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Goblin Slayer (light novel)
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Jan 31, 2019 7:25 AM

Sep 2016
Feel free to try and refute my points below I look forward to seeing you fail

Point 1: Goblin slaying isn't the focus of the anime it's goblin slayer and that's a problem.

You see goblin slayer isn't a character at best he's more of a checklist than an actual character. And when he's the only important character in the show I'd consider that a pretty hefty flaw..
Now on to the checklist v
Tragic backstory being the characters only motivation: Check
Tragic backstory leading the character to become stoic and detached from others: Check
Slowly having the character to learn to relate to other people over the course of the story: Check
^ This is the most basic braindead garbage that we criticize movies in Hollywood for doing with every single action movie but when an anime does it people go "Oh what a grand breaking character study" despite it being the same regurgitated crap we see across pretty much edgy shonen character goes through. In supporting goblin slayer you're basically saying "Yes something doesn't have to be creative or thought out to be popular. The author can just spend a minute on tv tropes and just rip a character off one of those pages.

Point 2: goblin slaying isn't memorable enough to hold anyone's attention over the age of 15 and since goblin slayer is a piss poor character well...You have a problem

Tabletop games and most rpgs < The good ones anyway

Are memorable because they provide you with a variety of different situations and a slue of different ways to deal with your problems goblin slayer picks up the fundementals of a good tabletop story and goes "Let's do everything in our power to avoid that" Instead of having a well thought out journey with many creative scenarios and dozens of enemy types all with their own nuances, culture and, fighting style you have a race of what is essentially a group of mentally handicapped green midgets that use swarm tactics to overwhelm their enemy. Giving you the opportunity to solve any of your conflicts with violence or more violence. Leading to encounters with goblins becoming a stagnant chore to sit through rather than an exhilarating battle.

With all that being said why do you think anyone would think goblin slayer is deserving of an 8?
I've surpassed your limit!
Jan 31, 2019 8:05 AM
Aug 2016
It's 2019 already, c'mon. Can we stop talking about this series smh
Jan 31, 2019 9:15 AM

Nov 2016
Just wait. It will go down Eventually. The best comparrasion I can give is Fuuka. When it was airing it had around a 7.8 if not higher and now 2 years later (Has it really been that much? Damn I feel Old.) It has a 6.7 but last year it was even lower. I feel that the same thing is gonna happen to this.

I also think the current score is too high but I don't worry because of what I just said.

Without Love, the truth cannot be seen.
Feb 1, 2019 11:28 PM
Oct 2010
Aslt said:
It's 2019 already, c'mon. Can we stop talking about this series smh

The dub just got finished. If you don't like discussing it, then leave. I hate people like you who don't like free discussion on an area of a forum related to the series.
Feb 2, 2019 10:54 AM

May 2018
I see the NPCs are still salty about Goblin Slayer. Keep hating it, I'm enjoying the salt.
Feb 2, 2019 4:00 PM

Jan 2017
Yo since "goblin slaying isn't memorable enough" can you like, f o r g e t a b o u t i t y o u r s e l f already?

the forum is alread full of 'yikes' threads and comments like this, there's need for another one were you just make a list of things you personally like and describe your taste in things lmao
FrazsFeb 2, 2019 4:20 PM
Feb 2, 2019 6:38 PM

Sep 2016
Frazs said:
Yo since "goblin slaying isn't memorable enough" can you like, f o r g e t a b o u t i t y o u r s e l f already?

the forum is alread full of 'yikes' threads and comments like this, there's need for another one were you just make a list of things you personally like and describe your taste in things lmao

What's a "Yikes" thread a thread? Or by that do you mean any thread looking at goblin slayer with a critical lens because that would make more sense.

After all the only way goblin slayer fans respond to criticism is by belittling the people who criticize it,

Turns out that a hack writer can get pretty far by adding rape or torture to their tv show. Akama ga kill did it. Future diary did it, sao did it. You know what all these shows have in common? They're all fucking bad but they're edgy enough to keep 15-year-olds coming back for more. Not because the anime has substance, quality, or polish but because myanimelist users will cream themselves if the gore is good enough.
I've surpassed your limit!
Feb 3, 2019 8:05 AM
Jul 2018
iorn said:
Feel free to try and refute my points below I look forward to seeing you fail

Point 1: Goblin slaying isn't the focus of the anime it's goblin slayer and that's a problem.

You see goblin slayer isn't a character at best he's more of a checklist than an actual character. And when he's the only important character in the show I'd consider that a pretty hefty flaw..
Now on to the checklist v
Tragic backstory being the characters only motivation: Check
Tragic backstory leading the character to become stoic and detached from others: Check
Slowly having the character to learn to relate to other people over the course of the story: Check
^ This is the most basic braindead garbage that we criticize movies in Hollywood for doing with every single action movie but when an anime does it people go "Oh what a grand breaking character study" despite it being the same regurgitated crap we see across pretty much edgy shonen character goes through. In supporting goblin slayer you're basically saying "Yes something doesn't have to be creative or thought out to be popular. The author can just spend a minute on tv tropes and just rip a character off one of those pages.

Point 2: goblin slaying isn't memorable enough to hold anyone's attention over the age of 15 and since goblin slayer is a piss poor character well...You have a problem

Tabletop games and most rpgs < The good ones anyway

Are memorable because they provide you with a variety of different situations and a slue of different ways to deal with your problems goblin slayer picks up the fundementals of a good tabletop story and goes "Let's do everything in our power to avoid that" Instead of having a well thought out journey with many creative scenarios and dozens of enemy types all with their own nuances, culture and, fighting style you have a race of what is essentially a group of mentally handicapped green midgets that use swarm tactics to overwhelm their enemy. Giving you the opportunity to solve any of your conflicts with violence or more violence. Leading to encounters with goblins becoming a stagnant chore to sit through rather than an exhilarating battle.

With all that being said why do you think anyone would think goblin slayer is deserving of an 8?

Point 1 is exactly why I enjoyed the series. I came for Goblin Slayer san and not goblin slaying. He sure is a checklist character, but this man is dead inside to the core. Never have we seen a character being so broken inside like Goblin Slayer san. That's exactly what I liked about it. They took a cliché concept but gave it a different outcome. It's not very creative, but is it unique? It sure is, since there are barely any characters who are this broken inside.

Point 2, it looks like you haven't watched the anime. Goblin Slayer san used his brain when fighting the goblins. He isn't OP, so he had to be strategic to gain the upperhand in combat. This is why I enjoyed the anime.

Goblin Slayer deserves a 7. If it adapted the manga in all aspects, an 8. If I had read the manga BEFORE I watched the anime, I'd indeed have given it a 6. That's because the manga is just better in my opinion, but that's not what this is about.
Feb 4, 2019 7:36 AM
Jul 2016
It's impossible to have bad opinions but here we are, somehow you managed to do so.
Feb 4, 2019 7:40 AM

May 2017
I just thought it was a novel concept to give goblins, a normally easy mob to kill, some power through their organization and actually learning from their mistakes. The one thing that the Goblin Slayer fears/hates about them. My score isn't far off of yours but you seem to be rating it a little higher than what your words are saying.
Feb 4, 2019 7:43 AM

Sep 2016
BaneofKermit said:
I just thought it was a novel concept to give goblins, a normally easy mob to kill, some power through their organization and actually learning from their mistakes. The one thing that the Goblin Slayer fears/hates about them. My score isn't far off of yours but you seem to be rating it a little higher than what your words are saying.

I gave it a 1 because there's nothing redreaming about the show. I struggled to find anything good about it but I was unable to.
I've surpassed your limit!
Feb 4, 2019 7:49 AM

May 2017
iorn said:
BaneofKermit said:
I just thought it was a novel concept to give goblins, a normally easy mob to kill, some power through their organization and actually learning from their mistakes. The one thing that the Goblin Slayer fears/hates about them. My score isn't far off of yours but you seem to be rating it a little higher than what your words are saying.

I gave it a 1 because there's nothing redreaming about the show. I struggled to find anything good about it but I was unable to.

Oh I assumed you gave it around a 5/4 seeing the title of the thread. Huh.
Feb 4, 2019 3:55 PM

Oct 2017
I feel like giving a 9 after reading this but i will stick with my 8.

Feb 8, 2019 6:37 AM
Sep 2016
stupid so stupid, that's just your opinion, if everyone watching this is just like you this series would get 6. everyone have different think. fact that this series has 7,7. and 8 for novel and manga.
arielvegaFeb 8, 2019 6:42 AM
Feb 8, 2019 6:45 AM
Apr 2016
I think Goblin Slayer isn't a bad anime, nor a character; his identity is being kept a secret for the SECOND season, the adaptation is short, remember, meaning he's incomplete only in the anime, not in the manga. Gore is so strong ONLY to show how frightening goblins are, if you can't tolerate dark themes you shouldn't be watching shows like Goblin Slayer, try something more comfy and family-friendly. Your *review* seems rather clouded...
Feb 8, 2019 6:58 AM

May 2016
it wasn't a great show but it wasn't bad either. Haven't read the manga but it was a decent watch. I gave it a 7/10 because the beginning and end were a bit more engaging, and his dedication to goblin slaying was interesting, but overall I found it quite slow. It was a good filler series to pad out my seasonal anime watch rotation.

Feb 8, 2019 7:14 AM

Jul 2013
I enjoyed Goblin Slayer since i am a big Berserk fan. Gore,rape and all that shit are ways for the author to show how fucked up the world is. Even tho the animation wasnt consistent i enjoyed it. If you dont like anime who have that kind of content then just dont watch it, simple as that.
Feb 8, 2019 5:39 PM

Nov 2018
Heimur said:
I feel like giving a 9 after reading this but i will stick with my 8.

Having finally caught up with the last two episodes, I’ve gotta bump my 8 up to a 9. A close thing, to be sure, but there’s no 8.5 option, so...
Feb 8, 2019 5:56 PM

Jan 2010
Idk why you only mentioned GS. Basically every characters in this series was bad. GS was the better of the bunch actually.

For me, the worst thing about GS (the anime) is the characters. They are so shallow and uninteresting and stupid (except, well, GS himself. At least he got a backstory and motivation)

Second worst thing is how everyone seems to fall for him, like, wut??? I fucking hate this kind of thing. Falling for some character over a shallow reason. Unnecessary harem. It makes me appreciate GS as a character less.

Using the same formula that has been proven to be successful is not wrong. Depends of how you reuse it. So no, I don't agree with your first point.

All in all, it's not a spectacular show like how many people described it, but I must admit it was entertaining enough.

Which such characters, I don't think this series deserve more than a 7.
Feb 9, 2019 2:22 AM

Aug 2014
man i love goblin slayer i rly do.. but i just don't like the anime adaptation .. the voice acting.. the poor cgi and low budget animation everything felt off in the anime and... oh god.. don't even get me started on dat cowgirl's and other over exaggerated fanservice scenes.. wtf was that shit when i first saw the trailer i was getinng so hyped then in the middle of watching it random cowtits window scene shit happens, im like? NANI????????
the opening theme song was dope though,

i rly ain't got the energy in me to go through a long wall of text explaining why the manga is better for people who hate both.. sorry

compare. my hero academia or Drifters, mob psycho 100, Magi labyrinth of magic
these r great examples of a good adaptation Accurate to the source with good budget and everything else that even brings out more of the atmosphere a anime would produce of the same manga you wouldn't get from just the reading experience

Novel = Words [mostly ur imagination]

Manga = less Words But Has Pictures, [A Manga with good Artwork gives Life to the Novel Through Its Pictures Expressing Feelings Words Actions and other things with Its Art Alone] [Bad Artwork would/could actually only give u a bad example of the story]

Anime = Moving Pictures With Audio/Words/Sounds. [Animation Audio Voice acting.. u already get the idea]

anyway i give the anime a 5/10 a 6 maybe if i had watched the anime before starting the manga, aw hack watever imma give it a 6
manga a 8/10
would probably given the novel a 9.5/10 if i read it
have to say though... the anime kinda tainted how i view the manga abit... cuz i kinda do agree abit with what the people hating on goblin slayer r saying.... abit though ... abit xd
TheDiabolicEsperFeb 9, 2019 8:37 AM

Feb 9, 2019 2:44 PM
Jul 2012
iorn said:

With all that being said why do you think anyone would think goblin slayer is deserving of an 8?

You give anything that dares to have received critical acclaim a 1 (e.g. Fate Zero, DBS of which you've watched 113 eps, and Deathnote) and you gave Afro Samurai a 10. I can only assume that you are determined to hate Goblin Slayer due to its success, and when you're determined to hate something you'll find reasons to.
But now to address your points, not for your sake as I have no doubt you'll just ignore them but, for the other Goblin Slayer fans who you have quite reasonably annoyed.

Point A: Goblin Slayer - The Characters
While Goblin Slayer is the most important character, as for the most part he directly drives the plot, he is not the only character. To imply otherwise is to seriously devalue the value of other characters, especially Archbishop and Priestess for reasons I'll get into later but first Goblin Slayer himself.

A tragic backstory, a stoic personality, and learning to open up are certainly tropes, however tropes are like ingredients. You don't make a cake with 7 Litres of water and a teaspoon of flour and, in the same way, you don't make a show over using tropes. Shows that overuse tropes are criticised while shows that get the balance right are praised. So let's see how Goblin Slayer used some of its tropes

Trope 1: Tragic backstory - I would argue that this is the most carefully handled trope in the series. At no point is GS backstory given without purpose. It is either given to contextualise current events or to flesh out characters and character dynamics. Shows that seem edgy are just shows that overuse tragedy.

Trope 2: PTSD - Is a thing that actually happens to most people who undergo highly traumatic stress. To say that PTSD is common in modern media is like saying the sun is hot, but, while it is everywhere it is almost always misused. When dealing with a traumatic events as a key plot points you need to have a knowledgeable character which in turn requires they live through the event which then leads to PTSD. Otherwise the character comes off as fake or inhuman, which GS is definitely not as he reacts and changes over time.
"But why use PTSD at all?"
Because when it's used to say something it's incredibly powerful, especially when used as a sort of a, "This is what action 'x' does to people." Now in Japan, where rape and statutory rape (loli) are in the top 10 porn tags and is often shown as little more than foreplay, Goblin Slayer paints the brutal reality. That rape doesn't just mess up the victims but also them victim's family and friends. That it destroys, humiliates, and terrifies even the most powerful people. This is why Archbishop's character is so important as it shows the victim's perspective and how even someone as powerful as her can be completely immobilised by fear of rapists and the shame that goes with being a victim. All this is used to help support the main theme of Goblin Slayer - That rape should not be glorified as it destroys people.

Trope 3: Opening up - I mean I don't know what you want from this one. You might as well say talking in film is a trope. Everyone opens up to people around them and share their feelings eventually, it's just what humans do. Some people take longer than others for different reasons, and some don't show it in the most clear spelt-out way but everyone does. The way people open up is called character. Goblin Slayer's characters never seem to break character and always act in the way that is appropriate for their personality. In fact it's because of the personality of the cast, especially Priestess, that GS opens up in a way that is believable for his established character.

Trope 4 (Bonus Round): Harem - I'm not talking about best girl, that shit can go somewhere else. All of the characters that are attracted to GS are for reasons that are quite reasonable and believable, which is rare for harems. Usually it's just "MC lemme smash" but in Goblin Slayers case every character has fairly decent reason to be attracted to GS.
They are:

Elf - 2000 years old yet GS is a mystery to her. That mystery is what attracts her.

Priestess - GS saved her from physical goblin and in the process of trying to save GS from his psychological goblin forms an attraction to him

Archbishop - GS killed her worse nightmares figuratively and literally.

Childhood Friend - Is desperately holding onto the last part of her original home that wasn't destroyed by goblins and hoping that she will eventually break through to the guy she once knew.

Guild Clarke - GS does all the goblin slaying jobs even though they don't pay much which she assumes he is doing to protect people from what happened to him (well she's half right).

Point B: Goblin Slaying
Boring? Really? It took the D&D theme and ran with it, not so much in enemy types but methods. GS comes up with some ways to kill goblins that are so creative it makes agent 47 look like a toddler. Ambushes and counter-ambushes, disguising using blood, using protection magic to crush a guy to death and to seal a fire escape, and not to mention using a teleport scroll linked to the bottom of the ocean as high pressure cutter. It's not the D&D, "How do get out of this without fighting?", but more the D&D, "How creatively can I kill it?"

I can't comment on Akame Ga Kill or Mirai nikki as I haven't watched them nor do I have any interest in watching them but I can comment on SAO. SAO was not made big by rape or gore, it succeeded due to the core premise being an escapist power fantasy for gamers. SAO doesn't handle rape well, has never handled rape well, and probably never will handle rape well.
This is the part where I'd love to say that GS anime handles rape well but then episode 1 exists, where Fighter's rape scene is overly sexualised, which ironically shows how important Goblin Slayer's message of "Rape should not be glorified" is to the anime industry because the animators heard rape and instantly thought, "Gotta make it sexy," which just reinforces why it is so important that GS's message is heard so this kind of crap stops. So that rape is treated more seriously and isn't just used as a quick marketing stunt.
sekirei109Feb 9, 2019 2:50 PM
Feb 9, 2019 9:14 PM

Aug 2017
Goblin Slayer is a good anime (7/10)
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