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Jun 11, 2017 11:31 PM
THIS IS A MANGA ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING BEYOND THIS CHAPTER. ---------------------------------------- OMG. OMG. OMG. OMG. This chapter definitely took an emotional toll on me.... ;____________; I want Ryuuzaki to stay alive!! I'm not angry at him for attempting to take Yashiro's life earlier – I love that he ordered the shooter to not kill our yakuza protagonist, and then when he stabbed Hirata in the last chapter!!! >< gogag W=T 0t 0GAF I was really surprised to see Yashiro in the car! I thought, "Oh no, Ryuuzaki was held captive, and now he's off to the police station?! There's no time for him to rest – Oh, hello Yashiro..." :O I honestly think the name, Atsushi, suits Ryuuzaki! His surname sounds rough, while his given name sounds soft and ordinary. I don't have a lot of knowledge on Japanese names or kanji, but the name suits him! It really balances out Ryuuzak's 'all bark and no bite' characterization. :-) It's sweet that it's now Yashiro who is protecting Ryuuzaki. <33 Damn, this story!! I had so many feels for Yashiro x Doumeki, but now I have a soft spot for Yashiro x Ryuuzaki!! XD I have to say, Ryuuzaki and Yashiro have some natural chemistry going on. When Ryuuzaki licked and bit Yashiro's nipple, it happened so naturally! Maybe it's because these two had sex so often, so they're comfortable with each other, but at that moment...they were such simple gestures. I kind of saw this encounter, as nostalgic (like when Ryuuzaki said he got reminded of "bad memories" and remembered Yashiro, I think when our protagonist said he couldn't experience love or that his situation at the time was all he had) and a farewell... I don't really picture Yashiro visiting Ryuuzaki in prison – rarely, if he does anyway, let alone sing a song. :( But prison is actually the only way for Ryuuzaki to stay alive... I sincerely applaud Yashiro, for arranging Ryuuzaki to go to prison, which is much better than having Hirata end his life. Overall, it's just really sweet that these two look out for each other. LOL at their conversation; Yashiro said Ryuuzaki didn't change, but our wounded man said he usually isn't into nipple-biting. :P Let's hope Yashiro successfully rescues Ryuuzaki's woman. And that Ryuuzaki's wound doesn't kill him... :( I'm annoyed that the doctor said Hirata is okay! >< But damn!! DOUMEKI!! OMG. I don't know how to feel. ;_______; The poor man woke up, and Yashiro was gone... That instant flashback of Yashiro telling Doumeki to just go to sleep, had him realize Boss intended to leave. I hope Doumeki and Yashiro meet up, and talk! They need to get this relationship sorted out.'s unfortunate, that he's not in the ideal situation to talk about his love life. "I just wanted to bind him to me." </3 This must be the first time Yashiro has felt such a thing. Seeing Doumeki cry and embrace him in the bathroom, truly did reinforce that he meant something to someone. – It's not like how it is with Kageyama, since our doctor only sees him as his friend... How does that feel? To mean nothing to others, but then to be embraced and loved by someone, the way Doumeki did? Perhaps Yashiro is selfish for binding Doumeki to him, but I think he has every right to be. :) I wish Yashiro told Doumeki why he cried... But LOL at those drivers!! XD I love that, the one guy finally told the other, that they weren't going to write the perverted stuff Yashiro did or was done to, in their report.... Yashiro casually said that he got bitten, not licked, made me laugh!! I laughed again at the driver, for correcting his pal, saying, "See? It's a bite," as if getting licked or bitten really makes a difference in the long-run... :P I like that Kou Yoneda still manages to add in some humour! XD Brilliant chapter! Does anyone know when the next chapter comes out, or how often chapters get released? :) |
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Jun 13, 2017 3:59 AM
Well, the post above pretty much summarizes all the feels all over the place in this chapter. Ugh. This is seriously one of the best manga (let along the best yaoi manga). |
Jun 13, 2017 10:19 AM
@PaladinAlchemist Thank you! My feels were all over the place, when I read this chapter close to midnight, lol! I'm glad my post summarized your feels, and probably many other readers. :-) I agree that it's seriously one of the best manga ever. Kou Yoneda has a brilliant way of storytelling! The events may seem ordinary, but I think her strong characterization really allowed us to feel the things we did ;________; I'm kind of scared to approach the next chapter, haha! xD Some readers say Ryuuzaki has death flags, but I really hope he lives!! Maybe he tried to hold in the pain, when he met Yashiro... If Ryuuzaki dies, he left a casual image as a final memory for our protagonist. :'( |
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Jun 14, 2017 3:50 AM
@Cloe900311 I'm gonna be so upset if Ryuuzaki dies :( But there were death flags everywhere. That could've been a "goodbye" discussion. Though, what would be much better is if, later on, when Yashiro and co find themselves needing a little help, Ryuuzaki makes a triumphant return, but that injury looked pretty bad. And I agree, this manga has feels all over the place, not to mention great characters and art. 1 chapter every 2 months isn't enough! I just have to keep re-reading them lol. |
Jun 14, 2017 1:50 PM
@PaladinAlchemist I hope Ryuuzaki makes a magical return! Maybe in the meantime, he could live in hiding, peacefully with his woman, after Yashiro rescues her. But that just sounds like a dream come true... ;_______; I wouldn't know what to do if Ryuuzaki dies, lol. We all want Hirata to die instead!! XD OH YES! The beautiful art is always eye-candy. <33 When Ryuuzaki said Yashiro looked too beautiful in the car, I was like, "HELL YEAH! :D" LOL. |
Avatar credit: vuvuzela |
Jun 15, 2017 4:19 AM
@Cloe900311 I bet, at the least, Yashiro will rescue poor Ryuuzaki's girlfriend. Leaving her with nasty Hirata is just too pointlessly mean :( Plus, I know Yashiro know what the poor girl's going through, and he personally knows how awful that is, so he won't just sit around and do nothing. Haha, the day Hirata dies for good, the fandom will throw a little party. I was so happy when Ryuuzaki stabbed him, but I sorta guessed it was too early for him to die, since he's the main antagonist. Yashiro is so stupidly sexy and beautiful, ugh. I don't blame Ryuuzaki or Doumeki for getting a little obsessed lol. If I saw him in real life, I'd probably just stare with my mouth gaped open like a moronl. Doumeki is very nice looking too - especially his body, holy crap, no wonder Yashiro has a weak spot ;) |
Jun 15, 2017 12:53 PM
@PaladinAlchemist Yashiro is so kind!! Let's wait and see him save Ryuuzaki's girlfriend! I applaud her too, because no matter how Hirata's men treated her, she didn't give away info. :( LOL, I was so glad when Ryuuzaki stabbed Hirata!! But it's just unfair, that bad people don't always have bad endings... Maybe Hirata's bad ending is simply postponed for now. ;____; Yashiro is too good-looking!!! *_______* I'm not a fan of smoking, but he looks hot when he stands there casually, and smokes! >< Like that time he called out to Doumeki, who was still working as a cop... LOL, Doumeki's body is also praiseworthy. :P All hail to Kou Yoneda for her gorgeous drawings! <3 |
Avatar credit: vuvuzela |
Jun 16, 2017 4:24 AM
@Cloe900311 thanks to us, Saezuru's going to be the most active yaoi board from now on lol (it deserves it) She did her best to keep Ryuuzaki safe :( Just like Yashiro did too, but it still might not have been enough. Hirata's the main baddie so far, so yeah, he can't die yet, unfortunately. I like to think of it this way, that just means he'll last long enough to go through more pain. Doumeki stood no chance against Yashiro when he's looking like that. Our favorite yazuka was flirting with our favorite former police man the moment he saw him lol. I loved that little flashback. They were both way into each other the moment they saw each other. |
Jun 24, 2017 12:01 PM
@PaladinAlchemist Indeed!! Saezuru is going to have active discussion threads from now on! It takes two to have a conversation, after all. ^^ .... ;_______; OMG. Hearing you say that Ryuuzaki's girlfriend and Yashiro did their best to keep Ryuuzaki alive... I want a protection squad for him now, lol. Ryuuzaki's such a caring character, he deserves to live!! Yes!! Hirata will live longer, to experience more pain! >< And then we'll be happier when he dies someday. LOL, Doumeki simply tilted his hat down when Yashiro called out to him. :P It honestly seems like destiny was involved, knowing that Yashiro had flirted with Doumeki in the past...and look where they are now. xD I got reminded of when, Yashiro had Doumeki dressed up as a cop. Doumeki did ask Yashiro why...I think Doumeki was wondering if Yashiro remembered their first meeting when he was a cop. But Yashiro didn't seem to remember... :/ |
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Jun 28, 2017 4:04 AM
@Cloe900311 Ryuuzaki's going to need a whole protection squad at this rate :( And he is just a big softie, especially when it comes to Yashiro, and his GF too. I don't think anyone is going to miss Hirata lol. I have a feeling the hatred for him will only get worse the more and more he keeps going on about killing Yashiro and hurting other characters. Haha, Doumeki is so cute. He was embarrassed that Yashiro noticed he was staring lol. Who knows why Yashiro asked him. Maybe he remembered, maybe he thought Doumeki wearing a police uniform again would make him go back, or maybe he just wanted to see Doumeki dressed up lol. Like that goofy shirt Doumeki wears now. |
Jun 30, 2017 12:28 AM
@PaladinAlchemist If Ryuuzaki has a protection squad, can I demand a love squad for Yashiro too? ;________; I feel so sad, when I think of Yashiro... The man who is afraid of something he doesn't know (love), and is running from it... Yashiro doesn't sit down and tell himself, "People love me." Yashiro doesn't recognize that he is already loved. >< As readers, we can tell that Ryuuzaki does for example, seen from their nostalgic farewell this chapter and not killing our protagonist earlier... Doumeki obviously does. Sugimoto and Nanahara definitely care deeply for their boss, and I can picture them crying if he dies (or if they think he's dead). Kageyama obviously cares and loves Yashiro, or else he wouldn't have dealt with our protagonist for 20 years!! So maybe I should reword myself: can I demand Yashiro to know he has a love squad? </3 Damn, "love is blind" applies to Yashiro right now, for really not seeing it! And he is just a big softie, especially when it comes to Yashiro, and his GF too. I think this is Ryuuzaki's way of showing his love for people he cares about. <33 Ryuuzaki is soft to them, which others can definitely see, like Nanahara who told Doumeki that Atsushi is all 'bark and no bite.' We don't know how Ryuuzaki interacts with his girlfriend, but seeing how gentle and protective he is of Yashiro, he probably treats her that way too. :') The fact that Ryuuzaki was going to jail, and still made sure to ask Yashiro to save his girlfriend says a lot. <33LOL!! Hirata is jealous that Yashiro has Misumi's favour! >< Hirata is a bitter man. Characters wanting power is nothing new, but going after Yashiro and Ryuuzaki are unforgivable. So I definitely agree that no one is going to miss Hirata, lol. If Hirata suddenly becomes a character who has an in-depth (and probably tragic) story, it would be interesting if we later become sympathetic to him. ;______; LOL! You're right! :P I wouldn't be surprised if Yashiro knew Doumeki was staring, which is why our boss chose to say hello. xD OMG, I want to see Doumeki wear that goofy tiger shirt for our OTP's reunion! <3 I'd love to see an extra, of Doumeki bonding with his sister and his mom, wearing that shirt. :) Can Yashiro attend this family gathering too? And I'd like to know why Yashiro told Doumeki to dress up as a cop... >.< Yashiro's definitely the type of person who does things that people can brush off or think there's no deep meaning to it, but he can actually put quite a lot of thought and care behind closed doors. <3 |
Avatar credit: vuvuzela |
Jun 30, 2017 6:21 PM
@Cloe900311 why would you write something like that??? You're trying to kill me with Yashiro feels. I 100% agree, we need to form a squad (though, his men already kind of are lol). I mean Nanahara was throughly pissed off when someone tried to kill Yashiro. He went on his own little vengeance quest and had to get stopped by Yashiro lol. But you're right. Yashiro has no way to really recognize love because he had such an abnormal childhood. It's a wonder he can function at all given how twisted his stepfather was. The act was bad enough, but then all that crap he said on top of it. :( Jail is really Ryuuzaki's best bet. He's much safer there if he lives :( But yeah, even though he clearly has a thing for Yashiro, I think he still cares about his girlfriend. His giant softie side probably came out all the time. I really hope he makes it :( Hirata will have to dig himself out of a big hole if he wants any sympathy from the audience. Is Ryuuzaki is really dead, he might be irredeamable. He used poor Ryuuzaki. Yashiro's too smart for Hirata though. And now he's got a new bodyguard too. I now demand a scene with a family birthday or holiday or something where Doumeki is wearing that silly shirt and with his family and Yashiro is with him as an official couple. And they're with Doumeki's family and Yashiro starts to figure out what it's like to have a family. And that can be the final scene. |
Jun 30, 2017 8:51 PM
@PaladinAlchemist My feels for this series reached its peak, because I recommended it to someone I knew, who basically thought the beginning wasn't fantastic. O_____O SO, without spoiling the story, I said there's characterization and establishment of the society before the plot take a turn. This all triggered me to realize why I love Yashiro so much, and now he's listed as one of my favourite characters, lol. I needed to release my Yashiro feels somewhere, so sorry to kill you with them. :P But it's very true that Yashiro is amazing... Can you imagine living for 36 years, without recognizing love and knowing that people love you? :( That thought just made me feel so sad for Yashiro... Yet, Yashiro never blamed anyone for his circumstances, but simply accepted his life for being the way it is... >< I'd love to see Doumeki beat up Yashiro's stepfather. </3 LOL, speaking of Nanahara's vengeance quest...I got reminded of when Nanahara thought he was going to die, and his last request to Yashiro was to get a blowjob, lol. I remember Yashiro looked so done at that moment, and ignored his request by saying, "Hey, let's bring him to the hospital." XD Nanahara has said before that he'd like to do Yashiro, but it's just too bad that Boss doesn't touch his subordinates. So really, Nanahara has showed affection one way or another. :P But you're right. Yashiro has no way to really recognize love because he had such an abnormal childhood. It's a wonder he can function at all given how twisted his stepfather was. The act was bad enough, but then all that crap he said on top of it. :( I have issues with Yashiro's mother too. T.T I don't know if she knew what her son was experiencing, but it was mentally scarring...Yashiro's mother didn't make any efforts to help him, even though she was right there. That would make anyone feel that there's no one out there who loves them enough to protect them, while they were being tortured in a dark room...If Ryuuzaki lives and goes to jail, I hope he doesn't stay there for too long. ;______; I do want to see him out and about in the world, happily with his girlfriend. <3 Then Yashiro can sing songs to them whenever he pleases. You told me before that Yashiro is nicer than he thinks he is, which is true. Yashiro was very kind for arranging Ryuuzaki to go to jail, to protect him. Yashiro wasn't even upset that Ryuuzaki hired a shooter, which led our protagonist to get injured... Yashiro must have faith and great understanding in Ryuuzaki, to know that there was more to the story. I think Yashiro and Ryuuzaki have a great bond, where they trust each other and show care, which aren't always put into words. :) (Like Ryuuzaki keeping his thoughts to himself, only getting a “good look” of Yashiro through intimacy...) Let's hope that Yashiro and his love squad triumphs over Hirata and this antagonist’s actions fueled by hatred <.< I now demand a scene with a family birthday or holiday or something where Doumeki is wearing that silly shirt and with his family and Yashiro is with him as an official couple. And they're with Doumeki's family and Yashiro starts to figure out what it's like to have a family. And that can be the final scene. OMG!! This is the ideal, happy scene right here!! *____* Even if it doesn't happen, can I request to see this as fanart from someone?? xDD OMG. <33 Now, I want an extra where the love squad throw a surprise birthday party for Yashiro. <33 |
Avatar credit: vuvuzela |
Jul 6, 2017 4:15 AM
@Cloe900311 I can see that happening. I agree that you need some patience with this story though. That's not a bad thing. I just know some people have no patience (sigh). I have Yashiro in my favorites too, and no plans to move him out anytime soon lol. The fact he never uses what happened as an excuse for anything is one of my favorite aspects of his character. Things are going to be interesting now that he'll have to start facing the fact someone really loves and cares about him (Doumeki makes it pretty obvious lol) Haha, I remember that. Yashiro is pretty good at ignoring other people's crap. I read a post on Tumblr that said Nanahara sees Yashiro almost like family, the way he's so protective of him. I'd like to think that one day Yashiro will realize how much some of these characters care about him. Even if she didn't know what was going on, she was extremely neglectful. I'm not saying that it's unrealistic for someone to hide that kind of thing, but even if we give her a complete free pass there, she still seemed totally uninvolved in her son's life, so I'm betting she just wasn't paying any attention to Yashiro :( You know it's bad when she's the better parent. I agree that Ryuuzaki and Yashiro have a strong bond. He guessed right away Ryuuzaki wasn't really the one behind it. And when they were in that car, they seemed so comfortable around each other. I believe they go a ways back, so they've been through a lot together. Let's hope they have more for years to come :( Now I wish I could draw so I could make that fanart happen. But sadly, my skills are lacking in that area :( I can still imagine it though :) |
Jul 6, 2017 1:14 PM
@PaladinAlchemist One night, I skimmed through 19 chapters of this series, before I decided to read it seriously and fell in love with it, lol. Besides the fabulous art, I wondered why someone (Yashiro) got shot, and the emotions Doumeki had for his boss became more and more obvious... I was so intrigued. *___* So yes, you need some patience with this series, if you're the type of reader who likes intensity. LOL, Yashiro is my first manga-only character who is in my favourites, so I feel proud and happy he became my first in that department. :P He's too awesome for me to think of removing him. <3 Although, I would like to see him animated too *______* I think Yashiro is noble, in the way that he doesn't put the blame on other people or a divine being... He just goes on living. Who knows if any of us would really have the same attitude, if we had the same experiences as him? >< Now that you mentioned Doumeki...I'm itching to see what their reunion will look like. ;_______; Yashiro is an unpredictable character in that department </3 Yashiro is pretty good at ignoring other people's crap. LOL, indeed! Yashiro has that, "I'll pretend I never heard that" attitude. :PDo you mind sending me a link of that tumblr post? :) It's true that Nanahara does have protective tendencies over Yashiro (that vengeance quest is the best example) - the way Nanahara behaves is beyond what an ordinary subordinate would do. Sugimoto, for example, does care about Yashiro, but I don't think he has the courage to do what Nanahara did... Nanahara has a girlfriend as well, who he didn't prioritize over Yashiro while he was on his vengeance quest... Nanahara really could have lost his life. >< One day, Yashiro will recognize how much his love squad cares about him, and cry. ;_____; I think Yashiro's mother was neglectful too... In the first prequel chapter, this woman only left money at home. It seems she and Yashiro never see each other. I don't even know if she knows her son is working in the mafia. ;______; I'm wondering what happened to Yashiro's biological father... Did he disappear? Maybe Yashiro's mother doesn't know who the dad is? >< I can't let go of how comfortable Yashiro and Ryuuzaki were in that car. ;______; It was as if Ryuuzaki never hired a shooter to injure Yashiro, or that...they were simply old colleagues reuniting or something. I swear, if I knew nothing about this story and saw that scene alone, I'd think old friends or old lovers had some kind of simple reunion, lol. If there is more to Yashiro and Ryuuzaki's past, I'd like to see it. *_____* I look forward to the day, Yashiro visits Ryuuzaki to sing a song, lol! It's too bad my drawing isn't excellent either. >< We can only picture happy scenarios <33 |
Avatar credit: vuvuzela |
Jul 10, 2017 4:05 AM
@Cloe900311 This one was on my radar for some time. Given it's reputation, I was pretty excited when I started it. I read both the prequels first and was so fascinated by Yashiro I was pretty much hooked after that. But I agree that, after Yashiro gets shot, it starts really picking up. I have a few characters from manga only on my list at times (or have only read the manga and haven't seen the anime), but Yashiro is currently one of my favorites. And, yes, an anime would be nice, but they rarely happen for shonen-ai let alone yaoi. The entire fandom is waiting for him and Doumeki to see each other again. It'll be interesting to compare it to when Yashiro saw Kageyama again after joining the yakuza. Of course, Doumeki will put in a lot more effort in figuring out why Yashiro acts the way he does than Kageyama does. I agree Sugimoto has more of a normal boss/employee relationship. But a solid one. But Nanahara takes things much farther than a regular employee. I really like all of the characters in this one. Most of the time, in yaoi, only the main couple or, sometimes, a side couple really stand out, but even smaller characters like Sugimoto are adorable. Remind me in a message to send you that link. I can't load it where I am right now, but I can send it to you when I get home. I think Ysahiro says he hasn't seen her in 1 year and his step-dad in 3 years in that prequel. No idea about the biological dad. I'm not sure if he'll ever play a role either. And it's a good point that she might not even know who that is (and it's pretty safe to assume she doesn't care/know that he's yakuza. He's in his 30s by now, I bet he and his family haven't spoke in 10+ years). Without knowing the backstory, I might've guessed old lovers or, like you said, close friends. In reality it seems like it's more "it's complicated," since Yashiro doesn't seem interested in Ryuuzaki that way, but it's not the same the other way around, but even Ryuuzaki knows it would never work. But yeah, I don't think Yashiro holds much of a grudge. |
Jul 10, 2017 3:47 PM
@PaladinAlchemist This might sound like a silly question, but how do you know which stories are good before you read them? Do you hear people talking about them? Do you go on this site, and look at its ratings and comments..? It sounds like you began reading this series a while ago. ^^ Yashiro is so complex, I love him. <3 We can only dream of an animation for now... ;_______; When Yashiro and Kageyama saw each other again after their high school graduation... I don't remember it very clearly, but I remember there was almost a casual tone to it (on Kageyama's part at least). I really hope Doumeki will push Yashiro to be honest! Yashiro, please don't continue that "I cried because we had such good sex" lie. >< Yes, Sugimoto and Yashiro do have a solid boss-employee relationship. There is trust between them. :) Nanahara is that subordinate who would place his life on the line for his boss, like that time he jumped out to shield Yashiro without thinking. <33 (lol, and asked for a blowjob) I agree that the characters in this series are so likable! :) I still lol, when I think of Nanahara and Sugimoto mumbling to each other, when Yashiro was persistently asking Doumeki about what happened at the sauna. xDD "Did you blow or get blown?" Yikes! Yashiro and his mother probably didn't talk in that one year he didn't see her. :/ I think your guess about Yashiro and his family not seeing each other for 10+ years is believable. >.< I don't want to think that Yashiro's mother really doesn't care about him, to not know about his whereabouts or even wonder what he's been up to... Come to think of it, Yashiro's mother didn't even visit him at the hospital, after he got shot. :/ LOL, yes, "it's complicated" is a good way to describe Yashiro and Ryuuzaki. They were never officially lovers; they're definitely close, but they're more than just ordinary friends... Perhaps Ryuuzaki doesn't even comprehend his own attraction for Yashiro. And like we said before, Yashiro is blind to the love people have for him... Maybe Yashiro hasn't recognized his own care for Ryuuzaki. :/ If Yashiro was the type of character who would keep grudges, he would have held intense hatred for his stepfather and maybe his neglectful mother. It makes sense that Yashiro doesn't blame Ryuuzaki. I think deep down, Yashiro wanted to see that Ryuuzaki was safe and alive. :) |
Cloe900311Jul 10, 2017 4:03 PM
Avatar credit: vuvuzela |
Jun 10, 2023 7:25 AM
My poor Ryuuzaki 😭😭pls don't kill him in the story 😭😭 He acts like a tsundere to not let Yashiro finds out about his feelings to keep him around (he knows Yashiro push ppl away when they find feelings for him. Like a few chapters ago with Sugimoto) while he loves him with his whole heart all this time. He just said Yashiro only finds out about this over his dead body :( He joined the gang bc of him while he had no interest nor ambition or talent (like everyone said) about this stuff to stay beside him, to keep an eye on him, to protect him as he did with that gun shooting, or now trying to kill Hirata. He is a guy who's not gay but only loves Yashiro, that's why his life became so complicated for him. It's hard to admit for a guy like him, But he did his best and followed his heart with everything he could do, despite he knew he had no future with him and there is nothing he could do about it. all the energy, all the time, he put everything he had into this. It made me think how much he must feel lonely not to be able to even talk about this with anyone all these years 💔 it feels so devastating for me 💔 |
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