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Feb 16, 2008 5:51 PM

Aug 2007
I love... so many, but I guess my favorites are V - The Empire Strikes Back and III - Revenge of the Sith!
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Feb 17, 2008 9:11 AM

Dec 2007
If you separate OT/NT - Pretty much the same :)
I like TESB for its darker atmosphere mostly... also that is the movie that gets 60% of Vaders best lines (did I mention that Vader is my fav character? XD)... Like that scene where he "switches" admiral rank from Ozzel to Piett :D
And how can you not love Battle of Hoth? XD

Again, pretty the same can be said about RotS... Well in terms of atmosphere RotS has a long way, comparing to OT, but it's the best movie out of the three... really TPM sucked... too much candy, pretty sights and all. while AotC... well it has battle of Geonosis, but... it just doesn't compensate.
Then again, RotS has Battle over Coruscant :)
DVD player+ 5.1 surround system + BoC = O_O
I love the first scenes.

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
Feb 17, 2008 8:59 PM

Aug 2007
I love Revenge of the Sith. Ewan McGregor is my favorite actor in the world and I am highly obsessed with him and when they first cast Hayden as Anakin, I wasn't so sure, but then I saw him get mad and he gave me chills in episode 2.

Then in episode 3, when he's finally gone evil, he did such an amazing job and I understood why he was cast and of course, my beloved Ewan was amazing!

I love Empire Strikes back because of the blooming relationship between Han and Leia, too. Harrison Ford was my favorite actor when I was younger (before Ewan) for playing Han and Indiana Jones and he and Leia are my favorite characters and I remember when I first saw it, I didn't see that coming, I loved being surprised!
Feb 18, 2008 11:25 AM

Dec 2007
Well I find some moments of RotS a little.. cheesy.

Like that part where Anakin pledges himself to Palpatine

Well what mostly balances it out are the fight scenes and battlefield scenes. Also the way O66 was executed was... so tragic. It was sad, overwhelming and at the same time beautiful and dramatic...

maybe i'm a sucker for some good batallistic scenes... Anyone knows any movies that you can recommend to me? >.>

Also, tESB is great for the darkness around it... Luke learning the grim truth about... you know what (don't want to spoiler)... If you haven't yet, I recommend "Shadows of the Empire" by Steve Perry. It tells you a little bit more about Vader and a little behind the scenes in TESB, as well as Leia's hesitation concerning love towards Han... Also it shows that Vader had his own plot in the whole Luke business(spelling?). And then again, Battle of Hoth... Personally I find it one of the most epic battles in the SW universe, even though it wasn't as important as Battle of Yavin or Battle of Endor. And I love Bespin... it seems so... I can't find a word for this XD it's something along "pretty", "romantic"...
And yes, that love confession was DAMN dramatic and pretty :D And Han acting all cool "I know" XD with one I agree. He IS a scoundrel XD
Then again. Vader XD I said it already.. I have a thing for some of the villians. Vader, Sephiroth, during first parts of HP books it was Voldemort - then I chilled a bit about HP, and only saw it as an "interesting book"... though the last parts of 7th volume I read with my breath witheld ^_^

So yeah. that would be it.

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
Feb 19, 2008 5:37 PM

Aug 2007
Well, Grievous is also always portrayed as sickly and ill, too, coughing and gagging, so I always got the impression he wasn't as powerful as he was.

But, yeah, Anakin and Palpatine, I can understand why it would bother you, but for me, Anakin had been slipping for quite some time and he had never really been close to Mace at all, as opposed to Palpatine who was at least offering him something and then, he also saw it as Mace attacking and trying to kill an old man because Anakin is Anakin - a brainwashed emotional psycho. O.o; Lol.

As for that.. yeah, that's part of the reasons I did love Revenge of the Sith, because the things that happened were really quite evil and horrible and did finally explain how such a huge empire could be taken down like that, only from the inside. Ah, I was crying so much, but not as much as when Anakin was doing his evil deeds ... or from the whole Obi-Wan vs Anakin to the end. Whee.

Hehe, I read that book like... 9 years ago, I think. Maybe not that long, but when ever it had first come out, probably a year later. Later on they came out with a game N64, too, even though it didn't make any sense since Han was flying around in it, but yeah, the rest of it was awesome. It was indeed a very dark book, Leia worried me there for a while. My favorite Star Wars book is the Courtship of Princess Leia. I love them. <3
Feb 19, 2008 6:46 PM

Dec 2007
"a brainwashed emotional psycho. O.o; Lol."

Kheheh.. I have to confess I never looked at him like that O_o No, maybe deep down I knew it, but never realised that at the moment where Anakin loses it, he's simply mental...

But that would be only another inconsistency, or maybe not? Because it seems that after he became Vader he became more stabilised emotionally. Still had his "moments", don't know if you remember those lines Vader describes in SotE, where his old personality gave a sign of itself, but still he seemed a lot more stable then.

I guess it's Star Wars, and to be exact one article I read gave me the Idea of "justifying the villians", and continuing - my theory that there is no "right" or "wrong", only different PoV's.
Because Can you really say that Vader is evil? When looking at it from perspective of those 30-40 years, he is only a victim. A victim that was used as a tool, simply because of the way he was born. And if you look at him like that, suddenly words of old Ben Kenobi - "He is more machine than a human" seem pretty unfair towards Vader. Because he has not chosen it himself, but rather was manipulated into it.

Just a piece of my mind.

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
May 5, 2008 4:22 PM

Apr 2008
I think that moment with Anakin joining the dark side was pretty interesting... I think it showed that his character was willing to even go as far as to join the dark side to satisfy his desires. I think that part where Anakin killed Windu wasn't really that bad... It showed that Anakin was feeling a little regretful of betraying his comrads, but then he knew what he desired and that he made his decision to go to the dark side... I found that battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin to be friggin epic.

As far as Grievous vs Obi-Wan goes, I think that the fact Obi-Wan beat him by himself just shows that he's an extraordinarily good jedi. In fact, throughout much of the early series we see how skilled and dominant that Obi-Wan was as a jedi. In fact, it can be debated that he was actually better then Vader but had lost to him in Episode 4 due to his weakness as an old man.
May 16, 2008 5:04 PM

Dec 2007
Ok, where to start.

First of all I think it's not much of a discussion that RotS IS a spectacular movie.
But with the NT I think that they forgot that what is important is the mood, and not only effects. I love Battle over Coruscant, If they shown more of actuall Battle of Utapau I think I'd love it too (i'm a sucker for good batalistic scenes), and of course the way the showed execution of Order66. The fight Anakin-Kenobi was spectacular as well. But when it comes to the actual story.... Well it's darker than I and II, but still has a long way to epV level IMO.

You might say that Anakin was willing to go as far as he could to satisfy his desires. But uno, I think we all agree that he was simply brainwashed by Palpatine. What I mean though, is that the scene lacks consistency IMO. It's not even the actual material (Kill Windu - Regret - accepting it - falling to dark side), but rather HOW it was made. It could be done in many other ways - e.g.

A: What have I done?
P: Join the Dark side. Only this way you can save Padme.
A: No. No. I will take you before the jedi council.
P: And will you sacrifice your wife? Think about it. Jedi won't let neither of us live.
A: If I will bring you...
P: And How will you explain Windus Death? Besides. I think we both have no doubts that Jedi won't let me live. Is that what you want? Do you want to lose your only chance of saving your most loved one because of some Jedi Code?
A: No... No.
P: Then join me.... blah, blah, blah.

And it shows the slow change. At first he wants to repent for what he has done, but Palpatine being the Chessmaster simply uses Anakin's weakness against him. And the flow from "What have I done?" to "Yes, I will join you" is smooth.

About Vader vs Ben - I believe that it was part of that "Returning from the neverlands of the Force" Yoda mentions - He gave up, because fighting there would make the team stay and wait for Ben - which was dangerous because of known reasons. I mean... at the last moment he doesn't fight. He just stands there, standing "Strike me down" pose. So giving his own life for the sake ofgalaxy being saved, also making him able to show up as Force ghost.

Now what I was talking about Grievous - No. Just.. no. I understand if he could take on 2 Jedi, maybe three - but with a little difficulty. But that cyborg was striking down Jedi after Jedi, in CW he was fighting against four of them, and hed pretty much no problem. Or are you trying to say that Kenobi was better than Ki-Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura and someone else, whom I don't know, fighting together? That's what I call "Being overpowered". I aknowledge Grievous's wounds as well, but Kenobi would still have heck of a problem against him.

And the way he cut off his arms at the beginning was just pathetic. It made them look like it was only for show - like those E-class Katanas that are only adequate to put on the wall, and God forbid touching them or they'll fall apart.
Again, I remind that those arms were holding off against several other jedi just fine.

And about Vader. As much as I love Vader I have to say that he was pretty... foolish. The moment he heard that it was him who killed Padme, the spidersense should go tingling "Something is wrong.... I had a dream... that she'll die. But it was me who killed her. But I killed her only because I went to the Dark side. The one who made me go to the DS is Palpatine." - and his loyalty would fall of course. Well he wasn't all that loyal at all (read Shadows of the Empire), but still. The way they portrayed it he was like "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I KILLED HER" only to be standing later all cool on the bridge of Venator-class Star Destroyer. If he really loved her so much I'd imagine it would be harder for him to overcome something like this.
MauroxMay 16, 2008 5:15 PM

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
May 28, 2008 6:51 AM

Apr 2008
Maurox said:
Ok, where to start.

First of all I think it's not much of a discussion that RotS IS a spectacular movie.
But with the NT I think that they forgot that what is important is the mood, and not only effects. I love Battle over Coruscant, If they shown more of actuall Battle of Utapau I think I'd love it too (i'm a sucker for good batalistic scenes), and of course the way the showed execution of Order66. The fight Anakin-Kenobi was spectacular as well. But when it comes to the actual story.... Well it's darker than I and II, but still has a long way to epV level IMO.

You might say that Anakin was willing to go as far as he could to satisfy his desires. But uno, I think we all agree that he was simply brainwashed by Palpatine. What I mean though, is that the scene lacks consistency IMO. It's not even the actual material (Kill Windu - Regret - accepting it - falling to dark side), but rather HOW it was made. It could be done in many other ways - e.g.

A: What have I done?
P: Join the Dark side. Only this way you can save Padme.
A: No. No. I will take you before the jedi council.
P: And will you sacrifice your wife? Think about it. Jedi won't let neither of us live.
A: If I will bring you...
P: And How will you explain Windus Death? Besides. I think we both have no doubts that Jedi won't let me live. Is that what you want? Do you want to lose your only chance of saving your most loved one because of some Jedi Code?
A: No... No.
P: Then join me.... blah, blah, blah.

And it shows the slow change. At first he wants to repent for what he has done, but Palpatine being the Chessmaster simply uses Anakin's weakness against him. And the flow from "What have I done?" to "Yes, I will join you" is smooth.

About Vader vs Ben - I believe that it was part of that "Returning from the neverlands of the Force" Yoda mentions - He gave up, because fighting there would make the team stay and wait for Ben - which was dangerous because of known reasons. I mean... at the last moment he doesn't fight. He just stands there, standing "Strike me down" pose. So giving his own life for the sake ofgalaxy being saved, also making him able to show up as Force ghost.

Now what I was talking about Grievous - No. Just.. no. I understand if he could take on 2 Jedi, maybe three - but with a little difficulty. But that cyborg was striking down Jedi after Jedi, in CW he was fighting against four of them, and hed pretty much no problem. Or are you trying to say that Kenobi was better than Ki-Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura and someone else, whom I don't know, fighting together? That's what I call "Being overpowered". I aknowledge Grievous's wounds as well, but Kenobi would still have heck of a problem against him.

And the way he cut off his arms at the beginning was just pathetic. It made them look like it was only for show - like those E-class Katanas that are only adequate to put on the wall, and God forbid touching them or they'll fall apart.
Again, I remind that those arms were holding off against several other jedi just fine.

And about Vader. As much as I love Vader I have to say that he was pretty... foolish. The moment he heard that it was him who killed Padme, the spidersense should go tingling "Something is wrong.... I had a dream... that she'll die. But it was me who killed her. But I killed her only because I went to the Dark side. The one who made me go to the DS is Palpatine." - and his loyalty would fall of course. Well he wasn't all that loyal at all (read Shadows of the Empire), but still. The way they portrayed it he was like "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I KILLED HER" only to be standing later all cool on the bridge of Venator-class Star Destroyer. If he really loved her so much I'd imagine it would be harder for him to overcome something like this.

I personally agree that the scene with Anakin switching to the dark side was somewhat inconsistent and could have been done much better... But I prefer to look at the story aspect of it. I think the whole idea of that segment was quite good... It just wasn't performed that greatly. I also agree that the older movies are superior to the newer ones.

Of course, the whole purpose of Obi-Wan's dual with Vader in that movie was to make sure Luke escaped and to ensure that he would join in the rebellion. I do recall that Vader had mentioned that Obi-Wan's talent had been toned down... Or something like that. I've honestly haven't seen the movie for quite some time and I think I might as well watch it again some time. It's really hard to say which of the two were the truly the best jedi due to the nature of their two duals.. This is something, I believe, that will remain a fan speculation.

All I have to say about Obi-Wan vs Grievous... I think it can easily be said that Obi-Wan has the almighty protagionist's might on his side. Being as it is, I believe Obi-Wan is much more skilled then most jedi's in the series. But I think that the it can still be said that Grievous' injury was the disadvantage that got him. Personally, I would have likes to seen more then one jedi fight him and beat him. But I believe that the writers figured they'd use that as a plot hole to make it sound fair for Obi-Wan.

I think it made sense that he stayed with the dark side then. Because at that moment, he lost any priority or purpose for himself and he found no point in going against the dark side because of that. He most likely felt that there's was nothing else for him to do at that other then to serve the dark side. I seriously doubt he got over it that easily... It can be said that he was hiding those emotions. I think that moment he had at the end of Ep.6 could work as proof of that as Vader had realized a purpose for himself to make sure his son lived and that would be then where he showed he cared for his son.
May 29, 2008 11:11 AM

Dec 2007
Just something I want to mention considering Kenobi vs. Grievous case - I know there is fate there, and Kenobi had to win for the sake of plot continuity. But looking from his point of view it's something along lines of "If I'm fated to do something great, then I'll surely survive a jump from tenth floor"

And about Vader vs. Kenobi I believe it was something along lines

"Your powers are weak old man"

(I still remember some of the quotes XD there was a time when I could recite most (80-90%) of tESB script in english (And my mothertounge is Polish XD))

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
May 29, 2008 11:22 AM

Apr 2008
My favorite was always Empire for the simple fact that the good guys lose. Han is tortured, frozen, and taken away by Boba Fett. Luke loses his hand and discovers that his most hated enemy is really his father. Just such a bleak conclusion to the film. Plus, it's got all the great lines:

Leia - I love you.
Han - I know.

Vader - No. I am your father.

As for the whole Grievous debate, he was a frickin' massacre machine in Clone Wars, and then in Sith he was so blase. I wouldn't have been so upset about Kenobi killing him if the fight was a little more intense. I know Grievous had been hurt by Mace but his movements were just lacking so much compared to the animated series.

Alucard and Seras

May 29, 2008 12:17 PM

Dec 2007
As for the whole Grievous debate, he was a frickin' massacre machine in Clone Wars, and then in Sith he was so blase. I wouldn't have been so upset about Kenobi killing him if the fight was a little more intense. I know Grievous had been hurt by Mace but his movements were just lacking so much compared to the animated series.

That's exactly what i'm talking about. To hell that Kenobi won. That's OK.

But if grievous was going to lose two of his four hands in the first 2 minutes of the fight, then why the hell do them at all?
And I like that description - "Massacre machine".

If it comes to tESB lines - QFT. Vader's best lines come from there XD
"The asteroids don't concern me, admiral, I want that ship, not excuses."
Or the whole dialogue before attack on Hoth base:
"He is as clumsy as he is stupid. General, prepare your troops for ground assault."
Or the dialogue with Palpatine
"What is thy bidding, my master?"

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
May 29, 2008 4:23 PM

Mar 2008
The Best episode is The Empire strikes back. I absolutely love old episodes ,these poor visual effect are cool :D and I think old episodes have better story than news .
one word-classic :D:D
May 30, 2008 5:55 AM

Sep 2007
why bother with thinkin' about which one is my fav ?? -__-

Jun 28, 2008 10:32 AM

Nov 2006
Empire Strikes Back without a doubt! Episodes IV, V, and VI are the best and I have to say that I was tad bit disappointed with Episodes I, II, and II. Ewan was fantastic, but I didn't really like Hayden or Natalie...especially Natalie.
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Jul 4, 2008 6:52 PM

Mar 2008
LeahAug 19, 2008 9:12 AM
Aug 31, 2008 1:44 PM

Feb 2005
The Empire Strikes Back.
The battle of Hoth is brilliant, what with the clunky old ATAT's and the old school trench warfare. One of my friends' father actually played one of the random troopers there :D

As for episodes I-III, I felt they all lacked something. You never saw the stormtroopers acting like idiots (Barring the fact that they all suffered from the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy - rule) like the Battledroids do, and I don't recall the rebel troopers stupidly rushing to their deaths like the Clones.
Also, I too, feel that Anakin's coat-turning seemed rather sudden.
I hope the TV series will be more like the old movies.
Sep 17, 2008 10:43 PM

Nov 2006
Baman said:
The Empire Strikes Back.
The battle of Hoth is brilliant, what with the clunky old ATAT's and the old school trench warfare. One of my friends' father actually played one of the random troopers there :D

As for episodes I-III, I felt they all lacked something. You never saw the stormtroopers acting like idiots (Barring the fact that they all suffered from the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy - rule) like the Battledroids do, and I don't recall the rebel troopers stupidly rushing to their deaths like the Clones.
Also, I too, feel that Anakin's coat-turning seemed rather sudden.
I hope the TV series will be more like the old movies.

Totally agree with you on everything! Anakin's change was incredibly abrupt...
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Dec 11, 2008 7:39 PM
Dec 2008
Episode 1, off the pure fact that duel of the fates is an awesome song and Obi-Wan Kenobi became the first jedi to kill a sith in lik forever. He was automatically promoted to jedi knoght after that.
Apr 11, 2009 6:37 PM
Apr 2009
i like episode 6 my favorite part is endor battle.
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Apr 25, 2017 1:53 PM

Sep 2012
As far as movie that means the most to me, it's gotta be Phantom Menace. It's the first movie I can remember seeing in theaters and i can quote it for daaays
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