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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season
9 hours ago
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Days: 78.0
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Tearmoon Teikoku Monogatari: Dantoudai kara Hajimaru, Hime no Tensei Gyakuten Story
Jan 20, 6:38 AM
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Hmm, I see what you mean. If you think you can do better and got a plan to make your experience turn into something more definitely go for it. And I ended up joining that lab that I liked. Now to do some good research and hopefully publish some papers. Bio is definitely not for everyone, but then you could say that about any field of study. I would have liked to study history and make a career out of it but it's not easy and I really wouldn't know the first thing about making connections in that field.
And I hope I pass it my first time...ahaha.
All Tokyo JETs teach high school.
And no I would totally meet up with you guys! Just let me know.
And nice! I am thinking of taking N2 next summer. I still have a long way to go...haha.
Working for crunchyroll would be cool. Do you know how much they pay for translating a weekly show?
Are you taking N2? Good luck! And it is so cold... D:
My goal is similar to yours, but I also lack faith in my abilities. Also I am a pretty pessimistic person in general ahah. Like...even attaining N1 won't necessarily open up roads to translation. You have to also be a good writer, and get things to flow and make things equivalent when they won't translate cleanly etc...
For now I just want to live here and improve my Japanese. I guess I will see what the future holds in a few years ahha.
I pretty much hated the first lab that I worked in and I think the feeling was mutual. It was a much different field than I was used to (biology gets freaking diverse) and the people and I didn't gel. I like my current lab much better and would like to stay here. I have one more 5 week rotation to go through after I'm done here though, so there's still time before I settle.
I don't dislike it lol, but I need some time to get used to it.