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Devils' Line
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Aug 16, 2018 5:00 PM
Jul 2018
That wrapped up a bit too conveniently and awkwardly but I guess the punishment they faced was fair enough, felt kinda dumb though. I would have liked to learn more about Anzai's dad and mom. I wonder how long that time skip was, I'm guessing this is just the opening act of sorts in the manga since it's still ongoing, that is if this was a faithful adaptation.
Sep 3, 2018 10:06 AM
May 2015
Loved this series and the relationship between them, I know typical romance shows, but I liked it! Don't judge!
Sep 6, 2018 4:33 PM

Mar 2012
Was a bit cheesy toward the end.... Would expect this to be more in the 7-7.5 range though, some mediocre dialogue like in a B movie sure but I've definitely watched way worse.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Oct 29, 2018 8:13 AM
Jan 2017
ok this anime is telling about vampire,,
the creature like human who suck human blood and get wild and adicted after drink that,, next the story line is baout human female and half vampire male who falling in love and make the vampire manage to controled his devil side,,
the snding is fine for me,, finnaly human and vampire relationship is legas that caused by tha male mother,
and after punished and out from jail,, they meet and happy ending,,
Jan 8, 2019 9:14 PM

Oct 2012
"It was a stormy night..."
Cheesy show but I enjoyed rooting for the 2 MCs and would even watch a second season. Would I recommend it to friends. Um, maybe if they were goth.
Feb 16, 2019 2:49 PM

Jun 2011
was hoping it'd be more about the vampires than the romance, severely disappointed tbh. Not that I mind the romance but for a whole show that's based on the relationship between a vampire and a human, the basis for the relationship is pretty damn weak. So, the show basically started on love on first sight, and it's not any love on first sight, it's a pretty damn gory first sight, monstrous, and the loss of a friend, and all the show cares about is the girl liking the 'pretty boi'. RIP friend I guess.

The pacing throughout the series has been really uneven, Tsukasa somehow stopped going to college, was hoping to see her friend's reaction to her getting that scar but eh, whatever I guess.

I like the plot progression though that she was undecided on her future career but found it after her meeting with Anzai, in fact that's probably the only part I like about this series.

This is pretty much just over-glorified vampirexhuman hentai without the sex. How many steamy scenes have we gone through for all 12 episodes?

Series could've been better for sure, would've been more enjoyable for me had the foundation of the relationship been stronger. Also hate Japan's fixation with 20 something years old getting flustered at a romantic gesture, it's cool if you're 14 and inexperienced but you're 20 and you've whacked off countless times.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jun 17, 2019 9:36 AM

Feb 2019
I ship them but idk last episode was rushed. Will definitely read the manga tho since I like Anzai and his voiceeee
Crazy for Siyun Baek and Park Yunsu

Jul 15, 2019 9:43 AM

Mar 2018
The story had potential to head to a more sophisticated direction. I thought we'd learn more about the conspiracy against devils (who's really behind it and why), more about Lee's past and the place he came from, more about Anzai's father and why his mother isn't involved in Anzai's life, more about Anzai's journey to overcome his blood lust, more about Kikuhara & why he's such an a-hole. Sadly, we got none of that. Even the blond guy from the first episode who was in love with Tsukasa never showed up or got mentioned again. I feel they focused on the wrong aspects in this show. They were too busy focusing on the twilight-ish teenage drama then the detective / thriller aspect that could have saved the show. It's a shame, really.
Apr 6, 2020 9:40 AM
Apr 2020
do you think next season will come this year?
Jul 9, 2020 4:23 AM

Jun 2020
uwu anzai's face when he realised he had once again hurt tsukasa :(

damn it ended. glad that they got their little happy ending but i wish there was more development to their relationship they've been through so much! 12 episodes felt too little for this universe devils line is trying to get us to delve into. personal enjoyment still 10/10 tho LOLOL devils line became a guilty pleasure of mine. am trash for anzai

loved the characters. OP and ED are great and i loved the VA. the writing and pacing of this anime is wonky as hell tho. might get into the manga!

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Nov 14, 2020 4:28 PM

May 2015
And that is my 3rd re-watch of Devils Line finished. I finished this in one sitting which I cant do as much these days.

I love this series. Its so good and so re-watchable. I love the way they end it using the events of the manga to make the anime very conclusive but also have the manga continue. I havent read much of the manga outside of like one chapter after the anime but Im gonna binge the whole thing now. I heard Tsukasa becomes a devil doctor and I really want to see her be really useful with her knowledge. (Since in the anime she was mainly just moral support) I hope the anime ending isnt the manga ending (The timeskip thing) and that they get back together for a bit before the end of the manga. Well, guess Im gonna find out.
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 10, 2020 8:19 PM
Apr 2016
Hate edgy garbage like this, they always go "haha sex that," "haha boner there" as if it makes the show mature or more appealing (Deadman Wonderland is also guilty of this). It was still relatively enjoyable though, so that's a big plus - not enough to make up for its cons, although.
Dec 22, 2020 11:24 AM
Dec 2020
it was pretty good kinda sad in the middle but it had a happy ending after all
Dec 22, 2020 11:24 AM
Dec 2020
good ending loved it
Oct 26, 2021 2:18 PM

Jan 2021
I liked this anime a lot. Just finished it.

At first I dropped it bc it was a bit too gushy, but then I decided to keep going. Yeah, it had it’s weird moments (I personally think tsukasa’s the weirdest one in the bunch LOL) but I kept watching anyway because of the storyline revolving more about the devil’s and whatnot. I mainly liked the whole drama with the organizations and the spies, that’s actually what dragged me in even more. A lot of people thought that part of it was boring but that’s what kept me from loosing interest. I was really on edge watching everything play out like that. Definitely reading the manga now.
Nov 20, 2021 8:24 PM

May 2013
This series was soooooo good and fills up my lust for romance animes hahahah xD I feel like only girly girls who play otome games like myself would enjoy this. Saw a review of someone saying it's just as bad as Twilight, but I happen to like Twilight too 🙃 Haters gon hate.

I enjoyed AnzaiXTsukasa. They're too cute. Not to mention the hot and steamy moments, huehuehue ;) We need a vanilla hentai version of this series LOLOLOL. I'm off to read the manga naos cuz I need MOAR!


I docked a point because the early ep scene where glass cut Tsukasa's face-- I didn't understand why that made her topple over like she died LMAO. Most of us would just flinch. I know Anzai needed a trigger to transform and go after the sniper, but it still didn't make much sense to me, bwahhah XD it just looked too silly even for "anime logic" :P

Plus the fact that Tsukasa didn't go visit her vampire friend Akimura even though they're close and she was offered the opportunity to LOL. Our gurl just yeeted him after she found her boo. Talk about friendzoning. I wonder if they'll bring him back one day xD
Aug 31, 2022 1:38 PM
Dec 2021
great anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 25, 2022 10:35 AM
Nov 2015
really good anime
Apr 13, 2023 1:05 PM
Aug 2021
I feel like she wants him to drink her blood to save him but also for selfish reasons. Since she has always wanted him to drink her blood. Damn, Lee slowly started losing control luckily he regained control. Damn the F Squad got disbanded are they going to become a group of MISFITS????? HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRO GOT BLOWN UP. This anime is so bad but so good it makes no sense. Bro the devils need to take a page out of Eren's book😂. If you know you know. Oh, his dad was the person from the beginning. Wait that means his mum sneaked it to his dad's cell and let him clap her cheeks whilst other devils watched🤣🤣🤣🤣. These guys really are star-crossed lovers. She really waited.
Jun 18, 2023 6:10 AM
Jun 2023
I love everything
Jun 26, 2023 12:07 PM
Jun 2023
i will never recover from the fact that such a realationship needed to end. Im super sad that anzai is fored to stay closed and los everything he had gained. I just wish the ending was different.
Jul 16, 2023 5:24 AM
Jul 2023
I haven't seen such a fine ending for a show, I loved it, can't wait 'till second season !
Aug 5, 2023 2:57 PM
Jun 2023
La historia es exelente, lu unico es que tiene episodios con vastante accion y otros un poco densos pero fuera de eso estubo muy bien
Nov 17, 2023 4:57 PM

Dec 2022
Not the most interesting series ever. The constant breathing, gargling and muffled yelling also detracted from the watch.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Dec 12, 2023 1:50 PM
Aug 2023
It was better than I expected, though I cried when I didn't know how their romanced continued
Mar 29, 2024 4:32 PM
Sep 2023
bad.... the love bt the two was rushed as heck
Jun 14, 2024 7:01 AM
Dec 2022
cool, romantic, i want season 2
Oct 2, 2024 6:38 PM

Jan 2016
So, I don't want to, but I have to give this a 4/10. It made no sense, and not in the way where I think it was abstract, but just had so many flaws. There was absolutely 8/10 potential and was tempted to give 6/10, but I just can't.

For this episode, all things considered, I do like the ending, and the authorities and hospital seem to be based in reality unlike the mob. I'm very confused on how his mom got pregnant as apparently was after his imprisonment, and we saw how he currently is needing intense restraints and can't have physical contact.

Tsukasa-chan is my spirit animal
Lee-kun... best character... lost the family he just found... bruh (hopefully he was like a roommate or something to Tsukasa, or maybe hooked up with her friend.

Oct 3, 2024 7:07 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to DarknessReality
And that is my 3rd re-watch of Devils Line finished. I finished this in one sitting which I cant do as much these days.

I love this series. Its so good and so re-watchable. I love the way they end it using the events of the manga to make the anime very conclusive but also have the manga continue. I havent read much of the manga outside of like one chapter after the anime but Im gonna binge the whole thing now. I heard Tsukasa becomes a devil doctor and I really want to see her be really useful with her knowledge. (Since in the anime she was mainly just moral support) I hope the anime ending isnt the manga ending (The timeskip thing) and that they get back together for a bit before the end of the manga. Well, guess Im gonna find out.
@DarknessReality Wow, 3rd re-watch. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Based on what you stated, that does seem like they ended the anime intelligently. I too would be interested to see what she's like as a devil doctor.

Oct 3, 2024 7:16 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to Kokoro_Kotashima
This series was soooooo good and fills up my lust for romance animes hahahah xD I feel like only girly girls who play otome games like myself would enjoy this. Saw a review of someone saying it's just as bad as Twilight, but I happen to like Twilight too 🙃 Haters gon hate.

I enjoyed AnzaiXTsukasa. They're too cute. Not to mention the hot and steamy moments, huehuehue ;) We need a vanilla hentai version of this series LOLOLOL. I'm off to read the manga naos cuz I need MOAR!


I docked a point because the early ep scene where glass cut Tsukasa's face-- I didn't understand why that made her topple over like she died LMAO. Most of us would just flinch. I know Anzai needed a trigger to transform and go after the sniper, but it still didn't make much sense to me, bwahhah XD it just looked too silly even for "anime logic" :P

Plus the fact that Tsukasa didn't go visit her vampire friend Akimura even though they're close and she was offered the opportunity to LOL. Our gurl just yeeted him after she found her boo. Talk about friendzoning. I wonder if they'll bring him back one day xD
@Kokoro_Kotashima wow, 9/10, not 10/10 because of that specific additional error I didn't even think about. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Kokoro_Kotashima said:
I enjoyed AnzaiXTsukasa. They're too cute. Not to mention the hot and steamy moments, huehuehue ;) We need a vanilla hentai version of this series LOLOLOL. I'm off to read the manga naos cuz I need MOAR!

same actually. I was more focused mostly on my issues, but I definitely loved the Anzai, Yuuki route ;)

In her defense, she was never interested and hearing he's been raping and killing people is a huge turn off. For Anzai, she knows he's capable of it due to his DNA, but is actively fighting it. I still have mixed feelings and think I would more likely kill myself in her position (had my sexual trauma triggered twice in this shit, almost puked), but if not, yeah I could definitely see myself with Anzai, he is a really nice guy.

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