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Feb 7, 2008 9:02 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
This episode was okay, I didn't really like the animation. Angelica looks cute but she seemed pretty much out of it until the last bit. I hope this sequel can at least get a little bit better than this.




[H+] ³  
Feb 7, 2008 9:59 AM

Jan 2008
Well, animation has been mediocre from the beginning of this season and this ep doesn't improve things. Also when compared to the first season, storytelling and tension building seems worse. So far, it looks like a low budget anime.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Feb 7, 2008 11:55 AM

Feb 2008
This episode was alright. This second season is not living to the expectations I first had, I just hope the next episodes are better.
Feb 7, 2008 12:28 PM

Sep 2007
Can someone answer me this?
What was so good to the first season that made you talk so bad about the second ? first season surely has better animation but apart from that (and how they changed some characters) the first season never had a mojor plotline so i couldnt say its amazing cause it didnt moved me much it was good thats all (at least for me).Now that the second season follows a plotline (not random days at work) it should have better turn out of events more drama and character development (i think thats the case dont blame me if that doesnt happen :P )The truth is i didnt like this episode much but i am being patient:P

Feb 7, 2008 2:48 PM

Sep 2007
^ Actually, to answer part of your question, I think character development dropped in second season. Or maybe I mean it completely changed. Henrietta from first season =/= Henrietta from second season, at least in my point of view. I can't really say what was so great about first season since I saw it awhile ago and can only remember snippets of it but I remember liking each girl's personality. Now I feel like they just created a show with a whole different cast (even with different seiyuus!) and slapped on the Gunslinger title. I might be exaggerating a bit too much though =P

But anyway, regarding this episode, I think I only really enjoyed the last parts with Angelica.
Feb 7, 2008 5:55 PM

Sep 2007
Not a bad episode, though nothing great either. Angelica's need to have a weapon and desire to kill was rather interesting however, I wonder if they'll delve deeper into that in future episodes?

Also, in response to johnlolo, as someone who loved season 1 (10/10) I can try and tell you why this season is absolutely falling short. Obviously, the animation is not there, that one has been covered many times. Season 1 also had a fantastic sound track that gave it an air of sophistication and worked beautifully with the scenes. In season two however, some music has been alright (the music for the bulletproof car scene in this episode for instance) but for the most part, it just really doesn't seem to fit with the series. Traditionally, Gunslinger has been a story about character development, where you really get to see the characters come to life, and see how tragic their situation is. It all came along really naturally, and despite the fact that the girls were incredibly strong super-human assassins, they seemed absolutely real. I don't get that same feeling from the second season however, despite the fact that I can see them trying to follow in the footsteps of the original, everything feels forced.

As Iriya said, I also can't help but feel as though the characters are completely different. I fell in love with them in the Madhouse production, they all had unique and beautiful personalities, but I just can't feel that same depth here. Rico for example was always completely serious on missions, a trait she picked up from Jean, but from the series so far, she seems to have completely lost that aspect.
NatakiFeb 7, 2008 6:08 PM
Feb 8, 2008 8:29 AM
Feb 2008
i thought it was pretty cool and al, i like the background music, anyone knows what song is that?
Feb 10, 2008 5:05 PM

Jul 2007
Did anybody else hate Marco's voice??? =\
It was so irritating to just listen to him speak. This episode went by really slowly for me. I'm just hoping that it gets better down the road.
Feb 10, 2008 5:16 PM

Apr 2007
Nataki said:
I also can't help but feel as though the characters are completely different. I fell in love with them in the Madhouse production, they all had unique and beautiful personalities, but I just can't feel that same depth here.

One thing I've noticed about this series compared to the first is that the main protagonists are much less likable for some reason. In fact, if you didn't know the backstory and title to this anime, you might be led to believe that the PDF and their characters are the protagonists with Section 2, including the girls, being the villains (in the same way that Hansel & Gretel in Black Lagoon were "villains".)

The moral ambiguity here is very thick. I'm liking this series very much so far.
Feb 10, 2008 11:36 PM

Oct 2007
johnlolo said:
Can someone answer me this?
What was so good to the first season that made you talk so bad about the second ?

I guess the main difference between you and someone like me is that i really don't need a main storyline to enjoy an anime so the fact it didn't have one doesn't bother me,in fact,it might actually be a plus since i do have a soft spot for slice of life series,but i can understand why some might want one,that is why i was so excited about season 2,the lack of storyluine was really the only complaint i had ever heard about season 1 and knew the books: i knew we'd get a main storyline,so basicly,i thought that getting something like season 1+ a main storyline would make everyone happy.

However,even if the story is there,pretty much everything else hasn't lived up to the expectations.
all for for all
Feb 11, 2008 2:06 AM

Jul 2007
loved this ep, mostly cause the setting was my city :D
the story of il teatrino is pretty good, and less SoL than the first one the animation are quite bad but a part of the actions scenes this is not disturbing

Aug 26, 2009 11:13 PM

May 2009
Marco Tongi said:
There's not much you can do against a bulletproof Ferrari

Latest Review
Kino's Journey
Sep 28, 2009 9:31 PM

Nov 2008
Not bad episode. But, Rico was acting weird... Too childish if you compare it to the first season.

I agree about Marco's voice. I mean, Kazuki Yao is a great seiyuu, but his voice doesn't fit Marco's personality.
rokuroSep 28, 2009 9:35 PM
May 3, 2010 5:51 PM
Jan 2010
I watch the dub so the VA's are the same and the consistency is great in that respect. Great dub btw.

Anyway, I felt Rico's character was lost a bit. Definitely not serious enough during the mission. A wee bit inconsistent. I think this series is "good" but just needed to be animated by Madhouse and tweaked a bit.

It's not spoiling the Gunslinger Girl franchise for me. I LOVED the first series, but I am happy enough that this continues the story. And if it didn't follow an over arching plot then the series wouldn't have worked. The animation kills the character driven aspect of this story. Basically this season is saved by the last one, and for that reason alone pretty much.
Nov 24, 2010 3:42 PM

Nov 2007
Okay, maybe this was just me, but I could have sworn that the implication of the last episode of the previous season was that Angelica died. So, uh...why is she suddenly alive again? And what the heck is up with the Akira-esque pills dependency all of a sudden? I thought the whole purpose of Angelica and her story was that she was the first cyborg, so the process wasn't totally refined and as a result, she was slowly deteriorating, and there was nothing they could do about it. But now they suddenly have this super voodoo medicine? Okkkaaaayyy....

Yeah, this season fails in so many ways. Of course there's the animation, but as several have pointed out, the characters seem different. And it's not just that they "seem" different, they flat out are different. Rico isn't serious and reserved anymore, which she was because Jean was so cold (and at times actually abusive), but Jean isn't either of those here. Henrietta idolizes/loves Guise, but in the previous season all she needed to be happy was for him to be nice to her. She wasn't psychotically obsessed, nor did she act aggressively jealous. In the last season, the one time she thought he liked someone else, she just got quiet and depressed, not loud and pushy. Triela had a weird respect/love/hate relationship with her handler, and now she acts like a vapid school girl with a crush. He also, while never mean to her, was never very warm towards her either, because he was uncomfortable and not sure how to handle a young girl while also being her handler. But now he seems to just be all warm and fuzzy. The list goes on. Even the side characters are not what they used to be.

The main issue with all of this is that the amount of attention and care spent on the characters in the first season isn't there here. Before, they all had a great depth to them, as though they were real people. Here, the characters have been flattened to match anime cliches or just to further a simple point. Like Rico is now just the poster child for the irony of "they're just little girls, but also killing machines! Isn't it horrible?" Henrietta is obsessed! Woah! It just bugs me because I hate when animes try push these stunted moral messages upon their viewers (which they sadly do an awful lot). The first season didn't do this. They had points that they were trying to show, true, but they did it in a way that it left it up to the viewer to interpret and think about. They just showed you what was there, and let you draw your own conclusions. As though they actually trusted their viewers to, you know, have a brain.

I'm not usually a fan of slice of lifes or pure character sketches. All character and no plot is just as boring/pointless as all plot and no character can be (no matter how hard film, TV, and print industries try to claim otherwise). However, the writing and situation of the first season made it truly enjoyable, even without that plot. The context was interesting enough that a strict plot wasn't needed. However, if the first season had been more than 13 episodes, then that would have been a problem. You can only get away with not having a plot for so long. But the people in charge of the first season cut it just right. This second season, though it has plot, is so poorly drawn and written that it just can't compare, which is truly unfortunate because the first season setup a second more plot-driven season beautifully. If this season were as well drawn and written as the first, then it'd feel like this was a complete, masterfully told story. But as is, the first season, though enjoyable, seems incomplete without the plot, and the second season feels slow, boring, and lackluster because of its deficiencies. They don't join to make that magic whole, which is the REAL tragedy of Gunslinger Girl.
Nov 24, 2010 5:01 PM

Dec 2007
If you watched the first season and you thought of Rico as "serious and reserved" other than when she was on a mission... I would have to say that you are impaired of some sort (be it visually/audibly/mentally). Rico, in both the manga and in the first series done by Madhouse, is by far the most jubilant and outgoing, which is a stark contrast to how Jean treats her. I'd say Claes fits the "serious and reserved" character mold, are you sure you didin't just somehow screw up when identifying characters?

Angelica doesn't die at that venture in the manga, so what was a manga-faithful adaptation supposed to do? It's fine that you don't like the manga. If you don't want to see it animated then just stop watching Teatrino. Not to mention, there was never a funeral for Angelica in the first series. Her death was never spoken of or anything. If fans thought she had died cause she closed her eyes, then they're wrong.
Nov 25, 2010 12:03 AM

Nov 2007
Meddigo said:
If you watched the first season and you thought of Rico as "serious and reserved" other than when she was on a mission... I would have to say that you are impaired of some sort (be it visually/audibly/mentally). Rico, in both the manga and in the first series done by Madhouse, is by far the most jubilant and outgoing, which is a stark contrast to how Jean treats her. I'd say Claes fits the "serious and reserved" character mold, are you sure you didin't just somehow screw up when identifying characters?

Angelica doesn't die at that venture in the manga, so what was a manga-faithful adaptation supposed to do? It's fine that you don't like the manga. If you don't want to see it animated then just stop watching Teatrino. Not to mention, there was never a funeral for Angelica in the first series. Her death was never spoken of or anything. If fans thought she had died cause she closed her eyes, then they're wrong.

Begging your pardon, but you seem to presume some things when I never made mention of them, and you are somewhat passively-aggressively insulting, which I do not feel is necessary. When I said that Rico was "serious and reserved" I was in fact referring to how she acts on missions, because it's her interaction with Jean that has been sorely tampered with. Yes, she's upbeat aside, but she is very serious for the missions, which helped define her relation to Jean. That was completely thrown out in this season. Further, even in the first season when she wasn't around Jean, Rico was excitable and joyful, but she wasn't CONSTANTLY exuberant, which she seems to be here. Here, she acts like a five-year-old on sugar. In the past season, she did have a childlike innocence, but she was also mostly quietly happy (with rare moments where she really was overjoyed), what with being so burdened by her past and her crappy relationship with her handler.

I have not read the manga, so I am in no way making any judgments about that. I never mentioned that, if you'll note. I have only seen the first season of the anime and am working myself through the second season, so all my observations and grievances are based solely on the anime. The characters could act as they do in Teatrino from the get go in the manga, and that's just fine and dandy. But in comparison to the first season of the anime, it's a letdown because it lacks that same level of depth.

Just because there was no on-screen depiction of a funeral does not mean that the intent wasn't to show Angelica dying. Watch that scene, it's pretty painfully obvious that she was supposed to die, and that it was supposed to be peaceful and poetic (hence not ruining it with a blunt, "Oh, here's a gravestone!" scene). They drop several hints to confirm this. Marco not being able to wake her up. Her memory of her past suddenly coming back while her present memory dwindles. Her uncertain condition. The fact that earlier on the doctor says she doesn't have much time (as does Jean). It seems most apparent to me that the makers of the first season of the anime either never meant to continue it, or that they had their own plans for where to take the story, which were thrown out when the second season got a green-light. Knowing that not everyone reads the manga, and that this second season was supposed to be a continuation of the first (what with it having the Gunslinger Girl name and no declarations to the contrary), it would have behooved the writers to at least try and explain why Angelica was suddenly back and fine for the benefit of the anime-only viewers.

I am watching Teatrino because I genuinely enjoyed the first season. Therefore, my observations deal with the anime only. That does not make them any less relevant or worthy simply because I have not read the manga. If something is translated into a new medium, it needs to be entertaining on its own in said medium. That's incredibly poor marketing to think otherwise. Plus, it's unfair to your viewers. That's like saying you can never enjoy any movie based on a book unless you've read the book, or vice versa, and that you're not allowed an opinion unless you've seen/read both.

I'm glad you like the manga and enjoy seeing a more faithful adaptation of it. But from someone who has only seen the anime, it isn't as good as the first season.
TsumayoujiNov 25, 2010 12:06 AM
Feb 14, 2012 1:39 PM

Sep 2011
Man these girls are savages! "Please let me kill somebody tomorrow." - Ange

The main difference I noticed in season 2 is that everyone just seems nicer in a way. I miss the dark atmosphere in season 1 but whatever, I'm getting used to this already so it doesn't really matter to me anymore.
Apr 1, 2012 3:15 PM
Jul 2009
Angelica is stupid. I hate how she blushes..
Aug 18, 2012 4:01 AM
Aug 2011
-.-" this was stupid.Fan sābisu Angelica. I hate that the girls are non-stop blushing, lovestruck, moe-moe cutesy. The drama was fake, the story was boring, the music is lackluster, the animation is on the verge of ugly. I will only continue to see what happens to Pinocchio.
Sep 4, 2012 9:47 PM
Apr 2012
... At some point I should stop comparing it to season 1 and judge this season on its own merit ... but that won't be today.

What the hell happened to Gunslinger girl??

Angelica is truly annoying to watch, and all the girls basically have a crush on their handlers, and their handlers are either nice or the emo-I'll ignore you type, a la Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon ... WTF.

This is beyond creepy. Come on, where's the character depth and complexity, where are the subtle nuances in interactions? Where are characters that are NOT anime stereotypes??

Oh that's right, they're all in season 1.

Dec 29, 2012 5:48 PM

Dec 2010
Please tell me I'm having a bad dream, this is a fucked up world.
Aug 2, 2014 12:16 PM

Jun 2014
Why Angelica is too cute and blushing all the time?! She's like a completely different person now.
Sep 5, 2014 12:21 PM

May 2012
Decent episode, let's see what's next!
Oct 22, 2014 6:37 AM

Aug 2013
I watched S1 just yesterday so everything's still fresh in my mind. I know Ange's eager to prove herself to Marco and gets delighted at the smallest of praises but she was never a blush machine like this season's Ange. Oh and they even had HanaKana voice her so yeah I pretty much know what kind of role Ange's going to play this season.

Marco's new voice is annoying ugh. Even Rico's voice sounded weird. After checking the cast, seems like they changed the VAs for a lot of characters.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Oct 24, 2014 1:41 AM
Jun 2013
Yea angelica wasint ms blush in season 1 that was henrietta. Im just confused about what was happening to her when she had that attack. Whats her sickness? Im also still confused why they felt the urg to change hair colors. That aside episode was ok and it does seem that this season actually has some sort of plot. Also that girl was right it is all on them. The girls are put in such crappy positions. She was also smart enough to tell him not to tell jean aka the only douch bag handler about the situation.
Mar 20, 2017 4:55 PM

Aug 2016
This episode finally felt quiet gunslinger girl, if you know what I mean.

But it was first time Iam feeling bad for bad guys, while protagonist were more annoying. Like, it was just cleaner guy and his appreantice, they weren't doing anything bad particulary, they even don't like their jobs (what a F up world) just need to feed their families.
Apr 9, 2018 3:00 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Nice ambush, that action scene felt more natural.

This season, Rico is the character that has changed the most, no doubt about that. From her more modern casual outfit, more feminine face, more cheerful and playful behavior along with a more girlish VA.

Angelica is also different now. I guess she developed an I need to kill to please my handler behavior now...
Oct 2, 2019 7:22 AM

Oct 2012
Still feel bad for Angelica and same time frustrated why she got that kind of disease :(
I feel bad also for Marco, I remembered he had "broken heart" about her..
He used to be a very gentle and cheerful especially in front of Angelica

Well what the "bad" guy said in the end wasn't wrong.. The world is not ok, it's screwed up
"Signature removed"
Oct 24, 2019 4:12 PM

Aug 2012
So do like no people live on that street or what? Car crash and gunfight and yet they all talk casually afterwards in no rush to flee the scene despite this all happening in a built up area lol
Mar 30, 2020 3:43 AM

Dec 2015
i can tolerate artstyle change even tho i didnt like it, i can tolerate va changes, that happens but these girls feels different than s1. fight from prev episode feels dull, and they undid the episode where hirscher asked triela what she really want ? dunno just gonna finish this real fast and delete
Jun 12, 2020 4:27 PM

Mar 2020
ah yes, leave it to hanakana to voice a perma horny blushing yandere loli
Aug 12, 2022 10:18 AM
Jan 2020
Ohh... alright. I'm going to commit to finishing this over the next couple days. I have to work today and tomorrow, so just an episode here and there. But, I'll plan to binge the rest of it on my days off.

"Use your ambassador driving techniques," -- okay. Who wrote this?

I really wish they would stop ending so many scenes with flashes of white.

I was trying to keep an open mind after being told about how the author didn't like the ending of season one, but, man, this is still as bad as I remember. Say what you want about season one, but it did a lot of things right.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Nov 16, 2022 3:02 PM

Jul 2015
Certainly a wrong decision to sent Angelica on the mission given her sudden dependance on medicine and also the fact that she hasn't been performing well before getting hospitalised.

Dec 4, 2022 7:10 PM
Mar 2019
I hate Marco sounding like Franky from One Piece, it spoils the mood.
Angelica still losing it but she did finally get some praise, which pleased her.

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