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Apr 26, 2021 1:19 PM
Nov 2020
I recently finished season 1-3 of Higurashi within 3 or 4 months and this series ended up being my favorite because of Satoko and the witches being the main characters. I was wondering why older fans of the series didn't enjoy Gou
Apr 26, 2021 2:47 PM
Mar 2021
No idea! I guess I doesn’t have the same feel that the original did! But GOU still is a 9/10 for me
Apr 26, 2021 5:34 PM

Oct 2020
I actually really liked gou, while I do think it's the weakest season, I still enjoyed it a ton.
Apr 26, 2021 11:37 PM
Apr 2020
i agree for the most part, i dont like how gou was executed but as a new season it was really good. I didnt like how it confused people into thinking this was a remake when literally any person who has seen the original would say its a sequel to kai, but overall i enjoyed it. i can think of a few problems like the fact that satoko’s motives are very strange and her actions are a bit extreme for the problems she has, but as a villain she’s pretty good and i cant wait to see what sotsu has in store
Apr 27, 2021 1:02 PM

Oct 2014
Why the Hate you ask?
Well... Why to love?

There's plenty of posts from many people writing out their opinions, most and biggest points will be found there (If you're really interested).

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Apr 27, 2021 1:04 PM

Jan 2020
Because it's inferior to studio deen's iconic higurashi

Apr 27, 2021 1:09 PM

Jun 2015
I have no idea why Higurashi fans praise the og deen series, as it was a horrible adaptation of the visual novel. It's absolutely great as a standalone series, but it's not even a good adaptation in my opinion. Gou felt a lot more like the visual novel, while still having its own vibe, so I like it.

Gou had occasional directional issues, but the writing and script itself are fine
Apr 27, 2021 1:30 PM
Apr 2021
KamisamaArigatou said:
I have no idea why Higurashi fans praise the og deen series, as it was a horrible adaptation of the visual novel. It's absolutely great as a standalone series, but it's not even a good adaptation in my opinion. Gou felt a lot more like the visual novel, while still having its own vibe, so I like it.

Gou had occasional directional issues, but the writing and script itself are fine

I'd say, overall script is intersting, but writing and realization is awful. In the anime-version, that is. Gou manga is superior in all ways.
Not to mention, that Higurashi wasn't in much need of sequel, especially the one that reduce everything that was in the original to zero, as well as make original worthless. "You can't trust your friends, and you SHOULDN'T try to break free from your fate. For you shall be punished byt the god(some very strange being, that only known to fans who read or played Umineko), for your tries." - is what Gou says(at least for now).
Also, both Satoko and Rika reduced to stupid brats, AFTER Matsuribayashi arc(can you believe that both of them will act THAT bitchy?).
It would've been better if they remake(or continue at least) Umineko anime. But no, we should completely butcher the original, and ESPECIALLY promote Gou as a reboot, while it's a sequel, for it shall give us more views(moneys).
I'd say most of this hate is well deserved. Promotion, making well-established characters a full opposite of themselves, turn Rena and Mion into secondary characters, completely remove Satoshi(even Satoko doesn't care about him, lmao. What a stupid writing), make Shion some background character. Also artstyle was very off sometime. Atmosphere isn't there, because characters doesn't have emotions most of the time(as opposed to Deen's version), or because something happens in DAYTIME(yes, the stairs scene. You should check manga and compare it to anime-version in terms of tension and atmosphere. Mangaka definitely did his job ten times better).
A lot of plotholes(especially in last episodes) and stupidity...
Yeah, definitely better than Deen's version and closer to the original. Whatever you say.
Gou could be good(and manga IS good), but the studio intentionally make it B-grade splatter movie(Kawaguchi stated it himself in an interview), and spoiled A LOT of the original for people that was new to WTC because of lie-based PR.

Also, does people that says "Deen's version is a horrible adaptation" watched only first season, and never touched the second season and OVAs(at least Rei)?
Like seriously, Deen's ending of Matsuribayashi better than VN\manga one(more realistic, I'd say. No time-stopping and bullet-moving stuff), and all because Ryukishi was involved and fixed it(or changed it, to make it more acceptable), just as he did with Umineko manga btw.
Not saying that it's better than VN\manga overall, but the ending is surely better, imo.
Deen's version is NOT perfect, but it's way better than Gou(because Deen's version is an adaptation of the VN duh)
Apr 28, 2021 2:45 PM

Oct 2014
KamisamaArigatou said:
I have no idea why Higurashi fans praise the og deen series, as it was a horrible adaptation of the visual novel. It's absolutely great as a standalone series, but it's not even a good adaptation in my opinion.
If you acknowledge that it's a great standalone show. Why you think fans wouldn't appreciate it?
Even if in some opinions it would be a horrible adaptation, if it's a great standalone, it doesn't make it a bad show.

Gou felt a lot more like the visual novel, while still having its own vibe, so I like it.
By visual novel, you mean the OG VNs and not just a VN by concept?
How? First half was pretty much 1:1 of what Deen did. And the latter half.. I have no idea how it would feel more like the VNs.

Gou had occasional directional issues, but the writing and script itself are fine
Gou had occasional direction successes* is more proper way to say that.
What comes to the writing and script, I dunno, it's definitely rotten somewhere.
The Manga is in everyway better written, so I dunno what made GOU such a trainwreck.
Sure behind the stage, you can see a good enough skeleton of a proper story, but that doesn't justify saying the writing and script were good, when the Manga does it so much better.

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Apr 29, 2021 9:23 AM

Jul 2020
Satoko is a childish psychopath and she bothered me so much, i almost dropped the anime when she start to being the protagonist. Her actions were hard to understand, it's almost like she wasn't a human, and that ended up lowering the overall score in the end, because I really enjoyed the anime until i started the useless school arc.
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Apr 29, 2021 9:25 AM

Aug 2018
I don't understand, Higurashi is one of my favorite horror mystery anime all the time and Gou was excellent in my opinion, why the hate :/
Apr 29, 2021 1:37 PM

Jul 2016
google_mapz said:
I recently finished season 1-3 of Higurashi within 3 or 4 months and this series ended up being my favorite because of Satoko and the witches being the main characters. I was wondering why older fans of the series didn't enjoy Gou

I'm an older fan of the series, and I enjoyed Gou a lot, even more than the OG in fact. It's an amazingly well-written, character-driven mystery with a terrifying portrayal of the fragility of friendships and a proper expansion of the OG characters we know and love - as all sequels should.

That said, from talking to a bunch of people on these forums (both the good-faith and toxic kind) and seeing one particular statistic, the hate for the series from what I understand boils down to:

1) A bunch of people understandably being confused in terms of what's happening in the story because the majority of MAL viewers have not watched the OG higurashi according to an October poll
2) Old higurashi fans who mostly watch anime for the story being turned off by the story-irrelevant mystery game of Gou's first half
3) People who miss the "warped-reality" horror element of the OG higurashi
4) People who think the OG higurashi didn't need a sequel
5) People who don't like Gou's artstyle
6) People who're turned off by some of the minor visual details throughout the series, like the unseen physics behind Satoko's traps
7) People who dislike Satoko because she's the villain and/or they took the "Satoko doesn't want to study" meme too literally
8) People who are simply here for internet points and personal validation

I think it's a mixed bag of reasonable and unreasonable takes. Some involve comments that imo completely miss the point and/or have malicious intent behind them, but others simply boil down to different tastes in art direction and how a mystery story is handled.
Apr 30, 2021 5:29 PM
May 2015
KamisamaArigatou said:
I have no idea why Higurashi fans praise the og deen series, as it was a horrible adaptation of the visual novel. It's absolutely great as a standalone series, but it's not even a good adaptation in my opinion. Gou felt a lot more like the visual novel, while still having its own vibe, so I like it.

Gou had occasional directional issues, but the writing and script itself are fine

It's absolutely great as a standalone series

You just answered your own question lmao...More than half of the people who watched the OG Higurashi have probably never read the VN in their life. As someone who's never played the VN, I thought Deen (this is coming from someone who doesn't like Deen's anime, in general) did a great job with the anime and the anime alone were enough for me to understand almost everything that was going on in series.

Sure, if I read the VN, I'll probably notice parts of the story that they decided to skip but as an anime-only, I'm sure they weren't that important if I still understood the damn series.

May 1, 2021 10:00 AM
May 2021
Not sure why people ask about "why the hate" when they don't usually care either way. If you love it, you love it. If you hate it, you hate it. People who loved Gou specifically have been very rabid about defending it across every website. I'd more wonder this: If it's such a great show then why would it need so much defending in the first place? There is a lot that rubbed people the wrong way for good reason, both old and new fans.

Not to repeat what is already said but I agree it's mostly fine as a standalone show. It'd be amazing if it was a brand new original series as it doesn't need to make use of Higurashi characters if it's just going to take them so far out of character in order to make it work.

Satoko went from protect precious child, to burn it with fire. Rika looks more pathetic than ever (she's literally crying like a baby during scenes when she previously looked more angry and heroic in both the anime/manga.) Keichii is a hopeless hero left out of the loop, Rena is a pawn, Mion is a pawn, Shion and Satoshi who? Takano and Teppei look infinitely more redeemable now than poor Satoko who is now a cliche yandere idiot. Satoko was told by Eua TO HER FACE that there would be consequences but she ignored it just to make Gou work.

It's not that people misunderstood what happened. A lot of people understood exactly what happened and what's going to happen next. There are only so many things that could happen in Sotsu and quite honestly it just feels like Gou we all may have well just skipped it... You'd be better off waiting for Sotsu to release fully then skip through it. The first half was literally a fake-out remake that was a waste of time.

Gou outright acts as if everything beforehand doesn't even matter at all. So if everything beforehand doesn't matter then why bother with the original anymore? The rules are changed, the goals are changed, the only thing that matters is the outcome. Once again this works only as a standalone and may as well not even be part of the series.
May 4, 2021 10:25 PM

Jul 2016
ViktorLocke said:

In addition, Satoko's character is absolutely ruined and stupid. Yes, like the rest of the cast, Satoko is not the most mentally stable. But given her background, there's no way she should do something as insane as trap Rika in countless loops to manipulate her into staying in Hinamizawa, kill people constantly, all because Satoko is too lazy to study in Rika's school, or is too unwilling to just stay and wait in Hinamiazwa for Rika to finish graduating. I mean, the whole conflict of this new Higurashi anime, originates from a little girl too lazy to study; it's pathetic.

I hard-disagree; this is what I meant by certain people taking the Satoko-doesn't-want-to-study meme too literally. Studying has basically NOTHING to do with the conflict; the tragedy originates from harmless pride, strong determination, close friendship, and a wholesome rivalry dynamic turning into an unstable inferiority complex, a win-at-all-costs mentality, feelings of betrayal, and a messed-up supernatural game of chess with people as the chess pieces.

Gou imo exceeds the original writing-wise because it's not only consistent with the old characters; it's a realistic portrayal of how people in general change, both for the good and bad.
May 5, 2021 10:32 AM

Jul 2016
ViktorLocke said:
Rinkusan said:

I hard-disagree; this is what I meant by certain people taking the Satoko-doesn't-want-to-study meme too literally. Studying has basically NOTHING to do with the conflict; the tragedy originates from harmless pride, strong determination, close friendship, and a wholesome rivalry dynamic turning into an unstable inferiority complex, a win-at-all-costs mentality, feelings of betrayal, and a messed-up supernatural game of chess with people as the chess pieces.

Gou imo exceeds the original writing-wise because it's not only consistent with the old characters; it's a realistic portrayal of how people in general change, both for the good and bad.

Nothing to do with the conflict? Even though it's explicitly stated multiple times Satoko hates studying, and the only way she can get stay in Rika's school is to study?

Okay, I can buy the inferiority complex, the feeling of betrayal certainly due to the misunderstanding, but her whole schtick being spending years in loops, torturing people, torturing the girl whose her family? How does make any sense? Yes, Satoko is mentally unstable, but in the sense she comes from an abusive background; NOT in the sense she is an insane maniacal sociopath who wants to torture people.

I don't understand why you believe Gou is better than the original: you could skip half of Gou, and not miss anything, unlike the original series.

I agree; it is explicitly stated that Satoko hates studying. However, it's NOT explicitly stated or even implied that the hate for studying is the reason why Satoko is doing what she's doing; the fact that she went through studying for Rika's sake and how she opened up to Rika before being betrayed for the second time should clarify that. Let me elaborate on my previous reply:
- "harmless pride" = the triumphant self-confidence that we see in her character, especially during the club games, even in the OG
- "strong determination" = never giving up and doing whatever it takes to come out victorious. This philosophy is what the whole club runs by (as seen in Mion's comments in the OG's game tournament scene), and it's the root of Satoko's motivation for cheating
- "close friendship" = Satoko's closeness with Rika above everyone else
- "wholesome rivalry dynamic" = the competitive spirit among the club members that's been there since the OG and was emphasized to death both in the first episode of Gou and the beginning of Satokowashi-hen after Mion moves to another school.

All of these positive aspects of Satoko's connections to other people were warped into:
- "unstable inferiority complex" = the damaged pride not only from not being able to stay on Rika's level anymore, but being looked down on by the snotty girls at her school just for being herself
- "win-at-all-costs mentality" = Satoko's obsession with winning this game of fate and "taking back" Rika and Hinamizawa at all costs (just like the club's philosophy), but without caring much about the collateral damage
- "feelings of betrayal" = Believing Rika ratted her out in the first loop; guilt-tripping her to come back to St. Lucia in the beginning of the second loop; being put below Rika's level by Rika herself at the end of the second loop; and being caught between a rock and a hard place in the third loop when Rika refused to let go of Satoko before Satoko commits suicide by truck
- I think the last one is self-explanatory

I hope the above explains her motivation for "torturing the girl who's her family", along with the fact that there was a scene where Satoko talks about how hard it is to change someone's mind. I 100% agree: Satoko is ABSOLUTELY mentally unstable in the sense that she comes from an abusive background rather than her being a sociopath or a psychopath. And that's another part of why I love Gou's writing: it realistically portrays how victims of abuse, especially ones as young and naive as Satoko, often become abusers themselves.

I get that for many such as yourself, Gou's first half was not entertaining. That's why I mentioned the "old higurashi fans who mostly watch anime for the story" not liking Gou as a valid reason to not enjoy this anime. I, however, really liked the first half because the entire thing was a mystery game where you had to look at all the small details and differences between Gou and the OG to figure out the culprit and what's really going on. I love a good mystery, especially ones focused on extremely subtle details and not holding your hand through the many questions that pop up from those details. I'm personally excited to see the reason why the Oyashiro-sama statue was damaged differently when Sotsu comes out.
May 5, 2021 10:45 AM

Nov 2008
My two cents is it's REALLY BORING until you get to ep 15, then it's entertaining in a silly way...then when it was about Satoko vs Rika, I actually looked forward to watching it.

But it was painfully dull until you got to that plot. OP song is a BANGER though.

May 6, 2021 9:43 AM

Jun 2016
Omg. Passione destroyed 2 great series.
This studio is a riot. DXD and now Higurashi?
Passione stop adapting anime sequels please

The world is cruel, ugly and pitiful. Let's watch anime and make it colorful
May 6, 2021 3:13 PM
Apr 2021

I see you still trying too hard to defend Gou and especially Satoko and try to make Rika looks bad, yet your claims not as good as you want them to be.

1. "unstable inferiority complex" = the damaged pride not only from not being able to stay on Rika's level anymore, but being looked down on by the snotty girls at her school just for being herself

She's not "Not able", she "don't want that". She declined Rika's help and invitation in second world too(because if not, then the stupid chandelier scene won't happen, since in case she accepted Rika's help they're still would've been friends).

2. "win-at-all-costs mentality" = Satoko's obsession with winning this game of fate and "taking back" Rika and Hinamizawa at all costs (just like the club's philosophy), but without caring much about the collateral damage

She's not like this in OG. She know about collateral damage

3. being put below Rika's level by Rika herself at the end of the second loop; and being caught between a rock and a hard place in the third loop when Rika refused to let go of Satoko before Satoko commits suicide by truck

First and foremost she wasn't put below's Rika level by Rika. She ended there by her own fault, AGAIN by declying Rika's help, and because she never care to talk to her. And she commited suicide in 3rd world because she's too weak to say "No" to Rika and go her own way. Yet she dare to say "No" to Rika when Rika suggested help. Talk about stability.

4. I 100% agree: Satoko is ABSOLUTELY mentally unstable in the sense that she comes from an abusive background rather than her being a sociopath or a psychopath. And that's another part of why I love Gou's writing: it realistically portrays how victims of abuse, especially ones as young and naive as Satoko, often become abusers themselves.

How funny. So now if you live 2 years with abusive uncle and aunt, but live like around 8-9 years before in normal family, and 7-8 years after those 2 years with your friends that always there for you it's somehow made "abusive years" most important even though it's not even quarter of your life. Yeah, let's forget how "world change transfer" worked in the OG. Satoko shouldn't be like that at all. Especially in Matsuribayashi world.
And she's not naive, I suggest you reread 7 and 8 chapters of OG. It's nowhere near "realistic portrayal of victim of abuse". It's bullshit, and it's mostly passione's fault since they cut out and changed A LOT.
And Gou in no sense a "mystery", it's mostly your typical "b-grade school drama"(which have potential, but anime sadly killed it with too much edgyness and idiotic decisions, like a whole underground prison complex and "magic snap") with a lot of lies in PR.
And that "mystery" is always TOLD to you, never SHOWN till episode 14, and know what? It would've been better if they never showed it, since animation in "those" moments is eugh...

Luuji222 said:
Omg. Passione destroyed 2 great series.
This studio is a riot. DXD and now Higurashi?
Passione stop adapting anime sequels please

It's funny how you say "Passione destroyed DxD", beacuse they adapted DxD almost 1:1 compared to LN, and make artstyle as close to LN as possible. They did GOOD job, yet it killed DxD as an anime for whatever reason. Probably because TNK artstyle was way better, but it's still not enough reason imo to claim that "DxD Hero is bad". And Hero was adaptation of LN, while Gou is a standalone project. In sense it's not an adaptation. It would've been better if they adapted OG Higurashi, but they decided that "pure remake would be boring' what an idiots
May 6, 2021 8:09 PM

May 2020
Satoko tries to stop Rika before she heads to St Lucia. Ok.

But when they end up there does it never to occur to Satoko to make Rika hate St Lucia, by making sure she suffers there instead of Hinamaizawa. ( I get that she dislikes the seperation of the other club members as well, but in the loops she only moves to keep Rika in Hinamaizawa)

couldn't eviltoko spend effort to make it that Rika gets bullied in St Lucia instead of repeatedly killing her (and others). Making Rika detest (specially when she finds out that Rika is a looper) Hinamaizawa is counterintuitive at best.


Another things been bothering me though, according to Eua aren't Rika and Satoko looping in the same Kakera? Normally that would mean the world itself would reset as soon as Rika and Satoko die. But we see worlds continuing on after their deaths. Maybe Eua just lied?

I'm not sure when the world resets, or even if it does it all. If the world doesn't reset, it means that Satoko left a ruined world behind. She permanently destroyed many worlds, not just the main cast, but also by proxy people like Akasakas Daughter, Ooshi, Family members and relatives of the club members. And possibly other people in Hinamaizawa (as strings of deaths near Watanagishi would lead to very very heavy paranoia, combined with Rika and or Mion dying would make the more dedicated Oyashirosama believers tip to L5)

Satoko's actions are way worse than they appear. Way way worse.

Even Natsumi from the advanced console arcs might be affected by the deaths in Hinamaizawa. Which would in turn lead to her friends, family, Tomoe, and various other people being affected.

ChargecoulombMay 6, 2021 8:50 PM
May 7, 2021 10:10 AM

Jul 2016
Si1verR0se said:

I see you still trying too hard to defend Gou and especially Satoko and try to make Rika looks bad, yet your claims not as good as you want them to be.

1. "unstable inferiority complex" = the damaged pride not only from not being able to stay on Rika's level anymore, but being looked down on by the snotty girls at her school just for being herself

She's not "Not able", she "don't want that". She declined Rika's help and invitation in second world too(because if not, then the stupid chandelier scene won't happen, since in case she accepted Rika's help they're still would've been friends).

2. "win-at-all-costs mentality" = Satoko's obsession with winning this game of fate and "taking back" Rika and Hinamizawa at all costs (just like the club's philosophy), but without caring much about the collateral damage

She's not like this in OG. She know about collateral damage

3. being put below Rika's level by Rika herself at the end of the second loop; and being caught between a rock and a hard place in the third loop when Rika refused to let go of Satoko before Satoko commits suicide by truck

First and foremost she wasn't put below's Rika level by Rika. She ended there by her own fault, AGAIN by declying Rika's help, and because she never care to talk to her. And she commited suicide in 3rd world because she's too weak to say "No" to Rika and go her own way. Yet she dare to say "No" to Rika when Rika suggested help. Talk about stability.

4. I 100% agree: Satoko is ABSOLUTELY mentally unstable in the sense that she comes from an abusive background rather than her being a sociopath or a psychopath. And that's another part of why I love Gou's writing: it realistically portrays how victims of abuse, especially ones as young and naive as Satoko, often become abusers themselves.

How funny. So now if you live 2 years with abusive uncle and aunt, but live like around 8-9 years before in normal family, and 7-8 years after those 2 years with your friends that always there for you it's somehow made "abusive years" most important even though it's not even quarter of your life. Yeah, let's forget how "world change transfer" worked in the OG. Satoko shouldn't be like that at all. Especially in Matsuribayashi world.
And she's not naive, I suggest you reread 7 and 8 chapters of OG. It's nowhere near "realistic portrayal of victim of abuse". It's bullshit, and it's mostly passione's fault since they cut out and changed A LOT.
And Gou in no sense a "mystery", it's mostly your typical "b-grade school drama"(which have potential, but anime sadly killed it with too much edgyness and idiotic decisions, like a whole underground prison complex and "magic snap") with a lot of lies in PR.
And that "mystery" is always TOLD to you, never SHOWN till episode 14, and know what? It would've been better if they never showed it, since animation in "those" moments is eugh...

I see you're "still trying too hard" to shit on Gou. What kind of idiotic double-standard is this? It's been a while, but are you one of those snowflakes from the other threads who hopped on ssj's bandwagon of self-validation? It amazes me that there are people who take different interpretations of art and entertainment as personally as you do, let alone the fact that there are so many of you.

- "She's not "Not able", she "don't want that". She declined Rika's help and invitation in second world too"

No, she IS "not able" to. Accepting Rika's help completely misses the point of Satoko's "damaged pride" from not being able to keep up, let alone being shunned by Rika's snotty friends right off the bat.

- "She's not like this in OG. She know about collateral damage"

Of course she wasn't exactly like this in the OG; that's why I said her strong determination from the OG was WARPED (i.e. changed) throughout Satokowashi-hen into the win-at-all-costs mentality you see in Gou. My point is this mentality didn't come out of nowhere; it's good character development that's CONSISTENT with the OG Satoko.

- "First and foremost she wasn't put below's Rika level by Rika. She ended there by her own fault, AGAIN by declying Rika's help, and because she never care to talk to her. And she commited suicide in 3rd world because she's too weak to say "No" to Rika and go her own way. Yet she dare to say "No" to Rika when Rika suggested help. Talk about stability."

In the second loop, she 100% was put below Rika's level by Rika herself. Specifically, she was pressured into sharing Rika's dream of attending the school for the second time and ostracized for the second time despite opening up to Rika twice in the same loop. I have no idea where "she never care to talk to her" came from since she 100% talked to Rika TWICE, and she continued to talk to her in subsequent loops. I don't know if we're watching two different versions of Gou, but Satoko basically did say no to Rika in the third loop by giving her an ultimatum, only for Rika to refuse to let go of both Satoko and her dream. Now, does any of this justify her choice to break Rika? Of course not. But do her actions make plenty of sense from a motivational standpoint? Absolutely.

Also, where did "talk about stability" come from? I'm literally saying that she's NOT stable.

- "How funny. So now if you live 2 years with abusive uncle and aunt, but live like around 8-9 years before in normal family, and 7-8 years after those 2 years with your friends that always there for you it's somehow made "abusive years" most important even though it's not even quarter of your life. Yeah, let's forget how "world change transfer" worked in the OG. Satoko shouldn't be like that at all. Especially in Matsuribayashi world."

This is a VERY interesting take. Are you unironically diminishing the experiences of abuse victims? Doesn't matter if it's 2 years or 2 months, my dude; household abuse, especially at that young of an age, scars you for life, LET ALONE the death of her parents, LET ALONE the guilt from believing you're the reason why your parents died, LET ALONE the whole Satoshi situation.

If you're talking about the persistence of memory when you mention "world change transfer", how exactly is Gou's "version" of this phenomenon inconsistent with the OG at all?

- "And she's not naive, I suggest you reread 7 and 8 chapters of OG. It's nowhere near "realistic portrayal of victim of abuse". It's bullshit, and it's mostly passione's fault since they cut out and changed A LOT.
And Gou in no sense a "mystery", it's mostly your typical "b-grade school drama"(which have potential, but anime sadly killed it with too much edgyness and idiotic decisions, like a whole underground prison complex and "magic snap") with a lot of lies in PR.
And that "mystery" is always TOLD to you, never SHOWN till episode 14, and know what? It would've been better if they never showed it, since animation in "those" moments is eugh..."

By "naive", I'm talking about Satoko's inability to self-reflect and realize how much like her Uncle she is. You can be smart AND naive in the sense that you're easily influenced by other people, whether it's her uncle or the club's philosophy. I never read Gou's manga; what exactly was changed from the manga to anime, and can you give specifically pictures showing that?

The mystery was the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of being told to you. The ENTIRETY of the first half was a Where's Waldo mystery game where subtle details were hidden and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING regarding the culprit behind the murders was spelled out; only shown and implied. I personally liked the animation, especially during the second half including Nekodamashi-hen.
May 8, 2021 9:09 PM
May 2015
Ok, now that I've caught up and finished watching Gou, I can finally chime in on this conversation. So why the hate? I have a couple of reasons as to why some people "hate" this new season of Higurashi....For the record, I don't hate Gou. In fact, I love this new season just as much as a I loved the first 2 seasons but I can kinda understand why some people don't like this new season.

1) Let's get this out of the way. They freaking advertised this as a remake. The author probably just wanted to troll the viewers but this was not a good idea. Now the ratings are so skewed because you had people who are completely new to Higurashi, expecting this to be a remake, and they ended up being confused halfway through the season. They then decided to give this season a very low score because of their experience with this season. Hell, you even have these poor souls who somehow managed to watch the entire season lmao.

2) After finishing Gou, I've had this lingering thought in my head. What's the whole point of this season? The tragedy that befalls Hinamiza was prevented at the end of Kai and Rika finally managed to make it past June 1983. For this season however, the whole conflict isn't about Hinamazawa anymore lol. It's about some overly-obsessed kid who doesn't want her best friend to leave the village and so, she tries to do everything in her power to make sure her best friend stays in the village. If you think about it, you can just stop watching at Kai and you actually won't be missing out, because almost everything was resolved in Kai and it ended on a perfect note. To some people, they feel like the new conflict introduced in Gou is just an asspull to try and milk the franchise and as a result, ruined the entire franchise, especially Satoko as a character.

Those are 2 reasons that I could think of. Now to reiterate, I DON'T hate this season (despite me justifying why people hate this season). I enjoyed Gou a lot and I'm looking forward to what the author has in store for us in Sotsu.
jc9622May 8, 2021 9:22 PM

May 10, 2021 8:47 AM
May 2021
Needed a bit more time to think this over but I've figured more clear reasons on why Gou just doesn't work.

It's not just that Satoko changing so drastically wasn't believable, it's that she figured sacrificing her friends was a good idea at all. Over 100 years of her friends sacrificing themselves already to save and protect her, only for her to turn on them because of her dumb obsession over Rika? Which her reasons for being obsessed wasn't fully believable either.

Which leads to another issue which is Rika. Rika's tragic past is turned into a joke, making the entire OG a joke. Also it leaves the question on why is Satoko so obsessed with Rika to begin with? To me it just looks like Rika unintentionally groomed Satoko, which makes Rika look like a terrible person as well.

With the story now heavily revolved around both Satoko (yandere idiot who ruined everything) and Rika (questionably the one who ruined everything to begin with so she's receiving karma) it's hard to remain invested in the story anymore. As all the side characters are merely pawns to their game. They don't matter, because the story says they don't.

Another issue is that the horror/mystery/tragedy aspect feels ultimately ruined. Gou isn't horrific anymore, it's just gross torture p*rn. There is no mystery to Gou after the first half, and there will be no real mystery to Sotsu. The story isn't tragic anymore if you realize the characters are idiots causing their own suffering. I don't feel apathy for anyone anymore especially Satoko, who is reduced to a LITERAL school shooter. I'm not the type to feel apathy for school shooters no matter how traumatic their childhoods were. Also Teppei redemption arc combined with Higurashi Mei memeing "good guy Teppei" makes a child abuser look like just a friendly misunderstood likable guy. So child abuse is a joke now I guess to R07.

So what does that leave for Higurashi as a whole? It's reduced to a stupid squabble between two brats. Personally I'll probably just wait for Sotsu to finish airing and then speed through to the ending, which will probably suck. The director wanted to turn Higurashi into a shallow 80's horror-flick so it'll end just like one.

Satoko and Rika reunite back in reality, they hug and make up, then Satoko's eyes turn red while she winks at the camera. Cue lightning strike, wolf howl, and Vincent Price laugh fading into black. What a horrible mess Gou has been and Sotsu most likely will continue. I'll never take the Higurashi series seriously ever again, not even a tiny bit.
May 20, 2021 3:30 PM

Aug 2009
Higurashi used to be the king of -unintentionally- horror anime.

Now it is a splatter joke.

Cant wait for Mieruko-chan to be 100 times better than Gou in that aspect. Same studio yes but a least it doesnt look bad from the PV.
May 20, 2021 5:31 PM

Sep 2011
As a fan of the OG series who watched both seasons back in 2009, Higurashi Gou is one of the best installments in the series. People don’t like it because
A) They thought it was a remake and it very much is not.
B) They don’t like the artstyle (I was in this boat too. I hated it for first few weeks until I got used to it)
C) They’re mad it exists because Kai ended in a perfect spot so no matter how good the series is they would have never been satisfied anyway
D) They feel like Gou ruined the characters (It didn’t. If anything it played on the nuisance of their character traits even more making them all the more 3 dimensional)
E) They dropped it before the plot even developed
Or F) Their nostalgia for the original series makes them automatically reject new content (Any series that has new content released after being dormant for years and years ALWAYS has people hate the final product, even if it’s objectively better. (things can’t really be OBJECTIVELY better but bare with me here) sometimes pieces of medium connect with people because of the time period in their life they were exposed to it. You can’t bridge that time period with new content so often people’s feelings change even if they fondly recall an older installment)

Overall, all these different groups of people blend to create a less than favorable opinion on this series even though it’s, in my opinion, just as good as the prior seasons and has every right to exist beside them. Now that Gou has weened off all the nah-sayers, I’m sure SOTSU will have much more positive reviews.
May 20, 2021 11:20 PM

Aug 2009
Yuyunarutoballz said:
As a fan of the OG series who watched both seasons back in 2009, Higurashi Gou is one of the best installments in the series. People don’t like it because
A) They thought it was a remake and it very much is not.
B) They don’t like the artstyle (I was in this boat too. I hated it for first few weeks until I got used to it)
C) They’re mad it exists because Kai ended in a perfect spot so no matter how good the series is they would have never been satisfied anyway
D) They feel like Gou ruined the characters (It didn’t. If anything it played on the nuisance of their character traits even more making them all the more 3 dimensional)
E) They dropped it before the plot even developed
Or F) Their nostalgia for the original series makes them automatically reject new content (Any series that has new content released after being dormant for years and years ALWAYS has people hate the final product, even if it’s objectively better. (things can’t really be OBJECTIVELY better but bare with me here) sometimes pieces of medium connect with people because of the time period in their life they were exposed to it. You can’t bridge that time period with new content so often people’s feelings change even if they fondly recall an older installment)

Overall, all these different groups of people blend to create a less than favorable opinion on this series even though it’s, in my opinion, just as good as the prior seasons and has every right to exist beside them. Now that Gou has weened off all the nah-sayers, I’m sure SOTSU will have much more positive reviews.

Yes its absolutely the fault of the viewers. The series is perfect as it is.

A) Actually most OG fans were thrilled with the idea of a sequel/new content after ep2 , especially when it seemed like it would be the old arcs with new twists.

B)OG's artstyle and animation was subpar for its era as well but they covered it up with proper screenplay. This didnt happen here. Here it is either looney tunes animations or Bakemonogatari close up shots.

C)Or it is the specific content that is the problem not that it is a Kai sequel.

D) Making Rika do an 180 turn on her character, turning Satoko into a sociopath based on the fact that like a kid she doesnt like to lose games while making the other characters disappear from the story isnt making them more3 dimensional. It is making them whatever the author wants them to be for the plot.

E) Oh I assure you that the haters started to hating it WHEN the plot developed.

F)As if Higurash wasnt making new content like every 3 years...just not anime. And VN readers prefer some of the newest arcs more than the originals, especially for Matsuri's ending.

And no Sotsu wont have much more positive reviews. You bet that all haters will keep watching hoping for the series to give a twist that will make Gou worth it.
May 21, 2021 9:01 AM
May 2021
Yuyunarutoballz said:
As a fan of the OG series who watched both seasons back in 2009, Higurashi Gou is one of the best installments in the series. People don’t like it because
A) They thought it was a remake and it very much is not.
B) They don’t like the artstyle (I was in this boat too. I hated it for first few weeks until I got used to it)
C) They’re mad it exists because Kai ended in a perfect spot so no matter how good the series is they would have never been satisfied anyway
D) They feel like Gou ruined the characters (It didn’t. If anything it played on the nuisance of their character traits even more making them all the more 3 dimensional)
E) They dropped it before the plot even developed
Or F) Their nostalgia for the original series makes them automatically reject new content (Any series that has new content released after being dormant for years and years ALWAYS has people hate the final product, even if it’s objectively better. (things can’t really be OBJECTIVELY better but bare with me here) sometimes pieces of medium connect with people because of the time period in their life they were exposed to it. You can’t bridge that time period with new content so often people’s feelings change even if they fondly recall an older installment)

Overall, all these different groups of people blend to create a less than favorable opinion on this series even though it’s, in my opinion, just as good as the prior seasons and has every right to exist beside them. Now that Gou has weened off all the nah-sayers, I’m sure SOTSU will have much more positive reviews.

I far less understand why the love for the show if most of the people defending it are just brushing off most of the criticism it receives as merely shallow or objectively wrong. When in most cases I'm literally seeing people give Gou a 10/10 JUST BECAUSE they wanted to see a show with blood and guts regardless of how or why. I wasn't joking when I saw people only wanting this to be Yandere Sim: The Anime.

A) Early on reviews people expected the remake but continued watching and didn't like it either way.

B) At the PEAK it's the nicest Higurashi has ever looked, but it's not always at the peak is it? A lot of times they draw characters far off model or animation is awful. Which helps break immersion at the wrong points.

C) Plenty of fans who understand that R07 never intended the original to be the true ending, still don't like the continuation so far.

D) Ah yes I love how Rika telling Keiichi to eat her brains was perfectly on point with her character. I can't wait for Satoko to have been bathing in Rika's blood during Sotsu.

E) Didn't most people start having the most problems with the show when the twist happened? That's how I felt anyway. It mostly felt forced (such as the ties to Umineko) and the execution was terrible because they weren't taking the plot serious enough at the right moments.

F) Nostalgia is blamed for part of the hate and yet nostalgia is also the excuse for fans liking the show as well. Plenty of fans hate the script but are just happy Higurashi is relevant again.

If people didn't like Gou and Sotsu is mostly just a retelling of what they already know (unless the twist is that Satoko is innocent or the plot is entirely misunderstood) then there won't be anything to change anyone's minds. From what it looks like it's just HOW Satoko manipulated everyone, which is a waste of probably 16 episodes.
PinkShibaInuMay 21, 2021 9:06 AM
May 23, 2021 4:15 PM

Oct 2014
As a fan of the OG series who watched both seasons back in 2012, Higurashi Gou is one of the worst installments in the series. People love it because
Yuyunarutoballz said:
A) They thought it was a remake and it very much is not.
A) They thought it was a remake and it very much is not... (after the first half).
B) They don’t like the artstyle (I was in this boat too. I hated it for first few weeks until I got used to it)
B) They like the artstyle (Never was in this boat. I hated it for first few weeks and still dislike it. However it did get more tolerable towards the end)
C) They’re mad it exists because Kai ended in a perfect spot so no matter how good the series is they would have never been satisfied anyway
C) They’re rejoicing it exists because Kai ended in a bad spot so no matter how bad the series were they would have never been displeased anyway
D) They feel like Gou ruined the characters (It didn’t. If anything it played on the nuisance of their character traits even more making them all the more 3 dimensional)
D) They feel like Gou built up the characters (It didn’t. If anything it played on the nuisance of their character traits even more making them all the more 2 dimensional)
E) They dropped it before the plot even developed
E) They continued watching it and hyping themselves up beyond any reason from what they were seeing with their own eyes.
Or F) Their nostalgia for the original series makes them automatically reject new content (Any series that has new content released after being dormant for years and years ALWAYS has people hate the final product, even if it’s objectively better. (things can’t really be OBJECTIVELY better but bare with me here)
Or F) Their nostalgia Hate for the original series makes them automatically approve new content (Any series that has new content released after being dormant for years and years ALWAYS has people loving the final product, even if it’s objectively worse. (things can really be OBJECTIVELY worse but bare with me here)

Now that Gou has weened off all the nah-sayers, I’m sure SOTSU will have much more positive reviews.
Oh we're all still here... atleast most of us are.

It is true that usually the sequels are bound to having higher ratings if they're atleast as good as the previous season, but that just might not be the case here.

Majorly most of the old fans and VN readers, who ended up disliking this show, watched it through. And for the same reason they watched it through, they will watch the follow up season as well.

The next season really, really needs to be better than this one, and if it is not, even if it has the equal standing on this one, these both will outright be completely rejected. Even the most vocal 'defenders' of GOU since beginning, started having their doubts of the whole the further the story went. If it continues going the same road, it WILL be an utter trainwreck.

PinkShibaInu said:

B) At the PEAK it's the nicest Higurashi has ever looked, but it's not always at the peak is it? A lot of times they draw characters far off model or animation is awful. Which helps break immersion at the wrong points.

I understand the criticism people give for the first season of DEEN Higurashi alright, but Kai... I simply don't understand how and why it receives the same treatment. Kai is still peak by graphics and animation Higurashi has had.
And if we want to go the shiny bright bubbly side of the spectrum... no matter how much people hate Kira's content, the graphics were good, vastly above what we see here.

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
May 23, 2021 7:31 PM

Sep 2011
I see a lot of people disagree with my statement even though my points were made.
The remake thing DID piss ppl off, more so new comers, because THEY couldn’t immediately tell it was a sequel after episode 2 (even though it was revealed) because they never saw the original, therefore the events that clued OG watchers in was foreign to them. You can say “oh, it was announced it wasn’t a remake after that episode aired) but 1) There were STILL OG watchers in denial still speaking the narrative that it was a retelling and even R07 himself pushed this rhetoric that new viewers could jump right in when it became obvious the longer it went on that that wasn’t the case. So yes, this confusion and divide created mixed reviews early in its airing.

As far as the artstyle...we all know from a graphics stand point it’s better than the originals, because it’s 2021! However, people still don’t like it because they don’t think this glossy cutesy artstyle fits Higurashi! Yeah, DEEN was ass at times, but the derp animation and gritty style gave it a sort of charm, something that this incarnation doesn’t have so that’s another divide.

Gou is 100% true to these characters. I think the creator, Y’know, the guy who these characters and all their personalities comes from the mind of, would know what his characters would and wouldn’t do.
Everyone saying “Oh, Rika wouldn’t do this!” yes, she would! That’s the entire crux of this impasse/misunderstanding. Rika is not lying to Satoko. From Rikas perspective, she has done her job! She’s not Satokos mother and she told Satoko that she loves her and they would always be friends. Nothing Rika has done is inconsistent with the statements she made towards Satoko. She’s reached out to Satoko more than once and offered her help and guidance. She’s invited her to hang out numerous times. She even lied to the Dean on Satokos behave. A true friend! Just because Rika wants to live a life she’s never got to experience after being a little girl for a century, doesn’t mean she’s turned away from her ideals. People say “Oh, Rika should have pushed harder!! If Satokos her best friend she should have seen the signs!” Uh, that’s not Rikas responsibility. They’re middle aged teenagers, damn near full grown women in some cultures. Rika can’t baby Satoko. Satoko needs to speak up. And even with Satoko, it’s still in her character. She can’t speak up to Rika about how hard the school is because it’s ingrained in her to put up a front and act strong even when she’s hurting inside. It was the same trauma that was instilled in her when her brother went missing. She figured if she could be strong on her own her brother would come back, and that kind of inner hyper focused internalization DOESNT just dissipate just because they got older. No, it’s a part of her. Satoko has abandonment issues. Satoko is a narcissist. Satoko has difficulty expressing her feelings. These all align with both there characters! That’s what makes this plot line so interesting. Because they’re both right from their own viewpoints because they’re projecting how they feel the other person should be onto themselves, rather than understanding who they are as individuals. Rika and Satoko aren’t good for each other as friends. They were friends out of necessity and sometimes, friends grow apart. Doesn’t mean they can’t love each other from a far.

Umineko tie in wasn’t forced. It’s always been a thing implied by R07, this was just the first time it was said outright and confirmed.

It’s not nostalgia. This is genuine good character writing and what makes the story so compelling is the tragedy between these two friends clashing ideals.
May 24, 2021 12:20 AM

Aug 2009
Yuyunarutoballz said:

Gou is 100% true to these characters. I think the creator, Y’know, the guy who these characters and all their personalities comes from the mind of, would know what his characters would and wouldn’t do.
Everyone saying “Oh, Rika wouldn’t do this!” yes, she would! That’s the entire crux of this impasse/misunderstanding. Rika is not lying to Satoko. From Rikas perspective, she has done her job! She’s not Satokos mother and she told Satoko that she loves her and they would always be friends. Nothing Rika has done is inconsistent with the statements she made towards Satoko. She’s reached out to Satoko more than once and offered her help and guidance. She’s invited her to hang out numerous times. She even lied to the Dean on Satokos behave. A true friend!

You see, that isnt the problem. The problem is that Rika who broke the loops and KNOWs what to do is DOING FUCKING NOTHING for the 3 damashi arcs.

In Onidamashi, she only tries to help Keichi, she lets Tomitake WHO CAN BRING IN A FREAKING ARMY TO HELP THEM, walk to his death with just a headpat and she does nothing about Takano.

In Watadamashi, she does nothing to stop Keichi and Shion from entering the shed, again does nothing for Tomitake and Takano and has the audacity to go witch mode on Keichi for doing something she knew he would do if he wasnt stopped. And for some reason the trigger was the story SHE once told him.

Same in Tataridamashi where she exists to make compliments. Tomitake and Takano? Why help and stop them respectively?

Saving one friend means nothing if Takano can still kill them all one night later

And look at that, the one time she thought to talk to Tomitake was AFTER she accepted Satoko's gaslighting....As if the author needed her to ignore him in the previous 3 arcs so that the story could happen.

Yuyunarutoballz said:

It was the same trauma that was instilled in her when her brother went missing. She figured if she could be strong on her own her brother would come back, and that kind of inner hyper focused internalization DOESNT just dissipate just because they got older. No, it’s a part of her. Satoko has abandonment issues. Satoko is a narcissist. Satoko has difficulty expressing her feelings.

So how exactly do we end up from that to her epiphany that she has to trap Rika again AFTER witnessing her 100 year torment? As others have said, why not try to make her life in the school bad and disillusion her?Wouldnt that be way easier?
Also, Satoko IS smart in the old series winning games that need memorization easily but now she needs magical powers to do so. Which also helps to show that she cant study for the plot to work.

The problem is that Ryuukishi instead of working with what you said, just reduced her to a psychopath who doesnt care about her friends.

Yes Ryuukishi WOULD know about his characters. You want to tell me that in a series where friendship triumphs over trained special forces, multiple image songs are about their bonds, where bonds make individuals remember atrocities they committed in other fragments and seek forgiveness, bonds that save even the people that tried to kill them with.....are this sorry excuse for friends that break up like a month after enrolling to a classy highschool? Which also end up with one of them destroying the future of her best friends and fellow villagers for countless fragments?

You see why the characters of Gou dont line up with the old installments?
Yuyunarutoballz said:

Umineko tie in wasn’t forced. It’s always been a thing implied by R07, this was just the first time it was said outright and confirmed.

Satoko saying certainty over and over is being forced.
Yuyunarutoballz said:

It’s not nostalgia. This is genuine good character writing and what makes the story so compelling is the tragedy between these two friends clashing ideals.

ssjokgMay 24, 2021 4:57 AM
May 24, 2021 4:55 AM

Mar 2016
i dont understand the hate, besides the art style im enjoying this season alot
May 25, 2021 4:59 PM

Oct 2014
Yuyunarutoballz said:
As far as the artstyle...we all know from a graphics stand point it’s better than the originals, because it’s 2021!

That means absolutely nothing.
2021 equals to superior graphics cause it's... 2021?
I have no idea what kind Evangelions, Clannads and Ultimate Blade Works I need to pull on to counter this.

Gou is 100% true to these characters. I think the creator, Y’know, the guy who these characters and all their personalities comes from the mind of, would know what his characters would and wouldn’t do.

It's easy to say that "Because X is the author he knows what the characters would or wouldn't do", but people change. The authors change.
And that is a problem when you start "re-writing" your works. The new can be something vastly different from the original, it might even contradict the original. But that doesn't make it more "true" than the original.

However can't say what's the case in here, I don't know how much R07 himself wrote of... everything we saw, but it's a fact that this isn't fully R07 and that the Manga is superior in it's writing.

Umineko tie in wasn’t forced. It’s always been a thing implied by R07, this was just the first time it was said outright and confirmed.

You said it yourself, "Implied by R07". That is what he does, Imply.
What we saw here was a lot more than ambiguous implying, they were practically forcing the references down our throats... as if we wouldn't already get it.

It’s not nostalgia. This is genuine good character writing and what makes the story so compelling is the tragedy between these two friends clashing ideals.


Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
May 25, 2021 11:47 PM

May 2020
Heh, the fact that there are still arguments about this is telling.

When Gou first started I thought that one of the twists would be that this is one of the Rikas that Hanyuu fast tracked to victory as showed in Yukiwatashi hen.

A Rika who was given the answers and method to beat Takano by Hanyuu instead of spending a 100 years to figure it out. Thus, her inability to figure out stuff in the first few loops.

However Gou showed us that this is the OG Rika. She doesnt even try to save Tomitake. (As far as she knows the moment Tomitake dies or dissapears the world is lost, as her chances if beating Takano plummets.)

In Kai she realizes that remaining passive will not help her overcome her fate. Nothing in Gou suggests that she remembers this.

Heck, people here realized that Satoko was faking her Tataridamashi abuse Trauma. How did Rika, who knows how Satoko is supposed to act miss it and the many other hints.

Maybe Eua took away half of her braincells or something.
May 30, 2021 3:45 PM
Apr 2020
Pacing, Higurashi is probably cursed somehow.
Literally every animation product it gets is always rushed or inconsistent.
For instance, gou's manga is actually pretty good so far, the anime is ok IMO.
I would also love to see a vn version of gou someday (it probably won't have any, but still),
Ryukushi needs space for his writing, not 25 episodes
Jun 26, 2021 9:20 AM
May 2021
Hulio said:

I understand the criticism people give for the first season of DEEN Higurashi alright, but Kai... I simply don't understand how and why it receives the same treatment. Kai is still peak by graphics and animation Higurashi has had.
And if we want to go the shiny bright bubbly side of the spectrum... no matter how much people hate Kira's content, the graphics were good, vastly above what we see here.

Yeah I looked back at Kai recently and I'd have to say DEEN did a much better job than Passione overall. Kai treated Higurashi like it was going to be their next big project, Passione I feel rushed a lot or didn't have the budget. Kai maintains it's nice look consistently while Passione is all over the damn place that it ruins the immersion of the show.

When Satoko has her red eyes for example she just looks derpy like her pupils are gonna drift off in different directions and a lot of still frames in the show look as bad as in-between frames. Passione is okay looking like 20% of the time, DEEN looked good most of the time with Kai/Rei. A 3rd or 4th look back at both animations and I'd easily say Passione isn't as good as I first thought.
Jul 20, 2021 11:44 AM

Nov 2015
[I was kinda looking for an open discussion on viewer's opinion on the GOU series, apparently this poll is the closest thing to that. I skimmed the TL;DR parts, please people, be mindful that almost no one will read all of the books published here.]

As an old time viewer without any VN or manga knowledge, let me point out what made season1 and 2 so great: It was (overly) brutal at first, created incredible suspense, despite having a lot of respiteful funny moments to alleviate stress for the viewer. This also made the 180° turns of the atmosphere hit like a truck!

My favourite, season 2, as well as the movie, swapped some gore for explanations, connecting the arcs. Unraveling the mystery plot was welcome, yet at its core the thrill and horror of expiriencing all these different arcs made the show so outstanding, and seeing the characters evolve differently each time.

Gou was having very view moments of actual suspense, making it feel like a very lackluster watch, not fulfilling the expectations of the franchise and prior seasons. A lot more went wrong or was just heading into a weird direction, and while it is great to have more Higurashi at all, I feel like it is missing its selling point/s.

I'm praying SOTSU will be less of a slice of life and more of a good 'ol round of AMONG US or have some SILENT HILL vibes. I'd quote Higurashi for anime references, but you can't explain a thing with the same thing, so how about quoting SHIKI instead.
Review_ReaperJul 20, 2021 12:01 PM
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the results to change.
Aug 25, 2021 8:14 AM

Jun 2009
Gou is basically just Higurashi Bad Ends. Which I personally enjoy, but I get why other people don't.
Aug 29, 2021 11:47 AM

Jun 2009
I wouldn’t say im a fan of the old series but I think it was better than this one. Even the art style was better and more fitting. The new show has a very bland and generic style and it isn’t even remotely thrilling, let alone does it have a good horror atmosphere. It’s so similar story wise to the original that it might as well be called a remake. And it’s a bad one. Remakes should only be done if it improves on the original.

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