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Jun 7, 2014 2:11 AM

Dec 2013
hi, i've been meaning to get into this persona content for a while now, and what better time is there to do it than with this new series!

i was just wondering since i've never seen any persona stuff before, let alone played the games, do i have to have a prior knowledge in order to watch this show?

if i do, where do i start??
Jun 8, 2014 1:38 AM

Jul 2013
Nope. Each Persona series has their own stories although the recent games linked the P3 and P4 characters. As far as P4 Golden is concerned you can watch it as a stand alone. The game itself is a standard RPG mixed with dating sim elements where you can create multiple Persona (think of Jojo's stand or Shaman King) to fight for you. Each persona's strength will depend on how deep the bonds you created with multiple characters in the game (thus the dating sim element), represented by different tarot cards.

I would suggest you watch the recently released Persona 3 the Movie. It will give you a good idea of what Persona is although the story itself doesn't have any correlation with Persona 4.
Jun 8, 2014 1:22 PM
Dec 2013
I would highly recommend playing the game first since the show follows a certain way and you don't get the full experience as they first intended you to get, you being the main character solving the case. But if you just want to watch the anime, you don't need any prior knowledge.
Jun 8, 2014 7:02 PM

Dec 2013
thanks guys!
the games seem interesting, think i'll check them out eventually :P

since i've seen a few other persona series listed on mal, and if the persona series are mostly separate, i take it i can watch those as stand alones as well?
so there's no one series i should start off with, in terms of a watching order (excluding the games)?
Jun 9, 2014 1:31 AM

Jul 2013
michaelz_14 said:
thanks guys!
the games seem interesting, think i'll check them out eventually :P

since i've seen a few other persona series listed on mal, and if the persona series are mostly separate, i take it i can watch those as stand alones as well?
so there's no one series i should start off with, in terms of a watching order (excluding the games)?

Yeah you can pretty much just dive in to P4 Golden
Jun 9, 2014 1:36 AM

Jan 2013
play the game, this anime is going to suck
Jun 9, 2014 3:34 AM

Dec 2013
SolviteSekai said:
play the game, this anime is going to suck

like school days amirite ;)

since i have no prior knowledge about the series, i can look at this in a different light to you, since i have no expectations :P
which game would be the best one to look at?
Jun 14, 2014 4:41 PM
Mar 2014
-Mihairu said:
SolviteSekai said:
play the game, this anime is going to suck

like school days amirite ;)

since i have no prior knowledge about the series, i can look at this in a different light to you, since i have no expectations :P
which game would be the best one to look at?

Persona 3 and Persona 4. Both have had multiple releases with some varying content.
Jul 10, 2014 7:44 PM

Nov 2012
BsBAreBack said:
-Mihairu said:

like school days amirite ;)

since i have no prior knowledge about the series, i can look at this in a different light to you, since i have no expectations :P
which game would be the best one to look at?

Persona 3 and Persona 4. Both have had multiple releases with some varying content.

Yeah I definitely advise you to play P4G, P4, or watch P4the Animation.

The ideal situation for this anime is that you have played Golden, you would appreciate the fanservice the most then. But you'll still appreciate the P4G extra stuff even if you played the original P4 Ps2 game or only seen P4A.

But if you just start with this you'll probably be dissapointed. A huge strong point of the P4 games and the P4A is the fact that it really takes its time in easing you into relationships, you get lots of dialouge + interractions between the characters, so you connect with them and care about their stories/social links, and have fun with them. I think that this adaptation will skip over a bunch of stuff and chose to focus mostly on the P4Golden stuff that wasn't in the original P4 Anime or P4 ps2 game.

So while you might find this anime passable, or even good, you will like it MUCH MUCH better if you have already experienced P4 story before (especially p4g).

I think the you should play P4G first if at all possible. I know a lot of people don't have a PS VITA, and probably not willing to buy one. But if you have one or were planning on getting one, just pick up P4G real quick. Its very cheap (I got it for $20 new, and this was a few months ago even), and its an amazing game. Make sure to play and get good ending, you may play through and get bad ending and feel unsatisfied if you don't make some correct dialogue choices near the end of the game (But its easy to just reload a save and follow a guide to get to the good ending :D).

If you're looking to get into Persona franchise as a whole, you should probably start with P3. There are some references/nods to P3 in P4 (not many though). You don't really need to play P3 before P4, since they're not really directly connected story wise, and you can play P4 as a standalone game, but a lot of people complain about P3's antiquated battle system when playing it after P4's much improved battle system.

A lot of people like the story from P3 as copmared to P4. I personally like P4 a bit better than P3 as a game. P3 has a sort of dark and depressing atmosphere while P4 is light, happy for the most part. P3 focus more on story and P4 focus more on friendship/murder mystery. One huge knock I had on P3 was that there's only 1 dungeon in the entire game (Tarturus) and it gets very very dry just going back to the same dungeon over and over again throughout the whole game. P4 is much much better with unique and interesting dungeons. Also the story takes a good while to kick into gear in P3 in my opinion. I also liked character and character interactions more in P4G, although Junpei (P3) is my eternal bro for life.

For funsies though, my favorite song is from P3 though "Burn My Dread", Although you hear it again at one point in P4. P3 eventually got pretty interesting in story at a point a good bit down the road of the game, but I personally think it took too long to get to that point.

Both the games are very long though. If you want to avoid playing the games, then you could start watching P3 movies that are being released right now (basically retelling of the game), and watch P4Animation, then watch this P4Ganimation.

Hope you find the path most suitable to you my friend.
midnightbladeJul 10, 2014 8:06 PM
Jul 11, 2014 12:58 AM

Jan 2014
If you can you should play Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 Golden, both are essentially the definitive versions of their respective games.

Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT watch this anime without having prior knowledge of Persona 4, either through the game or at the very least through Persona 4: The Animation. You will be completely lost otherwise. They have already skipped a huge chunk of the story just in the first episode.
ThrashMattoJul 11, 2014 9:51 PM
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Jul 11, 2014 2:54 AM

Mar 2014
I'd highly recommend you to play the original Persona 4 game or Persona 4 Golden - or, if you don't have a PS3 or a PS Vita, watch the anime, but it'll maybe appear a bit confusing for someone without any knowledge about the game - before attacking Persona 4 The Golden Animation, since this clearly is made for the Persona 4 fandom who already know the main story.
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jul 11, 2014 2:59 AM

Dec 2012
Watching this before Persona 4 The Animation wouldn't make much sense, considering the pace of Golden The Animation it will skip even more.
Jul 11, 2014 4:00 AM

Jan 2013
People who watch anime to get into persona make me laugh.

There really isnt a decent Persona anime in existence.

There are acceptable persona anime granted you played the games, but you really cant make a HIGH SCHOOL SIMULATOR into a game.


The vast majority of what makes persona great is juggling the day to day life of the MC.

Without that its just another proxy battle fantasy anime.
Jul 11, 2014 3:30 PM

Nov 2008
SolvyTwerk4Jesus said:
There really isnt a decent Persona anime in existence.

P3 movies?
Jul 11, 2014 9:52 PM

Jan 2014
SolvyTwerk4Jesus said:
People who watch anime to get into persona make me laugh.

There really isnt a decent Persona anime in existence.

There are acceptable persona anime granted you played the games, but you really cant make a HIGH SCHOOL SIMULATOR into a game.


The vast majority of what makes persona great is juggling the day to day life of the MC.

Without that its just another proxy battle fantasy anime.

You do realize some people don't own a PS2, PS3 or PSVita, right?
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

Jul 12, 2014 7:43 PM

Oct 2013
-Mihairu said:
hi, i've been meaning to get into this persona content for a while now, and what better time is there to do it than with this new series!

i was just wondering since i've never seen any persona stuff before, let alone played the games, do i have to have a prior knowledge in order to watch this show?

if i do, where do i start??

Play the game or watch the first anime. These other people just dont care about giving you actual advice. In two episodes they are 1/5 of the way in to a 120 hour game

Jul 14, 2014 3:15 AM

Dec 2013
SolvyTwerk4Jesus said:
People who watch anime to get into persona make me laugh.
I'm going to assume this remark was directed at me...
As per my op, i said i have had no experience with persona whatsoever, so i cannot possibly know that the animes are bad in comparison to the game. This is why people ask questions my friend and now you have informed me.
Also, @ThrashMatto has a valid point too.

For conveniences sake....
midnightblade said:
thank you for the thought out answer dude!

Looks like general consensus is that i have to play the games, i gotta grab myself a copy now huh? :P
Just wondering why people are only mentioning P3/4? Do P1/2 even exist?
Jul 15, 2014 2:50 PM
Sep 2013
P1/2 have outdated visuals and most people wouldn't really like it. I heard the gameplay is also different to 3/4.
P3/4 on the other hand are excellent games to recommend to a person who hasn't played JRPGs before or who doesn't really like it.

I myself haven't played P1/2 I'd say if you turn out to be a hardcore fan of the series then go for the first two :P
Jul 17, 2014 2:50 AM

Dec 2010
The only thing connecting P1/P2 to P3/P4 is the Velvet Room (Igor and Philemon) and some personas. I haven't played P1 but I have played P2 and the gameplay is completely different from P3 and P4.

I suggest playing P3 and P4 before watching any of the movies or animations for the best effect. You can play P4 on a PS2 emulator haven't tried P3 though since I already played P3P and I already know what happens in "The Answer".
Jul 17, 2014 12:03 PM

Jul 2008
booyah10 said:
The only thing connecting P1/P2 to P3/P4 is the Velvet Room (Igor and Philemon) and some personas. I haven't played P1 but I have played P2 and the gameplay is completely different from P3 and P4.

I suggest playing P3 and P4 before watching any of the movies or animations for the best effect. You can play P4 on a PS2 emulator haven't tried P3 though since I already played P3P and I already know what happens in "The Answer".

there are some other ties like the Kirijo Group branched off from the Nanjo group also though as minor as it is and Nanjo is a main character in P1 and P2:EP. just figured i'd throw that in there since from reading what you said you might have missed both those entries but as far as big picture though P3 and P4 have nothing to do with the prior entries at this point in time anyway.i do agree on the play the games first but watching the P3 movies and the original P4 anime would suffice to see if you like it before buying the game.
Jul 18, 2014 4:53 AM

Dec 2012
Noellage said:
SolvyTwerk4Jesus said:
There really isnt a decent Persona anime in existence.

P3 movies?

Jul 20, 2014 10:53 PM

Jul 2009
P3 is a hard game to play if you've played P4 first, speaking from experience if you choose to play a Persona game first, go with P3 FES first, then play Persona 4/Golden.

There's a small part of 4 (or a whole episode) dedicated to anyone that's played 3 and will only make sense if you've played 3 and much more enjoyable.

Also, if you decide to get into the fighting game Persona 4 Arena and the upcoming sequel Persona 4 Ultimax, you'll definitely want to watch P3 movie and Persona 4 as it continues the story.
Sep 1, 2014 11:42 AM

Jun 2008
Actually I found out that P1 and P2 foreshadows to P3 and P4.

P1's story is about a bet that Philemon made a bet with the bad guy about how humans can become better (you noted how P3 was all about humans WISHING their destruction and Protag pretty much STOPS it from happening). In this EVERYONE is a wild card User.

P2 is IS is supposed to be one those REALLY sad games and I think it mentions something about Man made persona users (Nudge nudge, P3 with the guns that have fragments of nyx inside them) Everyone is a wild card user here too.

P2 EP story is about the adults fixing what they did in P2 IS and we SEE NYX in a really hard quests that supposedly LINKS to P3. I might be mixing P2 IS and EP content a bit. But all in all, EP comes after IS.

So yes, all the games have differents stories, but they all have these little links.
I went to a persona Panel at the otakuthon this year and I found so much stuff.
Was pretty awesome and interesting. I just started P1 and P2 on my PSP.
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My anime list hasn't been updated for a really long time, so it's not accurate!

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