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Nov 2, 2019 5:00 AM

Dec 2009
It's been 6 years, and here i am watching this movie again. It is definitely one of the best and most thought-provoking movies i've seen in quite some time, as it was when i first watched it, and i really cherish anime movies that can be so creative.

Going back on it i kind of wanted to just briefly run over essentially what happened and how the world came to be. Clearly it is sort of a nod to the inner-earth agartha type deal, but they really took it a step further. This also plays with the idea of how much take for granted the fact of our feet being always so firmly planted to the ground, despite being on a spinning ball of rock.

To start it off i'm going to make a presumption that this 'gravity catastrophe' happened to the whole earth, or a significant portion of it, rather than say a small chunk of land that got shot up into the sky. As we know, normal matter and inverted matter can interact, pushing against eachother, which could and would create equilibriums where things float comfortably, such as continental land mass suspended at higher altitudes.

In the beginning we have Patema in the underground world curious about the world she is in, wanting to explore and understad, taking after Lagos. Upon doing so, a mishap causes her to find herself in a world inverted relative to her perspective; a world fearful of inversion and being inverted... this is not surprising, and it would be baffling for this not to happen if the people were not voluntary to a subterranean existence where orientation is not as important to your existence.

After becoming trapped there due to her circumstances, they end up finding themselves back down the massive drill hole. This entire infrastructure being here and being so old is an indicator that there once was an immense amount of interactivity and cooperation between the 2 gravity orients in order to live and interact in their world. A lot of it was very fell suited to be accessed by people of either side. To what degree this happened, we don't know, maybe it was initial survival tactic, maybe they once had civilization together. Either way they both completely forgot about the other as paranoia, superstition, and ignorance took over. At some point there must have been some kind of conflict which caused them to do everything to avoid eachothers' existence.

It is clear this shaft isn't aburdly deep, something you could fall the extent of in not too long of a timespan, making it not really the full crust or anything (keep in mind them crazy russians tried to drill through and got nowhere. Falling over 14 miles is not something you'd just do in a brief run, especially at the rate they would fall holding to eachother, but regardless. At the end that broke, we have the buildings and such we saw in the prologue video stuff, or at least meant to be understood as parallel. Seeing the moon makes it all very clear which way is the real up. Take note of how the moon has rings around it, and if this catastrophe was on planetary scale, then it's possible there was a lot of material that was repelled away from the earth (and possible eventually the entire solar system) with only some of it that is mixed enough to end up captured by the moon.

DeadWitness said:
So, hm, correct me if I'm wrong. (If there is no comment, I will guess I am completely right.)
Since it's too long to put in in words and I'm not a native english speaker, I made a quick drawing to explain it. Is this how it is?

Imo, Sakasama is a masterpiece,It has been long since the last time a film made me suffer from vertigo and think as deeply as this one at the same time.
P.S.: I know the scheme sucks, I don't draw but edit.

Thanks to this individual, i don't have to draw it out myself XD

This depiction is accurate, however i'd like to add some more context to it thanks to another forum post:

Weapon_Master said:
Many of you who watched the movie in its entirety may have noticed this.
It of course bugged me to no end, so I took the initiative to decode it. This is what I got.

Amusingly enough, if would appear that the message was corrupted rather than encoded. Given the missing letters filled in by "?" and several occurrences where letters were omitted all together; I even had a duplicated word (the last "we" if you are curious). I took the liberty of cleaning it up as well.

Also, for all curious, this is the location of the coordinates mentioned in the letter.

Not quite sure how this adds to the story, but it definitely seems its contents are of some significance.

The contents of this letter sound to me like they are referring to the steampunky industrial complex that Age and Patema landed on and left when the sun(?) came out and started cooking them.

What i mean is referring to those talking about trying to reverse the effect or wait for the survivors, it seems like they have been living on the "new crust"... What i'm presuming here is that it wasn't just a chunk of land that had gravitational polarity reciprocated, but more like an entire crust or other immense scale.

If i am correct, they would be describing the "opposite side of the mantle" as the false sky that the paranoid Aigan society gazed up to thinking it was the true sky. This "atmosphere" could have been air that passed around or through the floating landmass(es) and filled in the space between, making a gaseous "mantle", as opposed to a liquid one.

If they are there waiting for communication to be restored (which probably has something to do with that massive radio array), then the lights seemingly nonsensically put all over the top of the ventilated hyperindustrial however you describe it, could be there to signal and welcome the people from the inverted landmass, and/or as a comfort mechanism.

The one glaring issue with this world and it's nature is that they didn't address how day and nigh works. If the Aigans are underneath the floating continent, and are staring at "the other side of the mantle" then how does sunlight appear between the two i wonder...

Regardless of that, it is still a very artistic, creative, and interesting work that puts forth a lot of interesting ideas.

Thanks to DeadWitness and Weapon_Master for their helpful posts.

— —
I will add a little bit of science in so that people can not just toss it away because it doesn't make sense to them. One thing that is often not well understood or documented or studied for that matter, is the nature in which our atmosphere is not only held onto the earth, but also layered. By merely gravitation and inertia, there is really no sense in which atmosphere or things should be able to sustain themselves on the surface of an object, with one exception: electrostatics. As someone who works on unified field and other such involving unifying understanding of all physical principles down to one force or energy, i will say that you CAN rectify gravitational phenomena within the electrical model. There have been a number of, well, honestly quite questionable reports and rumours of supposed cracking the puzzle of gravitational nullification or gravitational inversion. Physically it is not impossible, but for whatever reasons, it's very difficult to verify and any cases that to claim it are rather annoyingly esoteric about it or have disappeared one way or another. At any rate, the point is that the notion is not necessarily impossible, but it would and does require a different way of thinking that isn't common in today's world. Under the current consensus, it doesn't seem possible, but under a different paradigm of thought, it is very much possible. Something like this COULD happen, though extremely unlikely for it to be some kind of literal world-altering single-event global cataclysm (unless it was a massive collaborative effort by basically everybody to reshape the planet). The first thing it would be used for is bit by bit revolutionizing engineering and aerospace.
GenesisAriaNov 2, 2019 5:10 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 2, 2019 5:55 AM

Apr 2012
Oh wow, it's been a while. I can't really add much to the topic as I vaguely remember the movie, but I too feel there were many things left unexplained.

GenesisAria said:


The contents of this letter sound to me like they are referring to the steampunky industrial complex that Age and Patema landed on and left when the sun(?) came out and started cooking them.

What i mean is referring to those talking about trying to reverse the effect or wait for the survivors, it seems like they have been living on the "new crust"... What i'm presuming here is that it wasn't just a chunk of land that had gravitational polarity reciprocated, but more like an entire crust or other immense scale.

If i am correct, they would be describing the "opposite side of the mantle" as the false sky that the paranoid Aigan society gazed up to thinking it was the true sky. This "atmosphere" could have been air that passed around or through the floating landmass(es) and filled in the space between, making a gaseous "mantle", as opposed to a liquid one.

If they are there waiting for communication to be restored (which probably has something to do with that massive radio array), then the lights seemingly nonsensically put all over the top of the ventilated hyperindustrial however you describe it, could be there to signal and welcome the people from the inverted landmass, and/or as a comfort mechanism.

The one glaring issue with this world and it's nature is that they didn't address how day and nigh works. If the Aigans are underneath the floating continent, and are staring at "the other side of the mantle" then how does sunlight appear between the two i wonder...


The way I saw it at the time -and I think this too was explained that way- the people who didn't have their gravity inverted chose to live underground because they had to take care of those affected. It would seem safe to assume it was worldwide. But that would mean there are either many underground cities, just one or... the whole earth is but a crust over that gaseous mantle followed by a smaller core earth. The last option doesn't seem possible nor stable, just try to imagine a massive rock bubble enveloping a smaller earth. Basically, there must be walls in the Aigan region, somewhere, even if we didn't get to see them. Just how vast is that place and how was it possible to create such a huge empty (well, full of gas) space?

Regardless of the catastrophe on the outer earth crust, it doesn't justify abandoning their home and building a new one in the dark. Unless they had to? Millions of people quite likely died and a great chunk of the population had to be sent underground, meaning the remaining people might not only not be able to maintain their status quo after being decimated, but maybe they didn't want to. We know families were torn apart, a situation similar to what would happen if we slowly migrated to another planet. It would take a few generations to normalize, until there was a clear division. Not only that but that huge underworld couldn't possibly exist on its own, someone had to maintain it. That would be the task of those unaffected by the catastrophe. That would mean the whole place Patema resides in could be an outpost, a gigantic control room, a basement full of pipes regulating air flow and temperature for the Aigans. Somehow, such a place became the permanent residence for these people.

Back then I couldn't help but to wonder who really had to regulate the atmosphere down there -Patema's people, or the people of the "fake sky"? I would have loved to know more of that abandoned city full of lights. It reminded me of the endless skycraper levels of Blame! or the empty streets of the dome in Darlling in the FranXX, in the sense that it tells the story of a failed civilization. Seeing those lonely places always makes me want to know what kind of people lived there and what happened to them. Did they all die, or where there none to begin with? What if everything was automated there? I do believe the lights are meant to look like stars and the fake atmospheric layers were intended to look like a fake sky -no idea how that was even possible, but we're talking about a future where such advanced science is possible.

The one part I don't consider a mystery is the underground sun: There must have been something akin to a giant lighthouse programmed to light the fake earth surface, pointing up and still powered after so many years. Energy wouldn't be a problem so close to the earth core. In fact, the author seems to have overlooked the fact that the temperature of the earth DRAMATICALLY rises up the deeper you go. Nobody should be able to live a whole kilometer below the surface, but maybe ventilation made this possible. In any case, geothermal energy would allow the giant lamplight to keep shining on the Aigans forever... until the device breaks? O _O (Note: The light must have been HUGE, like a small mountain, with a thick shade protecting the city of lights. Even with that, the amount of heat radiating from there could make life there impossible. No way to know, since this is all hypothetic, although I believe it's safe to assume there was a fake sun.)

The Aigans were living in a giant fishtank all along. I find that really unsettling.
EDIT: Fixed some dumb typos.
DeadWitnessNov 2, 2019 6:11 AM
Nov 2, 2019 9:52 AM

Dec 2009
DeadWitness said:
The way I saw it at the time -and I think this too was explained that way- the people who didn't have their gravity inverted chose to live underground because they had to take care of those affected. It would seem safe to assume it was worldwide. But that would mean there are either many underground cities, just one or... the whole earth is but a crust over that gaseous mantle followed by a smaller core earth. The last option doesn't seem possible nor stable, just try to imagine a massive rock bubble enveloping a smaller earth. Basically, there must be walls in the Aigan region, somewhere, even if we didn't get to see them. Just how vast is that place and how was it possible to create such a huge empty (well, full of gas) space?
It is absolutely possible to make structures like this complteely stable in electrostatic and plasma environments, they're called double layers. Even if it's strictly gravitational, there would be stepped layers of equilibrium between where each directional matter coalesces vs where it separates; the weather shown between the Aigan place and the city of lights even had very realistic semi-permanent vortical cloud structures.

DeadWitness said:
Regardless of the catastrophe on the outer earth crust, it doesn't justify abandoning their home and building a new one in the dark. Unless they had to? Millions of people quite likely died and a great chunk of the population had to be sent underground, meaning the remaining people might not only not be able to maintain their status quo after being decimated, but maybe they didn't want to. We know families were torn apart, a situation similar to what would happen if we slowly migrated to another planet. It would take a few generations to normalize, until there was a clear division. Not only that but that huge underworld couldn't possibly exist on its own, someone had to maintain it. That would be the task of those unaffected by the catastrophe. That would mean the whole place Patema resides in could be an outpost, a gigantic control room, a basement full of pipes regulating air flow and temperature for the Aigans. Somehow, such a place became the permanent residence for these people.
There might not have been enough air up top... They may have chosen to go underground to avoid the direction bias (which would, as shown, cause severe "racism" and other such if in isolation with clear orientation bias... "I stand on ground therefore i might be right way up"...

DeadWitness said:
Back then I couldn't help but to wonder who really had to regulate the atmosphere down there -Patema's people, or the people of the "fake sky"? I would have loved to know more of that abandoned city full of lights. It reminded me of the endless skycraper levels of Blame! or the empty streets of the dome in Darlling in the FranXX, in the sense that it tells the story of a failed civilization. Seeing those lonely places always makes me want to know what kind of people lived there and what happened to them. Did they all die, or where there none to begin with? What if everything was automated there? I do believe the lights are meant to look like stars and the fake atmospheric layers were intended to look like a fake sky -no idea how that was even possible, but we're talking about a future where such advanced science is possible.
Well the fake sky would be able to sustain itself naturally like the normal atmosphere given there is currents to produce winds and temperature convections etc. The subterranean city you could hear the immense ventilation systems running.

DeadWitness said:
The one part I don't consider a mystery is the underground sun: There must have been something akin to a giant lighthouse programmed to light the fake earth surface, pointing up and still powered after so many years. Energy wouldn't be a problem so close to the earth core. In fact, the author seems to have overlooked the fact that the temperature of the earth DRAMATICALLY rises up the deeper you go. Nobody should be able to live a whole kilometer below the surface, but maybe ventilation made this possible. In any case, geothermal energy would allow the giant lamplight to keep shining on the Aigans forever... until the device breaks? O _O (Note: The light must have been HUGE, like a small mountain, with a thick shade protecting the city of lights. Even with that, the amount of heat radiating from there could make life there impossible. No way to know, since this is all hypothetic, although I believe it's safe to assume there was a fake sun.)
There is noway they'd be able to produce a fake sun with enough output current... The only way to make something able to replicate the sun's heat is to make something many times brighter and would destroy everyone's eyes and give them skin cancer in short order if not rapid burns. There was nothing to show any of that aspect what was actually going on, as the cinematography didn't give us anything to hint how the day-night cycles worked.

We only know it gets hot going down 7 or so miles, thanks to them insane russians; everything below that is mostly hypotheses and conjecture, especially seeing as seismic math is inconclusive. The city of lights was all extreme thermal ventilation, like that was everything there was just lights and vents.
GenesisAriaNov 2, 2019 10:32 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Jan 3, 2020 11:07 AM
Jan 2015
then the real world were pantema word...aria was fake about their world being true

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