requires login to keep images long-term. Most other sites won't need a login. Use postimages or catbox for NSFW images.

Signature templates and PSDs

Check the resource sticky for PSDs of signatures

Some signature examples and templates

Profile templates and PSDs

Check the resource sticky for PSDs of profiles:

You can download/view the BBcode for them here. More about these like how I made them or how to convert them to BBcode with the video guides below.




More help!

More help with making sigs and BBcode can be found in these stickies.

Profile/Signature Sticky

All BBcode with more templates

Show off your latest design!

Shishio-kunSep 29, 2024 5:35 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
May 4, 2023 3:46 AM

Jul 2021
Hi! I am trying to make a profile graphic using photoshop. I have a render in perfect quality that I want to add to the canvas. Then, when I use free transform to make the render smaller on the canvas, it drops extremely in quality. I resized it to 40%. And on the screenshot here I zoomed in so that the difference in quality is easier to see. How can I keep the quality of the render high when making it smaller?

Also, on the canvas you can also see that the text is in extremely bad quality even though I used the text tool in photoshop. Shouldn´t the text show up in way better quality?

May 4, 2023 7:46 PM

Dec 2016
umeabased said:
Hi! I am trying to make a profile graphic using photoshop. I have a render in perfect quality that I want to add to the canvas. Then, when I use free transform to make the render smaller on the canvas, it drops extremely in quality. I resized it to 40%. And on the screenshot here I zoomed in so that the difference in quality is easier to see. How can I keep the quality of the render high when making it smaller?

Also, on the canvas you can also see that the text is in extremely bad quality even though I used the text tool in photoshop. Shouldn´t the text show up in way better quality?

When you scale a picture down, it naturally has fewer pixels to display and will lose quality. Pictures will always look that way when you zoom in more than 100%. If your canvas is the correct size for what you are going to use it for, this will not be an issue because the final result will be viewed at 100% size. Thus, you will be fine as long as they look good at 100% zoom or lower, provided you don't blow it up in size later. If you are going to need the image bigger later, then you should increase your image/canvas size.

The same goes for text, if you cram the text into only a few pixels and zoom in, it will get that crunchy look. The only way around this is to create a bigger image with more pixels. But this isn't viable if your end result can't display those extra pixels. For example, if you are using your image on the MyAnimeList forum and your image has to be 876px wide to fit the post, it's going to be 876 pixels whether you create it bigger or not. At that point your choice is simply whether you want to downscale the image in Photoshop, or let the browser downscale the image later on (which will generally look worse than Photoshop's downscaling).

What I am trying to say, is that asking for more quality without increasing pixel count is like asking to fit a litre bottle of soda into a 365ml can (I'm using Canadian units, sorry). There just isn't any room.
Valerio_LyndonMay 4, 2023 7:50 PM
May 5, 2023 10:13 AM

Jul 2021
Valerio_Lyndon said:
umeabased said:
Hi! I am trying to make a profile graphic using photoshop. I have a render in perfect quality that I want to add to the canvas. Then, when I use free transform to make the render smaller on the canvas, it drops extremely in quality. I resized it to 40%. And on the screenshot here I zoomed in so that the difference in quality is easier to see. How can I keep the quality of the render high when making it smaller?

Also, on the canvas you can also see that the text is in extremely bad quality even though I used the text tool in photoshop. Shouldn´t the text show up in way better quality?

When you scale a picture down, it naturally has fewer pixels to display and will lose quality. Pictures will always look that way when you zoom in more than 100%. If your canvas is the correct size for what you are going to use it for, this will not be an issue because the final result will be viewed at 100% size. Thus, you will be fine as long as they look good at 100% zoom or lower, provided you don't blow it up in size later. If you are going to need the image bigger later, then you should increase your image/canvas size.

The same goes for text, if you cram the text into only a few pixels and zoom in, it will get that crunchy look. The only way around this is to create a bigger image with more pixels. But this isn't viable if your end result can't display those extra pixels. For example, if you are using your image on the MyAnimeList forum and your image has to be 876px wide to fit the post, it's going to be 876 pixels whether you create it bigger or not. At that point your choice is simply whether you want to downscale the image in Photoshop, or let the browser downscale the image later on (which will generally look worse than Photoshop's downscaling).

What I am trying to say, is that asking for more quality without increasing pixel count is like asking to fit a litre bottle of soda into a 365ml can (I'm using Canadian units, sorry). There just isn't any room.

I´m European so your Canadian analogy was perfect! Though the more common can size here would be 375ml i guess

Anyway, thank you very much for your reply! Sounds like I can´t really do much about it then since the canvas was exactly 798px for the profile. I´ll just go with how it is.

Also, I use your list designs for my anime and manga lists, they are awesome!
May 17, 2023 1:04 AM

Nov 2019

When I duplicate a gif all but the first frame becomes hidden and it won't move.
If I want to fix that I have to go into each frame individually and hide the first frame and make the appropriate frame visible.
Is there a way to it without having to go through hide and unhide mess?

Here is the PSD file.

Someone help . . . I'm losing my mind over here . . . .

-Ryoto-May 17, 2023 5:48 PM
May 17, 2023 11:52 AM

Feb 2010
-Ryoto- said:

When I duplicate a gif all but the first frame becomes hidden and it won't move.
If I want to fix that I have to go into each frame individually and hide the first frame and make the appropriate frame visible.
Is there a way to it without having to go through hide and unhide mess?

Someone help . . . I'm losing my mind over here . . . .

You could link the GIF or PSD, editing GIFs is very difficult in PS

I would use JASC for basic to mid GIF editing, you can see the whole GIF there and delete the ones you want easily and resave the GIF without them :D
May 17, 2023 5:52 PM

Nov 2019

@Shishio-kun Oh, how do I use that tool?

Also, Here is the PSD file.

May 17, 2023 8:31 PM

Feb 2010
-Ryoto- said:

@Shishio-kun Oh, how do I use that tool?

Also, Here is the PSD file.

Drag the GIF into the ap, then delete any frames from it you dont want or use the Eraser tool to remove anything from a frame you don't like, video of it:

You might need to set the background to transparent through Animation -> Animation Properties (checkerboard background is the transparent one). To save the new GIF its File -> Save As. That Frame Properties lets you change the time of each frame, super useful! I will usually CTRL+A to select all the frames to apply the settings I want to all frames at once.
May 17, 2023 11:19 PM

Nov 2019
Shishio-kun said:
Drag the GIF into the ap, then delete any frames from it you dont want or use the Eraser tool to remove anything from a frame you don't like, video of it:

You might need to set the background to transparent through Animation -> Animation Properties (checkerboard background is the transparent one). To save the new GIF its File -> Save As. That Frame Properties lets you change the time of each frame, super useful! I will usually CTRL+A to select all the frames to apply the settings I want to all frames at once.

Alrighty, thank you~

May 18, 2023 4:55 PM

Feb 2010
-Ryoto- said:
Shishio-kun said:
Drag the GIF into the ap, then delete any frames from it you dont want or use the Eraser tool to remove anything from a frame you don't like, video of it:

You might need to set the background to transparent through Animation -> Animation Properties (checkerboard background is the transparent one). To save the new GIF its File -> Save As. That Frame Properties lets you change the time of each frame, super useful! I will usually CTRL+A to select all the frames to apply the settings I want to all frames at once.

Alrighty, thank you~

Looks like the video never went up, I've reuploaded it
May 19, 2023 6:45 AM

Nov 2019

@Shishio-kun The video is certainly helpful!

May 19, 2023 10:39 AM

Feb 2010
@-Ryoto- let me know if you can fix the GIF, if you cant share the GIF here but please give me very precise details of what to remove and I'll record myself removing the stuff :D
May 20, 2023 7:37 AM

Nov 2019

@Shishio-kun I can't figure it outttt

I'm sorry for being a big boomerrr

What I want to do is turn the colour of the pink hearts into a reddish brown. Here's the whole divider.

Previously, I had to turn blue hearts into creamy yellow and I did that by going frame by frame on all the hearts in Photoshop, which I got super tired of very quickly. Then I made this version, (the colour of the reddish brown I want is in this version), by going frame by frame again in the hopes of duplicating it or something but I can't figure out that either . . . .

May 20, 2023 2:20 PM

Feb 2010

OK this wasn't hard for me to do, since you recolored an entire portion of it already

It's really hard to explain how to do this easily and exactly in JASC, but:
1) drag both GIFs into JASC
2) copy the first frame of the divider animation and paste it before that first frame, do the same for the recolored GIF
3) turn the hearts in new first frame of the divider all red, also change the hearts in the new first frame of other GIF all blue (use paint bucket tool). These red and blue frames will be guides for overlaying later.
4) turn on Propagate Paste (this lets you paste an entire animation on top of another when you select all frames)
5) use CTRL A for select all then copy the entire recolored GIF (the one that starts with the blue frame)
6) use CTRL A on the divider to select all frames there, and paste the recolored GIF on top of the divider GIF. You can perfectly overlay the blue hearts on top of each pair of the red hearts, and repeat until the entire recolored GIF is overlayed over each part of the divider.
7) delete that first frame we used as a guide, then save the new GIF

Recorded it here if you want to see how its done.

At 1:15 I also used the Onionskin tool to see a preview of the overlay on the next frame, but this isn't necessary and doesn't help or hurt in this kinda thing
Shishio-kunMay 20, 2023 2:30 PM
May 20, 2023 5:47 PM

Nov 2019

@Shishio-kun Wow did you make that simple.

And thank you for making the divider and tutorial, both!

May 20, 2023 6:51 PM

Feb 2010
-Ryoto- said:

@Shishio-kun Wow did you make that simple.

And thank you for making the divider and tutorial, both!

You can use that paint bucket tool in Jasc to easily recolor anything within the GIF frames too- its more useful than Photoshop for GIFs in this one instance imo. I showed VL a couple of GIF editing things in case he wanted to edit a GIF he was using, that may become useful for you to edit your own GIFs since you have a lot of them and use them really well:
May 21, 2023 6:22 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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