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Apr 13, 2020 5:13 AM

Nov 2014
I don't hate Haru, well, I didn't fancy her in the beginning, but she began to grew on me. I like how she is her own character, she is not scared to be herself, she is not scared to stand up for herself and I like how despite everything, giving out her body to pleasure others, she is just a lonely rabbit who wants to feel love, but doesn't know how.

The last three episodes made me fear over her safety, I got really uncomfortable during the lion boss scene and shivered in disgust, thank goodness for best boi Legosi dropping in and saved the day. So for me, Haru is a good character and I like her.
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Apr 22, 2020 11:19 AM
Mar 2020
Is not really hate but she ruins this anime
delete this character and this anime could be great
Apr 22, 2020 11:45 PM

Mar 2018
Haru’s the best character. Juno’s a little bitch who’s trying to win a guy who’s clearly not interested. That’s just making Legoshi uncomfortable. Like, take a hint, will ya?

Meanwhile Haru’s just real cool actually. I liked her from scene 1 to be honest. She’s getting bullied by that stuck up girl because Haru slept with her boyfriend, and while most other series would’ve revealed that nothing actually happened. They were just rumors. Instead Haru’s just like “Yeah I fucked your boyfriend. Fuck you. Want to fight about it?” And like they never even say that the bullying really gets to her and she just puts on a brave face. No, the thing she really hates is people pitying her. The bullying legitimately doesn’t seem to faze her, and that’s another fun twist on things.

I honestly don’t see how she’s that hatable. Like, unless you’re like some conservative religious person looking down at her for sleeping around. If that aspect of her character bothered you, than more power to ya, but personally I don’t think we see enough slutty women in media that are portrayed with layers and as overall good people. Plenty of male characters who are compulsive flirts and are uncontrollably horny still get character arcs and growth. And even then there’s little depth put into why they’re so horny, but we get that here as well. Plus you know she’s just like, an overall nice person. When her and Legoshi first have lunch together she’s actually rather scared of him but doesn’t say anything so as to not hurt his feelings. When Louis looses his antlers and is bleeding out she insists on treating his wounds and not taking his money. She’s just like, a legitimately nice person.

So no Haru’s great. She’s a slut who’s kind and has layers to her and I think that’s just great.
Apr 23, 2020 3:23 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Man, MAL is really hard on characters that have a promiscuous side to them.

Haru is a well written character. I didn't like her too much to being with, but when we started finding out more about her life and her life philosophy, I could identify with her. She wants to live her life as best as possible with the limitations that her species brings.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 23, 2020 3:28 AM

Apr 2020
I'm surprised at the amount of hate she gets. I think her character is very well written and likeable once you get to know her. Though I haven't finished the anime, nor am I watching the god awful official translation (netflix strikes again...), but I am fairly up to date on the manga and have been reading it since pretty much the start. I love Haru because she's relatable to me.
Apr 23, 2020 1:55 PM
Jul 2016
Why would anyone hate Haru? Sure, at the beginning of the series she can be a bit presumptuous and rash, but she grows into a well-meaning and more mature person by the end of what the anime covers. There’s nothing wrong with her promiscuity, especially since she isn’t just sleeping around for no reason, which some people would have issue with (I don’t, though.), she’s doing it to give her a sense equality with others, since they treat her like a child outside of the bedroom. She’s a flawed, but still confident and self-assured person. She isn’t a (no pun intended) “wolf in sheep’s skin,” using men for monetary or personal gain, she’s doing it to give herself, like I said earlier, a sense of equality. My view of her as a character might be colored by my viewing of the Netflix subs instead of fansubs, but from the amount of Japanese I know from formal teaching and cultural osmosis, the Netflix subs seem to be honestly quite accurate to the Japanese dialogue, outside of removal of honorifics, which still rubs me the wrong way. Anyways, I love Haru’s character. And, since the OP brought it up, I honestly incredibly dislike Juno. She’s fighting (and quite sneakily and slimily at that) for carnivore supremacy, which rubs be the wrong way. Legoshi and Juno being together may be what society sees as a “proper” relationship, but Legoshi and Haru being together is a far more beautiful and appealing relationship to me. I don’t know if my opinion on that is what most people agree with, but I hope it is.
May 4, 2020 3:13 PM

May 2019
Personally, I like Haru. I know that she sleeps with so many men but that's not a reason for me to dislike her. Yes, I don't support her sleeping around but it does make sense. Because she is a dwarf rabbit, she is viewed as someone who is weak and delicate, so people would often baby her. But when she has sex, she isn't viewed as someone who is weak and delicate, she's viewed as an equal, something that she has been waiting for her whole life.

The same goes for her personality. She has a strong personality because even outside of sex, she doesn't want people to think she's weak, which is why she gets defensive at times.

So yeah, those are my reasons why I don't hate Haru. I think her character has genius writing and I find it interesting that people are so split with her.
May 4, 2020 3:34 PM

Dec 2019
What i didn't like in this show is the animation.

May 6, 2020 7:52 AM
May 2020
I hate Haru. It's just that she sounds like a sl*t and it just drives me mad. Legioshi picked the wrong girl. I like Legioshi when he's about to kill, that makes it more exciting. I hope they make him more like, dangerous.
May 11, 2020 11:45 AM

Jan 2013
she's actually one of the best characters, her sleeping around with guys looking for "that something" is realistic and what happens in the real world and isn't something that should be shoved under a rug.

i knew she would be disliked among the waifu crowd who see her as a dumb bitch slut for sleeping with other men in canon though. lmao
May 12, 2020 6:55 PM
Jun 2013
nope as her reasoning for doing what she does makes sense to her character and I dont get how others could hate her ether unless you just dislike her cause she sleeps with a lot of people. I mean its not even like her personality is bitchy and she has shown to be able to stand up for herself even in the face of death.
Jun 27, 2020 7:15 PM
Jun 2020
Eu gostava da Haru, até eu saber que ela é uma prostituta, obviamente ela vai trair o Legoshi
Jun 27, 2020 7:56 PM

Jan 2017
I liked her as the weak character overcompensating by sleeping with men to feel more in control. by the end though it started to get a little too Romeo and Juliet "we can't be together!" which was annoying and definitely all her fault. That struggle was the same as Legoshi's but we saw him progress and it seemed like she turned on a dime. She brought the whole series down by the end. The only good thing at the end of the season was Louis :(
Jan 25, 2021 9:34 PM
May 2020
I have not finished to see Beastars (currently at Ep 6) but so far I dislike her. Here is why, so far:

1. Everything around her focuses on her "dramatic" situation of her being treated as a weak creature and a whore. Now, people say "it's totally fine to be promiscous". Read a little of psychology and you will understand why she behaves like that. Even Mia Khalifa accepted she did porn due to insecurities. But, ok, she is a rabbit, they are promiscuous by nature. But here is the thing: Haru find herself being treated as equal during sex and that's why she is promiscuous? That's very sad. Everybody who prizes her for being a free girl in fact are wrong. She is prey to her own insecurities. And that's really, really sad.
2. She already decided why she behaves like that. No character development at all so far.
3. Legosi is such a pure guy she will destroy him. And as far as I read from other comments, it seems it's happening in the manga without him noticing it.
4. Shameless. So she knows she sleeps even with guys that have girlfriends and she thinks everybody else is unfair with her? That's a slut for you, guys.
5. Hypocrit at least. If her way of living is right, then all girls should do the same, right? Thus, she is not right at all, but she wants everybody to see her without saying a thing about it. Yeah, right.
6. What kind of possitive message does this character provide? Let's all be sluts, at the end we deserve to be happy? Is there no effort for humankind to try to behave in a more healthy way? As I said, read psychology and you will understand why that is not healthy.

Unfortunately the character is so empty and focuses only on her being a slut that all my comments go around that. And I feel that the author created this empty character as a way of justifying her own way of living and convincing herself that being "true to herself" is above everybody else.

I really hope that this character get a better development further. And as far as I know, this character is likable only in western, because we are used to sluts.

Finally, I see this anime as it is: a story of all beasts that behave like that. They even eat each other. Haru is another one but that have sex to pity herself. Who identifies with her? :P Yes, you who decided to use the power of sex to get a benefit of it. That's sad. Hypocrits say "that's totally understandable". Yeah, right.
EduSCJan 25, 2021 9:48 PM
Jan 27, 2021 8:48 AM
Jan 2021
I mean, I don't HATE Haru, but I don't love her either.

Her voice bugs me a little, it almost sounds stuffy? Her overall personality can be confusing at times.

I've read most of the manga, but I think I stoped on one of the last chapters. She's a great character, but she's not for me.
Jan 27, 2021 10:11 AM
Jan 2021
I don’t know what it is about her, but I cannot stand her character. She’s so unlikeable that it felt like a chore getting through scenes that included her.

And honestly same can be said about Legoshi.
Mar 16, 2021 4:49 AM
Jul 2018
I love her. She is my favourite from Beastras together with Legoshi and maybe Gouhin. I love her relationship with Legoshi and I think if she was a man no one would criticize her for promiscuity. Juno and Louis are the ones I hate.
Mar 17, 2021 10:13 AM
Nov 2020
I think she makes the anime more interesting, but yeah If I was there, we wouldnt be friends...
Mar 17, 2021 10:16 AM
Nov 2020
Morrigan12 said:
I love her. She is my favourite from Beastras together with Legoshi and maybe Gouhin. I love her relationship with Legoshi and I think if she was a man no one would criticize her for promiscuity. Juno and Louis are the ones I hate.

I fricking simp for Luis. Hes one of the more intersting chracters on the show. Imagine watching anime, where everything goes well(boring)... Love him or hate him, he was such a key part to the anime.
Mar 26, 2021 2:31 PM

Dec 2020
Thank god I'm not the only one.
Mar 29, 2021 7:28 AM
Jan 2021
Can't like her. After finishing the manga she transformed in an unbereable character, I don't get why there are people calling her mature when she's so selfish, reckless and overall stupid. The promise with Melon was one of her worst moments.
Mar 29, 2021 7:43 AM
Sep 2018
EduSC said:
I have not finished to see Beastars (currently at Ep 6) but so far I dislike her. Here is why, so far:

1. Everything around her focuses on her "dramatic" situation of her being treated as a weak creature and a whore. Now, people say "it's totally fine to be promiscous". Read a little of psychology and you will understand why she behaves like that. Even Mia Khalifa accepted she did porn due to insecurities. But, ok, she is a rabbit, they are promiscuous by nature. But here is the thing: Haru find herself being treated as equal during sex and that's why she is promiscuous? That's very sad. Everybody who prizes her for being a free girl in fact are wrong. She is prey to her own insecurities. And that's really, really sad.
2. She already decided why she behaves like that. No character development at all so far.
3. Legosi is such a pure guy she will destroy him. And as far as I read from other comments, it seems it's happening in the manga without him noticing it.
4. Shameless. So she knows she sleeps even with guys that have girlfriends and she thinks everybody else is unfair with her? That's a slut for you, guys.
5. Hypocrit at least. If her way of living is right, then all girls should do the same, right? Thus, she is not right at all, but she wants everybody to see her without saying a thing about it. Yeah, right.
6. What kind of possitive message does this character provide? Let's all be sluts, at the end we deserve to be happy? Is there no effort for humankind to try to behave in a more healthy way? As I said, read psychology and you will understand why that is not healthy.

Unfortunately the character is so empty and focuses only on her being a slut that all my comments go around that. And I feel that the author created this empty character as a way of justifying her own way of living and convincing herself that being "true to herself" is above everybody else.

I really hope that this character get a better development further. And as far as I know, this character is likable only in western, because we are used to sluts.

Finally, I see this anime as it is: a story of all beasts that behave like that. They even eat each other. Haru is another one but that have sex to pity herself. Who identifies with her? :P Yes, you who decided to use the power of sex to get a benefit of it. That's sad. Hypocrits say "that's totally understandable". Yeah, right.

one os the well detailed character explanation that I have ever read.

I hate her... after seeing same old Haru messing with our boy Legoshi in season 2, I have so much I might r**e her if I was in Beastars world... wait, I don't have to. She is a slut after all...
Join the Last Parade for your anime Salvation
Apr 6, 2021 8:34 AM
Apr 2021
I do not hate but not like her that much too. I cannot understand her that what she wanna do.
Apr 19, 2021 7:58 AM

Aug 2018
She's alright but not the greatest imo. I like Juno way more
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Jun 9, 2021 4:57 PM
Mar 2021
Kizurk said:
I just can't like Haru how many times I tried. She tbh kinda a little bit bitch. I still unsure about her taste in her sexuality. But, whenever I imagined her with Legosi, I just can't stand. At least Juno is pretty good match for him (after ep 8).
So, though I know Haru is the heroine with a sad background story in future, is it only me or anyone else hate her?
She's a pretty good example of a female supremacist, it's no surprise that she's unlikable.
Jun 9, 2021 5:02 PM
Mar 2021
Audnas said:
At first I wasn't sure about her, but I seem to like her character more and more after each episode, idk why.
I honestly couldn't disagree with you more. Girls like Haru cause suicides and ruin lives in schools.
Jun 9, 2021 5:09 PM
Jul 2018
Good to know I wasn't the only one. Like seriously, she's just a thot. Her relationship was so toxic, illogical and disgusting. I don't give a F about the supposed to be deep theme that she embodied, people can only stomach trash to a certain extent.
Jun 9, 2021 5:09 PM
Mar 2021
HotPocketChris said:
shes just a meh character. tbh, most of the characters are pretty eh except for louis, who imo is most interesting to watch
Wow! Really? Well that already raises some red flags right there.
Jun 9, 2021 6:54 PM
Mar 2018
Densel_ said:
HotPocketChris said:
shes just a meh character. tbh, most of the characters are pretty eh except for louis, who imo is most interesting to watch
Wow! Really? Well that already raises some red flags right there.

niggas really be judging me based off the anime characters i find entertaining. le low iq moment
Jun 11, 2021 10:10 AM
Mar 2021
TrickRift said:
Haru is mature and realistic. Why aren't you hating on Louis for doing the same exact thing? He's just using her, the same as she uses other people to escape her inner terrors (of being a prey and all that). So what if she's promiscuous? We see shitty isekai right and left where the mc just pump and dump women all over the place but I don't see you people hating on those crappy mcs.

Haru is well written as a character and it's shown that she isn't even pretending to be pure or luring people in. People just naturally becomes attracted to her and she's more or less forced to cater to them because she feels like that's all she's good for.

Honestly you people are ridiculous.

I totally agree with you. Most people don't like her just because of double standards. Even in Beastars there is a promiscuous male character (Pina) and somehow no one criticizes him for that, even though he, unlike Haru, has no reason to act this way and he does it just for fun. Some people say that Legoshi is too innocent for Haru and she will spoil him. Then why doesn't anyone say that when there's overused cliche of nice, good, shy girl and bad boy in some book/movie etc.? Some people are just hypocrites.
Jun 21, 2021 1:32 AM
Apr 2019
Densel_ said:
Audnas said:
At first I wasn't sure about her, but I seem to like her character more and more after each episode, idk why.
I honestly couldn't disagree with you more. Girls like Haru cause suicides and ruin lives in schools.
Uh, wdym by that lol? If anything, she would be the one driven to suicide by the way society viewed her (a defenseless small herbivore who always needs to be treated like a child and handled with care) and for the amount of bullying she received. And ruin lives? If you're talking about all the students that went out of their way to go to HER to bang her, then idk what you mean. Haru never went out of her way to seduce a guy who had no interest in having sex with her, it was always the dudes that went to her because they heard she was a slut willing to sleep with anyone. So it's on them if they feel psychologically scarred after the deed is done. It's not her fault that males went to her, that's on them and if she doesn't want anything to do with them after the fact, then she has every right to do that, because she doesn't owe them anything. They knew what they were getting into when they slept with her. I'm not saying that she's completely blameless, because she did in fact use other students to have some semblance of control over her life, but most of the blame does fall on the guys that went to her. And if you're gonna say "she tried to seduce Legoshi" she did that under the assumption that he was like all the other guys and that that was what he wanted. Legoshi's reserved, quiet and introverted nature really didn't help and made Haru just go with her gut feeling.

Your wording was really vague, so idk if my counter argument was on point or not lol. I would like to hear your reasoning for saying what you said tho.
Jul 18, 2021 9:56 AM
Mar 2021
Audnas said:
Densel_ said:
I honestly couldn't disagree with you more. Girls like Haru cause suicides and ruin lives in schools.
Uh, wdym by that lol? If anything, she would be the one driven to suicide by the way society viewed her (a defenseless small herbivore who always needs to be treated like a child and handled with care) and for the amount of bullying she received. And ruin lives? If you're talking about all the students that went out of their way to go to HER to bang her, then idk what you mean. Haru never went out of her way to seduce a guy who had no interest in having sex with her, it was always the dudes that went to her because they heard she was a slut willing to sleep with anyone. So it's on them if they feel psychologically scarred after the deed is done. It's not her fault that males went to her, that's on them and if she doesn't want anything to do with them after the fact, then she has every right to do that, because she doesn't owe them anything. They knew what they were getting into when they slept with her. I'm not saying that she's completely blameless, because she did in fact use other students to have some semblance of control over her life, but most of the blame does fall on the guys that went to her. And if you're gonna say "she tried to seduce Legoshi" she did that under the assumption that he was like all the other guys and that that was what he wanted. Legoshi's reserved, quiet and introverted nature really didn't help and made Haru just go with her gut feeling.

Your wording was really vague, so idk if my counter argument was on point or not lol. I would like to hear your reasoning for saying what you said tho.
B( Typical female supremacist, always defending the women no matter what the situation.
Jul 18, 2021 11:50 PM

Mar 2021
She's far from my favorite character, but I don't know if I'd say I hate her.
"Molly Ringwald" out right now - check my Linktree!

Aug 15, 2021 8:22 PM
Jan 2021
I didn't like her very much to begin with and the answer is simple. She is a hoe. And I get it "She sleeps with every male she can, so she can feel like more than a defenseless animal" But the amount of times things like her appearance,or her small size is brought up, it makes me feel worse towards her in a bad way. Like WE GET IT, she a small cute hoe, now give another attractive female some attention!
Aug 19, 2021 12:29 PM
Jul 2020
i dont like nor dislike her honestly shes just a hoe so i dont really care about her
Aug 25, 2021 3:22 PM
Aug 2020
Idk why so many people are hating on haru... I liked her from the very start and my feeling gradually grew. I think she is a very well written character which can explain all her actions or behaviour which some people might dislike...
Aug 25, 2021 3:25 PM
Aug 2020
DarkVoyagerx said:
i dont like nor dislike her honestly shes just a hoe so i dont really care about her
Wtf dude. That breaks my heart. This is not about choosing the best girl
dazinga1555Aug 25, 2021 3:28 PM
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