kronopy said:DonTrumpolino said:
Yeah, I know. But it has succumbed to become like the AAA game industry, where micro-transactions are over passion. Everything is not just a product, it's a cheap sale and then on to the next rushed subject...
Dude... is nothing like AAA game industry. You are not forced to pay anything for supplementary costs... in reality, most anime fans don't pay a dime for anything they consume. Despise being mainstream now, anime is still a niche as a business. To produce a 2D animation, like Steven Universe, for example, an American company would spend up to 4 million dollars on a single 20 minutes episode, over the course of a 2-4 years production. A Japanese anime studio doesn't spend that much on an entire 13 episodes season. They manage to do it with bellow 200 000 dollars per episode, and rarely spend more than a year in producing the whole series... some episodes can be made even in a single week (that why by the end of season many feel that the animation drops out in quality and that why Naruto, Black Clover, Fairy Tail, and other weekly shows are so poor in quality). They can do that because they work their animators to exhaustion and manage to keep the costs of production really low (the salary of an animators barely changed at all in the past 60 years)... YET, even so, most of them struggle to break even and make back their costs over the course of many years. That way it feels so weird when we say that if an anime sold 10 000 copies, then it's a great success, while in the West if something sells bellow one million is seen as a failure. The anime industry is struggling to survive, and each year you have studio's filing for bankruptcy. The reason for that is because many watch them, but very few buy... The whole industry rests on the shoulders of a handful of loyal Japanese fans who are ready to pay for the expensive DVD's and merchandise. Western fans would never do that. Most say that even the 6.95 dollars monthly membership on Crunchyroll is too expensive and find all sort of excuses to avoid it, while the Japanese fans can pay up to hundreds of dollars for the whole season of an anime.
So is ridiculous to accuse Anime Industry of being crashgrabers, when they struggle for years to make a profit out of their work. Those sort of OVA and special episodes are just ways, to make a bit more fast cash for their project.
Passion is... If you think there is anything for an animator than passion, then you are wrong... Cuz money are not, as they are paid bellow the minimal wage. If you think that there is other reason why there are so many studios other than passion, then you are wrong again. Anime industry as a whole, including manga too, it's lot's and lot's of work, and stress, and sacrifices. The only reason why there are peoples who still join into that hell despise knowing that, is passion.