All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 55.4
Mean Score:
- Watching20
- Completed254
- On-Hold30
- Dropped48
- Plan to Watch360
- Total Entries712
- Rewatched24
- Episodes3,448
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 26.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries210
- Reread0
- Chapters4,332
- Volumes179
All Comments (487) Comments
(I credited you in the spoiler on my profile... I probably should update the design of that as well, one of these days..)
Hope you're doing well these days!
I also apologize for not coming on MAL often but I've been in a lot of pain for the last few months, its actually the last two years on and off but this year has been really bad lol. And they won't prescribe pain relief and pills can't help my condition anyways, isn't that wonderful!? 😅
It's hard for me to get into a creative working state with this since it's constantly burning me out, I'm sure its something you can relate to, though I came up with many cool ideas. When things are better I will be sure get you a nice payment with restore requests, so it should be worth your time. I should probably just hire users a lot of maintenance tasks too so I can focus on content creation more when I'm feeling better, I also have to redo my little studio I had before for making videos (mic isn't set up or anything!)
Hope you're doing well now anyways :D
I also was planning to eventually ask if you would want to restore some of my old layouts for like a $100, since I think you could do it correctly. I have the codes still except for a random summer layout which I have the video of thankfully.
Hmm and maybe I should delegating tasks and responsibilities to user who want to make tutorial content, so things can get done faster. And also important editing and such. I know I can trust you and a couple others, but I'm paranoid af to give anyone else power because of behind the scenes incidents 😬 also I don't want to have "staff" I prefer it to all be volunteer based without pressure to do something, I think it's useful for creativity
Wishing you also all the best in 2024~