Well, this was a certainly interesting episode. The style of the characters makes the show look like it was produced in the ninetie's. But other than that, I did like the first episode. I think it has a nice atmosphere and I love that the main cast is mostly female. Also, it takes place in New York! I thought that was cool to take the story out of Japan. Although, the ending is quite bizzarre....they're all dead? Also I wonder how the suicides are connected? Hmm, I hope the anime can answer them later on. So far, it has the potential to be good and hopefully this show doesn't go downhill..
A decent episode. This raises even more questions. I don't get why they have to defeat weird quadruped zombies? And I do like we get an insight on their personal lives as well. I hope we find out soon how they all 'died'. But I have to bring up the singing......it sounds kinda bad and I wonder if it'll be a reoccurring element in the show...anyway, I look forward to more episodes.
I'm not sure how I feel about the opening, so many moving colors 0~0, but otherwise I really like the art. It does look older, but in its own kind of way. I find that the characters look very 90's Americanized as oppose to what you usually see. Not that I would care for it to be the norm, but it's refreshing to have something different. Kind of like Katanagatari.
The rest Swift said for me. It's got promise.
Episode 2
I like the idea that they're following that the girls are kind of living on bought time of sorts, but I don't get why they've been chosen other than dying. It's nice to start with so much mystery.. as long as they explain it all.
And oh gosh the singing was terrible XD I hope that doesn't happen again. I'd though my video quality was just bad, but not if you thought so too.
Honestly kind of disappointed that that was all that happened when they died, and that they didn't draw out figuring that out until later on, but IDK what the rest of the series is about so maybe it'll be for the best. No matter, we still have plenty of questions bouncing around for the story to follow, and now it includes what the flower was? (I get the feeling they wont answer that one)
I liked the idea that the Lady runs a funeral parlor. It makes perfect sense (Gotta get the bodies somehow~), but it seems that they don't wait for people to bring the bodies to them. How did she and her workers know to come pick up the girls? Is she a call in to hide the body service?
I'll probably be watching ahead of you guys for the next few days because I have a camping trip, so I wanna get ahead before I fall behind. I'll be gone Wednesday-Saturday.
Alrighty~ This episode had some interesting stuff in it. I like how the girls are trying to choose different ways to deal with it and such. I liked the scene with the police interviewing the blond girl, and though it isn't the first time the thoughts been introduced in a story. It's beautifully tragic that she can't tell the police her friend was killed.
Then, what's this with another weird seed now sprouting one of those crazy guys? Why is she doing both sides of bringing the monsters about and the girls to kill them? What's with that? Also wonder why they're all men.
I didn't really care for Rachel too much before this episode but towards the end (No, before she went crazy) when she was talking to her boyfriend it made me feel for her.
This episode did generally very well on character development with all of them, and it made me glad that girls were the main characters because I realized I really don't like most of their character designs for the guys
I'll probably just keep editing this post to add on my thoughts for following episodes so the place doesn't get cluttered up with just me being ahead of everyone. Keep everything in one place for you guys when you catch up.
Episode 5
I really liked this episode. I don't see what their motive is behind exploring the house, but I understand why they'd feel the need to. The episode showed Rose starting to slip a little now too. I wonder how/if she'll change in up coming episodes.
Rachel's still progressing too. Finally realized that when you're feeling terrible stuff that strongly that you can't just hang out with normal friends and listen to them talking their shallow things and not go crazy. I feel like the writers did that scene pretty well. Also, what was up with her mom? Seems like some kind of illness.
Episode 6
Good, they can get their old lives back? WHat are they right now though if the other things were their real bodies? I don't understand why they can't already be in their own bodies and just get their normal lives back. Must be how they make them come back. I just hope they stop balling soon. It's starting to get annoying. More singing too~
Episode 7
Dang that start. We're finally progressing, and I guess just coincidence that they've only fought guys. Is it maybe some gene in the person that makes them as they said "awaken"? In the guys family it's only girls awakening and then the main cast always fight guys, and now what's this with Lise? How'd they get her back? was it part of their plan all along to kill her to use her for something??? Perhaps they're going to put Anna or Mirelle in Lise's body? This episode did a good job to get me back to being curious about all of it again. How's it all gonna fit together I wonder.
Episode 8
Hardcore relation to rose right there at the start. "I've been doing sit ups to" "How many?" "...Five..."
Oh my gosh XD that song Claire was listening to was an Itallian solo I had to sing one year in chior! Wish I could remember the name of it, and speaking of singing. The song they sang this time actually sounded okay, but I don't understand the relevance of the songs. Makes it seem like they're trying to make it a musical, but it does not fit the story XP This episode was really boring after the hype I got from the last one. Lame~
I think that's as far as I'll watch until I'm back. I'll be busy tomorrow too, and this gives me one episode watched ahead for everyday I'll be busy. I don't want to get too far ahead.
I'll watch episode 5 and 6 tonight. I was busy yesterday and forgot to post my episode thoughts.
I agree with everything you said, Lily.
Episode 3:
I was disappointed that they revealed their deaths way too quickly...I guess, it was interesting how they died, but it leaves the question why they were murdered by those particular men? Hm, Lise still remains a mystery to me.
Episode 4:
This was a nice episode. I love the focus on their own personal struggles. I felt so bad for Rachel in this episode. She's having an identity crisis and is struggling to maintain her relationship. And damn, she snapped....she went inglorious basterds on that zombie dude. Also, did anyone else catch the Seinfield reference with Rose mentioning the soup guy? lol
Oh boy you're way farther ahead than me lily ^_^' I got the first three done today...probably'll edit the post once I watch the fourth one tomorrow.
Episodes 1&2
I thought the first episode had a pretty good flow to it up until we find out about the suicide and Kate breaks into song. The fact that there's been two songs already just boggles my mind...it came so out of left-field I almost started laughing when she did it. Other than that I thought it was a good start to the series and the second episode had some interesting back and forth between the previous night and the next day. The girl's all feel real when handling the situation, which can be a little annoying just in the amount of screaming and crying, but it was nice that they weren't just all fine and dandy with the goings on. The whole "borrowed lives" things sounds really ominous as well...
Episode 3
Well that just opened up fifty more cans of worms. I have so many questions regarding Lula and Lise's "boyfriend" and why all of this is happening in the first place. One thing that kind of bugged me was how they all said that the only thing connecting them was their friendship with Lise, but we only see Kate's interaction (and Rachel's a little) before this scene. I mean it ties up the question of why they were all at that place that night but I would have liked some scenes of the others interactions beforehand so it doesn't feel out of nowhere. Also I predict Lise may not be quite gone yet...still not sure if the organization is going to turn out to be the ultimate bad guys or if the "boyfriend" and his gang will be.
Edit: Switched to the dub for the next two episodes. Find it easier to engage with it on so I'll be sticking with it.
Episode 4
Rachel's breakdown was really intense geez. I like how all the other characters are trying to cope but of course failing miserably. Def a turning point at least for Rachel.
Episode 5
And of course the breakdown escalates even further! Don't think her mom will like that she smashed her mirror :c Also, are you really going to go back to the mansion where you were freaking killed?? Like at least bring some weapons I mean yeesh. That just seems dumb on their parts, especially since everyone should be paranoid as hell now. Liked Clarie and Kate's interaction tho. Plus seeing Rachel go more and more insane is honestly really fun to watch.
Still being vague as always with what's actually going on. Also, why would you keep something like that from them? The dialogue made it seem like this was not something they would normally do, yet in this sort of situation wouldn't you want the girls to have something to work towards? Otherwise they'll just break down and/or run out of steam real fast. Still find that whole aspect of the show a little too weird and contrived.
Episode 7
So I guess boyfriend wasn't actually so bad all along? Or I guess he just has his priorities on the people he cares about. The whole illness thing makes a lot more sense for why people are turning or whatnot, and it makes me wonder who's the real "enemy" here. Glad to see Lise still...exists? In some capacity.
Episode 8
This was probably the most pleasant episode so far haha. Everyone seems to be getting a little bit better mentally except for Claire...her personality really does not make this easier for her...and even though the song at the end made me cringe it was still cute.
Woohoo~halfway point! I got lazy to post my thoughts on the other episodes but I agree with everything you both said.
Episode 11 & 12:
You know, I do kinda enjoy the anime if I'll be honest. But the whole plot is still throwing me for a loop. It's interesting that Herve's family is cursed and they turn into these zombie creatures....but everything still feels confusing to me and just......bizarre?? I just want some explanations on this curse plot line. Anyway, the thing I'm invested most is the characters' personal lives. I think the anime is doing a nice job of developing the girls and I actually care about what happens to them. I think Rachel is my favorite out of the group. Idk, she feels the most realistic of them all, along with Claire. Speaking of Rachel, I'm so mad at Luke! Wtf?? You're with Amanda!? Damn, I feel so bad for Rachel.
And Herve and Kate???
Girl.....stay away from him!
Anyway, I don't have much else to add but I hope the plot gets more explanation and I want to see more of Rose in the coming episodes.
Also, I don't think this is a major spoiler or not
Lula and JC are siblings....Idk if it was mentioned but I was looking up the show and I read Lula's bio and it said JC is her brother.
I got through these episodes surprisingly quick lol. I got a lot more invested later on I guess
Episodes 9/10:
Ok so now we get introduced to the actual plot of the story in full and its really weird? Like at this point I don't even know why they cursed each other to begin with and I don't even know if that'll be answered...this whole thing does seem a little contrived like Swift said (I love that gif by the way) I really did think Claire was gonna get kicked out too...kinda was banking on that she was an orphan but actually the fact that she's not makes the only thing more interesting imo. Also at when I first saw the teacher guy I thought he was gonna do something bad to Rachel but I guess he really is just a nice guy? Like I hope nothing bad happens to him now.
Episodes 11/12:
I agree with the Kate/Herve thing...I think either he'll end up trying to kill her or maybe fall in love with her?? It's an odd angle to take, especially since I thought Kate would recognize him through her flashbacks in the early episodes. Speaking of that though, can't wait for the scene in which Kate has to murder the boyfriend :)))
Tbh also I was a little glad when it seemed like Rachel and Luke weren't going to work out, I just wish Luke would say something about it instead of continuing to lead her on...
On the spoiler
That makes sense. I didn't think they were dating but wasn't quite sure if they were family or not. Since it is a family curse and they are working together though, it makes a ton of sense now.
I just finished episode 12 and I agree with all your guys' points. I'm too lazy to put the spoiler thing right now so I'm not gonna say too much, but I think it's time Rachel and Luke sit down and have a nice chat to either end it or continue it cause what they're doing right now is really hard on both of them.
Rose's little arc was really nice. I like how I was able to understand Rose and Rachel's pov...Rachel is totally justified in wanting Rose to be useful but Rose also has been shown to be the least well equipped to handle what's going on. I think that's why the resolution for the arc is one of my fav scenes so far.
Oh and some Kate/Herve stuff which I still feel is pretty creepy :< At the same time I wonder if Lise will again become a connecting factor between the two, and if Herve will actually help the girls out at some point.
Finally am getting around to the last episodes. This show is either really easy to marathon or painfully slow at times...
Episodes 15/16
Well, I had a feeling the happy times wouldn't be long for Katie and Herve, but I didn't expect JC to die :( Pretty much certain at this point that Herve and Amelio are gonna die...
I'm glad we got more family interactions with the other characters. I think Rose and Clare's dad had a nice contrast in the same episode. And Rachel with Luke yikes...can't say I don't blame him for thinking the worst and wanting out though.
I did end up enjoying the series even if there was stuff left unexplained. Like why did Lisa die? They also never explained why the flower Lulu planted caused one of the cursed guys to come.
I really liked some factors put into the end there. The whole thing with Kate asking Herve if Anna really wanted what she was going through and their whole dying together scene. I feel like there should be a mini episode or movie of what happens to the girls after.
All in all my favorite part of this series was definitely the characters. They did an amazing job on them. Usually characters like Rachel I'd lose interest right away but they invested me in her and the other girls' stories so much. It's kind of sad that Rose's family wasn't all fixed at the end but it was getting better so I suppose that's alright.
I also just realized that we never got anything more on Rachel's mom. Wasn't she mental or something? I think it was hinted at something that happened with her dad, but we never got to know what happened to him.
I'd say I like the series to be longer, but at the same time the plot was already so drawn out. Sad that the writers spent so much time making the characters so in depth that they didn't get to finish out quite all of their stories.
Dang, that's more than I was planning on saying >.<'
(PS: Such a shame we didn't get another little jingle of them singing at the end, huh? XD)