Ok, let me explain
The LN is one series but is divided in parts.
The manga is divided in series adapting fully each part.
LN Part 1 is 3 volumes, was covered by 14 episodes in the anime, and is covered by Manga part 1 (7 volumes).
LN Part 2 is 4 volumes, was half covered by the 12 episodes of season 2, and is currently being adapted by Manga part 2 (3 volumes out).
LN Part 3 is 5 volumes, has no anime adaptation obviously, and is currently being adapted by manga part 3 (3 vol out).
The LN part 4 is 9 volumes but has no current manga/anime adaptation, and LN part 5 is currently being published (2 vol out), is the last part and should be around 9-10 volumes long once finished.
Both manga part 2 and manga part 3 are being written at the same time by two different mangaka. part 2 is by the same mangaka as part 1, and part 3 is by another mangaka completely.
So, your problem is: you read the few manga volumes available for part 2; and then thinking part 2 was already fully adapted since there was already several part 3 volumes out, you jumped directly on part 3 of the manga.
But the thing is, manga part 2 will take probably around 6 more volumes before being finished.
You can't jump to part 3 manga from the end of the anime or from the current last chapter of manga part 2, you're missing half of the part 2 content even if you've seen the anime.
Since part 2 of the manga is a work in progress, your only way to link the end of the anime to part 3 of the manga is to read the original material, as in, the light novel.
Fortunately, the whole part 2 is available officially in english through the publisher J Novel Club, so you can read those volumes, and then if you want, jump back to the manga (or continue with the novel since the novel will goes way faster) |