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Feb 4, 2020 5:54 AM

Jul 2015
Despite the story being kind of predictable and generic, It still had some moments where I had a good laugh for example the dad saying that Mizuha was his favorite child

So Mizuha is an exhibitionist....all the fetishes has been revealed

Decent silly harem love anime, my favorite shipping has to be between the loli and lolicon

Feb 9, 2020 7:11 AM

Jun 2017
Well, I guess that's the end of it, I don't like the force revelation at the end though, Mizuha being an exhibitionist and all. Anyway, this anime was a pretty god watch if you're bored and not doing anything other than, of course, wasting your time watching other anime just like the weeb you are . I'll give it a high rating of 7/10
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Mar 20, 2020 2:40 PM

Aug 2013
Anime is kinda ruined in final. It could be interesting if MC's sister was an actual blood-related sister which is just is too cares about brother so made up situation with a love letter and underwear to provoke MC interest in girls around him AND provoke all these girls which are fear to make it in easy way and just talk about their actual feelings instead of their fetishes. Average in total.
Mar 30, 2020 10:05 AM
Oct 2018
I don't know why when I watch this episode I got some eromangasensei flashback
May 25, 2020 9:30 PM

Feb 2020
My man, Keiki, are you kidding me??? Muri??? Impossible? Ffs, this guy really got in my nerves so much. I mean, WTF??! Okay. Its over. After all shit happen. After all time got wasted, you just said MURI?? What do you want, then?

Change topic, All girls were official perverted and had too much fetishes. Even it goes to the Imoutos. I know this show really unique. But its level of uniqueness really weird and so bullshit! Its twistes were all just crazy shit that i can't even enjoy the output! Omg. Idk. Gah. Okay. I know the LN or Manga still continue. Maybe more perverted girl suddenly popped out again. But how? Why? Even the first scenes when Keiki dreaming with Sayuki must be the best result for this show. Rather giving some downgrade ended like that clicheness. Oh, man. Idk whats wrong with this? Too much damn thing happening so i can't say anything.

Okay. Back to the show. I make the scores review on short phrase here. Summary, i like the story premises. However, the punchline was too naives, and had too much shit to even call it a plot. Cinderella cases may be good to exploit. But its too overused. Too slow. I can't even call that good story telling when seeing all of that happen. Still, the twisted was nice. Especially when little sister reveal herself as another maniac. However, the last sentence of the MC, make this show cringe to the bottom of hell. Making all of the good scenes before as a dull. Thats it. Story might be 7. Character so shit, so 5 must be enough.

Only the art, animations, music and sounds section get my respect since only them to make me satisfy. 9 for both of them. The enjoyment for this show really a rollercoaster. Making me confident in the beginning. Nice feeling when get to the half. Amazing wild scenes for all of the girls. Then, gonna puke at the end. I judge my whole enjoyment here in 7. Then, overall, for the traditional harem show, with so much weird girl character personifications, i give my thought to 7. Not my best standings to give such a show like these. My weaknesses just go to ecchi show and its shenanigans.

I might give this show a 4. However, since this show still had a chance to improve the story, while the source not yet finished. Season 2 hype make me can't take a bad score, yet. Another plus come from nice characterization on Mizuha. Her performance was nice. Unfortunately, she dont get more romantic since Keiki act like shit. More plus come to the great voicing the character, from Taketatsu Ayana, Shimono Hiro, and ofc Kaede Hondo. They are great here. Once again 7 must be well enough for this show, yet, still be my overwhelmed scoring for shit show like this.

Okay. Thats it. Time to move on, and forget this show. I might come again if somehow season 2 arrived at the future. However, if not, thats not my problem, and i dont even care about the sources. The anime one just enough to me with its nonsense. Moving out....
badabassMay 25, 2020 9:40 PM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Dec 16, 2020 2:26 PM
Jul 2020
This shows for sure a guilty pleasure. For once I actually liked the protag. I thought he was kinda funny and a but more realistic than most.
Jan 11, 2021 2:03 PM

Aug 2010
There are so many down vote for this show but for me it‘s one of my favourite. I prefer this kind of anime because it’s easy to watch, lots of comedy and ecchi :D
freshy1993Jan 11, 2021 2:08 PM
Jan 24, 2021 11:59 AM

Jan 2021
The whole anime is weird and unexpected but way too comedy and it really came out to be good except the idea of siblings love! XD
Aug 17, 2021 2:42 AM

Aug 2017
Ahhhh Mizuha is an exhibitionist lol.

Ok anime. The comedy was sometimes funny, the pacing was ok, even a few side characters were developed. I don't this this anime needs a second season, its fine. 6/10 for the anime.
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Jun 1, 2022 2:32 PM

Apr 2013
Typical harem protagonist... has four girls who want to suck his banana and goes "another girlfriendless summer..." lul

The plot of this show as quite obvious and everything unfolded as you would expect. The characters were quite okay though and the comedy was actually good sometimes. Guess despite the genericness I enjoyed a lot of it. 6/10
Aug 9, 2022 4:35 PM
Dec 2021
Amazing anime. I love sayuki so much, so fucking adorable, i love her so so so much. So perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 9, 2023 7:49 PM
Apr 2023
Realistically the only way you could end this season/series. For sure an interesting watch, but you never really know if they're going to fully cross these taboo boundaries--or continue to walk the line. Over-all an enjoyable experience.
Aug 11, 2023 9:27 PM
Feb 2021
terrible en trama exelente en ecchi
Aug 25, 2023 10:37 AM
Aug 2023
i actually enjoyed this anime its weird but i liked it the mc carried the anime guilty pleasure for sure
Sep 24, 2023 10:04 PM

May 2014
Never been a fan of the "step-sister" trope. It's so overused and more of a cop out. Either go full wincest or don't use the trope at all, that's my take.
Sayuki is just vastly superior, one of the better designed anime heroine. Busty long haired girl is just great.

Judging from this episode, I can already assume that the sister probably going to win, which I'm not a fan of. Even if someone else won, there's going to be tons of stepsister romance fiasco in the future, so I'm not going to bother reading the novel. The rest of the "harem" is honestly more preferable than the sister character. I just really dislike stepsister stuff in anime.

Didn't have high expectations when I started to watch this. But the girls are cute, and fanservice is pretty nice, so I got what I expected.
Overall a 5.5/10 or 6/10.
Oct 3, 2023 9:49 PM

Aug 2017
Not a bad way to end it. Nobody wins, nobody loses. I hate seeing harem girls lose. I liked tsundere Mao.

Nice fanservice at the end with the phone pics.

An enjoyable show with a decent MC.

CarbonMDOct 3, 2023 9:55 PM
Nov 10, 2023 9:55 PM
Sep 2022
it is fine if you just getting into harem anime, noting note worth thing I remember from this anime, unlike Nisekoi.
Mar 16, 2024 12:15 PM
Jun 2023
Not the ending you would expect! good though.
Jun 24, 2024 9:49 PM
Jun 2023
nah, i'am late for posting, i only use some third party web to track so, some current watching status may not accurate at any time, that's all.
Sep 12, 2024 11:35 AM
Aug 2024
Ngl this is fire bro
Sep 23, 2024 5:21 PM

Dec 2018
Nice finale, a lot of it was dedicated to basically selling Mizuha to the viewers because she unfortunately didn’t get much focus until here at the end, the reveal that she’s Cinderella may have been disappointing for some but this backstory stuff could potentially reel those folks into liking her, and I think it definitely worked on me, I wasn’t disappointed that she was Cinderella but I also wasn’t completely sold on her when compared to the other (perverts) love interests, but I think this episode solidified her as a main player, she has a sweet backstory and boy is she fucking hot lol, that exhibitionist reveal at the end was especially sexy, just when you thought she was the most “normal” of the girls she actually has a fetish of her own beyond the forbidden love, honestly makes her hotter lol.

But besides just Mizuha, we did get a handful of moments for the other girls so they didn’t get completely shafted in the finale at least, Yuika and Sayuki’s bit was fun but my favorite was Nanjo’s, she helped play a role in Keiki accepting what’s happening with Mizuha and fed the man when he needed it, it was a short moment but at least Nanjo was relevant here at the end. But poor Fujimoto just got a cameo at the end, looks like I was right in that she got underused after her introduction, and we also got teased on the other student council girls who unfortunately never appeared in the show despite being in the OP, but nice that they appeared at least for a few seconds lol.

And with that my rewatch of the perverted babes anime is done, took me a bit longer than I originally planned but I just didn’t want it to end man, it was so much fun revisiting this after 5 years. And yeah, I can safely say my opinion of this has improved, i remember back in Summer 2019 that I wasn’t the fondest of this show, of course I enjoyed it but it wasn’t up there my some of my favorite harem anime, but now I’d honestly put it pretty close to them, and that could either be because of nostalgia or maybe my tastes have changed over time, either way i definitely enjoyed this more on the rewatch. This show honestly is a gem to me now, I really enjoyed all the girls and their different fetishes which often complimented their personalities, yeah it’s unfortunate some girls went underused like Fujimoto and Nanjo, but they really all were a lot of fun. Best girl for me has to be Nanjo tho, i remember that being the case in 2019 and it’s the same now, I think she’s really the best match for Keiki too, she just clicked the best with me and I like her design the most as well, and fujoshi girls are always fun lol. And one thing I noticed on the rewatch was how good the OST is, some really nice tracks in there, definitely one of those things that will always make me remember this show.

And that OP is such a bop, fun song and great visuals, but my favorite has to be that ED, it’s such a good song man, several times during this rewatch it got me to tear up because of the combo of nostalgia and how good it is, so much time has gone by since Summer 2019 and it just keeps getting further away, the song will continue to hit me hard, cute video game visuals went well with it too. And as much as I’d love for this to get a Season 2 one day, 5 years later I don’t think it’s happening sadly, perhaps one day I will check out the LN just to see what happens beyond the show, but for now I’ll keep hoping a Season 2 manifests out of the ether lol, I’m really gonna miss this one. Also, just realized I finished this on the day it ended 5 years ago, completely on accident lol, I guess it was meant to be.
TheColonel76Sep 23, 2024 5:28 PM
Jan 27, 2:01 PM

Aug 2019
Damn :/

The dream sequenced looked infinitely more appealing and interesting than anything in this whole episode. How tf is that even possible. You had something way more fun right there and instead they try to force Mizuha and Keiki together in this last episode. I like Mizuha, but come on I'm not choosing her over Sayuki, or any of the other girls really.

This was pretty bad, even from an ecchi standpoint, which is why I picked this up. The characters and animation can look so weird at times, and Keiki just kinda sucks as a protagonist. I like pretty much all the girls, Sayuki especially, but man I wish we could've seen more. Uncensored scenes would've been great, along with them being able to play out their fantasies more instead of having Keiki chicken out and be an annoying protagonist that just gets in the way of the fun. The fanservice was pretty good at times, but I feel like it really slowed down towards the middle and end when, for whatever reason, it tried to make things more emotional and dramatic. It's awful. It could've been way more fun.

6/10 for me. Just about the only thing I liked from this episode was the dream sequenced at the start, and Mizuha being revealed to be an exhibitionist. If only the show gave us more of that before ending...
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