I think that some of the folks earlier in the thread topic talking about how it just isn't properly understood by enough people are kidding themselves and sorely mistaken as to why a substantial number of people actually dislike it (whether dislike the series as a whole or at least dislike many aspects of it).
It's very simple:
1.) The dialogue and details of the plot as written were far too shallow and bare bones as a treatment for the loftiness of the subject matter the show attempted to tackle.
2.) Ai Magase isn't even remotely explained as a villain. Her powers just work "because" or by some completely unexplained, unexplored, basically unmentioned supernatural device in a series which otherwise shows itself to be grounded in reality. It's so poorly handled that it becomes actively distracting to the plot as it just outright makes zero sense in a manner which is ever at all explained in any way.
I rated this series as a 5/10, but believe me, I didn't go into it wanting to dislike and reject the majority of what it offered -Why would I? Why would I waste my time and energy on any series I expected that from? On the contrary, I enthusiastically wanted so much to love this. Thriller is my favorite genre and there aren't enough thriller anime series as it is. Satsuki Yukino is one of, if not my very top favorite among all voice actresses (she was still great as Magase, as per usual). The art direction in the first three episodes alone was scrumptious. The premise? Bold, exciting, thought-provoking.
But it was seemingly badly, quickly, and cheaply written, and came off very strongly to that effect in its second half. I am usually the first person to loudly and vehemently disagree with the people wanting to castigate every series left, right, and center for wanting and daring to be different, thoughtful, exploratory, and inquisitive of some off-the-beaten trail territory and topics. "Pretentious" is in my view the most devalued, hollow, and overused word of criticism out there today. 99 out of 100 series which people obnoxiously and mindlessly proclaim as being pretentious for simply being something they didn't like, didn't understand, didn't agree with the real or perceived ideological message of, and/or didn't want or care to understand are not that and it's unfounded. This is one of the very seldom instances I feel people levying the dreaded "P" word would actually be fitting and correct usage.
Because the nature of the subjects covered and the gravity which they were so clearly supposed to have far exceeded the capability of the series to do anything meaningful with them and integrate them into the plot successfully. The dialogue was just very basic, "safe". and uninspired. And disappointing in that this is the exact type of anime which if it spurred me to think or feel something remarkable then it would automatically bag a several points higher rating just on that merit alone, but it didn't, because messaging and execution fell flat somewhere along the line. I imagine why the cumulative rating is low is because enough people felt similarly.
Still, there were obviously enough aspects about it I appreciated until the end enough to finish it rather than drop it. And even then, it's not the worst or my least favorite series I've completed; not even close. I'd rather rewatch this over something like Terra Formars any day...
Some of my personal favorite and top rated series are also divisive and delve into the psychological and philosophical - I'm thinking of something like Ergo Proxy. And that divisiveness very obviously gets reflected in the numerical rating. But when it reaches a critical mass of people in the dislike/hatred/opposition camp then it can really start to plummet the rating into the 6s, 5s, or below, which is what we've seen with Babylon. Some of the other series I love are divisive in that there are many people who absolutely detest them, but there are also a sizable number of people who love, vocally champion, and rate them highly. Hence, divided audience. I don't think Babylon has enough of the latter (passionate supporters).