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Sep 5, 2022 6:49 AM
Nov 2021
Since season 2 has started I've seen a lot of hate for Kazuya and just the show in general and tbh i get it but a lot of things he's hated for are out of his control

1. Although it a problem and very annoying the show "resetting" after every episode does make sense kind of because of one person(/problem) Ruka. Since the first time she met Kazuya outside of a date she has pushed herself on Kazuya not accepting that he doesn't have feelings for her but for the main love interest for the show Chizuru. Instead she makes him (with the help of Chizuru) be her boyfriend even though he was very much against it

2. Kazuya has tried to "break up" with Chizuru on multiple occasions only for Chizuru & Ruka to stop him most recently in the newest episode.

3. I know the show is cringy and sometimes i can hardly handle it too. but that's the point it's a comedy show. It's supposed to be cringy. and also stop over exaggerating how much you either hate or cringe from this show. I know you don't want to "rip your ears out and sew them over your eyes" after watching 10 seconds of this show

rant over. i doubt anyone will read this or hear this out but idc it frustrates me. this season has been a solid 7/10 not a damn 6.51 there are way to many bandwagon hating on this show. i know it's far from perfect but don't rate this show because someone on twitter 1 year ago said they hated it

the manga fuckin sucks tho
Sep 5, 2022 7:03 AM
Aug 2020
I don't think comedy shows are supposed to be cringy, they're supposed to be funny. Anyone can find them cringy, but that's not the goal a comedy show wants to achieve, otherwise why would they call it 'comedy' ?
Sep 5, 2022 7:13 AM
Jun 2022
I've watched many rom coms animes with Dense/Clueless Protagonist and Kazuya is not the worst one. To me, he's the most idiot MC in a rom com. Instead of "Rent a Girlfriend" the title in my mind is "Kazuya's idiot adventures." But at least he's not as bad as Rito Yuki from To Love Ru. He super duper dense and acts all freaking out every time he gets close up to a woman. Kazuya freaks out too but at least he has the balls to take the initiative sometimes.
Sep 5, 2022 7:32 AM
Jun 2016
Yeah I honestly think most people who hate on the show are just jumping on the bandwagon and not actually paying attention to what’s going on.

Sure he got himself into this whole mess, but throughout the series he tries on numerous occasions to get out of it, only to recently be stopped by both Chizuru and Ruka. Plus, the situation itself becomes complicated to the point where it’s not as easy as them simply cutting things off with each other. While not intentionally, they’ve involved their whole friends and family in their lie, so it’s not just affecting them at this point. The anime, while we won’t get to it this season, is about to hit the best arc in the manga. The arc where characters actually develop and the plot progresses in a meaningful way.

But of course what follows is the infamous resort arc which would need an entire novel to explain every reason why that arc is so bad. In my opinion though, the most recent chapters have gotten the story back on its feet in a way. Should this series have ended like 50-100 chapters ago? Absolutely. Do I think it still has a chance to stick the landing? I’d say there’s about a 60% chance at this point.

But about Kazuya specifically. What I think a lot of people don’t take into account is that character growth does not have to be a linear progression. In fact, in reality, growth is oftentimes not a constant linear movement. People have their vices and people tend to occasionally fall back on whatever actions/behavior they’ve grown accustomed to or are more comfortable with because their mind may still register that as normal. Don’t get me wrong the boy is a hot mess of horny and cringe but I genuinely feel like there are enough moments where you can see that he knows he is/has been wrong and is genuinely trying to better himself (for the sake of argument I’m just ignoring the resort arc lol) and you know what? I think the show is genuinely better for it. At the very least Kazuya isn’t some bland cardboard cutout black haired protagonist who has the personality of white bread with every female in his vicinity falling over him. He’s a loser with a good heart and I personally think that makes for a far more interesting story.
Sep 5, 2022 7:32 AM
May 2022
Well then don't make the mistake of reading the manga. Believe me, I'd give all my savings to erase the shit out of my head.
I'm kinda used to almost throwing up every time I see Kazuya (same effect as seeing scat porn for the first time, every time) and Ruko gets waaay more insufferable (yes, it's possible, idk how Miyajima managed it but he did) and still I feel almost bad for her cause of Kazuya.

I swear, it isn't a comedy anymore. Guess the second season hasn't gotten to the worst stuff yet (haven't seen it yet, I'm planning to suffer through it all in one go). I gave the manga a chance until around ch40-50 but after that it was just pure hate reading. Like I say in my review of the manga, I've hoped for the longest time for Truck-kun to do its deed and isekai him to the worst world there is.

The way the manga is right now, it's just in an awkward standstill and I'm just waiting for Kazuya to f it up majorly again.
Sep 5, 2022 7:58 AM

May 2017
1. You're right, which is why Ruka sucks and I can't stand her.

2. He also gets many opportunities to come out but doesn't do it. He is a terrible protagonist because he does nothing to push the story forward and is a passenger in his own story. I swear, Chizuru's grandma pushed the story more by being on her deathbed than anything Kazuya ever done. Also Mami.

As proof, when she is about to die, the story is at its peak and it kinda gets good but ever since, without her LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS.

3. Comedy is subjective, but regardless if it's funny/cringey, its repetitive nature made lots of people sick of it, which is why s1 still has a decent rating, I guess.
Sep 5, 2022 9:27 AM
May 2016
I'm here to save theday.

1. It's resetting because that's how harem anime works, but that's not the point. Based on Kazuya's actions, he doesn't have feelings for Chizuru either. He actually treats everyone similarly, even Mami. And that's why Ruka is not a problem, she should be or could be the solution, because Kazuya needs a girlfriend and Ruka is willing to be that.

2. He only needs to break up, because he lied in the first place about her to everyone.

3. Cringy doesn't equal comedy. One Punch Man is a comedy show, but it's not cringy.
Sep 5, 2022 12:04 PM

Oct 2021
TheKingTaika said:
Since season 2 has started I've seen a lot of hate for Kazuya and just the show in general and tbh i get it but a lot of things he's hated for are out of his control

1. Although it a problem and very annoying the show "resetting" after every episode does make sense kind of because of one person(/problem) Ruka. Since the first time she met Kazuya outside of a date she has pushed herself on Kazuya not accepting that he doesn't have feelings for her but for the main love interest for the show Chizuru. Instead she makes him (with the help of Chizuru) be her boyfriend even though he was very much against it

2. Kazuya has tried to "break up" with Chizuru on multiple occasions only for Chizuru & Ruka to stop him most recently in the newest episode.

3. I know the show is cringy and sometimes i can hardly handle it too. but that's the point it's a comedy show. It's supposed to be cringy. and also stop over exaggerating how much you either hate or cringe from this show. I know you don't want to "rip your ears out and sew them over your eyes" after watching 10 seconds of this show

rant over. i doubt anyone will read this or hear this out but idc it frustrates me. this season has been a solid 7/10 not a damn 6.51 there are way to many bandwagon hating on this show. i know it's far from perfect but don't rate this show because someone on twitter 1 year ago said they hated it

the manga fuckin sucks tho

I kind of agree with what you said, tho I'm the opposite of your taste, I like the manga more than the anime lol.
But everyone has their own taste so I respect your opinion.
Sep 5, 2022 12:06 PM

Oct 2021
AlexPlayer said:
1. You're right, which is why Ruka sucks and I can't stand her.

2. He also gets many opportunities to come out but doesn't do it. He is a terrible protagonist because he does nothing to push the story forward and is a passenger in his own story. I swear, Chizuru's grandma pushed the story more by being on her deathbed than anything Kazuya ever done. Also Mami.

As proof, when she is about to die, the story is at its peak and it kinda gets good but ever since, without her LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS.

3. Comedy is subjective, but regardless if it's funny/cringey, its repetitive nature made lots of people sick of it, which is why s1 still has a decent rating, I guess.

how about you use the bbcode spoiler feature?
Sep 5, 2022 5:23 PM

Oct 2014
If MC starts dating Ruka, this anime will be better.
Still, even for a degenerate like me, this anime is average. 5/10 and I'm being generous because the girls are cute.
Sep 6, 2022 1:15 AM
Jul 2022
You're right. I think the same. The main problem is Ruka. And Kazuya is not really the worst.
Sep 7, 2022 12:11 PM
Mar 2021
people like kazuya will defend kazuya
Sep 7, 2022 1:08 PM

Jan 2021
Yeah, good think that you realized people hating on this season specifically are doing it bandwagoning, specially because a lot of complains I hear are from people talking about stuff that won't even happen if it gets to a 3rd season.

As for Kazuya, I would just say that he is simping on a girl that can't be in a stable relationship unless she leaves her stable job, I don't think it is sane to use that big amount of money for a girl you aren't even dating, so while I can see why he does the stuff he does he also do it stupidly, specially because she literally lives near to his house. I think he should just break with Ruka since he doesn't love her, but since Ruka won't let that happen she is part of the problem.
Sep 12, 2022 1:28 PM
Jul 2021
Completely agree, people hate this show without watching it. If you don’t like it or its too cringy then don’t watch it. But they keep watching…so what does that tell you lmao
Sep 12, 2022 4:59 PM

Mar 2010
I don't mind repeating myself. I just want for everyone to understand.

If a character or characters suck, BLAME THE PERSON WHO CREATED THEM.

If Rent-A-B#### is supposed to be a comedy, it fails at it. If it's supposed to be "romance," it fails even harder on that.

It's a bunch of redpills detailing how horrible life really is. Or atleast, through Reiji Miyajima's experience. And I guess I'm wrong since this crap is still popular. But a lot more people don't wanna see a story about guys failing to get anything worthwhile. We already have a mirror, thank you so very much.
Sep 12, 2022 5:50 PM
Feb 2015
Well i think Kazuya is a pretty real take of many people. Many people would be angry or even condemn Kazuya for not saying how he feels after so long but that's also because he's afraid of any potential change in his relationship with Chizuru. Many people in the world are afraid to change jobs despite not being treated properly at their job out of various concerns such as fear, family, bosses etc. Sure this is a relationship and not some real life commitment but it shows that some people rather stay stagnant over move on to the next step.
Besides if we're going to say that about Kazuya, the same can be said for Chizuru.
Sep 13, 2022 2:50 AM
Feb 2020
ixarising said:
Well i think Kazuya is a pretty real take of many people. Many people would be angry or even condemn Kazuya for not saying how he feels after so long but that's also because he's afraid of any potential change in his relationship with Chizuru. Many people in the world are afraid to change jobs despite not being treated properly at their job out of various concerns such as fear, family, bosses etc. Sure this is a relationship and not some real life commitment but it shows that some people rather stay stagnant over move on to the next step.
Besides if we're going to say that about Kazuya, the same can be said for Chizuru.

nah,kazuya just a trash badly written character that are written to be "bad" by the author even if it doesnt make sense,u want an example of what well written character that is a pathetic loser that got chara development who has fear/trauma etc? its hikigaya hachiman from oregairu,kazuya? is badly written chara for some pathetic weeb/otaku to self insert too,kazuya fear? fear what? he got a good family,a rich one too,good life,good friends,have NO PROBLEM SOCIALIZING,yeah kazuya HAVE FRIENDS AND GIRLFRIEND,but SOMEHOW he become pathetic disgusting loser simp with -100 IQ because the "plot" want him like that.
Sep 13, 2022 3:34 PM
Apr 2022
They are pretty terrible characters, and that's why the show is bad. Kazuya is just an east target. But I don't think the fact that they all share the blame for being in such stupid predicament some how absolve Kazuya's bad decision making either. Technically we can also just blame for mangaka for writing a trashy self-insert show, but if we really want to analyze each of the character individually, they are all really terrible and most of their motives make very little sense. It's just that people give a free pass for cute girls because cute girls, and because mainly dudes watch this shows.
Sep 14, 2022 3:03 AM
Feb 2015
zerokarasu said:
ixarising said:
Well i think Kazuya is a pretty real take of many people. Many people would be angry or even condemn Kazuya for not saying how he feels after so long but that's also because he's afraid of any potential change in his relationship with Chizuru. Many people in the world are afraid to change jobs despite not being treated properly at their job out of various concerns such as fear, family, bosses etc. Sure this is a relationship and not some real life commitment but it shows that some people rather stay stagnant over move on to the next step.
Besides if we're going to say that about Kazuya, the same can be said for Chizuru.

nah,kazuya just a trash badly written character that are written to be "bad" by the author even if it doesnt make sense,u want an example of what well written character that is a pathetic loser that got chara development who has fear/trauma etc? its hikigaya hachiman from oregairu,kazuya? is badly written chara for some pathetic weeb/otaku to self insert too,kazuya fear? fear what? he got a good family,a rich one too,good life,good friends,have NO PROBLEM SOCIALIZING,yeah kazuya HAVE FRIENDS AND GIRLFRIEND,but SOMEHOW he become pathetic disgusting loser simp with -100 IQ because the "plot" want him like that.

Who said anything about character development? I mean it's a relatively real take on people who knows their situation isn't favorable to them or others but isn't willing to take the next step out. There are many people sticking to a single job their entire life simply because they are worried that they can't fit in the new job/company. In that same sense, most of the characters in the series are people who aren't willing to take the next step to move on from their existing problem. It could simply be because their current situation isn't causing too much harm or issue to them yet, so they end up choosing to maintain the status quo.
ixarisingSep 14, 2022 3:06 AM
Sep 14, 2022 1:17 PM

Feb 2022
lemme tell you something, I don't really care about Kazuya being a simp, weak, wimp, lying manipulating bastard and a cringe-man, from what I see, that's not the main problem of his character (I've seen worse), the main problem of his character FOR ME is his fetish about NTR (because I hate NTR), now I know people who likes NTR, generally, they view them as the netori, the so called "alpha", the one who do the stealing, but in Kazuya's case, he always views it as the "beta", the loser, the cuck and he gets turned on by that, come on dude, you're sick if you want the girlfriend that you've worked hard to get, be banging around some other dudes.

I give credit though to the guy who says that character development is not linear, it makes sense, it was one of my reasons why I hate the manga, but after reading that, I realize it's a good reason, so Imma cross out the character development in my list on why I hated manga. So, if you're curious here is the list on why I hate the manga 1. pacing/story progression 2. all except sumi, chara's base personality are trash, yes even chizuru and the two grandmother, chara dev should've solve this problem but 3. the chara dev is also trash, 4. repetitive formula, 5. too many redundant panels/scenes, you can really tell that reiji is just milking the series because it is popular.

Sorry if it became a rant in the end.
My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo Okarishimasu (Rent a GF)

[IMG align=left]
Sep 15, 2022 7:12 PM

Feb 2019
The reason ppl hate Kazuya is not the pacing that's a whole separate issue its bc he is just an annoying character to watch due to his poor decision making, excessive horny, and pure talent in finding the worst possible course of action in any given scenario lol

Also I defend ruka chisuru is way too bland litterally every other girl is better than her if you want the vanilla love story of the common loser and his inoffensively vanilla on purpose to appeal to more of the fanbase gf then there's 200 other shows for that
Sep 15, 2022 7:14 PM

Aug 2020
Yes, I too love taking any agency away from Kuzuya to excuse his bad personality.

Its the wahmen's fault.
Keep scrolling
Sep 16, 2022 4:51 PM
Mar 2018
I'm just here for the comedy at this point and gave up on kazuya and I really want to see the infamous scene get adapted
Sep 17, 2022 6:08 AM

Jan 2014
Honestly. I feel like the hate and dislike on him, is way over pushed. Some even hating for the sake of it, as if they're joining the crowd, without having a real rime, or reason to actually hate him. Yes, he's a cringy mess at times. Or a lot of the time. He's become a bit of a scapegoat sadly. Every choice he makes, every direction he goes, even if development is staring at them in the face, they'll blindly go against it, cause they can't go past that, and label him a bad MC, or cringe. I'd argue S1 he was worse for this, but season two, he impvoed, just people will focus on the incidents that he's being to how they see him, than actually paying attention to his development. Sure, still needs a lot of work, but yeah.
Sep 17, 2022 7:17 AM

Dec 2012
Cringe is not equal to comedy
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Sep 17, 2022 8:33 AM
Oct 2019
you know the real reason why it suck? because the author wrote it that way...
Sep 17, 2022 8:34 AM
Oct 2019
Hectotane said:
I don't mind repeating myself. I just want for everyone to understand.

If a character or characters suck, BLAME THE PERSON WHO CREATED THEM.

If Rent-A-B#### is supposed to be a comedy, it fails at it. If it's supposed to be "romance," it fails even harder on that.

It's a bunch of redpills detailing how horrible life really is. Or atleast, through Reiji Miyajima's experience. And I guess I'm wrong since this crap is still popular. But a lot more people don't wanna see a story about guys failing to get anything worthwhile. We already have a mirror, thank you so very much.

This "If a character or characters suck, BLAME THE PERSON WHO CREATED THEM" absolutely agree.
Sep 22, 2022 6:17 AM

Jul 2021
To be Honest yeah I agree to most people this anime is cringe BUT maybe that's the point of this anime. Like you know the movies Jackass, in that movie people doing stupid and cringe things for laughts and entertainment. and I think Rent a Girlfriend is the same and in that point its really Entertaining! 8/10 for me.

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