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Mar 21, 2008 8:51 AM

Mar 2008
I would like to know what couple in GS/GSD is your favorite or favorites(please rank them if many). You may hate the character but like the pairing he/she is invoved. Better if your reason is stated.No Yaoi/Yuri please.
Personally, I really love shinnxstellar (they're the best!)because they are so dramatic and psychological(I also loved Fllay and Kira). I really hate meyrinxathrun because its worthless and I like Cagalli.
danceljoyApr 10, 2008 8:17 AM
"One way, Jesus, You're the only one that I could live for! You are the way, the truth and the life. We live by faith and not by sight... "
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Mar 26, 2008 5:16 PM

Sep 2007
I like Shinn x Lunamaria pairing... And Shinn x Stellar pairing is also very good.
It's so sad... Don't take Stellar away from Shinn! Moar! xD

I dislike Kira x Lacus pairing...

Yeh, no Meyrin x Ahtrun pairing, Athrun loves Cagalli and they supposed to be together !!!
<img src="" border="0" />
Mar 27, 2008 8:46 AM

Mar 2008
I kinda dislike LacusxKira too(although they look very cute) because they are too perfect and too alike.
"One way, Jesus, You're the only one that I could live for! You are the way, the truth and the life. We live by faith and not by sight... "
Apr 7, 2008 7:05 PM

Apr 2008
Lacus & Kira were good couple in SEED (more emotions) but in Destiny...
Arthurn and Meyrin... nc

Definetly I like:
Cagalli and Arthurn
Shinn and Steller
Kira and Flay :)
Apr 10, 2008 4:21 AM

Oct 2007
i like thelacusxkira pairing. at the end of the the 4th special of destiny they look really good :)
Apr 15, 2008 3:33 AM

Apr 2008
in my opinion, Cagalli and Athrun is the best couple that I watched in the whole gundam series! They look cute together!!! And the worst couple i think is Luna and Shinn, it should be Shinn and Stellar together and Luna should die instead or maybe she would end up with somebody like Rey. Auel should be with Meyrin or Stellar, maybe I prefer that Shinn will end up with Meyrin if Stellar will die anyway. Lacus and Kira were a good couple but I think Cagalli and Kira were more perfect if they weren't a sibling. And Yzak, i love him to end up with Fllay or maybe with Shiho.
Jade V.
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Apr 18, 2008 8:49 AM

Mar 2008
Agree with Yzakx Shiho
Luna deserve Rey better than Shinn (I dunt like Luna)
If Stellar died, Shinn should have died with her
the creators must have made more AsuCaga moments bcuz their chemistry is so good
"One way, Jesus, You're the only one that I could live for! You are the way, the truth and the life. We live by faith and not by sight... "
May 4, 2008 6:59 AM

Nov 2007
My favorite couples are:
Cagalli x Athrun(they were really meant to be each other. they're so cute. even though they don't say what they really feel to each other, they we're able to express it through their actions. they will protect each other. though i'm quite disappointed when Cagalli agreed to be married with Yuuna. I really pity Athrun.)
Kira x Lacus(they look good together)
Yzak x Shiho(i wonder if she can make yzak's attitude change.?)
Shinn x Stellar

Dislike pairings:
Athrun x Meyrin
Kira x Flay
Luna x Shinn
ana-puuJul 9, 2008 5:38 AM

May 5, 2008 1:40 AM
Nov 2007
my favorite pairing:
athrun x cagalli - they look cute together.. i really like this pairing no matter what.. XD.. they are the best pairing i've ever seen..

my dislike pairing:
kira x lacus - i don't like this pairing even if they look good together.. because they look too much perfect.. it's like they never fight and mostly agree with each other..
May 5, 2008 5:55 AM

Nov 2006
I like:

1. Athrun x Cagalli (Atrhun's such a sweatheart and Cagalli kicks ass!! They're so cute together)
2. Mu x Murrue (I just love this paring...I really don't know why.)
3. Dearka x Miriallia (I like the "love-hate" relationship they have. She hates him for killing her b/f, but yet she cares about him too)

I hate:

1. Kira x Flay (She's just annoying and really whiny when she's with him)
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May 9, 2008 4:57 AM

Feb 2008
Favorite couples:
Athrun x Cagalli
Kira x Lacus
Shinn x Stellar

Dislike couples:
Athrun x Meyrin
Shinn x Lunamaria
Kira x Flay

Vasho544May 19, 2008 12:20 PM
May 10, 2008 3:23 AM

Mar 2008
Athrun x Cagalli (I love this pairing)
Shinn x Stellar (didn't really like the characters, but they were awfully cute together XD)

Athrun x Meyrin (WTH was that? >_<)
Kira x Lacus
Kira x Flay
Shinn x Luna

May 11, 2008 5:37 PM

Sep 2007
Shinn x Stellar FTW!!

Look this AMV! It's about Shinn x Stellar!!
<img src="" border="0" />
May 11, 2008 6:02 PM
Jul 2007
Favorite couples:
Mu x Murrue
Kira x Lacus
Shinn x Lunamaria

Dislike couples:
Kira x Flay
Shinn x Stellar
May 19, 2008 12:14 PM

Nov 2007
My favorite couples:
Athrun x Cagalli
Kira x Lacus
Shinn x Stellar

My dislike couples:
Athrun x Meyrin (I really hate this pairing!!!... I want my Athrun x Cagalli ;_; )
Shinn x Lunamaria
RazziellMay 21, 2008 1:35 PM

May 25, 2008 12:26 AM

Apr 2008
Fav Couples:

Kira x Lacus (agree with Froscik that they were better in SEED... Destiny, they were too perfect, but still cute)
Athrun x Cagalli (great chemisty, they're so cute together)
Mwu x Murrue

Dislike Couples:

Kira x Fllay (Fllay was just using him)
Athrun x Meer
Shinn x Luna (they're just wallowing in their sorrows together -_-;;)
Jun 22, 2008 12:11 AM

Nov 2007
I like Kira X Lacus, Athrun X Cagalli, this is the best for me.
Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for Fate/Nanoha.
Jun 27, 2008 8:45 AM

Nov 2007
Kira X Lacus of course ! The best pairing of GS and GSD ! :D
... and the worst ? .... hmm .... Kira x Flay ! XD

Aug 10, 2008 12:38 PM

Jun 2008
I liked ShinnxStellar couple, plus KiraxLacus and to a lesser degree KiraxFlay.
Worst?...dundundun...ShinnxLunamaria.(No offense to Lunamaria, in fact she is one of my favorite SEED Destiny girls.)
Sep 2, 2008 4:52 PM
Sep 2008
luv cagalli x athrun
HATE, and i mean HATE athrunX any other gurl like lunamaria, meer, or mayrine...but no offense to those characters
Sep 13, 2008 11:08 AM
Apr 2008
I don't really have a favorite pairing, but I absolutely HATE ShinxLunamaria. That really made me think WTF?!? They should have left the Shinn romantic entanglements alone after Stellar died.
Sep 30, 2008 12:08 AM
Sep 2008
KiraxLacus to the core! AsuxCaga is fine too, but nothing beats the unbreakable bond where each find solace in the others arms...

Worst pairing? KiraxFllay.... If Fllay weren't already dead, I'd mutilate her until she is unrecognizable...wait, I could do that to her corpse...right? *wicked laugh*
Nov 4, 2008 11:02 PM

Oct 2008
Gundam SEED Best Couple = Toll x Miriallia
Gundam SEED Worst Couple = Kira x Flay

Gundam SEED Destiny Best Couple = Mu La Flaga x Murrue Ramius
Gundam SEED Destiny Worst Couple = Athrun x Meyrin
Nov 19, 2008 9:18 AM

Sep 2008
Best: Athrun/Cagalli Dearka/Mirialia Shinn/Stellar
Worst: Athrun/Meyrin Kira/Fllay

Kira/Lacus is ok, but a bit too fluffy for me.
Dec 5, 2008 6:10 AM

Dec 2008
In my opinion the best couples were Kira x Lacus (in Seed) and Shinn x Stellar... Athurun is just too stupid to be with Cagalli imho

Mar 20, 2009 12:27 PM

Aug 2008
i like shinn and luna together they seem as though the will last
Mar 28, 2009 11:21 PM

Oct 2008
i love athrun and cagalli
they had so much great chemistry
and a lot great scenes together

i like kira and lacus but they kind of disappointed me
i watched code geass first and i saw an amv with kira and lacus and they just reminded me of euphy and suzaku
but they were dull
nothing happens to them
they only kissed on the cheeks

i also liked shin and stella and dearka and mirialia

i hate athrun and meyrin
they're pretty random
saying they belong together is kind of like saying lacus belongs with yzak
they never even talked until the show was almost done

to be honest i don't care what happens to shin and luna
they're relationship was kind of out of no where
she was after athrun the entire show and then all the sudden he runs away and she moves on to shin
and i got a feeling she wouldn't be into shin if he didn't prove himself to be a great pilot
because when she thought athrun was the best she was all over him
Mijoo-ChanMar 28, 2009 11:30 PM
Jun 18, 2009 3:28 PM

Jun 2009
I couldn't stand Cagalli, so i was pleased when Athrun (a character I liked) ended up with Meyrin who helped him out and caused a reason for a budding relationship.

So on the Contrary I think Athrun x Meyrin was the best
and Kira x Flay was the worst, Kira just wanted her for the sex ;O
Jul 2, 2009 8:47 PM

Apr 2009
Lacus X Kira
ShinnXluna (yes i support both)

As for Worst i'm not sure,i deffinitly didn't like
the KiraxFlay pairing but it Made seed interesting.
lol @ img bbcode not working, mal is such a great site
Jul 10, 2009 11:50 PM
Jul 2009
KiraxLacus-It is really cute.
AsuCaga-See KiraxLacus.
DearkaxMirallia-See the other 2 above.

KiraxFlay-It was only manupilation.
AsuMey-Too wierd.
Jul 24, 2009 11:37 AM

Nov 2008
Kira X Lacus I just love them ^^

I can't point any...

Aug 6, 2009 2:21 AM
Jan 2009
Kira Yamato & Lacus Clyne is the best...
the worst...Athrun with another girls like Lunamaria , Meyrin & Meer...
Sep 8, 2009 9:56 PM

Jul 2009
Actually Gundam Seed & Destiny is my Fav!!! All of time ^-^
And i thought that KIra & Lacus r the best n very good couple!

........KiRa YaMaTo & LaCuS ClYnE.............4ever! ^_^
Nov 15, 2009 2:20 PM

Dec 2007
I support:

Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne
Athrun Zala x Cagalli Yula Athha
Mu La Flaga x Murrue Ramius
Dearka Elsman x Miriallia Haw
Shinn Asuka x Lunamaria Hawke
GurennNov 15, 2009 4:23 PM
Dec 23, 2009 3:44 AM
Jan 2009
Kira Yamato x Lacus Clyne

Of course
Jan 2, 2010 3:31 AM

Jun 2008
I like: Athrun-Lacus, La Fraga - Ramius

I don't like: Kira-Flay

OEC ~ CCO ~ TSC+VIP ~ UC ~ TCO ~ TVMF ~ MCC + Other Badges
Mar 17, 2010 9:42 AM
Jan 2009
I think Kira x Lacus the most perfect
...dislike Shinn & Lunamaria pair
...Shinn & stellar pair is ok
Mar 26, 2010 12:43 PM

Mar 2009
I wonder, what's so wrong with both of them being nearly perfect and never fighting? Isn't that what you'd want in a relationship? To never fight and always agree? Sorry, it's that the reason that they are "too" good together is kinda ridiculous.

Kira x Lacus - Love both the characters, it's great they're together.
Athrun x Cagalli - See above
Shinn x Luna - It's the best they can do haha, but I like luna a lot. Shinn not so much.

Kira x Flay - My god, if I could commit murder in any anime, it'd be to kill flay (again).
Oct 2, 2010 12:59 PM
Oct 2010
Kira Yamato & Lacus Clyne is the best...

worse is Shinn x Luna
Nov 10, 2010 4:45 AM
Jan 2009
KiraFanboiNr1 said:
Kira Yamato & Lacus Clyne is the best...

worse is Shinn x Luna

Shinn even want to kill Luna's sister!!!
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