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Sep 6, 2018 9:28 AM

Dec 2014
damn that was a good watch...tomie was really something..the odd thing is she didn't
Sep 6, 2018 10:37 AM

Sep 2013
Gotta cover up the murder so might as well get the whole class involved :)
Sep 6, 2018 10:38 AM

Jan 2013
The censorship was a bit over the top lol
Sep 6, 2018 1:51 PM

Apr 2011
The censorship was awful but the episode itself was okay.
Sep 6, 2018 2:15 PM

Apr 2013
Why the hell did a Blu-Ray special get censored? The animation was already pretty sloppy as it was (good ol' Deen), but then to throw up even more of a censoring hackjob on top of it made the episode unpleasant to watch.
Sep 8, 2018 9:33 AM
Oct 2017
this works really well as an allegory for DEEN butchering the source material
Sep 8, 2018 7:59 PM
Jan 2018
DEEN did a good job on this one! Hopefully they release an uncensored version later down the line, though; that censoring was a bit much.
Sep 9, 2018 11:24 AM

Jun 2014
This is poorly made and rush as hell... the art and animation is poor even for this series' stander. And lots of monologue was cut out.

You'd think this being a adaptation of Ito's first manga ever, there are lots of place they could have improved. But they didn't. The editing on transition is especially bad...

Aslo, why the hell do you still force two story into on 22min episode for a freaking OVA? You don't have that time limite here! Make it how ever long it needed to be!
Sep 14, 2018 9:29 PM

Aug 2015
I found this to be another disappointment from DEEN, no surprise there.
It's not a very logical story but it at least has 'the twist' though DEEN spoiled that:
it tipped its hand pretty early and cut out quite a bit of dialogue that built atmosphere, while also not even resolving the situation before the credits roll.
I wouldn't be surprised if people who have never read the manga find this an unsatisfactory piece of storytelling.
It's kinda amusing they even copied Ito's amateur art style here to an extent, yet didn't even adapt fully adapt the story, condensing it to about 5 and a half minutes.
Sep 15, 2018 12:33 PM
Oct 2012
raifuresu said:
The censorship was awful but the episode itself was okay.

MasterHGR said:
DEEN did a good job on this one! Hopefully they release an uncensored version later down the line, though; that censoring was a bit much.

censorship is only in the crunchyroll version, can see uncensored (DVD version) here, but it is in chinese :
Sep 16, 2018 2:57 AM

Apr 2011
Acernos said:
raifuresu said:
The censorship was awful but the episode itself was okay.

MasterHGR said:
DEEN did a good job on this one! Hopefully they release an uncensored version later down the line, though; that censoring was a bit much.

censorship is only in the crunchyroll version, can see uncensored (DVD version) here, but it is in chinese :

Oh, that's nice. Thank you!!
Sep 16, 2018 7:13 PM

Mar 2009
10 minutes? That's all?

So everyone in that class is a psychopath. Sure.
Sep 24, 2018 1:29 AM

Jun 2013
I'm sad it's only ten minutes long.

Even sadder that it was shit and the manga was better. In most cases, it always is.

I think everyone in that class deserves to die a horrible death. The teacher, most especially.

Reiko was a fucking moron for yelling, "I can't run anymore!" while being chased by her murderous classmates. She also deserves to die for being a fucking idiot.

The ending song is the same ED used in the shitty Junji Ito anime adaptation lol it was a terrible adaptation but I missed this song.
Nov 5, 2018 7:21 PM

Jul 2016
Well, that censorship was awful. Having half of the screen covered in red like... why? but well, since I don't think it's Deen's fault I won't complain to much.

That aside, the storytelling wasn't of my liking. The idea of a whole class conspiring to cover the accident -because it was an accident- and to cut a body into 42 pieces, even though Tomie regained consciousness in middle of the act, felt completely absurd. Not to mention that none of the students was against the idea either... so yeah, I completely lost any interest in the story due to that.

P.S.: So... since Tomie was cut into 42 pieces and every part can regenerate itself in a brand new Tomie... I wonder if there are 42 Tomies walking out there. I'm not gonna lie, the idea is interesting, for me at least.
Nov 9, 2018 12:41 PM

Nov 2014
Well as a big fan of the Tomie manga (literally it’s my #1 favorite), this was an interesting watch. Although the OVA did the manga no justice whatsoever, I still enjoyed checking it out.
It’s surprising that it took this long for one of Junji Ito’s best works to be adapted. I just wish it could have been done better. That’s censoring was just AWFUL as so many others have said.... A big part of the manga was the disgusting gore and body horror. And I think Tomie deserves more than just two 10 minute episodes.
Also did anyone else think that Tomie in the OVA wasn’t anywhere near as lovely as Tomie in the Manga, when Ito was drawing her?

Acernos said:
censorship is only in the crunchyroll version, can see uncensored (DVD version) here, but it is in chinese :

This link doesn’t seem to work anymore :( it just takes you to a page with a link that redirects you here. Anyone know of any other place with the uncensored version?
Nov 12, 2018 1:39 AM

May 2017
SouthRzVa said:
Well, that censorship was awful. Having half of the screen covered in red like... why? but well, since I don't think it's Deen's fault I won't complain to much.

It's neither the source material nor Deen's fault, obviously the manga is gory af and there are laws Deen have to follow or Deen wouldn't have been able to air it nor even make it

SouthRzVa said:
That aside, the storytelling wasn't of my liking. The idea of a whole class conspiring to cover the accident -because it was an accident- and to cut a body into 42 pieces, even though Tomie regained consciousness in middle of the act, felt completely absurd. Not to mention that none of the students was against the idea either... so yeah, I completely lost any interest in the story due to that.

That's bcoz her super regeneration isn't the only supernatural involved here, her ability is not limited to that, now whether Tomie died in the fall or not hardly matters, she could've died in the fall and just revive while being dismembered or the fall didn't kill her again doesn't matter, this is her origin story if it revealed every mystery of her and her abilities then it beats the point and the manga would've been over and resolved in just the first chapter

Here's my theory on how the students acted that way: I think this is where Tomie's abilities manifested, the fall killed her and then her other ability kicks in and that is
the pattern goes 1.flirting 2.murder (Tomie oftens the victim) 3.revival. basically that pattern reenact the scene at the cliff to falling, dying and reviving

SouthRzVa said:
P.S.: So... since Tomie was cut into 42 pieces and every part can regenerate itself in a brand new Tomie... I wonder if there are 42 Tomies walking out there. I'm not gonna lie, the idea is interesting, for me at least.

Yes, every pieces will grow into a perfect Tomie clone with all her memories and her abilities

Yes, there's a chapter where a hoard of Tomie's just casually take a stroll in a village (all of them naked)
Nov 12, 2018 12:00 PM

Jul 2016
Lairucrem said:
SouthRzVa said:
Well, that censorship was awful. Having half of the screen covered in red like... why? but well, since I don't think it's Deen's fault I won't complain to much.

It's neither the source material nor Deen's fault, obviously the manga is gory af and there are laws Deen have to follow or Deen wouldn't have been able to air it nor even make it

True, although I think there're more subtle ways to cover those scenes than just using red panels. However, it's also true that some media edits the material (like adding those red panels) once they receive it due to laws and stuff.

Lairucrem said:
SouthRzVa said:
That aside, the storytelling wasn't of my liking. The idea of a whole class conspiring to cover the accident -because it was an accident- and to cut a body into 42 pieces, even though Tomie regained consciousness in middle of the act, felt completely absurd. Not to mention that none of the students was against the idea either... so yeah, I completely lost any interest in the story due to that.

That's bcoz her super regeneration isn't the only supernatural involved here, her ability is not limited to that, now whether Tomie died in the fall or not hardly matters, she could've died in the fall and just revive while being dismembered or the fall didn't kill her again doesn't matter, this is her origin story if it revealed every mystery of her and her abilities then it beats the point and the manga would've been over and resolved in just the first chapter

Here's my theory on how the students acted that way: I think this is where Tomie's abilities manifested, the fall killed her and then her other ability kicks in and that is
the pattern goes 1.flirting 2.murder (Tomie oftens the victim) 3.revival. basically that pattern reenact the scene at the cliff to falling, dying and reviving

Oh, I already knew about her abilities... or at least the main ones since I watched her episode in the main series and because my sister has read all of Ito's works related to Tomie. My only complain was about the idea of keeping such a secret between 42 students without none of them willing to disagree about how absurd the idea sounded.

I also know Tomie can drive men into madness but that, at least, doesn't explain why the female students didn't say anything about what the male students were doing and didn't complain when they received a piece of Tomie to get rid of it.

There're just some things I asked myself while watching the Special, not that I'm mad or something, just curious.

Also, another thing I wonder is that if women can be affected by Tomie's ability since I think she controls men (voluntarily or not) based on the Love/Adoration/Obsession they feel for her... so, if any woman falls in love with her, I wonder if said woman will eventually lose her sanity too...

Lairucrem said:
SouthRzVa said:
P.S.: So... since Tomie was cut into 42 pieces and every part can regenerate itself in a brand new Tomie... I wonder if there are 42 Tomies walking out there. I'm not gonna lie, the idea is interesting, for me at least.

Yes, every pieces will grow into a perfect Tomie clone with all her memories and her abilities

Yes, there's a chapter where a hoard of Tomie's just casually take a stroll in a village (all of them naked)

That sounds really crazy, in the good way of course. Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it :)
Nov 12, 2018 6:19 PM

May 2017
SouthRzVa said:

Also, another thing I wonder is that if women can be affected by Tomie's ability since I think she controls men (voluntarily or not) based on the Love/Adoration/Obsession they feel for her... so, if any woman falls in love with her, I wonder if said woman will eventually lose her sanity too...

Yeah I believe so, coz there's this chapter where it worked on an elderly couple so yeah but ofc it's probably not as effective on women and the reason for that coz Tomie only likes men
Nov 14, 2018 3:37 PM

Dec 2010
Absolute trash! And my expectations were not even that high. The Tomie episode in the IJ Collection was pretty decent. Not really groundbreaking but it was one of the best if you ask me. So I expected something on this level.

And then this happened. 10 minutes. No introduction, no development. The sudden change in the atmosphere in the middle was totally mind-numbing. One second they were talking with Tomie like normal, she fell and the teacher even asked the culprit if he will confess to police. 20 seconds later whole class is butchering Tomie just because. Excuse me, what the fuck?

The artstyle and animation were worse than in the TV series. I thought this was OVA. They should have went with an 30 minutes one episode instead of this.

Definitely disappointed. The two Tomie movies that I have seen were also pretty shitty. Poor girl can not find the justice.
Dec 10, 2018 11:00 AM

Apr 2016
This first episode was very bloody....and there are more of one TOMIE!!!! kekeke
Jan 1, 2019 4:32 AM

May 2016
Everything from the art to the animation and the pacing looked sloppy, the music was unmemorable, and they just kinda jammed events together and the censoring's abysmal. I found the original series to be pretty good because it did show some caliber of effort despite not exactly living up to the manga's standards but this is just...uh. It's even more shocking that a Blu-Ray special without the time constraints contains material that's less than a shell of what the manga was. I loved reading Tomie and watching this just left me disappointed. To think that this is one of the few anime episodes I downloaded in 1080p makes it even more oof. Even Gyo was more enjoyable and better in every aspect than this and it was made 6 years before this. I just hope someone who actually cares will adapt Uzumaki if anyone bothers touching it...

Tomie loves bringing out the worst out of everyone by being a prissy stuck-up bitch with a dash of slightly subtle hypnotic mind-control which makes all her antics always lead to the hacksaws coming out from their pockets because that's how she secretly likes it. Little did they know that she's as stubborn as a starfish because she pretty much is one so the joke's on them for dissecting her to pieces. Now they'll have 42 bitches to put up with lmao.

It was a hundred times better in the manga but at least I liked that last shot of Tomie's lone body part grotesquely regenerating in the shore-side because it's colored~
Kajo_Senpai69Jan 1, 2019 6:16 AM

Aug 29, 2019 11:47 PM

Jan 2011
Yeah, obviously didn't do the manga justice, but wasn't exactly horrible. Way worse than the TV series though.
Jan 28, 2020 6:41 PM
Jan 2020
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh aaahhhhhhhhhhhuuyyyy
Oct 31, 2022 5:00 AM

Nov 2020
Okay episode, even tho they censored a little too much...
Sorry for my english xD!

RIP Kentaro Miura :(
RIP Akira Toriyama :(

Oct 31, 2022 5:25 AM
Oct 2019
Wow Tomie Origin story huh...

so she was cursed?

but the censorship though...

that's why people saying the Manga is always better.
Feb 16, 2023 10:04 PM

Feb 2021
Why are all of students agree with that teacher...
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Feb 4, 2024 4:51 AM

Jul 2022
Tomie doesn't deserve to die. The whole class should all die in the hellish way possible.
May 5, 2024 11:23 AM
Mar 2019
That is not what i call a Class lesson.
Gutting someone while you teach them Biology.

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