I adore S-CRY-ed, but personally, while the art style and new scenes were interesting, I didn't much care for them.
They didn't really add anything or just added in cliches (Cammie "sensing" when Tachibana went down made me roll my eyes) but the worst part for me was that some broke established rules and character backstories. It's the little rules like that that made me love the series in the first place.
What I mean is:
-It shows a baby create an Alter. It's heavily implied from the Emergy episode that Alters don't actually manifest until early childhood; since Alters represent personality, you have to develop one or sentience before you an actually form your Alter. It's also shown with Ryuho, that while it was known he had the power, he didn't 'manifest' his actual Alter until much later.
It's impossible to have had Emergy visualize his Alter after an old toy if he created it as an infant.
It made me wonder what this baby's alter would look like when he grew up; would it always be baby materials?
Doesn't work, and is not within established rules.
-Cougar is shown with the harmonizing speed Alter in Kazuma's past.
Cougar's Radical Good Speed Alter is the result of him being refined by the Mainland, as stated later in the series. It's not his natural Alter, and he certainly would not have had it so far back. He had yet to be refined. I could be mistaken, but I don't think it's clear, and it's heavily implied in the series, again, Cougar was not refined yet when Kazuma knew him.
-Ryuho can harmonize during his and Kazuma's episode 13 battle. He does not have this ability until seeing the Other Side (which is what this fight leads into) and before tapping into that power much later on.
There were little easter egg inclusions from the manga too, with some Holy users, like Mary Jane, T.T, Takeshi Aono, and others. One even got a very brief fight scene, but it's overall just fanservice and nothing else. If you've ever read the manga, you'll know the lore and writing is far, far looser than the anime and thus the two don't really meld well together.
Overall this is not the way to get into this series. Watch the actual 26 episodes. I honestly think I hated this movie; it turned a solid, well written action series into nonsense, essentially. Don't get me started on all the changes that made no sense at all (Zigmarl and Cougar being two who can open the door, yet it's never relevant again, because it's not a thing in the original series, Kazuma not using his Shell Bullet more in the film (since it apparently has no adverse effects, unlike the series), and Kazuma "opening the door" with his power-up, rather than merely only getting a taste of the Other Side in the series.
It's a mess.
3/10, and it's lucky to get even that from me. Just because it still felt like S-CRY-ed apart from the writing, the new voice acting was just as top notch as the original and the new animation was still nice to look at. I absolutely love this series' aesthetic. But, it was terrible apart from that. I never would be a fan if this was my introduction.
And this is coming from someone who's rewatched the anime at least 10 times or more. And I found this a chore to get through even once. Abridged is one thing, needlessly changed is another.
"Alteration" is a good name; it was altered for seemingly no real reason, when it was damn near perfect as it was. I'm really not even sure what the point was. If it was to 're-invent' the series, just make a whole new movie and don't try to doctor old footage that doesn't fit in a new narrative, or make 'new scenes' try to fit into established continuity when nothing else does.
I do not understand this movie's point.
This is exactly the kind of 'redo' in anime I hate most; just gloss with no real substance behind it. As if fanservice is all something needs to prop itself up. Nonsense. |